Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Universal Lounge, intro.

This is a copy-paste from Wattpad, done a month or so ago, I wouldn't re-upload it here normally, but it does have some 'content' and it shows at the least one cannon thing. That the Narrator is a creature in this universe. Now, why did I not delete the numbers and shit before the 'content' since they don't make sense here? I couldn't be bothered... Yeah...

And I will continue doing this as I would in Wattpad with sequels to these thingies, but without the 'record' keeping, since it's not as easy and it'd be wonky.

Anyways, don't waste your time reading, if you don't care about such a thing. (This includes details and obviously talk-about questions... Which would be answered in a separate release before chapters 11-12)

~ Questions? ~

Narrator POV:

Hello, now you may think, why am I doing a Q&A when there's barely anybody to ask me something?

Simple... This is more of a 'record' keeping thing. To see the difference between months of my writing. So it's more for me. Instead of being it for me alone, I thought, why not do it online, then I had an idea to do it via Q&A.

I will do this every 10 chapters. That's 5 weeks, so basically this will be a monthly thing.Every single piece of information is written as of July 15th, The 9th and 10 chapters will be taken into the consideration at the 2nd Q&A while the chapters 19th and 20th will be a part of the 3rd... And so on.

Now... Let's start with the details.

1. Total views.

Queen of Hogwarts - Prologue upload, June 12, 2021. First 10 chapters views: 603

Strong to Weak - Prologue upload, June 17, 2021. First 10 chapters views: 375

Reincarnated Ice Warmer - Prologue upload, June 12, 2021. First 10 chapters views: 269

Total: 1247 views.

2. Best chapters of the month,

Statistically the best chapters of each.

QoH - Prologue at 168 views and Chapter 1 at 8 votes.

StW - Prologue at 78 views and Chapter 7 at 4 votes (Yes there are others with the same number, but this one has lesser views and it came later, yet it has the same votes, so it's the highlight)

RIW - Chapter 1 at 56 views and Prologue Part 2 at 6 votes.


QoH - 6 (4 if you don't count my replies)

StW - 0

RIW - 0

(I know, there are no comments, but it's alright. The first comment that I got on the Queen of Hogwarts, made me happy enough to last for a long while. Never thought how ecstatic it'd be to get one, brains work in mysterious ways)

4. Time passed in their respective universe.

QoH - A whopping week and one not finished day.

StW - About... A month and a half.

RIW - That big, full year.

Okay. for now, that's all the information I can provide... I think. I could definitely think of something... Well, whatever.

Now the part of the Q&A... I will answer anything... Mostly, there are some private things and obviously heavy spoilers... That I know of what I want to write. But besides those, I will answer it.

Now, I might not even get one question. And that's fine. I will still say some information of my own next week if I don't get asked anything. According to my judgment of what I would ask if I were a reader of these stories instead of the writer.

Meanwhile somewhere else.

Hogwarts, the Queen's room.

The queen is pacing around. trying to figure out what's happening, when she woke up today, there was nobody in the entire Hogwarts, at first she thought she was dreaming, but that idea soon came to a conclusion of a big fat no, when the Queen did the most plebeian thing she could think of, which just happened to be pinching somewhere to see if she can feel the pain. Which she could. But she doesn't know how accurate such a test, truly is.

But with the mindset that she isn't dreaming, she started trying to figure out if she has been hexed by somebody, to not be able to see any person, but that doesn't seem like it, because she doesn't know anybody strong enough to curse her like that, maybe Dumbledore and McGonagall could do it, but why would they do that? Doesn't make sense.

But as she was pacing, she stopped, looking around, seeing that she isn't in Hogwarts anymore. But in a place similar to what she has only experienced once before.

And so she starts walking around aimlessly... Or that's what she should've done if there weren't LITERAL arrow signs pointing to a way for her to follow... Normally it wouldn't be smart to do such a thing, but... She's a Queen and nobody gets away with telling her to do something, besides she ain't scared of anybody. And with a 'Bring it' mentality she marches on.

As she walks she finally hears somebody else, a distorted, Yet clear voice, speaking gibberish.

"Now, I might not even get one question. And that's fine. I will still say some information of my own next week if I don't get asked anything. According to my judgment of what I would ask if I were a reader of these stories instead of the writer"

The Queen looks at the wisp-like creature... It's like a Hogwarts ghost, but less physical. But she just gets annoyed by its existence, not only did it bring her to wherever this place is, it wasn't even there to meet the Queen, only placing arrows, so she interrupts it.

Narrator POV:

"Yes, yes, now can you just stop blabbing about?"

Eh... What?

"The Queen is here, so it's her time to speak, not whatever you are"

That is rude... But fine... I have finished anyways, take it away...

"Away... what?"

The Narrator rolls his eyes.

"Did you just narrate yourself in the third person? Have to respect it a little bit, The Queen does it too. But seriously... What?"

Fine... Take it away, Queen. The Narrator leaves.

"I thought so"

"Now then, the Queen is here... Why am I here? The wisp has left already, so I have no idea... I guess I will just wait for something to happen"

The Narrator comes back... Because they were led like a puppy by two silver tails holding them.

"9/10, I like your hair and your eyes... Hello, who are you?"

Crystal asks the unknown person.

The unknown... a.k.a the Queen looks at the demihuman, intrigued.

"The name's Luna Crimson, I am a Queen, now, where are your manners? If you ask for somebody's name, introduce yourself first, demihuman. And seriously? Not a 10? I am perfect, doesn't sound right being a 9"

Crystal looks at the Queen confused...

"Demihuman? What's that? Oh, and my name is Crystal Rose, pleased to meet you. And sorry, my instinct may seem rude for doing such a thing, but I assure a 9 is near impossible. You're the third person to get it out from me"

"You don't know what's a demihuman?" The Queen asks amused, ignoring the second part of the answer because no matter what the explanation is, she knows that she's way above a 10.


"But that's what you are?"

"Sorry, I think you're mistaking something"

Before the Queen has the time to answer, a third voice does it for her. Which of course doesn't sit well with the Queen.

"She's a Faunus"

Crystal, Luna, and the Narrator turn to the voice and see a girl wearing a maid uniform walking towards them.

"8/10. Yes I am a Faunus, my name is Crystal Rose and on my side here"

Crystal says and turns to point to the Queen. Who begrudgingly obliges the Faunus silent request to introduce to this... Maid.

"Luna Crimson, a Queen, now, maid, know your place and don't interrupt those above your status"

Diana looks at Luna quizically and ignores her, she's not worth her time.

"Pleased to meet you, Crystal, I am Diana Frost. A personal maid to..." Diana looks at Luna while she continues saying "... The best Queen in existence. Queen Elsa"

Luna's eye twitches at the blatant disrespect. How dare a maid be this uppity with her and also right in front of her face calling her a second best. She's no sloppy seconds, she's the main course.

As Diana and Luna glared at each other. Crystal, forgotten by both of them. They start to bicker back and forth.

So the Narrator does their job and offers the Faunus that's holding them captive a seat and a drink. Crystal thanks them but still doesn't release them. The Narrator cries silently.

"Oh, the Queen that you serve is so great, is she? Then why is her maid so... classless, so without any elegance, I thought maids were supposed to be trained, yet here you are... A rabid dog, with nothing worthy of being called a maid"

"Well, my Queen is definitely great, unlike you, she is actually kind and lovable and... Somebody you look up to... Not somebody you look down on"

Diana goes straight for the weak spot of the Queen. Only making the Queen irritated.

"KNEEL" The Queen points down with her index finger.

1... 2... 3... Nothing happens. Silence.

Oh... No, it seems that all three are looking at the Narrator. Making him scared for his life.They don't seem to appreciate the Narrator's... Narration.

Sorry, no powers can be used in this space... Sorry, I would leave... But I am held up at the moment.

"You have got to be kidding. So because of your ineptitude, I can't bring this haughty maid to her knees?"

But... This is... It's my world...


No, sorry that I am useless, but I can't change it.

The Queen sighs and shakes her head at the Narrator's powerlessness.

She looks back at the smirking maid and goes about this differently.

"Well then let's compare. I am 13 right now, I will still grow and I am already a Queen, how old was yours when she became a Queen? Huh?"

That question made Diana pause a little... Before she truthfully answered.

"She is... Uh... 21"

"Ha, 21 and only now a Queen? Quite pathetic, is it not?"

"No, it isn't. That's the regulations, she had to wait 3 years before the coronation, so whoever let a kid like you become a Queen weren't smart"

"Oh, so your Queen is useless, is that what you're saying? She has the power, but she doesn't use it? Nobody told me to become a Queen, I just did it by myself"

"My Queen isn't useless, she is amazing, way more than you who is lawless"

"Oh yeah? Well, can your Queen use magic?"

"Yes... It's her all shtick actually"

"Well is she at least competent?"

"She can make living beings"

"That's actually amazing..." The Queen says impressed.

"I know right? Elsa's awesome" Diana gushes forgetting for a moment that they were just arguing.

"Well has she killed anybody?"

"No? If you don't count yourself..."

"Wait... wait... Your Queen killed herself?"

"Well... Not exactly, she died for a minute or so and it hasn't happened yet... it will... You know it's confusing, let's move on. Now how is it any better if she were to kill somebody?"

"Right... But how is it not better? If you can't kill your enemies, how are you going to defend all that belongs to you, you'd just let yourself and your Queendom down?"

"Uh... There hasn't actually been anything that required her to defend her Queendom like that, nothing that could be killed, or more accurate, had to be killed"

"Well okay then... Hope she has the balls to do so when the chance comes, otherwise, she's a pathetic weakling"

"We will see, but even if she doesn't, she won't be a pathetic weakling, she will and is an angel"

"Ha, an angel? So lame"

"Yeah, right, is there nobody in your life that you'd like for them to call you an angel?"

The Queen stops her retort and thinks for a bit... Realizing that the maid is right... Her Moon calling her an Angel would be pretty great... Thoughts for later.

"There might be... But as a Queen being called an angel by her subjects, isn't my cup of tea, such a name doesn't bring any fear, respect nor recognition"

"Well, nobody actually calls her like that, except for me. She's an angel in my eyes"

"Fine... You can have this"

"Thank you"

The Queen rolls her eyes "So, does she have any suitors? Any wives?"

"She doesn't need any, she has me"

"Quite a presumptuous maid aren't you?"

"No, just factual. I am hers after all"

"Well of course you are, you're a maid, all subjects are the Queen's property"

"... A PERSONAL one"

The Queen takes a moment, but she finally gets it.

"Oh, so that's how it is... Is she any good?"

"The BEST"

"Nice" The Queen approves.


"What?" The Queen asks.

"What?" The Maid asks back.

The two look at each other, then both shake their heads and look at the Narrator and the Faunus. They glance back at each other and nod at the same time.

They move closer to Crystal.

"Oh, are you two done making friends with each other?"

The two stop moving, then just look at the Faunus bewildered.

How was any of that being friendly? The Narrator wonders. All three look at them again.

"You forgot that we can hear anything you say, right?" The Queen asks.


"Even all of those 'The Queen asks' things," The Maid says.


"Well I like it, it's unique" The Faunus remarks, making the Narrator shed a tear of joy before they remember that they are being held captive by the same person, making them shed a tear of sadness.

And now all three of them just ignore the Narrator.

"Hey, Maid, go serve us something to drink"

The Queen commands the Maid.

"I only serve one Queen and unfortunately? She's in another castle"

The Maid snidely answers the Queen.

"How useless... But respectably loyal"

The Queen tries to compliment somebody other than her wives but fails miserably because she just can't help but insult them.

The Narrator seems to be shaking in their non-existent boots because the Queen is looking at them as if there was a need for a coffin.

"Hey, hey, no fighting between yourselves, friends aren't supposed to be fighting"

The Faunus says and extends both of her tails towards the Maid and the Queen for them to hold. They do it and they instantly calm down from how nice and soft the tails are.

The Narrator finally being released, starts to silently and sneakily walk away... But they don't make it far, because they are yet again caught.

"The 'Narrator' is pretty stupid, aren't they?" The Maid mocks the Narrator.

"We can actually agree on something if they didn't say anything, they might've gotten away" The Queen adds to the mockery.

The Narrator looks at the Faunus... To see her ignore them... What happened to the 'friends don't fight' talk... The Narrator just gives up.

"So, say, Crystal was it? Do you have a Queen in your world?" The Queen asks.

"Hmm... You could say so..."

"Oh? Care to elaborate?" The Maid inquires, interested.

"Well, I don't know the standards or the behind scenes of being called a Queen... But I think my wife is one"

"Oooooh," Both the Maid and the Queen make the same sound of acknowledgment.

"So... What's a Faunus? Because you totally look a demihuman to me" The Queen asks the two who seem to know of it.

"One of the two races that inhabit a world called Remnant" Crystal answers, then looks at Diana "How did you know that I was a Faunus? I am pretty sure you're not from Remnant"

"While I was walking around this place, there was a pamphlet on the ground, with basic information about you two"

The Maid lies through her teeth... Oops...

The Queen and the Faunus narrow their eyes at the Maid.

"This is not the first time I met one, you can just say that"


The Maid glares at the Narrator.


She nods smiling.

"So there's no difference? Because demihumans are the same thing. A trait of an animal kind on what otherwise seems like a human"

Crystal thinks for a bit.

"No, it doesn't seem that there's a difference. So I guess I am what's called a demihuman, fascinating"

The Queen looks at the two, then zeroes in on the Narrator...

Uhm... What?

"How do you know everything about us?"






The three look at each other.

"I think you broke them," The Maid says to the Queen.

"Seems like it, but even when broken they continue to say the last parts, it's quite annoying if you ask me" The Queen remarks.

"One minute left" A fifth voice calls out, that even the Narrator doesn't know who it was.

"Ah, it seems this is over. I don't imagine this is the last time we will be seeing each other" The Maid says.

"Seems like it... Though I could make do without the arrogant maid" The Queen says smirking.

Diana only rolls her eyes smiling slightly.

"Well, I like you both, you're interesting"

"Thank you Crystal/Crys" The other two say.

"Crys?/Crys?" The Faunus and the Queen ask the Maid.

"What? It's shorter and it's not that bad"

"Okay, friend Diana you can call me like that, I like it" Crystal states.

"You got it, Crys"

"15 seconds left," The previous voice says for everybody to hear.

Three of them silently get ready to leave.

The Queen looks at the Maid...

"Hope you make your Queen happy, serve her good, like a Queen should be served"The Maid looks back at the Queen.

"Thank you, obviously I will... And you? Keep doing whatever Queenly things it is that you're doing"

"Ha, of course, I don't plan on stopping any time soon"

Both of them look at the Faunus.

"It was an honor making friends with you/You're a nice person to be friends with" Both of them say to her, making her smile.

"Oh, and your tails are amazing to the touch" The Queen adds just as they all disappear.

The Narrator looks around for a few seconds.

Ah, are they gone?

Finally. Now as I was saying before I got interrupted.

Questions, ask them, I will answer.

Now, what else was there? Hmm...




Wait, no way this is my space.



~ End of Q&A Number UNO ~

~ The Queen tips her crown, she would bow... But she doesn't do it for anybody, in gratitude for your time spent on reading about her story ~

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.