Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 11


I jump to the left and dodge the rampaging boss. It has been ten minutes of continuous dodging and nothing else. I didn't even have time to take my sword from the ground as the boss moved so fast.

I already wasted two lightning spells. This bastard is so fast!


I jump once again to dodge the incoming attack.


I grunt a little when I feel the rocks from the attack smack into my body—bloody hell. Even when I managed to dodge that attack, the splash damage still hit me, and it hurt. A medium-sized group of rocks hitting your body at high speed hurts.

After landing on the ground, I roll to the right to dodge another swing attack. After dodging the attack, I quickly ran toward my sword on the ground. I cannot continue dodging and not attacking.

When I see the boss coming straight at me, I decide to make a risky move. I wait for the boss to get closer before suddenly pointing my finger at him.

"Thunder Runner!"

My attack is too close for that bastard to dodge. An explosion is happening, and I can even feel the lightning strike me. However, I did not get damaged…much because of my gear.

I can see the boss stunned while he is still standing. Seeing my chance, I quickly get my sword from the ground and look at the stunned boss. I take a deep breath before activating my lightning rune once again.

"Berserker Blow!"

I can see lightning coming from above the boss and striking him down. Even when the lightning fried his entire body, I can see him still standing there. I dash forward with my sword in hand and jump at the boss. I stab his neck and use my body weight to move the sword down.

I manage to slit his throat and see a large amount of blood spraying out of his neck. The boss still stands for a few seconds while holding his neck but falls to the ground a few seconds later.

I sigh when I see the boss's body disappear into light.

I can feel my body aching from all the damage I had taken from the boss. I'm lucky to have this armor. It looks like it can absorb the kinetic energy from the boss. I'm really glad I paid for this armor. It was worth it.

I take the water bottle and drink the water inside. While sitting on the ground, I activate my water rune.

"Kindness Drops."

I see a water droplet fall into my body, and a second later, I can feel my health restored. The injury I got from the boss is gone, and my stamina is also restored. I decided to open my stats and see my progress.

|Name: Jacob Shiff|

|Race: Human|

|Level: 13|

|HP: 890/890|

|MP: 930/1180|

|STR: 82|

|VIT: 89|

|DEX: 79|

|INT: 98|

|WIS: 118|

|SP: 65|

I nod my head at my growth. This place really boosted my stats. If not for me wanting the bonus reward, I would stay here and take my time to increase my stats. However, I cannot stop and train in this place.

After eating another beef jerky and drinking more water, I get up from the ground and continue my journey.

~A few hours later~

I swing my sword to the right and slice the kobold charging at me before creating a fire spear and releasing it to the archer in the distance. After killing the kobold archer, I manipulate the water inside the bottle on my belt and surround the kobold magician with it.

When the kobold released an arc of lightning, it backfired. Instead of flying toward me, it fried that scaly bastard. When I see the magician still standing, I manipulate the water into a saw and cut the magician's head off.

"And that is all."

After I say that, I suddenly feel a burst of power coming from inside my body.

"Oh! Level up. Finally."

I can see the wound I have disappeared, and my stamina is back. I can continue to fight, but I know I cannot exploit this before I can fight the final boss. The higher I level up, the harder it is for me to reach the higher level.

Even to level up two times, I need to beat one mini-boss, and who knows the number of kobolds. This is a low-level dungeon. While the kobold's level also got higher the deeper I went, it did not do much.

They are still under-level monsters and only give a small amount of EXP.

I shake my head and continue getting deeper into the dungeon. I have been twelve hours in this place for twelve hours. Before you say that I'm so slow, this place is huge. Then combine it with traps that you need to disable every few meters and a kobold ready to ambush you. You need time to get here.

Hell, in my time getting here, I have learned another skill.

|Poison Resistance| |Passive| |Level: 15|

This skill I got from the first dozen traps that hit me. It was a dispenser that launched a poison needle. If not the antidote I buy from the apothecary, I need a longer time to reach this stage.

|Trap Dismantler| |Passive| |Level: 41|

This is the fastest skill I have ever leveled up. This skill let me notice the trap around me and how to disable it without triggering it. Of course, it did not work on every trap. The more complex traps need trial and error before I can disable them.

There is also one more skill that leveled up from all the fights.

|Pain Resistance| |Passive| |Level: 21|

It levels up when one of the arrow throwers is dipped in a liquid that can cause intense pain. I only get hit once, and it manages to increase my resistance to level twenty-one. That is how painful the liquid is.

I tried to get him the liquid after I was able to get up, but sadly for me, there was none left.

I snap from my thoughts when I see a massive silhouette in the distance. After walking for a couple of minutes, I can see another mini-boss standing at the end of the corridor.

|Zalod - Kobold General| |Level: 13|


I take a stance and smile a little.

"Another boss, huh? Bring it on."

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