QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead

Chapter 179: Don't admit to being a libertine

Some of Bai Mi's anxiety bleeds through her straight posture, but it doesn't linger, she's able to smooth herself down into the harmless shape of princess #393482 in the blink of an eye. 

Too fast for anyone but Xi Zirui to notice.

"This princess would be happy to see whatever his Majesty wants to show her," she says, pleasantly and breezily enough, very much like the airhead she isn't but is pretending so well to be.

"Are these letters relevant for the discussion at hand?" The Empress asks, looking between the two of them.

Xi Zirui shakes his head and smiles at her. "Just a little teasing between siblings."

She looks as if she is less than impressed by this but ignores Xi Zirui and Bai Mi to address the officials. "This lonely widow thanks all the officials for taking the time from their busy schedules to be here. Everyone should quickly return to their duties." 

Before he can even shift his footing, her keen gaze lands on Xi Zirui. "His Majesty, a word."

He stays put as everyone files out of the room. This little display has been a perfect example of how much power the Empress Dowager still commands. It's clear she's the one with the real sway in the Imperial court, Xi Zirui is little more than a figurehead.

Xi Zirui hopes he has read her right, and that she's ready to step down. 

If not, then he always has the trump card of Ji Limei's illustrious parentage. He doubts the Empress Dowager is interested in making her adultery public, especially at such an advanced age.

Bai Mi is certainly betting on the same thing, and that's likely the reason why she feels so confident acting against Xi Zirui. She knows that no matter how much the Empress Dowager favors him now, she will do whatever Bai Mi wants to keep the news of her bastard daughter's existence a secret.

The Empress Dowager gets up from her chair with great dignity and the spryness of a much younger woman, and makes her way around the desk and towards Xi Zirui until she's looking him in the eye.

"Su Xueyi did raise some good points," she says, her tone measured. "It his concerning that his Majesty seems to dedicate so much of his time to the barbarian."

Xi Zirui opens his mouth to reinforce how he's just having a little fun with a new pet, but the Empress Dowager raises one hand to silence him so she can continue.

"His Majesty understands that regardless of how much I might want to believe him, several people are still confused as to why a barbarian captive jumped in front of an arrow meant for his Majesty." 

Xi Zirui feels himself sweating a little under the intensity of her shrewd gaze. 

"This Emperor has trained him well," he says, trying to inject conviction into his words.

"Perhaps," she concedes. "However, it would put this lonely widow at ease to see an Empress crowned soon. At least a few concubines joining the Imperial harem. Like everything else, the harem needs to be watered to bloom." 

Xi Zirui is fairly certain her words make him look a little queasy.

"It will be done as Imperial mother wishes," Xi Zirui says, laying it on thick to rake in her favor. He might have to speed some things up. "Imperial mother should arrange for all the best candidates to visit the Imperial palace soon."

He pauses theatrically, as if this is a wonderful idea he's truly considering on account of very much being into women, before adding, "Of course the issue of the assassination attempts needs to be solved first. It wouldn't do to place the young ladies of important noble families at risk."

"Congratulations Host! Empress Dowager's Favor up by 15 points. Now at 85 of a possible 100 points."

The Empress Dowager sketches a smile. "Very good, it will be done as his Majesty wishes."

She's looking at him like a gardener overlooking the result of extensive hours or pruning and shearing, finally happy with the result of their hard work.

Xi Zirui leaves her with the certainty that he's going to disappoint her.


His first stop is his own quarters, to ensure Han Yu's continued well-being. The guards stationed at his doors inform him that everything was quiet in his absence.

Xi Zirui only believes it when his eyes land on Han Yu's still figure, and he can confirm for himself that his breathing still holds, and seems to grow stronger.

He leaves him with a lingering kiss to the lips, and whispered promise to be back soon.

His last stop are Bai Mi's rooms, where he hopes to walk out with an allegiance, once and for all. The Empress Dowagers determination to see him married has forced his hand.

Bai Mi isn't happy to see him, scowling deeply over Ji Limei's shoulder.

"Come to threaten me some more?" she asks, smiling derisively.

Xi Zirui sighs and walks towards the open sliding doors leading to Bai Mi's private courtyard, he looks out at the perfect manicured garden and tries not to look as tired as he feels.

"I want you to be Emperor," he says, his arms crossed in front of his chest while he looks out the doors.

There's a beat of silence, and then Bai Mi's silver bell laughter echoing throughout the room. "What a coincidence, so do I!"

Xi Zirui turns around to face her, taking in her disdainful expression. 

He doesn't like being at odds with Bai Mi, somehow it doesn't feel right -- after everything else -- but it's clear she has no memories of the previous worlds, or of the life she might have had before.

Xi Zirui isn't sure if that's a relief or a regret to Ji Limei. She's staying out of the conversation, busying herself with straightening out flower arrangements across the room.

"If older sister wants to be Emperor she must stop trying to get in the way of my plans." Xi Zirui approaches her, trying to look conciliatory and friendly, but Bai Mi backs away from him, her expression not softening.

"I can definitely see that his Majesty's plan to gain the Empress Dowager's trust has been successful." She smiles. "Congratulations, by the way."

"That trust might get older sister on the throne." Xi Zirui says, letting some of his exasperation show.

Bai Mi isn't convinced. "Why would his Majesty give up his position now that he seems to finally have grown into his role?"

Translation: why do you suddenly not want to be an Emperor now that you're no longer an idiot?

"Sister knows how much this one loves the simple things in life: wine, gambling, whoring." She frowns and he smirks. "All these are denied to the Emperor. I've done my best, but I feel that I'm not cut out for such an important task."

"Younger brother wants to go back to his libertine ways?" Bai Mi asks, slightly incredulous. "Then why did he go to all the trouble to look as if he was finally taking his imperial duties seriously?"

"Being unfit for the role didn't save me from it." He shrugs. "Perhaps being competent will."

"I don't follow," Bai Mi says, crossing her own arms, mimicking Xi Zirui's posture.

"For older sister to become Emperor, both the Empress Dowager and Su Xueyi need to be neutralized," Xi Zirui says. "This one might be an incurable libertine, but he doesn't want to see our great nation fall into unworthy hands."

He knows Bai Mi believes him when her shoulders drop and the wrinkle between her eyebrows smooths out. "How does younger brother plan to do that?"

"As older sister noted, the Empress Dowager's trust in me has grown, with a little prodding, she might even believe Su Xueyi is behind the assassination attempts, completely disregarding older sister's participation."

Bai Mi goes very still, but remains calm. The fact that Xi Zirui knows that she was involved in the attempts to kill him and is still wiling to negotiate relaxes her.

Xi Zirui takes the opportunity to lay everything out. Telling Bai Mi exactly what he needs from her, and how she needs to play her role.

He only hopes that it's enough to buy him and Han Yu a way out of the imperial palace along with Bai Mi's seat on the throne.


Even though it's barely noon, Xi Zirui feels exhausted once he returns to his quarters. He wants nothing else but to crawl into bed with Han Yu and go back to sleep, unfortunately, there's much he still needs to do.

Instead, he kneels by Han Yu's bedside, and rests his head over his chest, taking a few moments to be glad for each labored exhalation.

He almost jumps out of his skin when he feels a faint touch on his head, the weight of long fingertips combing through his hair sending a shiver down his spine.

"Rui-er, you've been up to no good again."

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