Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 1

Hahahahaha! If this is a nightmare, please wake me up. I cannot handle this any longer. My business is bankrupt, and my fiance is cheating on me. Heh. What makes matters worse is that the one who is cheating with her is someone I thought was my brother in all but blood.

I drink vodka and wince a little as I can feel the burn down my throat.

I hate it. I hate her. I hate him. I hate them. Lastly, I hate myself.

I hate myself for not seeing the obvious. I hate myself for forgiving her. I hate myself for trusting them easily. I hate myself for what I have become.

I hope I can do something to start a new life. I will do anything to start a new life. A new life where I can live in peace. That is all I want.

"Then what about making a contract with me?"

I take out the kitchen knife and turn around to see a man wearing an expensive suit. He is a middle-aged man, around thirty-two years old. He has silver pupil-less eyes and silver hair. He is not very tall but not short either, average.


"Who are you?!"

"Me? My name is really hard to pronounce with the human tongue. However, you can call me… Lius."

"What do you want?!"

The man chuckled for a second before saying.

"Why, for you, of course. You said that you are willing to do anything for a new life, right?"


"Well, let's just say that I'm a higher being than you, humans."


"I will not call myself a God, but we are the same in power at least. Anyway! I hear you want to start a new life?"

I look at him for a few seconds before putting away the knife. I release a sigh and decide to humour this weirdo.

"Yes. A life where I can live in peace. I have become tired of living in the city. I want to start a new life, a simple life."

"Hmmm, I cannot give you a peaceful life. However, I can give you a life filled with adventure."

"Adventure, huh? Sure, That sounds good. Anything is better than what I have right now."

"Lovely! If you sign in here, I will give you a second chance."

I look at the paper for a few seconds before saying.

"What's the catch?"

"Nothing too heavy. I have a problem, and I need someone to help me fix it."

"And you can't fix it yourself?"

"Ah, that is the problem. My kind cannot interfere with one planet. It will take me ten thousand years to manifest myself in this body."

"And you decide to ask a human to fix your problem."

"Bingo. Well, not really human. I can ask the other race, but most of the planet that needs fixing is filled with humans."

"I see… Why me?"

"Why? Well… because you did not become edgy. Too many people get depressed and become too edgy for my taste. I know it is your nature as a human to change direction when you encounter something depressing and something really hard, but I did not need those kinds of people. You did not want revenge-"

I raise one of my eyebrows at that statement.

"Well, you want that, but you want more of a second chance than revenge. You want a peaceful life instead of wasting your life on getting revenge."

I look at the alcohol in my hand and sigh a little. What he says is true. I want revenge, but I prefer to have a peaceful life and move on instead of chasing after revenge. If I can get that revenge, I will take it, but I will not actively chase it.

"I see."

"Anyway, I need you to fix the problem for me, and you can go free to do whatever you want."

"Ten problems? That is rather short, don't you think?"

"Ah, that might be what you think, but each problem needs a few years to complete. Some of them even take a few decades."

"Then how can I complete it? I'm human, you know? At our peak, we can only last for a hundred years."

"Wrong. Peak humanity can last for two hundred years before they die. Anyway, you did not worry about that. The first planet will take care of it for you. Take this as a test run. If you succeed, you do not need to worry about dying from old age, but if you fail… well, you die."

"Die, huh?"

I look at him for a few seconds before nodding my head.

"Very well. I accept your contract."

"Great! Then please sign in here."

I take the paper and read it first. After a few seconds of reading, I sign the paper after ensuring nothing is wrong with it.

"So, what happened now?"

"What happened now? Well, you will start your job, of course!"

I can see him snap his finger, and suddenly the surrounding starts to crack. I can feel my body fall into the eternal abyss around me. I did not know how long I would fall, but suddenly I could feel my body crashing into the ground.

"Urgh. What the hell?"

I shake my head and open my eyes. The first thing I notice is the beautiful blue sky above me and the lush field in front of me. Where am I?

|Congratulations on your second chance!|


|This world is something that you know from the retro game you played as a child. This world is the world of Suikoden.|

Suikoden? I remember that game. It was one of my favourite games on the PS1 and PS2. Suikoden is a JRPG where I control the chosen one (The MC) through a conflict while collecting 108 characters called Star of Destiny.

Other than your regular monster, this place is filled with conflict, and it is not a minor conflict. A full-blown war is happening in every single Suikoden game. It was not something that was shown in the game, but there were at least a thousand people who died in the war.

How in the hell can I survive in this world!

|Don't worry! I will give you a gift!|

|Name: Jacob Shiff|


|Race: Human|

|Level: 1|

|HP: 100/100|

|MP: 100/100|

|STR: 10|

|VIT: 10|

|DEX: 10|

|INT: 10|

|WIS: 10|

What? What is this? A game?

|I will give you this! With this, you can grow stronger by killing the monster in this place.|

|Just like in the game, HP indicates how dead you are. 100% means you are not dead, 50% means you are half dead, and 0% means you are dead.|

Thank you, Sherlock, that is very helpful.

|MP is your magical energy! You are a wizard now! Or Sorcerer! Or Mage! Whatever title many people call it. While it was not fatal when it reached zero, there would be a side effect if it reached zero, and it was rather painful, so be careful.|

This one is helpful. It was not fatal, but it can be painful if my MP reaches zero.

|STR indicates how powerful your punches are. The higher the number, the more powerful your physical attack will be|

|VIT is your HP and durability! To calculate your HP, there is a simple formula: VIT *10 = HP|

|DEX is your movement speed and reaction time! The higher it is, the higher chance you can dodge a bullet!|

|INT is how powerful your spell will be! That's it!|

|WIS is your Mana and your mana generation. MP = WIS * 10!|

That is simple enough.

|Now, my next gift! Your starting weapon! You have three choices!|

|Long Sword|

{A simple long sword made of steel. It is versatile and reliable. It is a sword good for stabbing and slashing.}

|Steel Spear|

{A simple Steel Spear. It is rather hard to use, but once you master it, you can keep the enemy at bay because of the long reach of the spear. The spear is good for penetration.}


{A mace made of steel. Mace is the heaviest weapon in the game. Mace excels in blunt damage and destroying armour. Sadly, mace did not excel in stabbing and slashing.}

Where are the bow and arrow options?! You will not listen, huh? Fine! I will take the sword.

|Great! Your weapon is located in your inventory. You can open your inventory by saying the name out loud or mentally.|

Inventory. Woah! I can see a black hole appear in front of me. When I get my hand inside the black hole, I know all the items inside. There is a pouch filled with seven hundred coins inside and my long sword.

|Good job! As for your money, it was separated from your inventory because your inventory has limited space.|

Yeah, I noticed that. My inventory takes the shape of a cube with a volume of 125 cubic metres. It has five metres on all sides.

|There is a skill section, but currently, you have none. You can open it on your own, just at the same time as the inventory. Lastly! Quest!|

A quest, huh? I guess that made sense. I have a goal of coming to this place.

|Main Quest!|

|Sacred Game!|

|There will be a sacred game happening in the city of Sol-Falena. It was a tournament where you would fight against many fighters from around the world. Win this tournament. The fight will start seven months from now on|

{Reward: ??? Rune, ??? Rune, and ??? Rune}

{Failure: You Die or Get a longer mission in this world}

{You cannot reject this quest}

Just in the game, there will be the main quest, and just like in the game, you cannot reject the main quest. My only question is will this be my sole main quest, or will it be a chain quest?

|There are daily quests that you can take to increase your level a little bit faster and get rewards.|

|Anyway, that is all. Remember to complete the main quest and have some fun. While I cannot give you a second chance at peace, I promise you that you will have a second life that is full of adventure. Ciao. - Lius|

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