Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Chapter 22

Quick A/N: I took a break last weak... That's the reason why there were no chapters, that's all. 

~ Hospital Shenaniganza, part 1 ~

"What was that one question which you wanted to ask, Ms. Crimson?" Inquires McGonagall, still in the lead.

"Well, I am wondering why we're walking to the hospital wing. Professor, are you hurt?"

McGonagall keeps walking without pause and doesn't answer such a stupid question.

"Hmm... Silence, then it seems I was wrong... Wait, then am I hurt?"

The professor is forced to stop moving for a quick moment from even a stupider question, resuming her walking right after.

Hermione who's right next to the Queen also looks at her weirdly.

"Ah, not right either... Then is one of my people hurt? Is it perhaps Luna Lovegood?"

Minerva doesn't stop moving, but she finally answers "No" Which prompts the Queen to fake loud thinking noises.

"Also wrong... Huh... Then if you'd be so kind, oh so amazing Professor... Tell me why am I wasting my preciously valuable time going to the hospital wing? When nobody is hurt. Because I can tell you, I'd rather do anything else right now, time is precious and this isn't worth even a fraction of my attention"

This actually causes McGonagall to stop walking and turn around to face the Queen, who's looking back at her stern gaze with as much calm in her gaze as Dumbledore. No other student would be capable to do anything like that, Minerva would give the girl that, but there's also nobody else, that is quite so irritating so that cancels out the compliment.

"Nobody is hurt? If that were true, then neither I or you be here right now, isn't that right, Ms. Crimson?"

"Hmm... I don't understand"

"Fine, we are close to the hospital wing, but I'll tell you. It's about one Mr. Malfoy"

"Yeah, I was right, after all, nobody is hurt, it's a waste of my time"

"That is factually incorrect, young lady, because Draco Malfoy can barely stand up and he and his croni- Ahem, friends, all say that it was you who attacked them"

"And I am telling you, that nobody is hurt because this 'Draco Malfoy' is an absolute nothing, even the word nothing is something more than him, do you understand?"

"Okay, I had enough, let's continue" McGonagall says and continues walking, not caring about what the Queen has to say, but not before doing something that the Queen honestly didn't think would happen to her "Oh, and 25 points from Ravenclaw, for disrespecting a professor"

Hermione is just watching this whole scenario with speechless bewilderment, none of this makes any sense, yes she already figured that the Luna Crimson is an interesting and ridiculous individual, but arguing with Professor McGonagall, calling a person 'nothing', even if it is Draco,

"Disrespecting a professor, you say? And now I have a lot of new questions"

"Yeah? Well, unfortunately, points removed stay that way, so none of your questions will matter"

"That is fine, I can make up fivefold the points in a single day if I feel like it, yes, it was quite shocking to actually lose some, but there's a first for everything. In fact, I won't try to get any more points until you give me them yourself, on Monday, in my first transfiguration class"

"That won't happen"

"Is that right?"

"It is, because, unlike Filius who got easily tricked into taking a deal, Alastor who took the deal without caring about the rules, Charity who gave you points for enthusiasm and unique thinking in her class, Snape having an actual decent first impression of a student, whatever that means, I don't even want to know. And Albus, whom you apparently know quite well, which makes no sense, as you're still a child, I don't see why he'd communicate with you as if you knew each other for years when he knows Potter since he was a baby and he doesn't do that even with him"

"What? What is this about Harry and Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione cuts off McGonagall out of the surprising information she just got.

McGonagall blinks "I said something I should've not said... A matter for later, My point is, Ms. Crimson, I am not easily tricked, I don't disregard rules all that often, I am not as charitable as Charity, we don't know each other personally and my first impression isn't all that great. So? Forget any deals and games happening, forget coercing me into giving you points, none of that will happen, I give points to students that impress me or if they deserve it. And because I already know that you're way above the average level of a young student, probably even higher than the 7th years that we have, which is yet another mystery I will have to talk with Albus about, nothing that you will do will impress me, you may say that it's favoritism, that I would give it to your classmates, but not you, but that's wrong. I see it as an encouragement to all of the students. If I give you points for something that you can do easily, while others struggle, that could incentivize them to stop trying or get frustrated. A good example actually happened just yesterday. Mr. Longbottom, surprised me with his display, I was impressed, yes it was with your instructions, but still, he performed excellently, but if you were in his spot during that 'game', you would've easily succeeded, with or without the instructions, most likely you would've done something else entirely. And I just couldn't give points for that, maybe once, but not over and over and over again, so, whatever you think is going to happen, won't. I don't see myself giving you any points, because frankly, you don't deserve them, the points are there for students to strive for, it's an achievement, to try and get the house cup, but you made it a joke with your games, deals and blatant disrespect to it, in my eyes, that's only deserving of point removal, not them being given away like... I'll use one of your phrases, like absolute nothing"

"Quite a speech, Professor, I would applaud, but you see, everything you said was correct, but one little thing. I am way above everybody in this school. my powers may look impressive to amateurs, but to professionals, like yourself, it's just another day, so not receiving points for that is completely fine by my standards. And frankly, the cup IS a game, and those are supposed to be enjoyed, not by everybody, because losing is hardly ever fun, so there's no point stressing over such a small thing, it won't matter in life after Hogwarts anyways. Hell, there's even a 'record' for the points and I beat it, if that's not a game thing, then I have no idea what a game is. And it's a boring game, that's why I disrespect it, it's too long and too tedious, there's barely any fun in it, so I had to and will continue to try and make it enjoyable for myself. But anyway, none of that matters. It's the little thing that you got wrong that does. You're wrong about you ever not giving me any points"

"How am I wrong about that?"

"Oh, I am glad you asked. I guarantee that I will get points from you this year... No, not even, three months, in that time, it will happen. Let me tell you one thing about myself. I am a Queen, I am perfect and I will never lose to anybody, when it actually matters, no matter what. Games don't count, because those are meant for fun and this is serious. So, dear Professor, this is a challenge, in these three months you will give me points, if not, I will become your teaching assistant, poster girl, maid, chef, whatever, basically, I'd be your house-elf for my entire life. I will win at all costs, do you understand? You and others may think that I am crazy, that it's impossible, that it's a stupid illusion, that it's unreal. Well, I agree with only one of those, I am crazy, crazy enough to make impossible, possible, shattering illusions and making unreal realities become reality. I can do anything I want and nobody will stop me, not students, not teachers, not dark wizards, not god, and not even death. But even so when I am crazy like this, I still know that there are times that require a call for surrender... But this? Little Minerva, ain't one of those times. It ain't even up for the debate. And you may try and refuse the 'challenge', but unlike love, starting a fight with somebody doesn't take two people, you can start it alone and you can finish it alone, you have no way around it"

Both Minerva and Hermione are staring at the girl shocked, not being able to utter a single word. But McGonagall is the first one to snap out of it.

"I would never accept anything like that, this for the 'whole' life nonsense is ridiculous"

"You don't need to accept it, I already said why"

"Well then, I could simply give you one point right now and that'd be it"

"That would certainly do it, but it wouldn't be... satisfying, it would not prove anything, except that the esteemed Professor who said that she'd never give a student any points immediately would've broken that 'promise' and it was so passionate sounding too"

"Oh-ho? So you want a challenge, isn't it redundant to think that you can do something that you have no say in? It'd be unethical of me, but couldn't I just ignore you for those three months and that'd be it?"

"Doesn't matter, ignore me, charm me, hex me, try to kill me, leave the school for three months, hire the protection or Aurors, none of what you might think of doing matter, I could bet my own life, that's how serious I am, there's no escaping me"

"But, why... Why are you so serious about it?"

"Because I never lose to anybody when it matters"

"Why does this 'little' thing matter?"

"It does... To me, more than you or anybody else could ever know. And that's all you need to know"

"Fine, I accept your challenge, but this 'penalty', 'punishment', or whatever you call it, it has to go"


"Otherwise, I am giving you one point right now, I'd rather be called, I don't know... a scared chicken? For doing it, than what you have planned if you'd fail"

"Hmm... It can't fully go away, but it can go down a level or two"

"Your persistence is quite irritating"

"That's a compliment for me"

"Fine, but I will pick it because your ones are... It's not even too extreme, they are just crazy"

"In my eyes they are harmless"

"Right, because you're so confident that you'll never lose"

"That and because I wouldn't regret it if somebody appears that can beat me, good for them, they actually deserve it, so I'd just live with whatever it is that I said because that'd be my place. But something like that will never happen"

"Okay, whatever you say, since you mentioned a teaching assistant, if you'll lose, you'll be one, for this year, after the three months mark, that'd be less than one, but that's the penalty"

"Weak and boring... But okay, that's fine"

"Good, now, can we continue? We've kept the people in the hospital wing waiting long enough"

Hermione can finally relax, sensing that the mood has returned to... somewhat normal, that was intense and it just happened out of nowhere... But what did Lun mean when she said 'more than you'd ever know'... Maybe someday she'll know.

"Okay, but I mentioned that there are more questions that I had... And these are more interesting to me"

"Well, we have about two minutes until we make it there, so I think I have time for one question, so choose one from the 'lot' that you have"

"Okay, then I have the perfect one. That wimp, Draco Malfoy is a Slytherin and I am a Ravenclaw, so why am I being led, interrogated, and taken points away from, by the head of the house of Gryffindor?"

"Filius doesn't know about this, because he's a heavy sleeper on the weekends. And Snape? Something about potions. And besides, I am here firstly as a Professor, secondly as a Deputy Headmistress and thirdly as a Head of Gryffindor"

"Of course. Then I am here on my to the hospital wing, firstly as a waste of time, secondly as a waste of time, and thirdly as a HUGE waste of time"

"Well, Ms. Crimson, you yourself mentioned that time is precious, then how about you stop talking and instead start moving faster so that your 'precious' time would be less wasted?"

The Queen stops moving altogether after that sentence, prompting McGonagall to turn around to look at the girl, all that she sees is an intense look, before that look changes into a smug grin and just as McGonagall's ears react to the Queen's incantation of 'Schnimbleriti', she gets passed just as easily and is left in the dust as the Queen makes inside the Hospital Room one minute ahead of time.

Minerva looks at the spot that the Queen was just in, then looks at Ms. Granger who's looking back at her awkwardly. The Professor scrunches up her nose, turns around, and resumes walking, while also muttering "50 points, I should've taken 50 points away and also add the time of summer to that year"

And so the Queen faking impatience waits for the Professor and the Gryffindor. As they round the corner, she starts dramatically tapping her leg and looking at the two with a raised eyebrow, while saying "I can't believe how long it took for you to get here"

"Right..." Minerva brushes the girl off and continues past her, taking the hold of the door's handle and opening it, once she does, she steps into the room.

Hermione follows the Professor into the room, but not before whispering to the Queen "Could you tell me more about that spell?"

The Queen nods and answers "I could even help you learn it"

Hermione smiles at that and continues in, the Queen following shortly after, she sighs along the way, now she has to deal with this idiocy... But at least it will provide her some temporary entertainment.

The Queen continues to follow the Professor, who's slowing down step by step, and both Hermione and the Queen see Draco swollen and bandaged up, while Crabbe and Goyle also have a bed of their own, but unlike Draco, they are actually unconscious, well resting, but the Queen likes to think that they are just too weak to stay awake.

"T-There she is, the crazy girl" Draco screams pointing at the Queen, who's not paying any attention to him and looking to the side, while thinking about her Moon and not giving her a heads up about coming here, now she and Fleur will have to wait. Not only is this a waste of her time, but now it's also a detriment to her peaceful time with Luna, Fleur, and Hermione... Great.

Draco's eye twitches at the blatant disrespect from the girl because of her ignoring. So he moves slightly, but immediately lets out pained groans "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, she's at fault here, she did it and without a reason, she just attacked me randomly, punish her, my friends are unconscious and I am bruised all over and not to mention my nose is broken" Draco states to the Professor and Madam Pomfrey who's standing right beside the Slytherin.

After his little speech, Draco sees complicated and thinking faces on the two elders, he subtly smirks and looks towards the Queen, only for that smirk to turn back into a frown, as the girl is still looking away while thinking if she should've just stayed in her room this morning... Perhaps watch her Moon sleep... No... Maybe try to sleep with her... Is it too soon? She's sure that Luna wouldn't mind... Should she try to ask? But staying inside would've not let her punch something... Nor would've she met Hermione by chance... Hmm...

As the Queen continues to meander around in her mind, she gets snapped out of them, by a hand on her shoulder, she looks toward the person and sees Hermione, the Queen looks at her for a moment with a raised eyebrow, in response Hermione just points to the side. And so the Queen looks to the side, only to see 3 people look at her, the Professor, the... medic woman? And then the nothing.

"Hmm? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Ms. Crimson, is everything that Mr. Malfoy said is true?" McGonagall asks.

"Huh? Yeah, sure, whatever he said, all of it is true" As the Queen finishes saying it, she sees Draco slightly pull off a smirk, she also sees the medic's eyes turn full of disappointment and she can't read the Professor's expression, as McGonagall opens her mouth to say something, the Queen cuts that intention off.

"Actually... Could you quickly repeat everything that he said, so I can really check if the details are correct"

Minerva thinks for a bit, then nods and reiterates all of the things that Draco said, while the Queen was dazing off.

"Mr. Malfoy said these following things. Early morning, after having eaten, he and his friends Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle, were walking in the halls, when they encountered you, that's when Mr. Malfoy thought of asking you a question and while you answered it, you also attacked him out of spite. Hitting him right in the nose, therefore breaking it, his friends tried to help, but they got knocked out with hexes before they could do anything, that's when you continued your onslaught on him when you got tired of hitting him and left him there in pain and bleeding. Is that everything?"

"Hmm..." The Queen thinks for a bit "No... There's something off about that story"

Draco slightly goes stiff at the Queen's words, but he quickly goes back to his acting, full of himself thinking that he has this in the bag,

"And what might that be?" Ask Madam Pomfrey.

"Wait... Ah, yes, I got it, for some reason he didn't mention that the area on his throat should have marks from my hands on it when I raised him by grabbing it and squeezing... Yeah, yeah, that's it, Draco, buddy, how could you forget such detail, did I punch you too hard that you lost some of your memory?"

"You did what?!" Shouts Pomfrey "That's horrible"

"Did something like that happen, Mr. Malfoy?" Minerva asks turning to face him.

"Uh... It's a little bit hazy because I was somewhat out of it, but yes, I think that happened, apologies for not mentioning it" The Queen has to hand it to him, that was quite smooth... But sadly, that will be the last decent 'lie' he can come up with.

"Okay... We'll talk about this later and we'll think of a punishment for Ms. Crimson later, but for now, please rest, Mr. Malfoy"

"Okay, Professor, thank you" He says, barely being able to hold himself from smirking, but he somehow succeeds.

"And you, Luna Crimson, 75 points from Rave-"

"Ah-ah-ah" The Queen stops Minerva from continuing while swinging her index finger side to side "There's no need for that... I can take punishment, why not, but if I have to take one, so does this pathetic loser, oh wait, he's a wimp, so he wouldn't even be able to handle one. Ain't that, right? You worthless blood squirting fountain"

"Eh?" Draco lets out a confused sound, what's happening?

"Luna Crimson, apologize" Madam Pomfrey states at the girl.

"Hmm... How about?... No. You see, this story that Malfoy concocted, was amazing, I couldn't believe my ears, it's was so good, the best story I've heard in my entire life... Yes, it's the best when you want to die out of boredom, it's so amazingly horrible, man, you sound worse than a dying and whimpering animal"

While McGonagall would comment on the girl's insults and language, for now, she will leave that out of it, she knew that something wasn't right, but without any 'proof', she couldn't do anything, so for now she'll play along... But she'll still do something about all of these... insults, it's too much.

"What do you mean by implying that? Ms. Crimson?" And so Minerva asks.

"Well you see, it's simple, in that whole story, were quite a few of... lies, but surprisingly, it actually had a lot of truth, but the biggest reason why it's so bad... Is that he left out quite a lot entirely"

"And that is?"

"I thought of doing this huge spectacle, just for the sake of it... But, I might as well just reveal it... I didn't attack him, I defended myself, it was him that struck first"

Pomfrey gasps at that, while Minerva looks quizzically at the Queen. then she throws a quick glance at Draco and hums to herself.

"No, that is not what happened, I never even touched you, she's lying" Draco says less calmly than before, seeing the situation getting worse. Hermione doesn't believe him at all, he did something similar with Buckbeak last year, of course, even she can see that his nose is definitely in the wrong position, but it's definitely not as bad as he proclaims.

Out of everybody in the room, only madame Pomfrey is somewhat on the boy's side, so she goes to try and defend him.

"How can you say that? He's for one actually injured, but you stand here completely fine"

"There are a few reasons for that... The funniest one? His strength is a joke" The Queen mocks the Slytherin "But, your assumption is wrong, I do have a wound"

"You do?" Pomfrey asks.

Hermione finally realizes how an injury can have a use... It's quite a dirty tactic, but somehow she doesn't see anything wrong with it.

"Yes, I do, but it's small, compared to his, it's still proof" And just like that the Queen disables the invisibility spell and the whole room can see the slightly swollen and purple bruise on her cheek.

"Never touched me, huh?" And with that question from the Queen, the mood in the room shifts and Draco starts to feel pressure, but he's not giving up yet.

"I already told you that I was out of it when you punched my face and broke my nose, so I probably hit you back once you grabbed my throat to get out of that hold"

The Queen only smirks at that, so he wants to continue this chasing game of cat-girl and mouse-girl, huh? Well, when in war... Show no mercy. And so, with her decision made, the Queen opens her mouth to speak. But unexpectedly gets cut off by a voice from behind her.

"Draco is lying"

Every single pair of eyes look at the one who said that, so does the crimson-eyes of the Queen as she turns back to look at the person who spoke before her, her eyes slightly go wide out of pure surprise.

"The girl is the one that fought back"

~ End of Chapter 22 ~

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