Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Chapter 31

Hi, hello. 

Happy Christmas to ya'll. Hope you like the presents you've received. Those that don't celebrate it, be happy nonetheless.

Three chapters today. And three-four chapters for Strong to Weak late tomorrow.


P.S. Fleur Delacour consists of these three chapters, so get ready for a lot of 'ze' instead of 'the', and ''ave' instead of 'have', and ect.

~ Magical accidents ~

Two people are drinking tea at the moment. In the silent moment staring at one another in the meanwhile.

One has barely started their cup, the other? Gulped it down in a few swings, as if they were drinking water.

"Is it not hot?" Asks a wise voice, sounding calm.

"No" the haughty voice answers blankly.

"Now that we have finished our greetings, let's get down to business" Continues the blank voice. The owner of the voice seemingly has no time for the other person's games.

"Care to wait a little bit? I haven't finished my tea yet" Asks the owner of the calm voice.

The Queen rolls her eyes and points her finger at Dumbledore's teacup.

And the next time Dumbledore goes to take a sip out of his cup, he comes up empty.

It seems the Queen wasn't patient enough to wait for the old man to slowly drink and just made the tea inside the cup vanish with a simple Vanishing spell.

"There, it's finished. Let's get to talking"

"It appears so" Dumbledore lets out patiently, but with some obvious disappointment in his voice... He really wanted to drink the tea.

"Stop sulking, old man. You don't do anything in this office most of the time anyway, when I am gone you can drown in your tea for all I care" The Queen spews out when he sees Albus' sad expression.

"Oh, that is correct" Dumbledore comments and gets cheerful again.

The Queen really wants to hit the old man in his old man face right now.

"Well, Luna, what is it that you wanted to discuss with me?" Albus asks.

"Tell me all the upcoming Triwizard Tournament tasks and spare no detail" The Queen states blankly.

Albus strokes his long beard softly while humming a few times.

"May I ask what is the reason for you asking this?" He finally answers the Queen, with a question.

"You already know why don't play with me"

"Do I?"

Luna squints her eyes, darkly, at the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

"Whatever" The Queen sighs out and then answers "So I could prepare Fleur for them"

"I see. You know I can't do that, Luna. It would be unfair for the other three"

"Cut the nonsense, Albus. You sold out your whole school and even your closest allies by giving me their information just for a deal with me. For what's right here in me" The Queen calls out Dumbledore on his 'refusal' while pointing her thumb back at her chest, above her body's still developing breasts "This is hardly anything"

"Yes, I did that. But I don't get anything out of this if I help you. Besides, this and that are two different things. The Triwizard Tournament is barely anything compared to want I from you"

"Wow, little ol' me is more important than some century-old tradition? How flattering. Even though I already knew that of course" Luna plays around a little.

"You are important, just like everybody else in Hogwarts. But your true importance comes from what's inside you"

The Queen rolls her eyes and shoots back "Oh yeah, just like Harry's importance comes from some forgotten dusty object in a dark room"

"I meant your heart" Dumbledore comments, ignoring the passive insult at him on his treatment of Mr. Potter.

"Uh-huh, then I meant that too, except not Harry's heart, but his stupid scarred head"

"I'm not budging on this Luna" Albus simply says, coming back to the topic of the Triwizard tasks.

"Fine, I guess I will have to do this the old-fashioned way. Improvisation. Not the approach I like the most since I like to know every possible detail before going into battle, but is what it is"

"Could I ask you not to do that anything surrounding the Triwizard Tournament? This event exists to test everything that a wizard or a witch has at their disposal and how they can deal with problems thrown at them" Albus asks not having much hope, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

The Queen lets out a snort that answers Albus's question. And he can only shake his head as the Queen stands up and turns around to leave his office.

"Old man, you seemed to have forgotten something. When it comes to my wives, all of me is theirs, I am but a tool at their disposal. So you quite literally answered your own question. 'everything that a witch has at their disposal' and all that" The Queen mimics Dumbledore's 'wise' words while mockingly stroking her nonexistent beard.

After that remark, she leaves the office.

Albus makes himself some more tea and then muses out loud to himself "Well... At least this year's tournament won't be boring"

The next day's early morning, in the forbidden forest.

The two Lunas and the french Veela walk steadily around the place.

"Where are you leading us to?" Fleur asks the Queen, right after resuming her heavy breathing. Their training time had just ended, so Fleur thought that she could leave and rest, but Lun had one more thing to teach her apparently. And only her, Lun asked if Luna wanted to leave since this isn't important for her, Luna decided to stay since Ginny is most likely still sleeping this early.

"To a cave near a body of water"

"What are you going to teach Fleur there?" Luna asks this time, curiously.

"A handy spell, that might help her in the upcoming tasks. Of course, even if it doesn't, the future is long, so perhaps someday she will use it when she needs to"

"Could I try it too?"

The Queen taps her chin a few times in thought.

"Honestly? I would like you to learn it too, it's a useful spell. This spell makes another spell useless and replaces it. But... It's a difficult one and just like with most other spells, there are possible consequences for failing it. But it's also not all that necessary to know this spell. Which is why I only thought of teaching it to Fleur, to raise her chances of winning and allow her to have more options"

"What spell does it replace?" Luna continues to question Lun, seemingly not deterred by the Queen's words of some possible 'problems'.

"It would replace the Lumos spell" The Queen answers honestly and doesn't say anything else, seeing that her words did nothing to discourage the young Ravenclaw.

"So it's a spell for light, 'uh?" Fleur comments "I, now, understand why we are going to a cave"

The Queen nods and a few minutes later the trio stands at the entrance of the cave.

"Now, listen carefully Fleur. Unlike the Lumos spell, which produces light on the wand tip so that you could see in the dark, this spell doesn't require a witch to have a wand at all. Of course for those that can't use wandless spells, they do still need it. This spell makes light in your eyes, making you able to see at night. The visible range it provides is ten times the range Lumos gives since of course your eyes can see more than Lumos... Though this spell is useless for blind people as it doesn't work for them... But I mean so is Lumos so even with that it takes the victory"

"Interesting, I 'aven't 'eard of such a spell before. Could you demonstrate it to me?" Fleur requests.

The Queen blinks confused "I am doing that already"

"What?" Fleur lets out with some confusion too.

The Queen thinks for a bit and then puts her palm in front of her face, near her eyes and she sees no reflected light.

"Right. I forgot" The Queen chuckles and disables the Fidelus Charm.

And immediately, Luna and Fleur can see the Queen's red eyes take on a glow of sorts. It's not all that bright, but in the dark it's noticeable.

"Is it okay now?" The Queen asks, instead of checking herself by using her palm.

"Yes" Both of the girls answer.

"This spell works like Lumos, but better... And it doesn't give you away like Lumos does if you're sneaking around somewhere. Though of course using the Fidelus charm on this spell makes it as if nothing is happening thus improving the power of sneaking further"

"How far can you see?" Luna asks, not knowing the difference between Lumos and whatever the spell Lun used is called.

"Well, let me demonstrate. Moon, could you use Lumos with your wand and stand several steps away from me?"

Luna nods and does as she was asked.

A moderate light shines out of Luna's wand, illuminating quite a decent portion of the place. But the further one looks, the less visible it becomes.

"Fleur, could you take this shoe and walk outside of Luna's Lumos visibility and then put the shoe on the ground wherever you want and then remember its place?" The Queen now asks Fleur to do something, while talking out a random heel from her infinity bag.

Fleur blinks incredulously at the shoe she's holding right now, but she manages to stop herself from asking why Lun has it in the first place.

However, that doesn't mean Luna has to stop herself.

So she asks Lun instead, from a few meters away.

"Why do you have a shoe in there?"

"A Queen needs clothes to change into for every occasion. That heel is from one of my many pairs for more 'entertainment' purposes, like a party for example"

Fleur hears the answer and just starts walking away to place the shoe somewhere... Why not just keep them in a closet where clothes are supposed to be? That is what runs through her head as she does that.

Eventually, the Veela returns empty-handed, and her mind is on where she placed the heel.

"Moon, can you see my heel anywhere from where you're standing?"

Luna looks around and doesn't see anything no matter how much she jolts her wand around, it's too dark further in. Almost instinctively she takes a step forward, but as soon as she does Lun playfully calls out to her.

"Nuh-uh, Moon doesn't get to move for this one, at least for now"

Luna looks at Lun and then looks away. The Moon seems to be pouting slightly.

The Queen chuckles to herself, not making much sound so that the others wouldn't hear it.

And then simply states "The heel is twenty-three meters away from Moon's nineteen meters Lumos light range, it's between two rocks, one bigger and the other smaller. It's also rotated around fifty-five degrees and it's also turned upside down, meaning that the heel is pointing in the air, while the hole is quite literally eating dirt right now"

Fleur thought that Lun will only say the heel's position slightly, like where it's at and that would be it.

But she went overboard with it, showing off the edge her spell has over Lumos, making it a clear loss for Lumos.

"Does ze 'eel 'ave a birzday too perhaps?" Fleur questions the Queen mockingly because of her over-explanation of its whereabouts and how it is. Telling its whole life story.

"It does actually, I bought it when I was nine, on June eighth"

"...Zat was supposed to be a joke" Fleur lets out dejectedly.

"Oh... My apologies" Lun apologizes earnestly.

"It's okay, it wasn't zat great anyway"

Luna comes back now, with the shoe in hand, and hands it over to Lun, who says a quick 'Thank you' and then puts it back into the bag. Luna then comments to Fleur "I thought it was great" Talking obviously about the 'joke'.

Fleur smiles awkwardly at Luna, appreciating it but also feeling a little bit insulted at the same time. Insulted because her 'joke' didn't go through with the Queen, yet it worked for Luna who up to this point has had no sense of humor.

To get rid herself of this awkward moment that happened because of herself, she asks the Queen "What kind of consequences can come with using zis spell?"

"Well, this spell lights your eyes up, it doesn't make much sense if you think about it from a non-magic perspective, but it makes you see the colors differently, the dark colors only. But the 'light' is close to a small fire inside your eyes, it warms them up over time and if you overuse it, your eyes will start hurting and feel like they are burning. Of course, that's when you're already using the spell. If you fail... Instead of getting warm over time like it's supposed to, the 'fire' might start off as burning, making your eyes hurt immediately and injuring them. That way you'd be unable to use your eyes for a few days, needing to rest them"

"So zat's 'ow it is. I see 'ow it's more dangerous zan Lumos" Fleur comments, after thinking about it a little bit.

"But, the pros outweigh the cons. Now, are you ready to learn it?"

Fleur nods confidently, she was the one to be picked for the Triwizard Tournament rather than other Beauxbatons students, there's no way she will step away from learning a useful spell even if it may hurt her eyes for some time.

"Moon, do you want to try too?" The Queen asks her Moon after seeing the confident nod from the Veela.


"Okay, then stand in front of me, both of you" The two girls stand side to side and in front of the Queen.

"Now, close your eyes. This is the most important step. While I said that this spell might 'burn' your eyes if you fail it, that is not the worst outcome. If you do this spell unprepared and with eyes opened and you succeed in using the spell, all the sudden change of color will make your eyes uncomfortable and tired, which will almost certainly cancel out the spell. And then you can't use the spell again, because your eyes won't be in shape for it anymore for a while... Nor will your body"

The girls close their eyes, seeing only the dark now behind their eyelids, the small red light from the Queen's eyes disappearing from view.

"'ow is zat a worse outcome zan failing ze use of ze spell outright?" Fleur asks with her eyes closed.

"Pain is easy to handle once you get used to it. But being tired, especially your eyes? It makes you feel like you won't ever want to re-open your eyes since you won't be able to keep them open at that point, it will feel as if you were so tired that you'd want to keep sleeping forever. The extreme tiredness from poorly preparing to use this spell is not a good time, I promise. Because it also dulls all of your other senses, and as I said it will make you want to sleep for a long time. Bad"

"Zat indeed sounds pretty bad"

"It is, now since this is the first time, Fleur use your wand too, it will give you more control after all"

The French woman nods and pulls out her wand too, now both girls hold wands tightly.

"Before we continue, pronounce the incantation a few times out loud and try to get it perfect. It's not a difficult one, but it still may trip you if you're not prepared"

The Queen looks at the two girls in wait and then says the incantation.

"Dilituonebra. That's the full word with three parts. Repeat after me"

"Dili-" Fleur and Luna repeat "-Tuo-" They repeat again "-Nebra" And do it for the last time.

"Now say it out loud fully"

"Dilituonebra" The two say it.

"A few more times, get familiar with it"

And so, the two do exactly that. The more they do it, the better they say it. And eventually, the Queen calls out "Perfect. Now, since you got the incantation memorized, let's try it. Oh, and, DO NOT open your eyes immediately, trust me, don't do that. Just like when you close your eyes, you can still some change in color behind your eyelids, if, for example, you stared right at a source of light, the darkness behind your eyelids would change and you'd see some light. So just like that, when you use this spell, the color accents will change behind your closed eyelids. Get used to that first and then slowly, very slowly start opening your eyes when you think you're ready. Do you two understand?"

"Yes" The two say in tandem, having closely listened to Lun's teachings, teachings infused with some worry in the voice.

"Well, alright then. Point your wands towards your eyes and just go ahead. You're witches, perfect ones, you know what to do"

And so, the two students say the incantation and cast the spell.

The Queen waits for either to open their eyes, to see if even one of them succeeded on the first try.

A minute later, only Fleur opens her eyes. Her deep blue eyes now shine brighter, making her eye color look closer to light blue than her true color.

"Um... Lun? Nothing's happening" The Queen's Moon calls out sadly.

"Hmm..." The Queen hums, with her fingers on her royally perfect chin.

"Unfortunately, I don't think you're skilled enough yet to do this spell-" The Queen's words sting Luna's heart, but before she could get even more dejected she hears the next words from Lun.

"-with a wand. Wandless magic is inherently easier if you ask me, but it lacks the finesse and control that a wand gives you, which is why modern wizards even use wands. But your control isn't yet trained for higher level spells, however... A spell like this doesn't require control whatsoever. What would less control even do in this case, am I right? So go ahead, my Moon, and try your first shot at wandless magic. I believe in you"

While the two Lunas are having this conversation, Fleur is speechlessly gazing around the place with her new eyesight. She looks inside the cave, seeing everything clearly, and then turns around to look outside where it's bright and sees no change, except for the parts where the shadows should be there's nothing.

"Fascinating" She comments to herself beneath her nose. And then she catches something out of the corner of her eye... The place where the lake's supposed to be, it's simply gone. So she walks towards where the water should be.

Meanwhile, the young Ravenclaw spurred on by her friend, puts her wand back into her ear and focuses. She's going to try her first wandless spell and she feels excited to do so. She hopes that she can succeed.

"Dilituonebra" Luna Lovegood speaks lovely.

But what happens next, happens suddenly.

There's a short-lived scream and a splash of water.

It catches the attention of both Lunas. The problem however is, that Lun, the Queen now hears a scream right in her ear.

Because of the sudden scream and distracting sound of a water splash, Lovegood had opened her eyes.

Eyes, that had the Dilituonebra spell used on them.

Luna had seen the color change happen right in front of her eyes without any preparation, which had overloaded her eyes and her mind. She felt a sharp and quick stab in her eyes, so she involuntary let out a scream.

The Queen knows how that feels and she wants to help her Moon deal with it, but she has to leave her for a moment. Because her second future wife had disappeared somewhere and she needs more immediate help. She outweighed this decision by the fact that her Moon is in no danger, besides feeling extremely tired. While Fleur could be in danger.

With that decision, the Queen starts running out of the cave towards the lake, where the water splash was heard.

The Ravenclaw barely hears somebody moving away from her, her senses having dulled instantly, she feels scared. She tries to call out to Lun and Fleur for help, but nothing happens... Which takes her a long moment to notice. Her body felt too tired for her to open her mouth.

Her senses are at an all-time low, yet her tiredness is the opposite and is on an all-time high making her feel confused beyond belief.

And only after what seemed to have been hours, yet was only several seconds, she realized that she had sat down on the ground from how tired she felt.

And about the same amount of time passed, both in her dulled sense of reality and actual reality, somebody had taken hold of her shoulder softly and is now apparently carrying her. She can't tell who it is, nor can she tell if she is actually being carried. So she tries to open her eyes, which doesn't seem to work as she can still only see darkness.

No, wait, there's finally some light. Right, they were in a cave, weren't they? And now they are outside, so she finally sees actual red eyes staring at her half-closed, blood-shot red silvery-blue, and tired eyes, worriedly.

And the last thing she sees, before being forced to sleep because of her tiredness, is a head full of wet golden hair.

Hours later, Ravenclaw dormitory, the Queen's and the Moon's room.

Fleur sits in new clothes, her hair and her body not wet anymore. She stares at the Queen who softly runs her fingers over Luna's dirty blonde hair. She then looks apologetically at the sleeping younger girl.

"I'm sorry"

Fleur's apology gets a chuckle out of the Queen.

"That's the sixteenth time you said that, it's not your fault. I, myself, didn't know that the water would appear invisible when somebody uses this spell, it's not your fault that you fell in... If it's anybody's fault that this has happened is mine. Not only did I not notice you, my future wife, moving away from me and getting near danger when I promised myself and you, and the others, that I would protect all of you. But I also let my Moon practice this spell, even though she wasn't supposed to, this spell was for you to learn to use in the tournament... Yet this happened instead"

Fleur stays silent while the Queen openly berates herself and doesn't even seem to be thinking of blaming her for just walking off and shamefully falling into the water like that.

But then out of nowhere, the Queen's eyes meet with her own, startling her.

Those eyes are now glowing.

"W-why did you use ze spell?"

"Could you bring me a glass of water and then light out the lanterns?"

Delacour blinks at the sudden request, it takes her brain a moment to catch up and understand why the Queen asked her to do such a thing.

"Instead of feeling sorry for what happened, let's use our newfound information to see how we can use it to our advantage. Besides, while this is sad that Luna had suffered like this because of my negligence, it's not the worst thing. It will pass in a day or two. She doesn't feel any pain and there's no danger to her. Just extremely tired, is all" The Queen says and then adds "Besides, let's congratulate her when she gets better. She had succeeded in her first-ever wandless magic, on the first try too. That oughta make her proud and happy"

Fleur's expression finally changes. The guilty look is replaced with a smile.

So she nods and stands up to get some water for the Queen.

Eventually, Fleur comes back with water and when she steps into the room, she sees Lun sitting on one side of a table that wasn't there before. For the first time in hours, she had left Luna's side.

The french Veela puts the glass of water on the table and goes to blow out the light from the lanterns. With each lantern fire disappearing, the room gets darker. And soon, there are only two sources of light in the room.

One is the window to the side, which is grabbing some light from the outside. And the other is the slight glow in the Queen's eyes.

Fleur follows the light from the Queen's eyes and sits down at the other side of the table.

She then feels the Queen raise the glass of water and then put it back down again. She repeats this motion a few times.

"Interesting" She hears the Queen say. And right after the glow from her eyes disappears.

She casts Lumos on her wand, which illuminates the room.

The Queen's red eyes are still on the glass of water.

"I can't believe that I missed such a thing. Me, the Queen... But I suppose I only used this spell to sneak around buildings and even walk in the halls of Hogwarts at night. Never to look at water or when near water of any kind"

And after those out loud spoken thoughts, Fleur sees that the Queen is now looking at her.

"The water... When under Dilituonebra and the darkness, it disappears from vision completely... I don't fully understand it myself, but my theory is it's because it is clear and has no actual 'color' so when looking at it with Dilituonebra-affected eyes it's as if we were looking at nothing since the spell affects color perception... It's a bizarre experience, no wonder you didn't see it when getting closer and fell in. I probably would have fallen in too. So the usefulness of this spell just rose from just replacing Lumos as its better version to being a tad bit more useful in scenarios including water... I don't know how often you'd use this spell for that purpose, but if it comes to such a point, then it will help"

"Can I look?" Fleur asks after Luna's explanation.

"Go ahead"

Fleur says the incantation, wandlessly this time, she was training for it these few hours while Luna was sleeping.

And, the Queen, stops the Lumos spell thus the room returns to darkness.

Fleur, even if she knows that it's dark and she should not be able to see, can see everything clearly. She sees Lun looking at her, Luna still sleeping soundlessly on the bed, and then her eyes travel toward the glass of water.

Yet the only thing she sees, just like the Queen said, is the glass, or at least the outline of it. The water is not visible to her whatsoever, as if only air resided inside the glass.

"I don't know, but I feel wrong somehow when I look at it. I can't explain ze feeling" The french lady comments while her eyes are glued on the glass.

"I had the same feeling. Then I also thought maybe this is happening because it's still water, and maybe we could see the ripples and the movement of the water when flailing around the glass, which is why I moved it around" The Queen says and then picks up the glass, her eyes glow once more from activation of the spell.

Two pairs of eyes follow the glass as it moves from side to side.

Fleur can see that the Queen is moving it fast, fast enough for drops of water to make a sound when falling onto the table... Yet there's just nothing from the sight department.

"But, just like you see, there's nothing anyway"

"I understand zat you said zat zis is useful... But isn't it a bad zing also? I fell into ze water, after all, so somezing worse could happen at some point. It's also a weakness, right?"

"Yeah it is, but weaknesses are in everything else too, no matter what it is. Except for me, I have none. But yeah, it is quite a major one, so you'd need to be sure that there's no water around when using it, or if there is water around, where it is and remember it as to not have an accident"

"Mhm" Fleur hums agreeing.

With this little experiment over, the Queen casts a few spells around the place, and just like that the lanterns are lit again returning light to the dark room.

"Thirsty?" She asks holding the glass towards Fleur, who stops the Dilituonebra spell.

"No, I drank some before I brought this one"

"I see" And after that, the Queen drank the water instead.

"So... Does zis spell have a name? You were calling it only by ze incantation so far"

"It would have, but Etera... Convinced me to rethink and keep it nameless for now. My names are not that bad, I don't know what was her problem"

The Veela doesn't even dare to ask what names those might have been, knowing Lun she would tell like a hundred of them and all of them would be of equal caliber... Bad caliber.

And then a thought pops into Fleur's mind, could this be considered a weakness of sorts? If so, then the Queen is being dishonest when saying she has none.

"'ow about the Nightvision charm? It's quite literal, but it fits. Since zat's more or less ze application of it before we discovered ze water zing of course"

"Hmm. Sure, why not. From now on, Dilituonebra will be the Nightvision charm" The Queen readily agrees with her future wife, even if it was bad she wouldn't care and just agree immediately.

"By ze way, 'ow do you do ze charm so easily?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I 'aven't 'eard you say it once when using it. So I can tell zat zere's a Nonverbal variation of zis spell, but what I mean is why you seemingly don't need to prepare yourself. You just do it with open eyes and don't suffer like Luna"

"I suppose, you just get used to it. The consequences are the worst the first few times, but the more you use it, the better your mind's adaptation to it is... I think so at least. That, or I am just that good. One, or the other"

"... Should I try it with open eyes?" Fleur asks with some hesitation as her eyes subconsciously glance at the sleeping girl on the bed.

"You should, but not now. I mean, I don't mind protecting and taking care of two sleeping beauties, but... I don't think my personal feelings warrant the actual risk. You don't need to rush, you have plenty of time. Practice more, a few times every day and then we'll try after two weeks or so. How does that sound?"

"Yeah, zat's fine wiz me" Fleur states and then starts asking something of the Queen "What is it zat we should do now, Luna has classes tomorrow, no?"

"Don't worry, I am the Queen, nobody will dare to make problems with me or her"

"I suppose so" Then Fleur thinks of something and looks awkwardly at the sleeping Ravenclaw and then back at the Queen.

Fleur fidgets in place, wondering if she should ask such a question or not.

"What is it, Fleur?" The Queen sees the french Lady's hesitation and helps her.

"You said zat it will take a day or two for 'er to get better, you also mentioned zat when somezing like zis 'appens zat you would be so tired zat you wouldn't want to open your eyes, right?"

The Queen plops her head onto her palm and raises her eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"Zen... Doesn't zat mean, zat little Luna... Uhm..."

"Fleur, just say it. I don't mind anything"

"Ze loo..." Fleur lets out softly.

"The bathroom, what abou-" The Queen's mouth stops speaking midway and her eyes dart towards her Moon.

"Won't she need to go and... Take care of 'er business?"

And so, the two females look at each other intensely. That is indeed a conundrum, a peculiar one at that.

But no real answer to such a problem arrives and thoughts about it are instead broken when several knocks happen on the door to the room.

Fleur's and Lun's eyes jump to the door, their staring contest ended prematurely.

"Hello, is anybody there? It's Ginny Weasley" A voice resounds behind the door as some more knocks happen.

Suddenly as Ginny's hand was going to knock some more, the door opened. With nobody in front of her, she stepped inside slowly.

Her eyes see the two sitting females looking back at her.

"Uhm... Where is Luna?" Ginny blinks, seemingly remembering something, and then adds "My Luna"

If the Queen would want Ginny to know now that she is one of her future wives this 'My Luna' call out would need to be said with even more specification. But since this is not directed toward her, she simply cranes her head toward her sleeping Moon.

Ginny's eyes follow the Queen's and she sees the Ravenclaw sleeping.

She instantly puts her palms over her mouth, she was too loud while both talking right now and knocking on the door.

Fleur chuckles lightly at the adorable action.

But to Ginny's ears, which are blinded by Fleur's... Misunderstood existence it sounded mocking rather than cheerful. So Ginny's eyes glared at Fleur.

And Fleur was confused by such a reaction, but she didn't say anything about it.

"You don't need to be quiet" The Queen simply states.

"W-what do you mean?" Ginny asks back, more or less in a whisper.

"She's not sleeping of her own volition, she's resting because of an accident. And she wouldn't hear us even if she knew she was awake. Trust me, you can be as loud as you want to be"

Ginny's eyes blink in confusion at such a weird explanation from the Queen. But then her mind chooses to focus on one specific word. The word 'accident'.

And just like that, she's standing right in front of the sitting Queen.

The Gryffindor is looking down on her 'target', while the 'target' is looking up towards her future 'goal'.

"What happened?"

~ End of Chapter ~

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