Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Chapter 18

~ Ze trio assembled! ~

"So, that was nice, got ourselves some decent food, you introduced to each other... Oh and what else happened?"

The Queen looks at her Moon and the Veela with a raised eyebrow, hoping at least one of them will finish. not receiving what she wanted, she tries again.

"I said, what else happened?"

"You received a massive ego boost?" Fleur answers.

"Corre- Wait, no... I mean, yeah that is also true, but that's not... Eh, whatever, it's old news already, even if it just happened minutes ago..." The Queen mumbles.

"Well, I think that Ravenclaw has a great chance at the house cup this year and it's mostly thanks to you" Luna adds, making the Queen go back to her normal state.

"Well, of course, ain't no chance of losing than you've got the Queen on your side, so Ravenclaw has this in the bag"

Luna just smiles dreamily, Fleur looked incredulously at the shameless person in front of her.

"Ze day is almost over, so I zink I am going to go back to ze Carriage to rest" Fleur adds.

"Oh, no, no, missy, you ain't going nowhere" The Queen interjects.

"Pardon?" Fleur asks confused.

"You're pardoned," The Queen says slightly grinning.

"Zat... I guess I jumped right into that one"

'Yes, yes you did"

"So, what did you mean?"

"Simple, you know how I said three days for Madam Maxime to decide for you to stay with me? Yeah, well that's too long of a wait, you're coming back with me and Luna to our room for the night, we will have a sleepover... Well we will be talking mostly, lots of talking, need to get to know each other better"


"No buts, if it's going to happen eventually, then why delay it any longer? If Madam Maxime will try to say something, I'll handle it"

"But it's yours and Luna's room"

"I said no buts... Moon, what do you think, do we have room for a beautiful french lady?"

"Sure, there's plenty, the other two roommates practically sleep with others, sometimes, they come to take something that they need, I am most of the time by myself"

The Queen's blood boils for a few moments, before she calms down, with her around, her Moon won't be receiving any more bullying, that's for damn sure.

"See, Fleur? Both of us Lunas are in conjunction about letting you stay there, the more the merrier, so let's go" The Queen turns around and just continues walking, not waiting for an answer.

"Is she always like zis?" Delacour asks Lovegood who was left behind with her.

"I only know her for a day... But I think that the answer is a yes"

"A day? And you already talk like you knew each ozer for a long time"

"She's quite... a character"

"Zat she is... Well zank you for inviting me to a sleepover wiz you"

"Mhm" Luna nods and the left behind duo, resume walking and follow the Queen who's far ahead

The trio made it their way to the room where the two Lunas and two absent random extras live, soon those extras will be cut out and a Delacour will settle in, just a few days for that to happen.

The Queen opens up the door with magic before she even got close to it and just stepped right in, keeping the door open for the other two. As soon as they got in, she closed it and locked it, also put a charm on it, plus cast a 'Muffliato' around the whole room. Now... They can be as loud as they want to, like this there will be no possibility of distractions, because, ain't nobody got time for that.

Fleur looks impressed with the display of skill from the Queen, while Luna only goes and sits down on her bed, already used to the insane gap in the Queen's expertise, even if it has been just one day.

"Now, girls, shall we start? Uh... what do people do on sleepovers, exactly?"

Both Luna and Fleur blink slightly at the Queen's question.

"Zey sleep over?" Fleur says not knowing the subject all that well herself.

"Ah, good point... But there's no way we are going to sleep so soon, we have no classes tomorrow, nor is my practice session tonight"

"Why don't we just start with some questions, isn't that what we invited Fleur for?"

"Great idea, well, go ahead, who wants to start?"

"I can," Fleur says, finally having taken a seat near Luna on her bed because she didn't really feel like sitting further away on a chair.

"Go ahead"

"Zat no-maj device, I want to 'ear more about it," Fleur says looking at Luna.

"Okay, well it's called a rotary dial, and with it, you can have long-distance conversations with somebody" Answers Luna.

"Like owls?"

"It's way quicker and it's nice to hear the voice of somebody instead of reading, yes you can send a howler to somebody, but it's still slower, besides those things are quite unrefined if I do say so myself," Says the Queen.

"It's zat good? can I try?" Fleur asks intrigued.

"Well, of course, I was about to give you one anyway, so we could talk at any time we want since Beaxubatons doesn't have any classes, I think... We can't really meet up all that often" The Queen pulls another copy out of her bag and she also pulled another bag from her bag, bags everywhere and for everyone.

"Here's the device, Luna can teach you and you can try it with her and this bag is charmed and can hold a lot of things inside of it, showing a number of how many items you have inside. Now try that rotary dial... However, we need a new name for it before you try, it's too long and doesn't sound as nice as I'd like, suggestions?"

Fleur and Luna shake their heads "Hmm... Soundbox?" The Queen says after a while.

"No..." Answers back Luna.

"Come on, it's appropriate"

"It is, but it just doesn't sound great"

"I think it sounds nice"

"You aren't the best when it comes to naming things, are you, Lun?" Asks Luna

"Of course not... I have that job done by others" Deadpans the Queen.

"Wow," Comments Fleur.

The Queen claps three times and a house elf appears in front of the three girls. A female elf to be exact, dressed in expensive clothes that you'd see Malfoys wear.


"Etera, give me a name for this thing"

Etera looks at the device in the Queen's hands for a moment "What is it originally called?" She asks.

"Rotary Dial and also Rotary Phone" Answers the Queen.

"Its function?"

"The ability to converse with others that have the same device in long distances, practically instantly"

"Why do you want to rename it?"

"It's too long to say 'rotary dial' all the time"

"Miss... If that's the case, just remove the' rotary' part and call it a dial, or a phone"

"Oh..." The Queen looks back at the device in her hand... "No... It's too boring, I will call it Magiphone"

Etera looks at the Queen, then simply nods, not giving her opinion.

The Queen looks back at the two other girls, who were looking at the Elf interested, neither of them has seen an elf that acts like... a friend? And is also dressed as fancy as purebloods.

"What do you two think about it?"

Luna and Fleur both shake their heads.

"Why not?"

"You added 'magic' to 'phone' and zat's it" Fleur answers the Queen.

"But... Etera, you like it, right?" The Queen turns her attention back at her elf

"Miss, it's horrible" The elf deadpans.

"Oh god damn it" The Queen falls back to her bed, releasing the phone, it falling on the bed as well.



"Could you bring some refreshments for us?"

"I would, Miss, but there's somebody I want to talk to, so I'd rather not"

The Queen instantly pops out of the bed and looks at her Elf.

"Oh, you already found somebody interesting? What's her name?"

"Winky" Etera answers without a pause at the sudden question.

Fleur and Luna look back and forth between the two.


The Queen turns to look at her Moon.


"What was the process of you choosing an elf?"

"Oh, simple. I just went around asking every single free female elf... And already owned one, if they like female elves more than male ones. It took a while, but I succeeded"

"You chose an elf for ze sole reason of 'er liking the same gender just like you?" Fleur asks befuddled.

"Yes, nothing else really mattered, I barely need help in doing things, the small things she does, like bringing me tea, something to snack on while I read, or just be there when I train if something goes wrong, is everything that Etera does... Besides that? We just talk with each other"

"Zat's... Great, I am glad for you" Fleur says, the Queen nodding and turning her attention back to her silent elf.

"So, tell me about this Winky," The Queen asks Etera.

Meanwhile, Fleur quickly moves closer to Luna and her ear to whisper "The Queen is... Quite childish"

"Well, she is only 13" Luna answers, whispering back.

"Yes, but, ze way she acted before, or yesterday to 'ow she is right now, it's like I am seeing two different people" Delacour whispers again.

"She certainly can be seen like that, but I think it's a good thing, at least it's not always too serious around her"

"I guess, I can see that" Fleur whispers lastly and moves away from Luna, back to her previous position.

"She's interesting, but also sad to look at, she is depressed because she was freed from working under somebody and drinks quite a lot because of it" Etera answers the Queen.

"Oooh, so you'd like to help her, hmm?"

"Yes, Miss"

"Hmm... So she is sad because she's freed?"

"There's more to it, but that's as much as I could figure out because of her drunk mumbles, I don't dare ask for the whole story, we've barely started talking, she's quite closed off"

"Well, good luck with that, when you get on better terms, why don't you offer her to work for me, alongside you, that way, not only will you two have more time to spend together, but she will have somebody to work for"

"I don't know if that will work as well as you think Miss, but I will try"

"Okay, you can go now, there's no need for refreshments, your mission is to get yourself a girlfriend"

"Of course, Miss. But that's not everything, now is it?" Etera asks looking back at the Queen.

"Haha, of course not, you know me so well. So, here's the game. The first one to get an official girlfriend, who'd kiss them and proudly call themselves your girlfriend, wins, there are no prizes, because having a girlfriend is already one. The loser? I'll think about it in the future"

"You're on, Miss. I will win this and tie our score"

"Ha, dream on"

"We'll see," Etera says and disappears.

"You just made a game with an elf, on who gets to be romantically involved with a girl, first? Zat's something I never expected to see in my entire life" Fleur comments confused by the whole situation.

"I am glad to show you something new"

"Mhm," Fleur nods.

"Say, Lun, what's the score between the two of you?" Luna asks interested.

"9-10 In my favor"

"That's a lot, how'd she win 9 times?"

"Oh, by winning"

Luna looks at the Queen's smug face, then looks to the side dreamily.

"Hehe, sorry for that, anyway, she just got me beat in certain things. You see we choose the games each, one by one. She started it at 1, so she gets odd numbers, while I get even ones and this one is the 20th. So one time, when she was behind two points, she chose a category I couldn't hope to be the victor of and that was getting from one place to another the fastest... I lost before I could even blink... So, some of the games might be completely unfair to the other"

"Oh, zat actually sounds fun, but 'ow many times do you do unfair games like zat? I don't zink zat would make for a good time for ze ozer competitor" Fleur asks.

"Sometimes, I think we had about 5 in total, it's mostly been used when somebody is behind two points or so. I did it 2 times, while Etera did it 3 times. But mostly the games are fair, or as fair as they can be. But I think this one, might be just the most interesting thing we have done so far"

"So do you think you can win?" Luna questions the Queen.

"Of course, you only have lost at something, once you lose. So anything can happen in the meanwhile. But I feel pretty good for this one. This is one of the rare situations where the odds are stacked against both of us at the same time"

"Because you 'ave chosen multiple girls to go for... Including me, while Etera 'as only one insight. So for both of you, it's a good zing and bad at ze same time" Fleur comments understanding the Queen's thoughts.


There's a brief silence before Fleur remembers a detail the Queen threw out.

"What did you mean by tonight not being your training day?"

"Oh, if you'd look at Luna's neck for a moment, you'd see the Rapier I had on me yesterday during the speech. I practice with it every other day. So I will do it tomorrow"

"Its craftsmanship looked quite good from the small time I've seen it"

"Indeed it is. But now that you've reminded of something, we need to talk about it"

"Zat is?"

"You see, I will be training Luna here, how to fence, so she suggested that we include you, it was for a ridiculous reason, that I am sure you can think of"

"Because I am french?"


"And? You want me to join if I understand it correctly"

"Also yep"

"'Mmm... Sure, it could perhaps help me for ze Triwizard tournament, maybe zeere will be something that I'd need the experience for"

"Sweet, we'll do it a few hours on weekends and half an hour during school days, is that fine with both of you?"

Both Fleur and Luna nod.

"And if you're joining the tournament, I will be rooting for you, hope you win" The Queen says to Fleur.

"Should you not root for 'ogwarts?"

"Nope, not a tall, I can root for whoever I want to, so I chose you"

"Mhm... Zank you zen" The Queen nods at Delacour.

"Great, now we need something else to discuss"

"No," Luna says already knowing where this is going.

"Our trio's name" The Queen ignores her Moon's rejection.

"Our what now?" Fleur asks.

"Well, Hogwarts has something called a 'Golden trio', So I will be stealing the formula and here we are, three of us, training with rapiers, which is yet to happen, hanging out and just outright better than others, we have to have our own name"

"Is zat necessary?"

"Yes," The Queen simply answers.

"So, Lun, did you think of any other names during the day?" Luna asks, having given up on the topic and just going along with it now.

"Some, but none of them were as good as 'Team Three Star'"

"I do have to agree, but for some reason, that name just feels wrong, it's like we can't be called that... It might be cursed" Luna says.

"Yeah, you're right, it always feels weird when I say it out loud"

"I don't mind such a zing, it's more for fun anyways," Fleur says, before continuing "But I see zat you two talked about zis before, what were the previous options?"

"The Radiant Three, The Luminescence Trio, The Brilliance Trinity and..."

"Don't say it" Luna says quickly.

The Queen looks at her Moon confused "And The Light Threesome"

Luna only sighs at that.

"Okay, ze last one... I agree with Luna, you could 'ave skipped it"

"Why?" The Queen asks.

"Do you... Never mind, let's continue" Luna says.

"Oh, is it that it has undertones of sexual intercourse?"

The Queen looks at her Moon after she asked that, understanding that's exactly what it is.

"What's the problem with it? If everything goes according to how I imagine, we will be having those in the future anyways"

Both Fleur and Luna choke on their saliva. Jesus Christ.

"Uhhh... I like the Radiant zree one ze best" Fleur hops over that topic real quick.

"Hmm... I do like it too, but the 'Three' doesn't sound as nice when you combine with Radiant" The Queen answers back.

"What about 'trio' alongside it?" Luna also asks, trying to forget the Queen's previous statement.

"I want to dodge using 'trio' in our name if possible because I don't want to have the same word for our name like the golden trio has"

"But ze Luminesence has it" Fleur comments.

"Yes, that's why I don't like it"

"I also noticed zat all of the names 'ave ze same zeme (Theme), is that necessary?"

"Not... really? But I just like it, two of us have the name Luna, that's associated with the moon and I call Luna, my Moon. So I thought it'd be fitting"

"Perhaps, but I don't think that's needed," Says Luna.

"Hmm... Hmm..." The Queen with her head on her palm starts racking her brain for a better name...

"Ah, I got it, I can't believe that I didn't even think of it"

"What is it?" Fleur asks.

"This name, it's simple, fits all of us, sounds nice and it doesn't have anything to do with a moon"

"well?" Luna questions.

"Just... The Royal Three"

Fleur and Luna look at each other and think for a bit.

"It's simple, right?" The Queen asks them.

"It definitely is" Fleur adds.

"Too simple for you even, but I think, that you actually got it. I like it" Luna answers.

"I do too," Delacour says.

"Sweet" The Queen points her wands at her clothes. And adds it right below her name. So now it reads.

'Luna Crimson, The Queen and part of The Royal Three'

The Queen shows it off to the other two and asks them "Can I do the same to your clothes?"

"Of course," Luna says immediately. The Queen does the same to her Moon. It now reading.

'Luna Lovegood, part of The Royal Three'

Luna looks at it for a moment, then smiles and nods in approval so does the Queen.

The Queen then looks at Fleur, who's silently thinking, then meets the Queen's gaze.

"Okay, but don't change ze actual clothes... Not zat it would change much, because zey look almost identical"

"Hehe, yes, I based it on them, it's a tad bit different, oh and we don't have hats that I saw yesterday. You know, it wouldn't go great with a crown that I have on my head... But now that I think about it... I could put the crown on the hat... hmm"

"No," Luna says again.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, it would look too wonky even for me... Ahem, anyways"

The Queen points her wand at Fleur and does her thing. And right in the middle, in clear and glowing dark blue letters, Fleur sees her name.

'Fleur Delacour, part of The Royal Three'

"It looks great" Luna comments looking at Fleur.

"Zank you, I could say the same for you," Fleur says back.

"And now, we will be known as The Royal Three" The Queen finally says.

There's a brief silence before it gets broken by Fleur again.

"So... When can I try out ze magiphone?"

"Oh... Oops, distractions everywhere, you can do it now" The Queen says remembering before she realizes "Hey, you called it by my name"

"Eh... Yeah, it seems I did"

"I knew it, it's perfect, so it shall officially be called a 'Magiphone' from now on" The Queen bellows out.

Fleur and Luna look at each other again and just shake their head in unison.

~ End of Chapter 18 ~

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