Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 13

I get up from the ground and walk toward the other room behind the boss' throne. I can see a massive chest at the end of the room. When I open the treasure chest, I can see a pile of gold and a single vial filled with purple liquid.

What is that?



|Perfectly heal anyone who drinks the potion. Will regrow any organ in the human body, from hands to even the heart, that gets destroyed. This potion can heal them completely as long as their entire body does not stop working. This item can even heal diseases. The only thing this potion cannot heal is a curse. *NOTE* This potion cannot revive the dead.|

Wow. This is one useful potion. How much does this potion cost? I think the apothecary in Hakos Village said it was a priceless item, right? Not like I want to sell this item. It is too useful to be sold.

I shake my head and put all the items inside the box into my inventory.

I don't really care about the money, but the potion is something very valuable. Speaking of items, I really need to empty my inventory. It is too crowded. I have too many kobold's scales inside my inventory.

I wonder if the trading house is willing to buy it. The scale is tough enough to block an ordinary sword.


I snap from my thoughts when I feel the entire dungeon start to shake. What is happening?! I look around for a few seconds before seeing a glowing magic circle appear next to the treasure chest. I look around some more before reluctantly getting inside the magic circle.

I can see the world turn white, and after a few seconds, I can see the forest I once came from. I shake the dizziness and look around, trying to see if an enemy is coming. Seeing there is none, I take a deep breath and walk away from the forest.

I need some rest.


|3rd POV|

While resting inside one of the inn's rooms, Leo opens up his status and takes the reward from the mission section.

|Mission completed!|

|Gathering all rewards… Congratulations, you get 2 Random Skills, One Random Sword, +20 All stats boost, and Star Rune|

|Please prepare for the gift.|

"Prepare? For what? Argh!"

The pain lasts for a few minutes before a warm feeling makes it disappear completely. Bloody hell, that really hurt. My head feels like it's being ripped apart by a giant gorilla. I open my skill and see what kind of skill I get.


|Invictus| |Passive| |Level: MAX|

|Your will is absolute, boundless, and unbreakable. No matter how difficult the situation, even if you're torn in half, locked in a time loop of endless agony for thousands of years, or subjected to a fate worse than death, you'll be able to shrug it off. Of course, you still have emotions, and you can still be hurt emotionally, but you'll always be able to maintain your composure and keep your emotions from ruling your decision-making. Take care that you don't become so tunnel-visioned that you fail to see others as actual people with souls.|

|Marking of the Beast| |Passive| |Level: MAX|

|You have the marking of the beast. This marking will make you a friend to ANY beast (not a monster) that meets you. Every hostile beast will become neutral, every neutral beast will become friendly, and every friendly beast will become devoted.|

That is not bad, especially the Invictus skill. The pain gets the better of me in the dungeon more than once. Because of the pain from the kobolds stabbing and piercing me with their arrow, I cannot concentrate and create a better plan for the fight.

As for the second skill… Well, it was good when I encountered some beast in the wild. Sadly, it didn't work for monsters, and almost every enemy in here is a monster.

I shake my head and open my inventory. I put my hand inside the inventory and took out the new item. The first one was a sword. It was a katana.

|Mikazuki Munechika|


|A sword created by legendary swordsmith Sanjō Kokaji Munechika. This sword was blessed by the Goddess of Fox and Fertility, Inari, when it was created under the moonlight. Because of this blessing, the sword has a crescent moon pattern on the blade. When used under the moonlight, this sword will glow in power and can shoot out energy from its blade in the shape of a crescent moon. This blessing also makes sure the sword will not rust or dull. This blessing will stay as long as the wielder does not use this sword for murder without a cause.|

Murder without a cause? If I have a cause, even when the said cause is evil in nature, will the blessing stay? What kind of loophole is this? Or the one giving the blessing did not really care about it.

I shake my head and decide not to think about it.

I look at the last item in my hand. It was an orb with the color of the night sky. I can see a star inside the orbs surrounding a symbol in the middle of the orb.

|Star Rune|


|One of the two children of the Night Rune, one of the twenty-seven True Rune. This rune gives the user the power to read the stars and use their power to cast spells. If the user can master the rune, they can use the infinite magic of the stars to cast a destructive spell.|

One of two children of the Night Rune? I see. I guess that makes sense. In the game, it is said that Star Rune is a one-of-a-kind rune, just like the Dawn Rune and the Twilight rune. I want this rune.

I get up from the bed and quickly walk away from my room. I need to see Jeane and attach this rune to my body. I wonder what kind of reaction she will have when she sees the Star Rune. Will she get surprised, or will she not have any reaction?

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