Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Chapter 12

~ Queen versus Weasel! Round 1! Fight! ~

Ron looks angrily at the Queen, waiting for her to say anything, but she just stares at him bemused. It gets on his nerves, so he starts shouting at her again.

"What, cat got your tongue? Can't say anything back? Is it because you have nothing to say?"He then looks at his sister, then back at the Queen.

"And you're even brainwashing Ginny, with all your stupid 'Queen' talk, you're not a queen or any type of royalty, you're just a mentally crazy person that needs a lot of help. But I don't think you deserve any, for how you treat others"

He would continue, but Hermione jumps in.

"Ron? She is a Queen, about the crazy part, I won't comment, but she truly is royalty"

Ron looks at Hermione, then at the books, then at the Queen who's selling them... And he gets ideas in his head, that he's sure are right.

"Maybe I don't want one of the books, after all, you even got Hermione, you're like a cult leader, everything you use is charmed beyond reason, the crown? Charmed to the bone, you casually even said that it can electrocute somebody, Then you change your clothes, which don't even look good, against the rules of the school. Your blade probably also has charms, way too many of them. so who knows what reading the book would do. You're way too paranoid, but I guess that's what being crazy does to people. You, Luna Crimson, aren't a queen, aren't royalty. You're a mad witch driven insane by her powers and now are corrupting other students, what is Headmaster Dumbledore thinking about, allowing you to study here"

"Ron, you're going too far, all this because of a book?" Ginny starts saying to her brother, who, at the moment, looks and sounds crazier than the Queen.

But Ron only shakes his head and continues.

"Then there's the multiple wives nonsense, do you really think that you will get any? With being so ridiculous, nobody would want to be with you, share you? Beyond unreasonable, in fact, I heard a few Hufflepuff whisper and speak, and they dubbed you a 'Cheating Tramp' for such claims as being with multiple people. And, I gotta say, I do agree with that statement. it fits you nicely, the Queen of tramps who loves cheating. It just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?" Ron finishes smugly.

The Queen finally makes her move, she slowly stands up, takes her wand, turns around, casts the doubling charm by saying 'Geminio' on the crown that holds this place together, she puts the duplicated crown on her head and turns back to Ron.

"Are you done?" The Queen asks him.

"What?" He says confused.

"I asked you if you were done, Weasel, or is there anything else you'd like to say?" The Queen asks him again, leaving him dazed, he said all of that, and she just asks for more, she's barely fazed even.

The Queen starts walking around the table to face him face to face.

"I won't repeat myself, are you done?"

He snaps out of his daze with a shake of his head.

"No, no, I don't think I am, you're n-" He gets cut off by the Queen.

"I am not, what? Sane? A Queen? Am I some leader of a cult? Brainwashing people as I see fit? Perhaps a slut? Not meant to be with anybody? Ron, Ron Weasley, everything I said yesterday, it wasn't, me insulting you, not at all, it was me saying the pure truth. You are worthless alone, you can't do anything, Harry over there? He's your golden ticket, you should worship the ground he walks on because by some stupid miracle you became friends with him... Oh wait, it was because of the twins, you didn't even do that shit by yourself and I guess the mutual hatred for Draco helped out too, how sweet, you bonded over hate, not very 'Golden-esque' from the trio, is it? And Hermione Granger, there? She alone holds your 'Golden' trio of misfits together, without her, there would be no golden trio, and neither you nor Harry appreciate her enough, she's way beyond both of you, yet Potter is all that everybody hears, sweeping 'Granger', the name everybody should be saying instead, under the rug... But at least Harry still does something. You on the other hand? Only ride off of their success, but I guess you need that brief flash of fake accomplishment, seeing as everybody else in your family is so much better than you and you feel like you have nothing... Well of course you don't, you stupid moron, you don't study, you don't train, you don't try and then you complain and make yourself seem like a victim, you're not only pathetic, but you're a poor excuse of a man too, Ginny should start calling you 'sister' instead of brother, but even being a woman is harder than sympathizing with you. So answer me, Weasel, how is anything that I am saying wrong?"


"On the other hand, don't answer, I heard enough of your stupid voice, for now. So shut up for now and listen to your superior speak"

"You're not superior to me," Ron says with newfound defiance.

The Queen looks at him. Sighs and shakes her head.

"KNEEL," The Queen says with a hand gesture to the ground.

Just like that Ron without being able to fight the power of the command, drops to the ground, and being unready for it, his knees hit the ground hard, bruising from the impact.

Everybody is surprised by the actions of the Queen, Harry finally tries to step in, but the Queen shuts his useless attempt down.

"Mr. Potter, don't even dare move or say anything. It's your own fault that you let your dog walk away without his leash, so he could come running to me for more discipline"

Harry wants to retort, but the Queen stopped paying any attention to him. Effectively shutting him up.

Ron looks at the Queen with pure hatred in his eyes, he's trying really hard to stand up, so he could stop kneeling, but no matter how hard he tries, he just can't do it. So in demand, he shouts "Release me"

"SILENCE" The Queen cuts her hand across in sharp movement.

Ron tries to speak, but he can't, he isn't allowed to.

"Oh, what is this? The 'superior' Weasley, can't get up? Can't speak up? What happened to all that bravado from earlier? Too bad, that there's nobody to help you this time because you can't ask them for it. I will tell you something, that I didn't mention yesterday. These are two of the three Crimson family wandless spells, Hermione knows about them because she has read the book" The Queen turns to Hermione "So, Lady Granger, care to explain how it works to your stupid lackey over here? Or should I do the honors? For he isn't worthy to hear you speak to him"

Hermione looks back at the Queen, then at Ron who's kneeling at the ground, forced to be humiliated, hearing the Queen say all of the mean things and that he isn't worthy, should make her riled up and try defending him... But she just can't do that, can't muster up the effort, he got himself into all of this trouble, for nothing, even with her telling him to not do it. So she won't defend him, but she did get asked to explain it to him, so she will gladly do so.

"I will do that" The Queen smiles at her and nods. She allows Ron to move her head, Ron is looking at Hermione now.

"While, Luna right now said that there are 3 spells, I only read about two of them. Both of them are what you're under right now. They are not 'wandless' spells per se. The spells are more 'sound' based, they affect the sound traveling to the victim's ears. The command she directs to somebody, they just need to hear it and if their will is too weak, they will be forced to do it. So if you're kneeling after she says 'Kneel' that means you're too weak to resist her and to that extent, are inferior to her. If you had the will to resist, you wouldn't be on the ground. And then there is the command 'Silence', it works just like the spell 'Silencio', except it's the same as 'Kneel' you only need to hear it and you will be forced to be silent. You don't even need to move your hands as the Queen does, she just does it for the show, I imagine"

The Queen looks proud at Hermione's explanation. True it was written in the book, but she's still happy to hear her saying it, explaining it in her beautiful voice.

"Brilliant, if I was a teacher, I'd give you a hundred points" Hermione just nods her head happily. The Queen turns her attention back at Ron.

"Now, Weasel, as I said you will listen, not like you can do anything else. You, inferior creature. I get it, a new student shows up out of nowhere and acts like she owns Hogwarts... But, heh, newsflash, I could own the place, if I wanted to just buy it, unfortunately, or fortunately for you, I don't want it... At least, not in such a way. And the way you insult Hermione by ignoring her when she's talking to you, by not heeding her warnings, now your own idiocy got you into trouble with me. Harry's name is the thing that got your group's attention, Hermione's smarts are the thing that solidified the group as something to look out for and gaze at, your name? The group's mascot, that's all you are and you can't even do that job right, you're pathetic. Oh and their names won't save you from somebody like me, I am not some fan, not some weakling, I am not scared of anyone, if somebody wants a piece of me, I will gladly accept the invitation to tussle"

The Queen looks around at everybody looking at them, she glances at Ginny, she sees that she is worried about her brother, but isn't stopping it. She feels pride swelling in her heart, that even if her brother messed up, she stills feels sympathetic. She really cares about her family, adorable, but not smart, you can't indulge behavior like this, you need to fix it.

She glances at her Moon, as usual, she seems so out of the loop, she's just eating some snacks that the Queen readied for the three of them. She looks beautiful like the perfection that she is, even while eating. But the Queen can tell that Luna is barely paying attention to what's happening. So it's not interesting enough? Well okay then, how about this?

"I will tell you a small fact, I haven't been to this school before, but I still know what's going on around here. So I heard that you three did quite a lot, I won't mention all of it. But there is one key moment I want to talk about. The only time that Ron Weasley was important. the one thing he did, he even got some points for it. The 'best' played wizard chess match in history. So, how about this, we have ourselves a match, because, in every other field, it's just no contest, you're inferior to me in every way. But if I beat you at your 'best', then I can truly show you how much of a disappointment you are. You don't study hard enough, you have no idea what's going on half the time. Yet you have this 'huge' head, this massive baseless ego because you're a part of the 'Golden' trio. So, Weasel, what do you say? A best of three matches in front of the whole school, plus the teachers, I will choose a date later"

The Queen allows him to speak a little, so he could answer, with a verbal promise for everybody to hear.

"Now, say yes if you agree and say no if you reject the offer, if you reject, you just prove to yourself and everybody else, that what I said is the truth. If you agree, at least you have a chance to prove otherwise"

Ron without thinking says yes repeatedly for everybody to hear, thinking that there's no way he would lose. There is nobody who can beat him in the entirety of Hogwarts after all. The Queen shakes her head and Lovegood is finally looking at the scene from hearing about this contest.

"Ron, did you even think about this? You were there when I challenged both of your brothers to a game and now you accept without thinking it through? Did you really think that this is going to be just a friendly match? No, there will be a winner and a loser. And there will be something a loser will have to do"

Ron stops saying 'yes', only now realizing that he agreed to something that he has no control of, he tries to say 'no', but it's too late, the Queen stopped any power for him to do so.

"Well now that you agreed, here's the rules: 1. Maximum three games. 2. The first to two victories wins the contest. 3. The loser is to take an unbreakable vow of the winner's choosing, the duration of it? A whole year"

Everybody is silent from hearing the punishment of the one that loses, an unbreakable vow? That's insane.

Ginny finally stands up, wanting to say something to defuse the situation, while the part of 'death' in the prank game with the twins is not real, an unbreakable vow is real and can kill a person if not followed.

The Queen saw this, only shakes her head at her, in disappointment. He needs to learn a lesson, to actually think before doing something.

Ginny still not agreeing, tries to walk, but Luna stops her with a shake of her head of her own, Ginny looks between the two of them and finally sits down again, quite upset about the whole thing.

Ron's eyes go wide and he pales, starting to shake in fear. But there's nothing he can do anymore. But his eyes shine a new breath of light, once his best friend, the boy who lived joins the fray, in a try to help him.

"Are you actually crazy? An unbreakable vow because he 'insulted' you? That's not only insane... that's basically murder, you'd be dubbed a murderer if he'd die from it" Harry tries to speak some sense into the Queen.

She only scoffs at him, louder than she intended, but it did come with pure exhaustion from how stupid the hero sounds. She lets off the silence spell off of Ron and turns to Harry to speak with him.

"Murderer? Me?"

The Queen points at her, which only makes Harry say 'yes'.

"Oh, just like you then? The 'boy who lived', the hero who saved the day, by doing nothing mind you, it was all your parents and their love, yet you get hailed as a god for it, instead of your parents getting the fame, but I guess wizards are too stupid to realize a fact like that. But that's not the topic right now. So I am a murderer... Little boy, you don't even know half of it. I killed more people than death eaters, probably even more than the Dark Princess Voldemort has"

D-dark P-princess? Everybody doesn't even register that she said the one that shall not be named, sticking to the fact that she said, Dark Princess. Only after a little while did they register of what she said, that she said Voldemort and... That she killed more people than him. They are studying with a mass murderer, which made them terrified of her. Not only does she have a lot of power, but she also isn't shy to admit what she has done, now everybody starts agreeing with Harry and Ron, about her being crazy.

Ron pipes up after hearing that.

"You're... a bloody nutcase, a murderer, a killer, you're truly crazy"

The Queen looks back at him and only smiles kindly, it makes him confused, but he pales again when he hears her next words.

"Thank you, Ronald Weasley, you're finally right on something, how does it feel to not be wrong? Perhaps you need some points for your hou-?"

Harry cuts her off, from speaking to his best friend like that after the information they heard. Thinking that the situation was finally turning in their favor, but he failed to notice that Hermione wasn't surprised and not even scared or holding an emotion to anything of such a sort. She was completely relaxed, even with some pity in her eyes. But Ginny and Luna saw it, Luna already having figured out that the Queen has killed before, isn't as surprised, she did find it amusing however when she called the Dark Lord, a princess, she thinks she might even have nightmares of it. Ginny, also relaxed a little bit, because she knows that Hermione read the book, so she must know what nobody else does. So there's no need for her to stop anything anymore, she just watches the show.

"You're just a murderer, I need to let Dumbledore know this, so he could get the Ministry of Magic involved and you would get sent to Azkaban"

The Queen looks at Potter with a confused look then finally says her next words, which turns the situation around yet again, but this time in no one's favor.

"But... Haven't you, yourself killed somebody?"

Everybody is stunned by hearing that. Even Ron and Hermione. The Queen looks at Harry's friends and is even more confused... Before she gets it and speaks her next words in a mocking tone.

"You haven't told them? When I've heard that the whole school knew, I thought they knew every detail... But not even your best friends know? That's... Bloody insane in a way different from mine"

"Wha? What do you mean?" Harry asks lowly.

"Professor Quirrel, he died in your first year"

Hermione pipes in, still a tad bit confused.

"Yes, he did, everybody knows about it"

The Queen looks at her and then shakes her head, she looks at her Moon, Luna instantly understands that it must've been Dumbledore giving her the information about everybody. She must know more than anybody else. The Queen sighs.

"Yes, but it doesn't seem like anybody else knows, that Harry is the one that killed him, because Quirell couldn't touch Harry, so Harry, in turn, tackled him and put his hands on him, burning the face of Quirell, that later died from the burns, so, the 'boy who lived', the 'chosen' one is a murderer"

Everybody stares back and forth from Harry to the Queen, then hearing no rebuttal from Harry, they all stare at him with open eyes and criticism, not only because he has killed somebody, but because he'd lie about it, not only to everybody else but to his friends.

Ron seeing the situation getting worse, still kneeling on the ground, tries to help him by saying, what the Queen deems, the dumbest thing that has ever come out of his mouth, it was so ridiculous in fact, that it made her finally snap and laugh out loud, all unladylike.

"But he was evil, he was the follower of the Dark Lord, so it justifies Harry for doing so, so he isn't a murderer"

"HAHAHAHAHA" The Queen laughing makes everybody stare at her in bewilderment.

"That so? So killing an 'evil' person isn't killing somebody? It's not being a murderer? Are you seriously that daft, Ronald Weasley?" The Queen turns to the silent Hermione "Lady Granger, would you care to do the honors again? Open the book to the page... you already know and read it out loud for everybody to hear"

Hermione just nods and opens the exact page that the Queen was talking about and starts reading it.

"The day of Princess Luna's 5th birthday. Also the day her whole family tree, every single person, old, man, woman, child perished. The family was ambushed by hundreds of wizards that wanted the secrets and power of the Crimson Family, without preparation, the family fell to ruin, only one child left alive because she was charmed by her parents with an Invisibility spell before they met their demise. But it only lasted as long as it took for the wizards that attacked the palace to understand that they messed up. The Leader reading the books of the family, saw something that he didn't like at all, it showed to him that only somebody alive and well with the blood of the Crimsons and other bonuses flowing through them can use any of the secrets and power, for the power stops working once they are dead. So he went on a rampage, destroying the library in rage and going from room to room, doing the same. But, unfortunately for the princess, the invisibility spell ran out and she was found by the leader's men, hidden in a charmed compartment that got destroyed by a random spell thrown by the leader, the men brought the girl to him, sleeping, she was knocked out by the charm. The leader finally stopped raging and was happy because somebody lived through the attack. So he kidnapped the girl to use her and learn the secrets of the family that is no more. But the princess wasn't stupid, wasn't weak. Once she woke up, momentary shock from the attack gone, she waited for her moment to attack, with the Leader gone from the room she was guarded at, she silenced the guards and made them kneel, slicing with whatever sharp object she could find, through their neck, it was done with a rock shard, that seemed to be put in her pocket by her Father, he believed in her. She took the wands of the deceased, breaking the one that was useless and using the better one to murder her way through the hundreds of wizards that killed her family, she used every arsenal of knowledge she knew from her family, the power that they were killed for. And freed herself, with the leader's head in her tiny hands, for when the Ministry of Magic showed up for 'help' they saw such a sight, bodies everywhere, the child bathed in blood, the blood of her enemies, a ripped-off head in her hands. They couldn't move as the girl opened her mouth. All they heard the princess say to them was "You're too late, I, the Queen dub you, worthless, I will do everything myself, just as I freed myself alone" And after those words the, now Queen finally fainted from the exhaustion and the events that happened in two, meager days, when she woke up, she was questioned, bu-"

Hermione got interrupted by the Queen saying "Thank you, Hermione, that's enough. They don't need to hear the rest, what I wanted for them to hear, they did already"

Hermione nodded and put the book back in her bag and looked up again at the Queen, receiving a smile from her, then seeing her turn to look at Ron.

"So, Ronald Weasley, by your logic, I am not a murderer, I didn't kill anybody... Because they were 'evil', oh no, they were evil, they weren't living their lives, so they don't count when they die, how could I think that I was a murderer... How, ridiculously stupid can you get? No matter what, if you kill somebody, be them, evil, good, it doesn't matter. If you kill, you kill. In every circumstance you are a murderer, it's just that those same circumstances can dub you a hero or a villain, depending on how or what you've done. Like Harry here, who killed an 'evil' man in self-defense, he isn't charged for the inhumane law of killing an individual. Just as I wasn't charged for taking revenge on hundreds of people because they killed my family and to get myself free from captivity. But at the end of the day, I and Harry are both murderers and that's just a pure, hard, cold fact of life. So without a doubt, what you said before, was the dumbest thing to ever come out of your puny mouth"

Ron and Harry just give up on their righteous goal of calling the Queen a killer. The Queen seeing this finally smiles and continues the topic that started this whole debacle in the first play, tired of wasting time.

"So anyway, the game... the challenge, the contest between me, the Queen and Ron, the Weasel, let me continue talking about it"

The Queen looks around, seeing no refusal, goes on.

"If you win, just as the rules say, you can choose anything for me to do or be unable to do for a whole year. So you could even make me your slave. Having a Queen as a slave, especially one of Ron Weasley's, is probably a very appealing thing. But you think of it yourself. In fact, I will tell you mine now. I know that there's another thing you like as much as chess, that almost all Weasleys share, Ginny shares the hobby too, hey she even has an emblem of her own on the throne and new clothes"

Ron understands what the Queen means and so does everybody else, he starts to sweat, not liking where this is going.

"Ron Weasley, if you lose the contest, for a whole year. You will be oath sworn by an unbreakable vow, to not fly a broom, that way you won't be able to play Quidditch. And you won't be allowed to, train, help Harry in any way. The only moments you'd be able to fly your broom is when allowed by me. And I know that you aren't that stupid, to not know what the implications of an unbreakable vow are, if you fly your broom, well, you'll die"

The Queen looks back at Luna, seeing her interested, she mentally smiles, but outside keeps her stern expression.

"Oh and Harry?"

His name prompts him to look at the Queen again, for this whole time he had his head down. In what everybody would say was a shame.

"You said that I would kill Ron with this 'unbreakable vow'? Come on, you're not that stupid, are you? If he failed to follow the rules of it, that means it would be his own problem, so basically, he'd kill himself" The Queen shakes her head while explaining and continues.

"Remember, that applies to me too, if he were to win the chess match, I would take an unbreakable vow too, so if I failed to do something that he would demand of me, well I would die, by my own mistake, not his, so he wouldn't be a killer either. So all of this is fair... Well except for the fact that he has no chance whatsoever to beat me... But I love a good struggle" The Queen turns to Ron again after saying that.

"So, Weasel, you were right on one point that you said, I am crazy, crazy enough to deal with trash like you by any means necessary. Now, I had enough of looking at your face or wasting my time by speaking with you"

The Queen takes her wand... Oh yeah, he gave me this chance because he wanted a book. Let me reward him.

"Oh, yeah. Here's a book, take it as a participation prize for the contest between us" She floats a book to him and putting it on his head connecting it with the seize and pull charm, so it wouldn't get lost, also putting a quick secret message inside the first page.

"Oh and thanks for telling me that there is some Hufflepuff that got me a nickname, I will be sure to shout out your name to them when they deal with the Queen" The Queen cheerfully says.

"Now, bye, bye" The Queen casts multiple spells in quick succession.

'Protego' first, a strong one, to protect him from the inevitable pain he will feel.

'Wingardium Leviosa' for him to start floating.

'Carpe Retractum' She connects the magical rope on him and then the other point to the door of the Great Hall.

She floats him as far as possible for the rope to extend, making him a human slingshot.

And finally casts a strong 'Flipendo' to make the force more powerful.

And like a bullet Ron Weasley flies to the entrance and blasts through the door into a wall. The multitude of charms, speed, and force knocks him out.

He will be waking up in Madam Pomfrey's office with pain all over his body. But no lasting damage.

The Queen sees Professor McGonagall walking through the entrance, she seems pissed. So she instantly starts her acting.

She magically writes a note and sends it to Hermione. Walks closer to Harry and whispers the command 'Silence' loud enough, effectively shutting him up from speaking and casting an 'Immobulus' on him, so he couldn't move his head.

"What is going on here?" McGonagall looks around the Royal booth, sees the sign of selling books, she will have to bring this up with Dumbledore, but for now, she wants to know why is there a student, especially one from her house, knocked out and blasting through the door. She looks at the most likely target, she already heard all kinds of crazy things just from her being here for a day, a hazard of all sorts of trouble.

The Queen, McGonagall looks at her, seeing her looking back, those blood eyes, she is a little bit perturbed by them, and then there is the note she received from her yesterday. She shakes her head a little and continues loudly.

"Care to explain to me? Why is there an unconscious student outside the Great Hall?"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall. As you see" The Queen points around the place "I am selling the book about my family, that I gave away for free to a few people yesterday. I thought why not sell it and get money. So I am doing just that. And so, Ron Weasley came in, demanding a free book, because I presumable, gave his away to Hermione. He got advice from Hermione, that that's not things work. But he didn't listen. So I told him, if he can beat me in a duel, he will get a book for free and if he doesn't, he will have to buy it. And so, he agreed. So we did it and he lost, he's knocked out, he wasn't ready for what I can do. You can even ask his friends, they saw and heard it all happen"

The Queen points to Hermione and Harry, McGonagall turns to them.

"Is that true Mr. Potter, Ms. Granger?"

Harry being unable to do or say anything, can't help his friend by refusing and saying what actually happened. So now he waits for Hermione to out the Queen on her lies.

Hermione, however, does the exact opposite.

"Yes, Professor, everything Luna Crimson is saying, is the truth"

Professor McGonagall looks at Hermione, knowing that the girl doesn't typically lie, especially to teachers. So she nods and turns to the Queen.

"I will believe you for now, but when Mr. Weasley wakes up, I will be hearing his side of the story. Until then, I will let this matter go"

"I understand, Professor McGonagall"

Professor McGonagall nods and starts walking away, but before she leaves, she hears the Queen shouting after her.

"See you in Transfiguration class on monday, Professor" And with that, Professor McGonagall is gone and helping Weasley to get to Pomfrey.

The Queen turns around to Hermione and grinning at her.

"The Brightest witch of her age, lying to a Professor. What has the world come to" She says shaking her head exaggeratedly.

Hermione rolls her eyes and smiles. She feels guilty for lying, but she also feels good, she feels thrills from doing it... Contradicting emotions, she will have to think about them later.

She looks at the note she received from the Queen, again.

'Help me lie my way through this and I will tell you something really interesting about my book that nobody else knows'

And she did it... Was it worth it? She doesn't know yet. But she doesn't regret doing any of what she did today. She actually felt great for Ron getting blasted from the Great Hall, she got annoyed by him not listening to her, but the whole game could've been avoided, if he had just listened, so she feels both pity and exasperation.

The Queen releases Harry from her spells, Harry realizing he can finally move, tries to say something to the Queen... But he stops himself, he doesn't want more problems coming from her, she already got 3 of the Weasleys in a death game... 4 if he counts Ginny, he doesn't know what's their deal, he will figure that one out later. So he turns around and starts walking away, glancing at Hermione, seeing her shake her head at him. So he leaves alone, to go to Madam Pomfrey to see if Ron is well.

The Queen saw that there's not much time left because of the weasel. Starts her bonus attraction.

"Okay, the selling of my book is done for now, for those that don't have enough to buy one or have nobody to ask. You will have a chance to win it for free. Your challenge? To get Lady Lovegood's approval in any way you can imagine, if she allows you to get a book, you will get it, if not? Well, tough luck"

She says this and starts moving back to her throne, before that though, she makes one more, a 4th throne, at the back, behind the 3 others, on a pedestal so that it could be seen. Closest to the left is one that Ginny's sitting at.

This one looks the same as the others. But at the top arch, There's a big open book, with writing moving as if it was read, above it light shining from a lantern, a magic skeletal hand coming from the middle of the book, it holding a rapier that's piercing through a smaller book.

The Queen holds out her hand for Hermione to take it, who doesn't fight it for long and puts her own hand on the Queens'. The Queen leads her to the newly made throne and sits Hermione on it. She nods in approval at the sight. And moves back to her own throne. Hermione is slightly overwhelmed by everything, but she finds yet another note in her hand, the same had that the Queen held.

Hermione starts realizing a few things that the Queen loves... Games, no matter how crazy they are, extravagant spectacles like these thrones and letting her read the book for everybody. Herself. obviously... And then sending/leaving notes, it must be her favorite activity to do.

She opens and reads it. 'Sit on the throne that's worthy of you and wait for this to finish, then I will give you the information I promised, besides you can talk with Ginny while you wait if you're not interested in what will be happening with Luna. Oh and you're getting a wardrobe change, no refusals accepted' She shakes her head, looks at the other thrones and sees the emblems that were on their back, then looks at the one on her throne... She likes it, but she is wondering what's up with the small book being impaled.

"Okay, those that were going to buy it, you can start leaving, there's nothing else here for you. The ones that are staying to try their luck on Lady Lovegood's challenge. Go ahead" The Queen says by clapping softly.

~ End of Chapter 12 ~

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