Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 5

"Fuck off!"

I swing down my sword and cut down the ball of hair in front of me before grunting as I can feel the pain from my bruised body. These monsters are not really dangerous, but they can inflict a lot of pain.

The higher level I become, the lower their attack is, but if they keep crashing their bodies into mine, it will cause a lot of pain. I even get a new skill from this, for god sake.

|Name: Jacob Shiff|

|Race: Human|

|Level: 6|

|HP: 185/330|

|MP: 200/200|

|STR: 31|

|VIT: 33|

|DEX: 29|

|INT: 20|

|WIS: 20|

|SP: 30|

Yeah, I level up once again after hunting many BonBon and FurFur. I still cannot get close to the centre of their nest, but I get closer than before. Of course, it was not just because of my stats; I got closer because of my skill as well.


|Swordsmanship (Beginner)| |Level: 27|

This is the first skill I got. The higher the level is, the more I notice the difference. I now can hold it the correct way and swing it down and up without letting that many openings. I can know a basic stance that allows me to guard and attack.

It was very basic, but it was a higher skill than when I first got the sword. When I got the sword, I was like a Stoneman discovering a sword. Uga Buga! Me stab! Me slash!

|Pain Resistance| |Level: 3|

I got this one when thirty BonBon and FurFur attacked me simultaneously. They did not do much damage, but their attack hurt like hell. I think it was their speciality. Not only are they fast, but their attacks also hurt like hell.

I snap from my thoughts when I see another group of BonBon coming at me. Lucky for me, there are only five of them. I dodge to the left when they jump toward me and swing my sword to the right. I can feel two of them get sliced by my sword, but three manage to get away from my attack.

I charge at them and thrust my sword forward to kill one of them. I swing my hand when I see the second one coming at me. I can feel a slight pain in my fist, but I ignore it. When the FurFur falls to the ground, I take out my sword and stab it. I look at the last monster and see it coming at me. I face it head-on and thrust my sword at it.

I look at the sky and notice it has already changed into red. It looks like I have been hunting for hours. I need to get back and maybe think about what I need to do next because I noticed something when I was hunting the monster around here.

The exp I got from the monster here has decreased. Before, I only needed to hunt fifteen BonBon or FurFur to level up from level two to level three, but I needed at least fifty of them to level up to level four.

BonBon and FurFur in this area did not have high levels. They are around level one and level two monsters. The highest BonBon I encounter here is level five. That means I need an area where there are level three or higher monsters.

I need to search for a new hunting place. I think I will clear this place first before I go and search for another hunting ground. However, I need to go to Sol-Falena first and buy that rune. I managed to get three thousand potch from this hunt.

I can get the rest of the money from selling all the loot I got. Other than money, BonBon and FurFur dropped some silk yarn. I get a lot of them. I think I will sell them in the city. Yeah, let's do that.

"For now… I need to take a bath and get to Sol-Falena."

~The next day~

I look at the massive palace being built on top of the river in awe. It was beautiful. The game did not do it justice. I can see an enormous city on the southern part of the structure and a massive palace on the northern side. An enormous stone bridge that also functions as a dam connects the city to the land. It connects both the east and western parts of the land. I guess the real city is the southern part, and the palace is in the northern region and what connects them is a single bridge.


I guess I can see the reason why this place is hard to attack. You need to go through the lone bridge if you only bring a land army. Even when you have a naval force, you need to destroy the dam before reaching the palace as the dam is blocking your way.

If you manage to destroy the dam, you will encounter other problems. The dam holds a massive amount of water. If you destroy it, you will be swept away by a thousand tons of water. There is also a chance of the people in Sol-Falena releasing the dam and destroying your fleet.

That only leaves the hard way to get into the palace and capture the city. You need a large number of soldiers to do it.

As I walk through the archway and along the long stone bridge, I can see some people take the water underneath it and drink it. I know that the river is clean, so clean I can see the bottom, but I don't think I will drink it directly.

I continue to walk along the bridge before passing another massive archway. I can see people having a pleasant day in this city. While looking around the city, my eyes land on the soldier guarding the bridge and widen my eyes slightly.

|Sol-Falena Gate Soldiers| |Level: 25|


Level twenty-five. Bloody hell. How strong will my enemy be when I get into the Sacred Games? Also, how do I join it? Do I need to go to some place for my registration? I need to ask around about it, but I need to complete my goal of coming here for now.

I walk toward the man in front of a building and say.

"Excuse me."

"Hmmm? What is it?"

"Can I ask where I can sell some silk?"

"Oh! A merchant? I did not see your wagon."

"Ah, they will come tomorrow. I was sent here to watch and do some scouting."

"I see. Well, you can go to the trading house. Just follow this road and when you see the stairs to a seven-story tall building, walk to that building."

"I see. Thank you for the directions."

"Think nothing of it."

I follow the man's direction and see the massive building he told me about. I get inside the building and see many people busy moving crates and boxes around. I can even see a wagon inside.

I walk toward the desk in the middle of the room and wait in the queue. After a minute of waiting, I arrived in front of a woman in her early thirties who gave me a professional smile.

"Welcome to Sol-Falena Trading House. What can we do for you?"

"Hi. I want to sell some silk if your trading house is willing to buy it."

"Oh? Can I have some samples of it?"

"Of course."

I pretend to take out the silk from my pocket and place it on the table. It was a ball of yarn dropped by one BonBon and FurFur. I have a lot of them.

"Oh my… This is soft and…."

I can see her pull it apart, and only after a few tries do it snap. Yeah, it was really strong. Even the clothes store in the village wanted it and said that it was high-quality silk.

"Strong too. Please wait at that chair. I will be back in a minute. I need to ask my superior for this transaction."

I nod my head and sit at the chair she told me. I wait for around two minutes before seeing the young woman walking toward me, and following behind her is a man in his forty or so.


"You are the young man that wants to sell that silk?"

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