Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Chapter 33

~ Expensive moods ~

Ginny sits alone in a Ravenclaw room, well if you don't count the sleeping girl beside her.

When she came back here after classes, the Queen had told her that she and Fleur will be leaving to train for the Triwizard Tournament.

Thus they left Luna in her hands.

But now she's wondering if she hadn't come... Would they leave Luna alone and train anyway? Or stay and skip it all together?

In the forbidden forest.

"Why did we leave? Out train session is only in zree days" Fleur finally asks the Queen.

"To let Ginny be with her partner alone. Yesterday we were in the room, so she most likely didn't get anything off of her chest. We aren't here to train, but to check out the body of water which you fell into yesterday. I want to see how far we can see into with the Nightvision charm"

"Okay, I understand"

And with that, the two continue walking in silence, they are on their way to check how deep a certain people-empty lake is.

Eventually, they arrive at their destination.

But before checking out the lake with Dilituonebra, Fleur asks the Queen something which she was wondering about for a while now.

"Is it, your doing zat we 'aven't been attacked or even zreatened by ze forest creatures once... Or is ze forest is not as forbidden as its name would imply?"

"Both. I already went around the place back before we met and 'proved' myself as its new Queen and the forest itself is laughable. There are no dangers here, so even if I didn't do anything, we'd be okay"

"By 'prove', do you mean zat you went around beating up ze lives zat live in ze forest?"

"More or less. Not everybody needed a good old punch into their face... Or gut... Or whatever else they had. Some of them were intelligent and/or had good enough instincts to just talk it out with me... There were these two certain Spiders though, that were pissed at me for 'moving' in here, but after I tortured some of their spider children in front of their multiple eyes, they apologized and begged me to stay away from them and their children" The Queen explains and then adds "That was pretty fun, maybe I should visit again"

"Do you want to see it perhaps?" The Queen then asks Fleur about her opinion.



"Why not" Fleur shrugs.

"Okay, we'll go there on our next training session. Now, let's use the Nightvision charm and see what the bottom of the lake looks like"

Fleur nods and closes her eyes, says the incantation, and successfully activates the spell. When she opens her eyes, she sees that the Queen's eyes aren't glowing.

Before she could say anything, the Queen states "I'm already finished, go ahead. Take your time"

And with that simple explanation, Fleur looks into the water and can't help but get a little light in the knees out of the fear. If she saw this scene before her last night, or even without knowing that there's actually water here. She'd probably think that there was a battle here that destroyed the environment and left a massive hole.

She feels the Queen's arm on her shoulder, holding her in place. Either from the fact that she fell in yesterday, or because her knees slightly buckled just a moment prior.

Fleur doesn't understand how she had missed this obvious hole when she fell in. She feels ashamed and stupid.

But it doesn't last long, because the Queen speaks about it.

"There was an angle, you didn't see it coming because you simply couldn't. Look over there, that's where you fell from" Lun states as she points to the side. Fleur follows it and sees what Lun means.

She has to crane her head upwards a little to see a somewhat steep cliff. It doesn't look that big or tall, but she can understand that if you walk on it and keep walking forward while staring in front and never look down, you wouldn't see the 'big hole' while the spell is active. Yet without it, you could still see the water on the horizon.

"The cave decided to form in an unfortunate place, that's about it" The Queen comments on it.

The location of the cave is indeed awkward in place, its entrance is right on top of that cliff, but far enough to make the surrounding area look 'even', thus creating the illusion that there's no actual cliff nearby.

"Well, we can go back now. Maybe go to the cafeteria and get ourselves something to eat. Leave Ginny alone with Luna for an extra hour or so"

"Yeah, I agree... I 'ad enough of staring at bizarre-looking objects for now" Delacour answers sighing tiredly, stopping the Nightvision charm.

"Indeed" The Queen leads the way back.

While they walk in content silence, Fleur asks another question.

"What did you do back zen, when Ginny was in front of me and shouting at me? When you just appeared in front of me, I mean"

"Oh, have I not told you before? That was yet another spell, which I will teach you someday. Its incantation is 'Schnimbleriti', it's a speed spell in basic detail"

"It was pretty fast, when will I be able to learn it?"

"Eventually, it's a really easy spell, easier than the Nightvision charm. But you simply can't learn it yet, nobody in Hogwarts can"

"Not even Dumbledore?"

The Queen laughs out loud mercilessly "Especially not him"

"Zen... Why do you say it's an easy spell?" Fleur asks confused, if the greatest wizard in existence can't learn it, then how is it easy?

"Because it is. It's right up there with spells like Wingardium Leviosa and Lumos"

"Really? Zen couldn't I just do it now?"

"Oh, certainly. But I wouldn't recommend it"

"Why is zat?"

"You'd lose your legs forever"

Fleur stops walking immediately and looks incredulously at the Queen. How is that EASY?

The Queen turns around and sees the french Lady look at her like she was insane.

"Just because I said that using and learning it is easy, I didn't mean that it's safe to use"

"Zen what did you mean exactly?"'

"Let me explain. This speed spell is really easy to activate. The problem arises when the spell requires your body to be able to produce this 'extra' speed. If Dumbledore used it, as old and scrawny as he is... I am afraid his legs would literally fall off. If you used it? Yours would most likely break because you have at least somewhat trained by now. But nobody, except perhaps some of the Drumstrang students, could actually pull off this spell with their legs intact"

"Zen... 'ow long before I can use it?" Fleur asks curiously about her own progress so far.

The Queen examines Fleur's body, especially her legs with a thoughtful gaze.

"I'd say three more months? To where you'll be closer to how I am... Though, it might take only two months and a half for you to be able to use this spell without anything dangerous happening. Because your legs are, and were from the beginning, in a better shape than the rest of your body. That's most likely because you can dance as you were most likely taught from a young age"

"Zat long?" Fleur asks disappointed. It'd be useful to have something like this in her arsenal.

"You mean to say 'that short?' because it will take Luna who's training just like you, five times the amount of time as it does for you. A year and three months. Her body is still growing, and so is yours of course, but she isn't developed like you yet. I am not either, but I've been training since I was an infant basically"

"Oh... Zat short?" Fleur changes her question purposefully.

The Queen rolls her eyes.

"'ow fast can you go?"

"Mhm... I suppose I should explain more of it since you're curious. I said that it was a 'speed' spell, but it's more than that, way more. It doesn't actually increase speed or increase anything for that matter. It's quite the opposite. It decreases something in a body or object"

"What does it decrease?" Fleur has to ask because the Queen randomly paused in silence and stared at her.

"Can you extend your arms?" The Queen requests and shows for show what she means. It's as if she was trying to hold something with both of her arms.

Fleur slightly confused does so.

And the very next moment, she doesn't see the Queen in front of her, but in her arms. She's, seemingly, performing a Princess... Queen carry on the Queen.

But before she could mention that fact, something else grabs her attention.

And she lets her thoughts out loud "You're as light as a book" It's a little bit exaggerated, as the Queen is heavier than that, but it's still far from what she thought her weight would be.

"Indeed I am. The speed spell is actually a spell of weightlessness. It decreases how much one weighs, not in mass, but the water contents inside one's body. So it's not my body that weighs nothing, but the water inside me that is pretty much non-existent in the weight category" The Queen explains and then snuggles into the french Lady's arms.

She comments "This feels pretty nice actually"

Fleur ignores it and instead asks "Zen why does one need to train for it?"

With that question, the Queen vanishes from Fleur's arms and stands on the side, near a tree.

"For this simple reason. Look at that tree branch" The Queen points to one branch, which is a little bit out of the way of the others.

"Schnimbleriti" The Queen says with her finger still pointing towards it. And Fleur can see the immediate effect. The branch starts shaking and a breaking sound can be heard. A few seconds later, the branch falls down to the ground, right next to the Queen. Yet there was less of a 'boom' than there normally would be if a branch of this size fell down from such a height.

The Queen picks up the branch, a big branch like it was nothing. She then carries it to Fleur and gives it to her.

Fleur takes it and feels how light it is. It's like she was holding ten wands at the same time.

"Now, let me just do this" A moment later, the branch gets even lighter in Fleur's hand and she knows exactly why. The leaves that were on it, were removed by the Queen.

"As you probably noticed, the leaves were heavier than the branch itself. Thus, the branch crumbled under their weight and broke. Water in our body is everywhere but in different percentage proportions. And while in total the muscles don't have a higher concentration of water inside them, their percental value is one of the highest in our body. Thus when you use this spell, the water that has become extremely light in your body, your muscles suffer the most and if they aren't prepared for it your very light body will crumble under itself because your muscles couldn't hold it together anymore as they themselves become too light for the slightly heavier body, organs and skin. If that makes sense"

Delacour stares at the branch in her hand and the leaves on the ground for some time.

"Yeah, it does. But 'ow do you know so much? Boz ze use of ze spells since one still needs to test such zings and know its results, boz bad and good, and ze water in your body amounts and even ze color zing from yesterday"

"Books... A lot of them. The Crimson family library is most definitely the biggest in the whole world. And all of those books are right here" The Queen smacks her infinity charmed bag.

"They were collected by my family over the centuries they were alive. They practiced the spells, and a lot of deaths happened, and a lot of failures but eventually all of the spells in the books were 'perfected'. There are also a lot of muggle books of something they call science and it's what helped my ancestors with perfecting these spells. And all of what I told you is a mix of both worlds coming together. So the fact that these stupid wizards still choose to hide is just so stupid. But that's another topic. Basically, none of the spells I have shown and/or taught you yet were actually mine. I have some of my own, but they are only for me to use when the time is right"

"Zat's amazing. And you 'ave read all of zoe books? Wouldn't zat take a lot of time?"

"I have read them, yes. And it did take a long time. But most likely not as long as you imagine. As there is a simple enhancing reading speed spell, which tremendously cuts the time from near infinity to just a few years"

"Could I see zose books?"

"Sorry, Fleur. But the knowledge that is inside my bag is only for my family. Meaning, my wives. So if you're tempted by the knowledge and my exquisitely perfect perfectness, we sign a document right now, get married and then you can go at it... Are you tempted?"

"I am not" Fleur answers simply.

"Thought so" The Queen chuckles "But, just because you won't see everything that's inside my bag now, that doesn't mean you will never see it. Someday all of its contents will be yours and the other wives of mine. You'll just have to wait for that moment"

"As confidant as always, I see, when it comes to your 'future' wives" Fleur puts extra emphasis on the word 'future' "Wouldn't it 'urt you to be 'umble once a while?"

"What do you mean? That was me being humble. I am humble in believing myself that I can succeed to make you fall in love with me. And I am confident in my ability to be humble about it. And me being perfect is just a fact of life. You have those three things mixed up there" The Queen explains blankly.

"... Of course I do... Of course" Fleur lets out helplessly and with a few pauses, not wanting to stay on this topic, she resumes asking about the 'speed' spell "So, 'ow fast can you go?"

"Well..." The Queen puts her fingers on her perfect chin and thinks for a bit.

"From my and my Moon's room to your room in the Beauxbatons enchanted carriage... About a minute and twelve seconds then, if I had to put an estimate on it"

Fleur's eyes widen in shock "Zat's like zirty five minutes of normal paced walking from zere to zere. Zat's simply amazing"

"Oh. Then it's only forty-seven seconds, my bad" The Queen nonchalantly fixes her timing. She had added some time to her first calculation because even when not using any spells, her walking speed is far better than any other student in Hogwarts. But since Fleur herself walks for about thirty minutes, she removed those extra seconds and answered at a more precise time.

"... I want to learn zis spell" Fleur simply lets out exasperated at the power of the Queen's spells.

"Well, then don't skip any more of your workouts... Like I know you do sometimes" Fleur jumps a little being called out. It's true, some nights she doesn't do as many push-ups, or none at all as she was told. Because she was either too tired or wanted to do something else at that time.

"And you'll get there sooner rather than later" The Queen finishes with an innocent smile.

"Okay, I won't do zat anymore"

The Queen nods at Fleur's defeated agreement. And the two continue making their way to Hogwarts' cafeteria in pleasant silence.

The Queen and the French Veela had a positively relaxed time in the cafeteria while they ate. Nothing of note happened the whole time and after they finished eating they steadily walked back to their room.

Except for the very beginning when the Queen saw that a few teachers were eating at their own long table, once the two of them entered the great hall. And one particuliar pair of eyes glared at her sternly.

McGonagall is that person. Luna Crimson was supposed to be there for the new topic in class, as a 'teacher assistant', but color her surprised when neither of the Lunas was there. Yet, she had just locked eyes with one of them.

The Queen, at that moment, blinked casually and walked towards the long teacher's table.

She walked up to Minerva and before the Head of Gryffindor could speak the first word, she got hit by the ridiculous sentence from the Queen's mouth.

"I kidnapped Luna Lovegood for a day, we went to Hogsmead. Goodnight Professor" The Queen just nodded casually and left right thereafter, leaving the Transfiguration Professor open-mouthed and speechless.

And by the time she had recovered, Luna Crimson and Fleur Delacour had sat down at the Ravenclaw table and had started eating.

Knowing her manners, she didn't interfere... But she was still well peeved about what just happened.

Anyway, back at the Ravenclaw room and its entrance.

The Queen opened the door and stepped in followed by Fleur.

And the very first sight they saw was Ginny on top of Luna, whose blanket and even some clothes were misplaced. Ginny was looking back at them, all guilty and doe-looking. A deer caught in the headlights.

"Again?" Fleur asks out loud confused, wasn't it too quick?

"I-it's not what you think!" Ginny screams. But to her dismay, neither of the two paid attention to her.

She thinks that the two must be judging her for something she hasn't done. But while sitting on the bed near Luna silently, she felt something wet and when she checked what it was to her shock it wasn't what she had expected to see.

So while Ginny is dying inside, trying to think of a way to explain what's happening right now. The other two are talking beside themselves.

"I know that you're confused. But I told you about the senses of the person dulling when this happens. That applies to this as well. Basically, the moment one wants to pee, they will just do it subconsciously, their body unable to stop it or even pause it as the brain simply doesn't try to resist such a thing happening, all of its focus on sleep. It will just go all out"

"... I see. Then how many times did you fix it in total?" Fleur asks, understanding.

"Most likely two times more than it was going to be. I gave her some water while she was sleeping, to let her stay hydrated properly. This is going to be the seventh time now"

"What? Did you sleep tonight at all?"

"Your concern is appreciated, but don't worry. I have slept enough"

"If you say so" Fleur lets out not believing the Queen entirely.

"I do. Now... Let's deal with this before Ginny's brain collapses and we have a second person we need to take care of"

Fleur chuckles when she sees what Lun means. Ginny is completely red, looking like her head is about to explode.

"Uhm... This is not wha-" Ginny's explanation that started when the two started walking towards her dies prematurely when the Queen opens her mouth.

"No need to explain, we know what happened. And your courage is commendable for trying to do what you're going to do by hand if a little bit silly since you have magic. But anyway, stand up and look away just like Fleur. And DO NOT turn back"

Ginny still feeling slightly guilty immediately does as commanded. Forgetting her beef with Fleur for a moment and now standing right beside her, almost touching shoulders.

And just like before, Fleur hears the rustle of clothing and the bedsheets. Ginny who hears it for the first time tries to turn her head to the side out of curiosity about what's happening. But she finds that she can't do it.

And before she can speak, the Queen calls out "You can turn to look now. And sorry for forcing your head to stay in place. As a Gryffindor, I knew that your curiosity would get the better of you. But I couldn't allow you to see it before Luna gives you that permission"

Ginny, confused at the Queen's serious words turns around and then throws a glance behind her. When she sees what she sees, she immediately understands what the Queen meant prior.

Luna yet again wears new clothes and is enveloped in fresh bedsheets.

"T-then... Did you see?" Ginny asks with hesitation, not wanting to hear a positive answer.

"No. I have turned around just like the two of you. I just have a good memory"

"Really?" The Gryffindor asks not fully believing it yet.

The Queen rolls her eyes but expands on her answer nonetheless.

"Yes. Before the first time, this happened... Well technically after it had happened, since it wasn't fully fresh then. But when the two of you were already sleeping. I simply used the Nightvision charm, the one we told you about in the story and the reason why Luna is in this condition, I examined her body shape to the tiniest detail and by memory, when turned around, I changed her clothes by making her float and also made it so that all of the 'filth' would disappear off of her body. Leaving her as good as new"

"I-I see" Ginny lets out, forcing herself to believe what the Queen is saying as she has no room to argue about it.

Before snapping her eyes wide open "Wait, what do you mean when were sleeping? How many times did this happen to Luna?"

"Well, just like I answered Fleur moments ago, this was the seventh time. Two extra times than it was necessary, probably, because I gave her water to drink. I wouldn't want her to get dehydrated. So don't worry about it too much, your little and lovely girlfriend is perfectly fine" The Queen winks at Ginny while saying the last part of her sentence.

"Can't you stop it? Or maybe we should just bring her to Madam Pomfrey?"

"Maybe and no to your questions" The Queen answers honestly.

"There's a chance to help her and you haven't done so yet?' Ginny Gryffindor's side is showing itself again, as she says these words louder than before.

"What I said is a 'Maybe', I am the Queen, I am perfect and the best there is. So when I say a 'maybe', that means that whatever it is that I could do to help her, has a chance of backfiring and making things worse. And trust me, I don't do things on chances that they might fail, never. Especially not with Luna here. I would only try what I have in mind if her actual life was in danger. She'll live through this with no problem and be okay soon enough"

Ginny shuts up when she hears the most serious tone she has heard besides her mother's and a few teachers. It was like she was being told off by an elder, by somebody far superior and more knowledgeable than her. It made her feel small.

"W-what a-about Madam Pomfrey?" But besides that feeling, she still has enough Gryffindor in her to ask this.

"Do you really believe that something that I can't do, anybody else can do it? Poppy is talented, don't get me wrong. And her healing magic and knowledge are probably one of the best in the world. But her methods are old and too traditional to be able to help with the magic backlash of such caliber. I'd know I went through this myself and Etera had brought plenty of wizard doctors and they had to give up because they couldn't do anything about my condition... Not to mention that Poppy was one of those doctors, so she had already failed before, thus there's no guarantee for her to succeed this time either"

"You... Went through this?"

"Obviously, how else would I know so much about it?"

Finally, Fleur breaks into the conversation as she was wondering the same thing.

"But 'ow did you fail zis spell? You 'ave all ze instruction in ze book, do you not? You mentioned zis slightly before and spoke about it like you 'ad experienced it. But it doesn't make sense to me, especially after you told me about ze books you 'ave"

"Because I am the Queen" Lun answers simply as if it were obvious.

But apparently, neither of the two understood what Lun had meant, so she elaborated.

"When I read the instructions, I simply ignored them, I was and am the Queen, the best, most powerful existence in the world. So I thought that my weak ancestors went through the backlash because they are far inferior to me. I did the spell the first time with my eyes open, not even intending to close them. And, well, I was in bed for twenty-eight hours like Luna over here. So I understand perfectly what she's feeling"

And with that extended explanation, the two females immediately get what Lun meant by saying 'I am the Queen'. And truly, only she, the Queen, would do such a thing like that.

"You said twenty-eight hours?" Ginny jumped over the topic of the Queen's 'experiment' not knowing how to talk about it and instead focused on the hours it took for her to recover.

"Yes, and since I am who I am, I believe that it's the shortest time possible for somebody to recover. And since I believe in Luna and her own capabilities. I'd say at the maximum she will be like this for another twenty hours to a total of forty hours and at the minimum, ten more hours"

Ginny finally breathes a sigh of relief. Even if those numbers are... Random. It's better than not knowing anything.

"What 'appened to 'er previous... Undergarments and ze bedsheets? Where did zey go?" Fleur asks, getting a side glare from the Weasley girl at the same time when she said 'undergarments'.

"My ones, the ones I changed her with every time have been disposed of. But her own, the first ones, both the undergarments, and the bedsheets, I have preserved. They were quite old and tattered in places, so since she kept them, they might hold some sentimental value. She will need to do quite a good cleaning of them though, that is if she decides to keep them of course. Otherwise, I will dispose of it just like the rest"

"Wait, so you did look" Ginny suddenly states.

"Huh?" The Queen lets out with some confusion.

"How else would you know that her... Undergarments are old and tattered, you looked"

The Queen rolls her eyes.

"I get why you're 'mad', but you're overthinking it. We live in the same room, Weasley. She has to change clothes at some point, so I had seen the state of, pretty much all, her clothes. I mean... I saw your undergarments yesterday while you were showing off your new nightie to Fleur, by slowly putting it on after you disrobed your other clothes. Those were also nice by the way, very... Tasteful" The Queen explains casually that she had seen Ginny pretty much naked while she was awkwardly focusing her attention on Fleur and trying to 'show' off, while also putting attention to the new underwear she wore.

Ginny's head turns red immediately and she opens her mouth and closes it constantly, speechless and embarrassed. And also very ashamed, because of the 'compliment' about her new panties and bra. She bought them for several dozen galleons. And the word 'tasteful' sounds way more mocking than a compliment.

The Weasley girl really wants to disappear now. The more she stays with these... Vixens, the worse she gets embarrassed. But her Gryffindor pride and worry for her girlfriend just won't let her go and leave. So defeated, she simply slinks down to Luna and 'ignores' the other two. Even if she can hear both of them chuckling at her right now.

"Don't be sad, Ginny" Fleur starts saying after having had her share of chuckling. This gets Ginny's attention, Weasley looks at Delacour confused but apprehensive of whatever it is that the French Veela will say.

And the next words to come out of these beautiful, big, and ANNOYING lips make Ginny wish that Fleur would disappear instead of her.

"You'll eventually grow into zem"



Delacour means Ginny's underwear of course... They are simply too 'sexy' and somewhat large for the small and young child. So she meant it as encouragement for the future. It wasn't received that way, however.

And Delacour instead of the expected reaction of a 'smile', has gotten herself the biggest and darkest glare she had ever received, which surprised even her.

The French Lady is now left wondering, confused if she had said something wrong.

~ End of Chapter ~

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