QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead

Chapter 196: Don't think it will be that easy

Xi Zirui spares Bai Mi a panicked look. 

Is she trying to threaten Li Siqi and Liao Min? 

Granted, he considered doing it too, but he's only half as intimidating as Bai Mi.

The calculating glint in her eyes makes people feel as if the consequences of not doing what she wants will be lethal, whereas Xi Zirui's threats just make people feel like they'll be annoyed into compliance eventually, so it's better to give in early.

"What my sisters means is that I'm truly terrified of the consequences of going into a tribulation blind," he says, trying to smooth things over. 

Bai Mi isn't impressed by his diplomacy.

"Let's look at this objectively: This tribulation is a lesson for my brother, everyone knows he wouldn't be going on a tribulation this soon. Grandfather only wants to teach him some responsibility," Bai Mi says, very evenly. 

She leans forward on her chair cutting the distance between herself and their hosts, and smiles, sharp as a blade.

"You would be helping him look good in front of grandfather, possibly avoid any further disciplinary actions in the future."

Li Siqi looks ready to recite all the rules and regulations of her office, but Liao Min is staring at Xi Zirui's earnest face with a look of genuine pity.

"Perhaps you could help out," Liao Min says, before Li Siqi has a chance to retort. "You know, Xi Zirui did encourage me to express my feelings for you plainly."

Xi Zirui tries his best to look well-meaning and non-threatening, which is easy to do with Bai Mi at his side looking like a black hole of ill-intent.

Li Siqi wavers some more before eventually giving in. She lets out a sigh and shakes her head. "Fine, just tell me a year and a month and I'll check the suitability in the Book of Fates." She meets Xi Zirui's eyes. "If the Book allows it an the destination and time period is auspicious, then I'll advise it to the Emperor, but that's as far as I'll go."

Bai Mi shoots her a glare. "That's not good enou-" 

Xi Zirui shoots up from his seat and drops a hand on Bai Mi's shoulder, cutting her off. "That would be great. Thank you so much for your kindness, we won't bother you any longer." He takes the book of Han Yu's life from out of his waist sash and hands it to Li Siqi "This person's first life should do."

After some more hasty goodbyes he drags Bai Mi out of Li Siqi's and Liao Min's house, ignoring his sister's complaining.

"You're too soft! What's the difference between what she promised and what she normally does?" she sputters in indignation. "The difference is that this time, instead of recommending Grandfather her hunch, she'll be recommending yours!"

That's all Xi Zirui needs.

He knows from what his grandmother told him that he met Han Yu in his tribulation. So he knows that the Book of Fates won't outright forbid it. Even if Han Yu's first life turns out to be inauspicious, he understands Li Siqi's nature well enough to know she'll find another time period among his reincarnations that matches.

His grandfather isn't the kind of person to suddenly distrust advice that has always proved useful, so he won't go against her suggestion.

His grandmother is the great question mark in the whole thing.

Xi Zirui can't predict her movements, he can only try to prepare for them.

He's fairly certain she won't make a scene, and attract undue attention to herself while Xi Zirui is being sent off on his tribulation.

The fact that Li Siqi didn't comment anything about his grandmother contacting her about the tribulation, bodes well for his plan.

Or, it means that the Empress has other plans laid out and is so convinced of their success that all of Xi Zirui's maneuvers don't threaten her. 

That's the option that Xi Zirui less wants to consider, but he can only stubbornly trudge forward, convicted that he and Han Yu will find each other no matter what.

Bai Mi is still complaining about one thing or another but Xi Zirui is no longer listening. 

They're almost back at the Jade Palace when she stops him with an arm across his chest.

"Are you sure this is what you really want?" Her tone is serious now, with none of the mean spirited complaining from earlier. "You know you'll be throwing away your fate for a mortal whose life you read about. There's always consequences for that kind of thing."

Xi Zirui smiles at her. "I'm sure." He ducks down and rushes up the stairs. "I need to go, there's a lot I still need to do before tomorrow."

Bai Mi watches him go with a myriad of swirling thoughts in her mind.


Bai Mi and Su Xueyi don't interact much, and she doesn't have much of an impression of him beyond: obsessed with her brother, arrogant, and aloof

Which is why she doesn't know what compels her to seek him out.

She can't help noticing he isn't as surprised to see her as she is to be there.

He's in one of the martial halls for junior gods, training with several others when she catches his eye.

He puts his robes back on and follows her towards a secluded corner of the courtyard, near a gazebo overlooking the still water of a carp pond.

"Have you done anything to offend my brother?" She pauses. "Beyond how your presence usually offends him?"

Su Xueyi ignores her remark. "What is this about?"

Bai Mi has no interest of revealing Xi Zirui's bizarre infatuation with a random mortal 'from the library book', but she needs to find some explanation for her questions.

"He's been acting odd, and I just thought it might be your fault."

Su Xueyi nods solemnly. "So you've noticed too."

Xi Zirui can be flighty but she has to admit that his behaviour has been more erratic than usual in the past days, she's not entirely convinced it isn't somehow Su Xueyi's fault, but his grave face makes her wonder.

"I haven't noticed anything."

Su Xueyi lets out an exasperated sigh. "Listen, we talked the other day and he said somethings that worried me. I went to talk with the Empress, ask her for advice on how to court him."

Bai Mi scrunches her nose up in distaste. This is why Su Xueyi will never win over her brother. How does he think going behind Xi Zirui's back to complain about him to his grandmother is the way to go?

"She's worried too," Su Xueyi says, startling Bai Mi out of her train of thought.

"About what?" Bai Mi asks, keeping her face neutral.

Su Xueyi runs one large hand through his sweaty hair making it even more untidy. "You're his sister, so I don't think there's anything wrong in telling you." His eyes bear into Bai Mi's, shining with intensity. "Your grandmother is worried Xi Zirui is succumbing to inner demons, as a result of poorly resolved issues from a past life."

This is the first time Bai Mi is hearing any of it. "He's not a new soul?" she asks, confused.

It's not unheard of, but she's shocked by the revelation all the same.

Su Xueyi shakes his head. "No, few people know this, but apparently the Empress is aware of a past life resentment that might be muddling Xi Zirui's mind now."

"What resentment?" 

"Apparently, in his previous life he was tangled with someone with the surname Han. And I saw him walking around with a book about a 'Han Yu'."

Bai Mi tries to school her features into a mask of neutrality, but she can't be sure that Su Xueyi doesn't notice her sudden sitffness.

She wonders if she has made a grave mistake in helping Xi Zirui earlier.

Did she let her own ambition and greed blind her to the risk her brother was putting himself in?

Su Xueyi moves closer to her, snatching her wrist in the grip of his fist. "If you know something, please tell me, or tell your grandmother, it's the same thing. I promised her I'd do my best to help."

Bai Mi looks into Su Xueyi's pleading eyes and wavers.


The Empress is finishes drinking her tea around the same time her granddaughter finishes her account. 

She rises from her chair and cups her thin jaw. "You've done well in telling me this, child. Rest easy, I'll do my best for your brother."

She can see the relief settling over Bai Mi's shoulders, making her stand up a little straighter as she leaves the Empress's quarters.

Su Xueyi, who accompanied her to this impromptu audience, stays behind.

The Empress makes her way towards him, her jaw set and her gaze sharp.

Su Xueyi squares her shoulders at her approach. She gives him a look of maternal concern.

"What would you be willing to do, to help my grandson?"

She can hear his throat click with eagerness as he says, "Everything."

The Empress smiles.

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