Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 36

I blink a few times and see that I'm back at the Suikoden World. It looks like I'm back in my room in the inn. Before going downstairs, I quickly take off my armor and put on my casual outfit.

I sit in front of the desk where the owner is busy cleaning the mug and plate.

"Boss, can I get today's special?"

"Didn't you just eat a few hours ago?"

"Yeah but I'm starving once more after using so much energy."

"I see. Sure, wait a minute."

While the owner is busy preparing the food, I feel someone sitting next to me.

"Owner, can I have the same?"

"Coming right up!"

He is Belcoot.

"Belcoot, how are you?"

"I'm doing great."

Both of us just sit in our seats in silence for a few minutes and feel that Belcoot looks at me as if I'm a new kind of creature.

"What is it?"

"Pardon me?"

"What is it? You have been looking at me for minutes and it is uncomfortable."

Belcoot looks at it for a few seconds before saying.

"How? How are you able to hide it?"

"Hide what?"

"Don't act like that. If before your presence was like a blunted training sword, now you look like a newly crafted sword. Sharp and fresh, ready to cut down the enemy."

Hot damn. Did he know that I got stronger? What should I do? Bullshit? Bullshit.

"And why should I show my full power? You need to hide your main sword in the smaller event and only show your real sword in the main event."

"And the reason why you reject the offer to fight me is because?"

"I want to keep low and not gather the wrong sort of attention if I show too much."

I can see him nod his head, and we continue to sit there in silence.

~Two days later~

I spent two days of my life in the capital city of Falena Queendom. I was just relaxing and exploring. Now it is time to go back and visit Jeane once again. I already promised her to return as fast as possible while also taking a break after the tournament.

I put all my belongings into my inventory and returned to the log cabin northeast of Sol-Falena.

After walking for a few hours, I arrived in front of a log cabin next to a river. I can see Jeane watering some plants. When I walk through the barrier around the house, I can see her look at me and say.

"Ah, Jacob. Welcome back."

She walked toward me and hugged me. After hugging her back, I said.

"I'm back."

"How is it? How is the competition?"

"I'm qualified to go to the main show."

"Good~ I guess this is worth celebrating~ Come on~ I will cook something for you."

I follow her to the kitchen and sit on the chair while she cooks something for me.

"What are you doing while I was away, teach?"

"Hmmm?~ Well, I'm doing some reading and planting some herbs."

"Oh? Just relaxing, huh?"

"Yup~ Jacob~."


"Can you tell me how your magic grows and even doubles in size in just a few days? Not only that, it tastes different than before. There is different magic inside your core. It was more… pure and more controllable."

I look at her with a shocked expression for a few seconds and say.


"I lived for a long time, my dear~ If you are as old as me you will learn one or two things."

How do I tell her? However, what should I tell her? Should I tell her that I'm an otherworldly human that comes to this world to prevent this planet from blowing up? She will think of me as a crazy person instead.

"If you don't want to tell me then you don't need to tell me. I will not think less of you as you did not think less of me even though you already know of my nature."

Wait! Since when? I don't know about her race. I only know that she lived for a long time.

"I will not force you to tell the truth."

Argh! You know what? Fuck it.

"I come from the other world."


"I come from another world. I'm working for a Personification of Chaos to help this world."

"... That is a sentence that I never thought someone would say. A personification of chaos wants to help the world?"

"Too much Chaos the universe will be destroyed but with too much order there will be stagnation. This world already has too much chaos and it will blow the planet if it continues to be like this. I come to this world to prevent that from happening and the first step is to win the Sacred Games."

She looked at me with an intense stare for a few seconds before nodding her head.

"I see. It looks like a higher being needs to intervene with this problem."

"The problem of how the True Rune wants to regress all things into nothingness so they can be happy?"

"So you know about their intention, huh? However, I need to correct you on a few things. Only less than the 27 True Runes who want that end."

"Oh? Which one?"

"Eightfold Rune who is the creator of all monsters. Beast Rune, the rune represents Animalistic Rage and Passion. Rune of Beginning, the rune represents the "initial chaos of birth" inherent in times of creation. Circle Rune, the rune represents order and stagnation. Sovereign Rune, the rune represents an absolute rule. Lastly, the five Elements True Runes."

"Not the Sun Rune?"

"No. Surprisingly, Sun Rune did not want that ending. That rune is like a child. It would throw a tantrum if you did not give it a friend to play with. That is why Dawn and Twilight runes are born to accompany the Sun Rune."

"Huh. Now you mention it… that is a match of the personality of the Sun Rune."

"Right?~ The previous holder told me about it herself."

She takes out a turkey from the Mansory Oven and places it on the table.

"Let's continue our chat while we eat."

"Of course"

~A moment later~

"And that is how I finish the quest from my patron."

"Ahhh~ I really want to see it. It must have been a really good fight. Flashy and destructive. It has been a while since I saw a massive fight between magicians."

"Not really. I'm the one using fancy moves and the other trying to stay alive from the onslaught."

"That is because they did not have the physical strength of the real magician! A journeyman magician can beat them with physical power alone!"

Yeah. According to Jeane, magicians in this world need to be fit, or at least a True Magician is. A magician is indeed a backline fighter, and they still need someone to protect them so they can prepare their powerful magic.

However, they need to run around and dodge the incoming attack in case they fight against a fighter that can get close quickly.

"That is true I guess. They never once try to dodge and rely too much on their barrier spell. Once it is destroyed, they panic."

"Hmph! They are not a duelist, they are a bunch of sheep who are afraid to fight someone their size. Even sheep willing to fight an enemy above their size."

I chuckle a little when I hear Jeane talking about magic. Gone is her flirty speech and replaced with a passionate talker. She is really passionate about anything related to magic. If I'm not promise to teach her Potterverse magic, I will be in the basement chained right about now.

Jeane gulps the wine in her hand and places the glass on the table.

"So, what do you want to do now?"

"I want to train and hone my skills for the upcoming tournament."

"Hmmmm~ I see. Then you should travel around the world."

"You don't want to teach me any longer?"

"I want it but as a Journeyman magician, it is your duty to explore the world and expand your knowledge on your own."

Magicians of this world are divided into five stages.

Apprentice -> Journeyman -> Master -> Grandmaster -> Mythical

A journeyman is a stage where the apprentice needs to see the world, expand their knowledge of magic on their own, and occasionally come back to their master to show their progress and ask for guidance.

However, to become a journeyman, you need to learn from your master for a few years at least.

"You are not an official journeyman. This is just an excuse so you can hone your swordsmanship by fighting in the wilderness."

"Thank you, teacher."

"Fufufufu~ You are my student, after all~ What kind of master I'm not taking care of her student~ Just remember to keep visiting your poor teacher in Sol-Falena, okay?"

"I will."

"Good. As for your journey, can you visit Lordlake for me?"


Lordlake is a city that gets punished by the queen for trying to 'rebel' against the queen. Lordlake is a beautiful place filled with lush trees and a beautiful lake filled with fish. However, after the Queen used the power of Sun Rune, it became a desert, and the area never once rained.

Because of this, the city fell into ruin, with only a few people still staying.

"Of course."

"Go to Sol-Falena and take a boat to Lordlake. It will take half a day to get near Lordlake and you need to walk for five hours. I will give you the map."

"Thank you, teacher."

"Don't mention it."

We spent the rest of the day relaxing and exchanging stories with each other. Overall, it was a good day.

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