Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Chapter 3

~ In the Room of the two Lunas after the sorting speech ~

One of the Lunas, the crimson-haired one is laying there on her magically charmed bed to better fit her 'Queen-titude', blatantly staring at the blond-haired Luna. Who is laying on her not so 'magically altered' bed, dreamily looking up at the ceiling, thinking if she should ask 'the Queen' one of the many swirling questions in her head, her thoughts got interrupted by the said Queen.

''You can ask any sort of question that's in your little, pretty head. I'll answer them, Moon, but, I will ask some questions, in hope that you can answer them too''

While still having her dreamy look that's settled on the ceiling, she asks the main question that she thought of while still being in the Great Hall.

''Am I one of these 'future' wives of yours?''

''Your voice is so beautiful'' That caught the blonde off guard, which made her finally break the long staring contest with the ceiling (which she totally won if the Queen had something to say) and look at the crimson-eyed Queen.

''And yes, yes you are one, I knew you'd figure it out, not as fast as you did, but still. I am curious though, what tipped it off the most?''

Without having any time to fully think through the answer she knew she would get, nothing else was left but just answer and ask more questions later.

''Uhm... It was the name you use for me actually 'Lovely Moon' is not really a 'friend-type' term. You saying that you chose 'unique' and 'interesting' girls to be your future wives was what fully gave me the answer, though I have no idea, why'd you think I am unique at all, I am just somebody that gets targeted by nargles a lot'' Luna says without any fluctuation to her dreamy look.

''Oh? What are these nargles?'' The Queen had a twinkle in her eyes as if she was hungry for any kind of knowledge.

''They are little mischievous thieves, oh and they infest mistletoes''

''And what did they steal, from you, specifically?''

''My papers and shoes, mostly and quite a lot''

When Luna said that, the Queen had an idea that the 'nargles' might be something more akin to a petty bully.

''Have you seen any?''

''No, unfortunately, not yet''

''They probably hide, because they are too ugly'' The Queen remarks without mercy.

''Maybe, who knows''

A brief silence enters the room, but it isn't an awkward one. It's a silence that seems to fit right in. The Queen is the one to break it.

''You're unique by the way, otherwise, we wouldn't be talking right now''

''How can you tell that I am unique?''

''By simply being yourself, without any over complicated plans for fake reputations, friendships, things that you could do, so you'd be on par with your classmates and such, you are you and that's why you're unique, of course, there's more to you than that, but that's enough to warrant any actual attention from me. It is sad though, that by being yourself, you're alone, instead of having somebody to spend your time with, but that's the mind of stupid 'normal' morals, weird equals bad, bad equals ostracization, ostracization equals loneliness and that equals being easy pickings for bullying without anybody there to help you, except maybe, for one or two occasional 'knights in shining armor but people like that, don't need a knight, what they need is, a person, that will understand and be with them no matter what, it doesn't matter what kind of quirk they might have, almost everybody deserves to have such a person, but a lot of people are narrow-minded and they see the world in black and white, they also follow others like yes men, without adding anything new to the table themselves, so people like that are an instant no for me. So as I said, you're yourself, it makes you unique and that's something I value a lot''

There's only silence after Queen stops talking. And both Lunas are just looking at each other. But the Queen is only looking at her moon without any malice, pity, or any other kind of emotion that could make her point sound less genuine, there's only a patient, loving smile, that doesn't treat her like a broken tool, a weird entity, somebody to pity because of her circumstances... A loony as everybody calls her, her own birth-given name forgotten and to be never uttered again by anybody else other than her father.

She's looking at just, yet another person, an equal, somebody that she would want to spend time with no matter what might happen to her. And that makes the dreamy girl's heart flutter.

''Thank you, Lun''

Lovegood her dreamy look finally breaking for a slight smile, for a few moments, before it went back to her signature dream-like look ''But how do you know all that? We've met and talked only twice''

''Well, the moment in the train said a lot of information about the situation you are in, you know, with the two ugly tramps?'' Luna chuckles a little. ''And I do have, or had, a lot of information to read up before coming to the school, on all students and all people that are inside of Hogwarts, so I know practically everybody, of course, I only remember a few names, of those that stuck out to me, one of them being you, not only do you have a name that's the same as mine, the best name in entire existence by the way, but the only information on you was, 'Weird by other student standards, 'Unique by some teacher standards, 'Reads The Quibbler, which makes sense as it's a creation of her father Xenophillius', 'Seen to be reading it upside down most of the time', 'Loony Lovegood' And that was all the information I had on you to go about. So I pieced most of the details myself, Weird to other students? Probably bullied for it. Unique to some teachers? Probably treated like something that is easily breakable and the rest of the teachers might bully too. Now even I got stumped to figure out the 4th point, the upside-down reading, but it's a minuscule thing, so it doesn't matter. And then the last one... Loony, Loony god damn Lovegood, that alone not only proved my speculations that you might get bullied from the first point, but it also showed that you were alone, for if you weren't, then there'd be something else, maybe that you had somebody close to you, or you had a friend named something/something. But no, that was it, and the train moment we had, only strengthened my beliefs''

''Where did you get such information?''

''Big Ol' Dumbledore, and for your information, you were one of the few students who had barely anything going for them, if only you knew, on how much information other students had about them''

''Would you like to share some of it?''

''Perhaps, but maybe in the near future, maybe when there's more of us, since repeating myself isn't efficient, besides it'd be more fun to talk with more people about details like that, but for what it's worth, you were my very first pick, to be one of my wives''

''Now I feel special'' Lovegood chimes in jokingly.

''You are and you were before I got here, and for somebody so special, only somebody else special is needed, you can't have something 'special' be dragged down by 'generic', 'normal', 'mediocre'. And I am special, in more ways than one and I hope I have the chance to prove and show that to you''

''After all of this? I might give you that chance''

''Thank you, Moon''

''But I don't know if I can reciprocate something that you want''

''Don't worry about it, for now, all of that is in the future, for now, let's just spend time together to see where it goes''

''You are right''

''So... Ginny Weasley''

''What about her?''

''How far have you come?''

''As far as I am from the moon right now''

''Ouch,'' The Queen cringes ''That far?''

''Yes, even if I had looked at her for the better half of last year, we only spoke for the first time this week, we are barely friends, I don't know if we will even talk more''

''Well how about I help you? With me by your side, I can guarantee that you'll be together''

''But wouldn't tha- She's one of your candidates, isn't she?''

''Hehe, you got me, she is, you figured that out from our first meeting, right?''

''Yes, the only time your expressions changed in that meeting, was when the two girls walked into our cabin and when I mentioned her name once you asked me about my crush and I am still trying to figure out why I answered it so easily''

''Yeah, well anyway, I help you to be together with Ginny, in exchange for you promising to be one of my wives in the future, if I also get together with Ginny, how about that?''

''Ah, ulterior motives, so soon?'' Luna jokes.

''Indeed, I do have Slytherin qualities, after all, cunning to the bone, you barely even seen of what I am capable of, in the following years we will know each other, your whole world will change, but that comes by default when you deal with a Queen and a multi-person relationship''

''Well... If you're so sure, that you guarantee that I will be together with Ginny, also with you and other people, which doesn't sound that bad, I agree with your deal''

''Great, I can promise you, either in this year or next year, you will already be together, just don't know how easy it will be, I just know, that I will make it happen''

''Strangely, I believe you, maybe it's the greeting you gave everyone in the great hall, but I feel like my world will be 'rocked' as you said''

''Indeed'' The Queen rummages through her bag and pulls out another book of hers and stretches it out to Luna, but stops midway with a thoughtful look before looking back up into blondie's eyes with a smirk that bodes trouble ''So, my lovely Moon, how about we have our first pseudo-date tomorrow? In the Great Hall''

''Oh? What are you planning?''

''Nothing much, just some painfully easy way to make some galleons for our future dates'' The Queen says as she finally hands Luna the book.

''Hmm... Okay, let's do it''

''Sweet, as my accomplice, you will get a cut'' The Queen says as she yet again looks at the book, which prompts Luna to look at it.

''Oh'' With that Luna, herself smirked.

It seems Queen's influence is already corrupti- helping her Moon to change, in what way? Only the future will tell.

~ End of Chapter 3 ~

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