Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 23

I wave my wand, and suddenly a wall of water appears from the ground, and with another flick of my wand, it disappears.

Gilderoy Lockhart is not a great wizard. He has an above-average mana reserve and has a good affinity to charm magic. Sadly, he is too lazy to do the work and only masters one kind of charm before giving up the other.

Gilderoy is only bad at one thing, and that is Conjuration. I can only conjure this amount of water because of my rune. I really need to train, especially when this comes up.

|Charm| |Active| |Level: 47|

|Transfiguration| |Active| |Level: 15|

|Curse| |Active| |Level: 17|

|Counter-Spell| |Active| |Level: 5|

|Healing| |Active| |Level: 2|

Yup. I have all Spell-type in the Harry Potter world. The book divides Dark Magic into three categories: Jix, Hex, and Curse. Jix is the weakest, and Curse is the strongest. However, the system decided to combine them all into a curse. I guess if the spell overpowered, it would result in a devastating effect, huh?

I shake my head and look out of the window of the safe house I'm currently in. I can see the full moon hanging in the sky and hear a wolf's howl around me.

This is a werewolf dungeon. A werewolf is a bipedal humanoid creature that is rather deadly. Unlike the kobold, werewolves did not use traps or any hidden weapons. Instead, they will charge at their prey at high speed and attack them ferociously.

While they are physically stronger than Kobolds, they do not have the same variety as the Kobolds. For example, werewolves did not have mages among them, and they could not use bows and arrows.

They also did not have the same intelligence as a Kobold who could make a plan in the fight.

It has been eight hours since I arrived in this place, and I spent the first three hours hunting the werewolves around the safe house. Most of the enemies around the safe house are level twelve or thirteen. While they have a superior speed, I have magic.

Using a sword in one hand and magic in the other, I manage to kill twenty werewolves in the span of three hours.

After hunting all the werewolves, I decided to stay inside the house for the first day, and it looked like the werewolf would respawn after a few hours.

I need to learn about this world's spells and magic. While I still did not have any idea how to teach the student, I will try my best. I take one of the books I get from the bookshelf in my new office and start reading.


|3rd POV|

After the second day, Jacob started his hunt early. The three werewolves immediately jump at him when he gets out of the safe area. Then, with a wave of his wand, an explosion is happening, blasting the poor werewolves' heads into a chunk of meat paste.

It was Bombarda Maxima, a more powerful exploding spell.

Hearing an explosion, the rest of the werewolves start running toward Jacob' location. Seeing the incoming group of werewolves, one of the rings around Jacob' finger shine a little, and suddenly a massive fireball flies toward the first group of werewolves.

Today is a hunt and not live practice. He will use all he has to hunt the werewolves. He will Wand Magic and Flow Magic in this hunt.

Jacob takes out his sword from his inventory and dashes forward. He dodges the incoming attack and swings his sword upward, easily cutting the werewolf's head. But, of course, if it were a normal sword, it would not cut the head of the werewolf this easily.

Lucky for him, the sword in his hand is a Blessed Weapon. Mikazuki Munechika is a sword blessed by Goddess Inari. This blessing has a hidden effect. Besides ensuring this sword never rusts forever and shoots energy when under the full moon, it can also deal great damage to a cursed creature.

In this world, werewolves are cursed creatures, unlike in the Suikoden world, where werewolves are a race.

Each time he swings, an arc of energy shoots out from his sword and kills any enemy coming in its path.

Jacob continues to steamroll the dungeon with his sword and magic. He continued to fight for eighteen hours non-stop. As he levels up, his physical and mental condition resets to his maximum health. All of the debuffs he gets, like poison, paralyzing effects, and curses, are gone.

And this includes Hunger and Thirst debuff.

Because of this, Jacob rarely stops and continues to fight for many hours. Finally, after hunting, he returns to the original safe house, takes a massive bucket filled with water, and starts to clean his body.

"Hmmm, I think I will stay here and read the book I got."

He spent the rest of the six hours reading, eating, and training inside the dungeon. When he is kicked out of the dungeon, his wand magic skill increases by leaps and bounds.

|Charm| |Active| |Level: 55|

|Transfiguration| |Active| |Level: 35|

|Curse| |Active| |Level: 29|

|Counter-Spell| |Active| |Level: 10|

|Healing| |Active| |Level: 17|

His charm starts to slow down when he reaches level fifty, but it still grows steadily. His constant use of Exploding spells is the key to this growth. As for his transfiguration, it grows from the constant use of the passive ability of his rune.

It looks like summoning a wall of water and a bolt of lightning is considered a conjuration in the Harry Potter skill system hence the fast rise of his transfiguration level. As for the curse skill, Jacob's constant use of the Impedimenta spell (A spell that slows down his opponent) and Flipendo spell (Knocking over his opponent) rises very fast.

The counter-spell skill is because he practices the spell while reading from the book. As for the healing spell? Spamming Episkey spell (Healing spell that heals small wounds and injuries.) every time he gets injured by the enemy.

The healing did not work very fast, but it served its purpose.

When the time limit reaches zero, Jacob appears inside his new office with his hand still holding the book.

"Already? And I thought I had more time."

Jacob continues to read the book in his hand before he hears someone knocking on his door. When he opens the door, he looks down and sees the half-goblin professor.

"Ah, Professor Flitwick. What can I do for you, sir?"

"Call me Filius, my boy! We are colleagues, after all! Anyway, I came here to tell you about the meeting."

"Ah, of course. Please lead the way."

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