Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Chapter 16

~ Fake? Prophecies ~

Luna Lovegood already sits in the Divination classroom, waiting for the Queen to show up.

And she doesn't have to wait for long, for the Queen shows up, but this time, she's super excited.

"Hey, Luna, how was class? Which creature was the topic?" The Queen asks quickly.

"Hi, Lun, what happened? Why are you so... Jumpy?"

"Later, I want to hear how your class went first"

"Mhm, not bad, we got to see a lot of Flobberworm"

"So fun..." The Queen deadpans.

"It's only the second class, I am sure, that there will be more exciting lessons in the future"

"Right... Well when that happens, tell me about them, but I don't want to listen about ugly worms"

"Hey, they are cu- Okay, I can't say that" Luna stops herself from continuing.

"Thought so"

"So, why were you so excited?"

"Oh, yeah, Muggle studies is the best subject, hands down, I am so glad that I took that class. Can't wait for the next one"

Luna stares at the Queen's happy face "It's kinda... strange seeing you so happy"

"I know, right? The fact that there is a class in this school that doesn't bore me is a miracle"

"Mhm, so what happened?"

"Oh, just you wait, I got myself some goodies"

The Queen rummages through her charmed bag and pulls out two rotary dials, already have been shrunk down to be able to be held in one hand, without much trouble. She shows them off to her Moon.

"What is that?"

"The amazing invention from the Muggle world. It's called a 'Rotary Dial', this little thing... Well it was bigger, but I made it small, but that's beside the point, this baby, can and will replace owls for me, I will re-create several of these and give out them to people I want to have them and obviously, the first one will be yours, it's a lousy first gift... But, it's something"

"Thank you, I will gladly accept it. But I'd like to know what it does and what do you mean about it replacing owls?"

"Oh, just you wait, so seeing as the class hasn't started yet, I will leave the room for a minute. Put your hand on the 'Receiver' it's that odd-shaped stick and wait until you feel a vibration, then pick it up and put it to your ear"

Lovegood just nods, understanding all the instructions.

The Queen quickly runs out of the room, almost hitting a student or two, but she expertly and without much trouble evades them, leaving the few students in awe at her flexibility.

Meanwhile, in the classroom Luna looks all over the miniaturized device curiously, while looking at it, she feels the vibration and does as the Queen instructed, she picks the receiver up and puts it to her ear. And waits for something to happen.

"Hello, again, Moon, can you hear me?"

Luna pauses, takes the receiver away from her ear, looks at it, and puts it back on her ear.


"Sweet, I knew it would work, anyway, I think this explains how it will replace owls for me, right?"

"Indeed... But what's the range of this thing?"

"Um..." Luna hears the Queen not answering.

"You don't know, do you?"

"Nope, not at all, but with magic and patience, I imagine I can make it reach quite far away. In fact, I will try it out with my elf, she will teleport multiple locations, to see if I can still reach her"

"You have an elf?"

"Well, of course, I do, they are awesome and a big help, especially for a Queen that needs her relaxation time"

"Of course"

"Anyways, you can put the receiver down in the same spot as it was, I am coming back"

"Mhm, bye!"

"Heh, bye"

Lovegood puts the receiver in its place, then looks around the classroom, only to see that most of the students are looking at her with weirded-out gazes, but it's nothing new for her.

She, however, gets startled because of the sudden way that the arm of the Queen went around her shoulders again and how did she return so fast?

"What are you all looking at? Mind your own business, before I show you something really worth to gawk at" The Queen says loudly, making everybody look away from them, embarrassed at being caught, but also fearful, because, for them, the Queen appeared out of nowhere. And the tone doesn't help.

The Queen casts 'Muffliato' again, she forgot to do it, to begin with, that's the last time she makes that mistake.

"I knew that something like this will happen, I should've told you to leave the room, instead of me doing it... I ran back as fast as I could to get here"

"How fast can you run?" Luna asks dreamily.

"Hm... Your pretty little head doesn't need to know just yet"

"It's one of your family spells again, right?"

"Damn it... You got me"

Luna lightly shakes her head "Thank you" but doesn't forget to show her gratitude.

"No problem"

The Queen sits down again, takes the rotary dial she had in her arm, and puts it back in her bag.

"You can keep the second one, it's yours already anyways"


"Oh, and how is your memory?"


"Great, then here, this is the number that you will have to 'dial' in that circle there, for you to call me, remember it and I guess burn the paper, I don't want anybody else seeing it, it's just for you... Not that anybody would use these muggle things because they're so scaaaary, waaaah!"

Luna giggles lightly "Okay, I will remember it"

"Sweet, now, where is the professor?"

"She'll show up, oh and she actually, already got a prediction correct"

"Oh? Is she that amazing?"

"She's nice" Answers randomly.

"Mhm, what was the prediction?"

"That Hogwarts will get a very unique soul, both good and evil, gracing the walls of the school with its honor. And I think that may be you"

"Could be, I am the only new person around here after all. But I don't see myself as 'good' or 'evil', just as myself"

"I think that it only counts how others view you, you can think that you're 'good' but others may see you as 'evil', so to me? You're 'good' but to some others, especially the purebloods, you're 'evil, because of reasons"

"That's a very good point, well, whatever, not like I care, there can be as many prophecies about me as the world wants, but I will always prevail in the end"

"Sometimes, overconfidence might be a bad thing" Luna tries to advise the Queen.

"Mhm, but I am not overconfident, I am factual, all that I am saying is the truth if the world wants to screw me over? I will screw it over first, by ruling over it" I did once before, after all, so I will do it again, if I have to, thinks the Queen in her mind.

Luna just nods at that statement, but doesn't say anything else, the Queen isn't bothered by the lack of a response, she knows that her words may seem hard to believe and most definitely crazy talk to others, but she is not kidding, in time she could do it, but it's good for the world since she doesn't want to.

"Ah, I see the new soul has arrived, now will it bode well for the school... Or is demise inescapable?" The Queen hears a loud voice start talking. She looks towards it, to see a woman with glasses that enlarge her eyes, staring right at her.

"Only the future knows that Professor" The Queen remarks back.

"Indeed, but I already see what the future shows to me and I see... Something very terrible happening to you and those around you"

"Oh? Do tell, Professor, I enjoy listening to such things" The Queen plays along.

"Loss of utmost importance lies of a great magnitude, a verge between allies and enemies... And human blood on a sharp blade"

The classroom gets even quieter than it was from the first sentences. The Queen however only smiles wholeheartedly.

"That so? Let's see if I can decipher this... For the first one? Somebody, that I care for, dying, perhaps? I actually can't think of anything for the second one. I am quite an honest person. The third one? A choice in one moment, that can jeopardize friendship between somebody and me. Oh, and the last one is my favorite and the easiest to figure out. I will have to kill somebody again, neat"

"You're... Almost right... But there's something else... something more sinister... This is terrible"

"Oh, got something else for me?"

"You... Will be the very reason that somebody you hold dear, perish, it will be your fault and nobody else's, but you will take that anger on somebody else that... should not deserve it"

The Queen's jovial mood changes into a serious one, once she hears that.

"Is there anything else?" She asks.

"Sorry, I don't want to look at you further, I fear what my mind will have to go through, your future is completely dark, somebody will die this year, multiple people, student, and adult alike, that is all I can say"

"Understandable, thank you, Professor... It has helped me already" The Queen says mysteriously.

Professor Trelawney nods and continues her class with the creeped out students, sometimes screaming predictions at them, but nothing even comes close to what the Queen was told.

The Queen is silent and zoned out during the whole class, thinking about a lot of things. Luna looks at her worried. She takes a small piece of paper and writes something. She sends it to the Queen.

The Queen saw a paper show up in her eye view, takes it in her hands, unrolls it, and reads it, she lightly smiles and writes back, then sends it back to her Moon.

'No need to worry, this isn't affecting me as much as you think, but it has got me thinking about how I could be the reason for somebody's death, I just don't see that happening'

Luna reads it, writes again, and sends it back.

'Professor Trewlaneys predictions are most of the time not real, they rarely come true, so don't take it to the heart'

The Queen turns to face Luna and nods, smiling. But once she turns back, her smile disappears. This is way too specific to be just a guess, she thinks.

And like that the class ends, with the Queen not speaking a single word during the class and Luna sometimes sending notes to her, that always got a response, but they were lack-luster.

The Queen and Luna leave the divination classroom in silence, the Queen still mulling over details, trying to think about multiple things. Luna seeing that gets an idea.

She takes the rotary dial which she got from the Queen and clumsily types the numbers that she has already memorized.

The Queen feels a vibration coming from her bag, she looks at it, takes out the rotary dial, looks back at her Moon, only to see her pointing at the receiver, she wants her to pick up. So she does.

"Don't worry about it, nothing bad will happen, and if it will? Leave it for the future Lun to deal with, right now, enjoy yourself" And just like that Luna cancels the call by putting the receiver down and just keeps walking to the Great Hall for the dinner.

The Queen stuck in place because of the actions of Luna, finally shakes her head and grins at the end of it. She catches up with Luna.

"Thank you, I needed that"

"My pleasure to be of help"

The Queen nods puts her hand out for Luna to take, which she does. The Queen stops in place, making Luna slightly confused.

"Why'd we stop?"

"So... You asked how fast I can go..."

"Wait... You don't mea-" Moon doesn't get to finish, because the very next moment she hears the Queen saying the ridiculous-sounding incantation 'Schnimbleriti' and they zoom past every single student and appear at the entrance of the Great Hall in seconds.

Luna stumbles after what just happened, but she doesn't fall to the ground, because she was held by the Queen.

"T-that..." Luna panting slightly starts to say something.

"Hm... What is it?" The Queen inquires

"Don't... Don't do that again" Luna straightens up, finally getting out the sentence she wanted to say.

"Come on, that was fun" The Queen actually pouts.

"Yeah... For you" Luna walks to the Great Hall doors and opens them while commenting "By the way, that incantation doesn't fit you" 

"I know, right?" The Queen wholeheartedly agrees, while following.


~ End of Chapter 16 ~

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