QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead

Chapter 201: Don't pick up a shadow

For the first time in years, Xi Zirui has a warm place to sleep again, a roof over his head, and three full meals every day.

Being Su Xueyi's disciple isn't very taxing. He's so glad to have a disciple that he's happy to leave Xi Zirui to his own designs. Mostly watching him as he practices, and encouraging him to practice from of Heavenly Dragon's techniques instead of his own, very unorthodox, patchwork of martial arts from several different schools.

Xi Zirui has a marked interest in not raising suspicions, so he follows Su Xueyi's advice, and pays his respects as any dutiful disciple.

He tries to draw as little attention as possible, but he didn't count on how much all the other masters want to increase their own prestige.

Having the most talented disciples is the mark of a great grandmaster, and Xi Zirui is approached often with promises of more luxurious quarters, rare spirit weapons and several other privileges.

All the fawning only makes him despise Heavenly Dragon even more, but he replies to all masters with the same polite indifference and assurances that he's loyal and filial to his shizun, and isn't interested in finding another.

The days go by in relative peace. Xi Zirui manages to maneuver the murky waters of inter-sect politics while avoiding having any of the spillover land on him.

His only problem is that he seems to have picked up a shadow.


Ever since the first day he joined the sect, Han Yu has made it his personal mission to hound him at every turn.

Xi Zirui can scarcely get a minute to himself, before the other springs out from behind some bushes, or bumps on him after they both turn a corner.

"Gege! I didn't expect to see you here," Han Yu says, with a look of utter innocence, as if Xi Zirui doesn't know he has been following him for the past five minutes before finding the opportunity to accost him.

"Shixiong, please feel free to pretend you didn't see me, and avoid unexpected surprises," Xi Zirui says walking past him.

He addresses Han Yu as shixiong to remind him of two things: first that they aren't friends and that he's no one's gege, second, that since they don't have the same shizun, and Han Yu has been a Heavenly Dragon disciple longer than Xi Zirui, he's older in the hierarchy -- something Han Yu seems determined to ignore for reasons Xi Zirui can't yet grasp.

In the middle of it all, at least he can be glad that Han Yu doesn't seem to have any recollection of their first, fateful meeting in Tuya's cabin, and the second at the inn.

Han Yu isn't discouraged by Xi Zirui's clear dismissal and continues following after him.

"Some of us disciples are getting together on the other side of the lake for a little party, there will be plum wine and food." He smiles at Xi Zirui, his eyes turning into two crescent moons. "It will be fun, gege should come."

Xi Zirui can't think of anything he wants to do less.

These people aren't his friends, he doesn't want to get to know them.

"I have to study."

He quickens his pace but that only makes Han Yu jog to catch up to him. "Master Su makes you work too hard. Father says he's just trying to prove himself because he's an inexperienced master," he frowns as if he thinks this is a grave injustice. "You shouldn't let him bully you, just because he's your master."

"I welcome the work and volunteer for it," Xi Zirui says, gritting his teeth.

Here's the other reason why he has no interest in spending any amount of time with Han Yu -- his father is the detestable sect leader, Han Chang. The man whose face Xi Zirui sees in most of his nightmares.

Sometimes he daydreams about killing Han Chang in front of Han Yu and asking him if he still wants to invite Xi Zirui to any parties by the lake afterwards.

"Why are you so serious?" Han Yu pouts. "I can tell just from looking at you that you'd be a lot of fun if you just let yourself unwind."

Ironically, Han Yu's sect and his father are entirely to blame for that.

"I'm afraid that if I unwind all my limbs will come loose like a stringed doll," Xi Zirui says, moments before jumping over a wall to escape Han Yu and his inane chattering.

There's a moment of silence and then Han Yu says, his voice carrying, "See! Gege is really funny, I knew it!"


Xi Zirui continues to make progress with his training, Su Xueyi is really proud of him and sings his praises at every turn.

The other masters whisper behind his back, "with a disciple like that, it's not like he needs to do anything."

"so much raw talent, only an utterly incompetent master wouldn't be able to turn him into a fine cultivator."

Xi Zirui hears all of this, and keeps this information for later. It might be useful to sow discord in the future. 

He would like to sneak around more, maybe overhear even more exciting pieces of gossip, but that is hard with Han Yu trailing behind him like a ghost.

Xi Zirui is practicing his talismans, copying all the sigils meticulously on to paper while sitting in one of Heavenly Dragon's libraries, when Han Yu happens upon him again.

The late summer air is warm and fragrant, filtered in by the paper window panes. The floating dust motes glow in the light like flecks of gold. Sometimes distracting Xi Zirui with their mesmerizing dance.

It's during one of these moments of distraction that Han Yu manages to sneak up on him, and take a seat on the floor beside him, without Xi Zirui noticing until he opens his mouth and says:

"Gege is so talented, but his calligraphy is so messy."

Xi Zirui snaps his head around to glare at him, startled and angry at himself for not noticing Han Yu's presence earlier.

Han Yu is oblivious to his anger and taps his finger down on the talisman Xi Zirui has just finished drawing.

"This script is very confusing, the character isn't clear enough. If gege uses this talisman it might not be very effective, or not work at all."

Xi Zirui bites back his caustic retort.

For once, Han Yu isn't saying something ridiculous. 

He looks down at his work with a frustrated scowl. His calligraphy really is messy, childish even.

Tuya thought him how to read and write, but even her wasn't especially literate. Having nice calligraphy wasn't something either of them cared about back then, when Xi Zirui was learning.

And it wasn't until years later after her death that Xi Zirui picked it up again. Trying to teach himself a wider vocabulary, learning how to properly spell out everything instead of being happy with rough approximations of the characters he meant.

Even after all his work, he knows he's not good enough. He's a slow reader, and his calligraphy looks like chicken scratch.

Which is exactly why he needs to practice -- practice, Han Yu is currently interrupting.

"Thank you for your guidance shixiong, I'll redo the talisman," Xi Zirui says, crumpling the still drying talisman into a ball in his fist, staining his palm with fresh ink.

Han Yu looks a little alarmed at his sudden action and the frosty tone of his words. "Gege is already so impressive, how could the heavens favor him even more by making him good at everything?" 

Bizarrely, he takes the crumpled ball of paper out of Xi Zirui's fingers and smooths it out on the table again.

"I think this is really cute, can I keep it?"

Xi Zirui doesn't even know what to say to that. What use could Han Yu possibly have for a useless talisman?

"It's trash, you can do what you want."

Han Yu beams and folds the narrow rectangle neatly, and shoves into the pocket of his billowing sleeves.

"Gege gave me a gift, it's only fair if I repay his kindness."

Xi Zirui is sure he's looking at him as if he's speaking another language. "There's no need," he insists.

"If gege wants I can help him practice his calligraphy," Han Yu says, smiling widely. "Or if gege thinks that might be too time consuming, we can focus on talisman writing only."

Xi Zirui wavers.

On the one hand, he has no intention of spending any more time than he absolutely needs to with Han Yu.

On the other hand, he really could use the help. His talismans really aren't up to par with the kinds other Heavenly Dragon disciples make.

If Xi Zirui wants to be successful, he needs to be a well-rounded cultivator, and talismans are a powerful weapon in any cultivator's arsenal.

Han Yu sees him dithering and tries to make his case. "I'm the best talisman maker in the whole sect, gege won't be disappointed."

Xi Zirui worries at his bottom lip, considering the props and cons. Han Yu inches closer to him, the smirk never leaving his full lips.

His warm breath tickles Xi Zirui's neck as he says, "Come on, gege, I'll make it worth your while."

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