QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead

Chapter 173: Don't be plotted against

Xi Zirui sits down on the floor, reclining against the low table, and smiles up at Han Yu. "Now this I have to hear."

Han Yu isn't smiling though, and he doesn't sit down either. "She told me she could set me free if I killed you."

Xi Zirui is surprised by that. He didn't expect Bai Mi to be so direct. "That was bold of her."

Han Yu spares him an unimpressed glare. "Is His Majesty going to let her plot behind his back?"

He must be annoyed at Xi Zirui, he always is, when he calls him 'His Majesty'.

"My King wanted to do the same not so long ago," Xi Zirui says, smirking widely.

Han Yu frowns. "That's different."

"How so?"

"It's this King's prerogative to kill you," Han Yu says, raising his chin haughtily. Kingly.

The words send a frisson of excitement through Xi Zirui. He finds that he likes that idea, his life resting only on Han Yu's hands, being his to dispose as he sees fit.

It would be better than being at the mercy of the Transmigrator 4000 and its whims, at any rate.

But he wants to hold that power over Han Yu too.

He has a sudden recollection of all the times Han Yu couldn't go on after his death, and realizes he already does.

Some of the excitement drains out of him. Some things are better in theory.

Han Yu notices the change in his expression. "Why that face? This King is not done with you yet." 

His smirk grows smug. "By this King's mercy you shall live many years still."

He doesn't have the faintest idea what he's talking about. What they've gone through and what they surely will still go through, but his arrogant words make Xi Zirui smile, all the same.

"My King is very generous," Xi Zirui says, leaning on his elbow across the table.

"Don't you forget it," Han Yu says, crossing the distance between them to squat in front of Xi Zirui, his eyes shining with mirth. 

"What did my sister tell you, exactly?"

"What I told you. She proposed we become allies, she said she was willing to repay me for the humiliation you have caused me," he walks his fingers across the table and takes Xi Zirui's hand in his. "I really considered taking her up on her offer, when she mentioned the humiliation I have endured."

Xi Zirui slaps his fingers away. "Did these humiliations happen after or before you stuck your cock in my ass, multiple times?"

Han Yu sticks out his bottom lip, a familiar gesture, considering he loves whining even though it's the first time Xi Zirui is seeing it in this world.

"During," he says, after thinking it over.

Xi Zirui smacks him on the arm for it, although he's glad to see some of his childish petulance back.

Maybe it's a sign he's about to get his memories back?

He can hope at least.

"What did you answer her?" Xi Zirui asks, circling back to the issue at hand.

Han Yu shrugs. "I stalled, that seemed like the safer thing to do, not that I had to do it for long, her maid pulled her to the side and the two of them got into a heated argument, that I couldn't really make sense of, and then you arrived."

Xi Zirui smiles a little to himself, that checks out with what he found in Bai Mi's room.

"I didn't expect that you Xin dogs would afford your servants that many liberties."

Usually, that doesn't happen, but Bai Mi and Ji Limei are in a very special situation.

"Want to know why that is?" Xi Zirui asks, taking a ream of paper from underneath the sash of his robes.


The day of the Feast finally arrives, and whether Xi Zirui wants to or not, he's the Emperor, and that means servants are going to descend on him like a pack of magpies and polish him until he shines like a precious stone.

His robes are the most decadent yet, made of the finest black silk with delicate gold brocade. The beaded crown they fit over his perfectly combed hair is heavy, and the beads sway with each of his steps, their tiny clinking noise drowned out by the louder sound of Han Yu's chains jangling as he walks behind Xi Zirui, being pulled by his lead.

Su Xueyi did try to discourage Xi Zirui from bringing Han Yu to the feast, citing how it could look to their guests.

Xi Zirui takes the opportunity to make one thing clear to him:

"It would do everyone good to have a reminder of what happens  to all who cross the son of Heaven," Xi Zirui says, lifting his chin and tugging on Han Yu's lead to make him walk faster. "Everyone who tries to cross this emperor will find themselves at the end of a short leash too."

If Su Xueyi notices the implicit threat, he doesn't let it show.

Xi Zirui talked with Han Yu in advance about how he would probably have to be nasty to him during the feast if the situation called for it.

Han Yu understood, and took it better than expected, his only remark being:

"You'll make it up to this King on your knees." 

Xi Zirui had no problem agreeing to these terms.

Now, making his way to the throne in full view of all the guests, Han Yu obediently in tow, he's wondering if he wasn't making the kind of promises his ass wouldn't be able to keep.

He takes his seat and everyone raises from their bows, many lifting cups towards him, wishing him prosperity and long life.

Well, some of them at least, Xi Zirui is sure quite a few are wishing him a swift downfall.

The Empress Dowager arrives through a side door moments after him, and takes her seat behind the beaded curtain as everyone pays their respects and lowers their eyes in deference.

Xi Zirui can't catch a glimpse of her face, so he's unsure of what she thinks of the whole thing, or if she has any opinion about Xi Zirui parading Han Yu around -- he knows he's taking a risk with that when it comes to her favor levels.

Imperial feasts, he soon learns, are incredibly boring. He suspected as much from all the reading he did, but nothing could have prepared him for the constant stream of speeches and toasts, in his honor, in the honor of guests someone hasn't seen in a long time, in the Empress Dowager's honor, in Su Xueyi's honor for inviting everyone. In Han Yu's honor for being such a good barbarian dog and sitting obediently at the Emperor's foot.

That last one is mostly a joke, and no one drinks to it, but a lot of people laugh, and Xi Zirui winces in sympathy for his ass -- that one is going to cost him dearly.

Finally, some entertainment is called. 

A group of very limber girls, wearing revealing clothing and veils as they dance sensually to the sound of the pipa and other instruments.

Xi Zirui appreciates the artistry, but he's really not the audience for this.

He wishes Li Siqi or Liao Min were here, they would certainly enjoy the show. Bai Mi probably is, although he suspects she's more focused on her nefarious plans against him to appreciate all the long legs, slim arms, and bare midriffs on display.

That's when he feels a tug on his robes. 

He looks down to find Han Yu discreetly pulling the hem of his robes down, not letting go to denote his urgency while looking straight ahead at the dancing girls.

Xi Zirui very much doubts he's trying to call his attention to how attractive they are. So there must be something else going on.

At the moment, they're in full view of everyone, so Xi Zirui can't be seen having a conversation with him as if they were equals, even treating Han Yu as he would a servant would be dangerous. 

He looks out at the dancers again, there's something he must be missing. They're all wearing clothes in the same style and colour, their faces covered from the eyes down by billowy muslin veils that flutter in tandem with their silky hair.

The veil is somewhat translucent, but it obscures enough that Xi Zirui can't distinguish their features.

Han Yu's grip on the hem of his robes is vicious.

It's not feasible for him to excuse himself in the middle of the feast with Han Yu to talk in private, that would cause a minor commotion at the very least, and he can already feel the Empress Dowager's eyes burning holes in the back of his head.

So, when the performance winds down and the dancers stand still to receive everyone's applause, Xi Zirui makes sure he claps loudest of everyone else.

"That was a riveting performance," Xi Zirui says, as soon as everyone falls silent around him. "Would the young ladies please approach the throne so I can reward them for entertaining us all with such beautiful dancing?"

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