Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 47

I look at the ceiling above me while my entire body cannot move from exhaustion and from the injury.

"Dammit! How can an only lady like you can move that fast?!"

"Training, lad. In my day, this kind of training is nothing but warming for all of us."

I don't want to believe her, but if this were the result, I would believe her. Result speaks louder after all.

"Anyway, that should do it for the day. You have two more days before the Sacred Games start, right?"

"That's right."

"Then you need to rest and prepare some armor before the fight. Go to the capital and buy the best armor you can. As for your weapon… Well, your sword is good enough for now. Hell it's even more than good enough."

"Yeah. It is a good sword."

My current sword is really reliable. It is sharp and durable enough to withstand a lot of damage. However…

"Sadly, it is a magic sword and only a specialized person can repair it."

That is the problem of having a magic sword. I need a job called Magic Blacksmith that can repair my sword. You need the control of a magician and the knowledge of a blacksmith to be able to repair my sword.

"Lucky for you, there is a store for you to repair your weapon. Unfortunately for you, it cost a lot of money."

I silently open my stats and see the amount of money I have before saying.

"Don't worry about money. I have a lot of them."

From my constant monster hunting, I have a lot of money. I have a feeling that I have more money than a noble in this Queendom.

"Heh. Are you sure? Even when I'm looking like this, I'm quite rich, you know? A couple of hundred thousand of Potch is not much for me."

"Nah. Don't worry about me, Raja. Your help is all I need. Speaking of help…."

I get up from the ground and bow at her.

"Thank you for helping, Raja. Thank you for teaching me your fighting style and even letting me get into your training chamber. If there is something I can do for you, please tell me."

I get up and look at Raja, who is looking at me straight in the eyes for a few seconds before suddenly starting laughing.

"Bwahahahaha! Fine! I have some demand for you."

"Please tell me."

"Win the Sacred Games. Win the Sacred Games, and your debt is paid in full."

I grin at her request before saying.

"Fine! I will win this Sacred Games and I will tell the world that you are my teacher. I will let the world know that Admiral Raja is my teacher."

"Hah! That is a promise, brat! A man cannot break their promise."

"I won't."

I walk toward my room and put all of my items inside my inventory. After doing all that, I finally bid Kisara and Raja goodbye before walking toward my boat. I gave the security a couple of dozen coins and set sail to Sol-Falena.

~A few hours later~

After docking my boat, I quickly walked toward the rune shop. I want to meet Jeanne and give her my progress in my magic.

Speaking of progress, I open up my stats.

|Name: Jacob Shiff|

|Race: Human|

|Level: 60|

|HP: 4120/4120|

|MP: 5000/5000|

|STR: 351|

|VIT: 412|

|DEX: 378|

|INT: 398|

|WIS: 500|

|SP: 300|

My leveling progress is not much because I spend most of my time training with Raja and Kisara. While my level did not grow, my stats grew really well.

Other than my stats, my skill also grows at a good pace.

|Feitas River Dance| |Passive| |Level: 51|

Raja deems me good enough when I reach level fifty in Feitas River Dance fighting style. At first, I was stuck in level thirty before Raja finally taught me how to use Feitas River Dance on still ground. She called it the Dance of Silence Sea. It was the same fighting style with a bit of modification that let me use it on the ground.

If I need to wait for the wave to change direction, I need to become the wave when I fight on the hard floor instead of on the ship.

|Mana Stream| |Passive/Active| |Level: 21|

|The upgraded version of Mana Flow. You now can feel the mana around you and can notice if something is changing from the mana around you. Now you can gather a lot of mana at once and not blow up from overloading. The higher this skill, the finer your control over mana and more sensitive to the mana around you.|

After Mana Flow reaches the level of a hundred, it changes into this skill. I can now create a mana thread that can control a relatively heavy object. I am considering getting some puppets to train my mana control.

However, Raftfleet did not have any puppeteers, and no one knew how to make a string puppet for me.

I can ask around Sol-Falena for anyone who can make a string puppet.

Anyway, other than that, I also managed to create some trinkets from the books Jeane gave me. I look at one of my rings and my necklace.

|Fire Ring|

|Ring created using the Rune Crafting method. This ring can convert mana in the air into a pure Fire Mana that lets the user cast magic spells with the same nature as the mana converted. This ring can also convert outside fire mana and reduce the damage to the user.|

{Effect: Reduce Fire Damage by 5%}

Creating this ring is relatively easy as long as you have fine control over the mana around you. The hardest part was ensuring the rune did not explode on me. First, I need to crush the Fire Rune Crystal and ensure it does not explode after I smash it to pieces.

I need to control the fire mana leaked from the crystal and ensure each piece has the same amount of fire mana inside. Then, after crushing them, I coat the base ring using a lot of mana to create some kind of permanent glue using the mana.

Then I put all the crushed crystals around the ring and tie them together by creating a threat that pierces through the crystal and sews them to the ring. The thread has two functions. The first one is to make sure they stay forever on the ring, and the second one is to stabilize the energy on the crystal.

From the book Jeane gave me, I officially joined this world's rank of a Journeyman magician. Now I did not need to rely on the ring given to me by Jeane, my master. That is why I took away the ring she gave me and put them inside my inventory.

Usually, the apprentice can still keep the ring given to them by their master, but the book Jeane gave to me told me that once you create your ring, you need to take out the gift from your master and stand alone on your journey.

Because of this, I decided to put away all the rings and necklaces given to me by Jeane and then put the one I created. I want to honor the old way of magicians just like Jeane taught me the old way of becoming a magician.

I snap from my thoughts when I arrive in front of the Rune Shop. As I get inside the rune shop, I can see Prince Freyjadour and Sialeeds inside the rune shop. However, before I could get closer, the small child suddenly shouted.

"Hussy! Hussy! HUSSY!"

Wait. What is happening?


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