Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 51

"Oh? Do you know about them, Jacob?"

I look at Haswar and nod my head.

"Yes. They are Logg and Lun."



"They are the people from Raftfleet. Logg is the husband to the right-hand woman of the Admiral, and Lun is their daughter."

"Oh, my~ Really?"

I nod my head and say.

"Yes. I know the Admiral personally and I have met them both before."

Wait. I just remember this scene. They are coming here to try and get some gold, aren't they?

"Stealing gold dust is a serious offense and while the prince and the princess pardon them from their treason for breaking into the holy land, they still need to be punished!"

Whoa, slow down there, Isato, buddy. While they look and act like an idiot, they are still a close family to the admiral of Raftfleet. While she is retired, Raja still has enough power to ensure her family is safe.

"Wait! Wait! We didn't mean anything! We came here after hearing some rumors about gold! We only come here to check if it is true!"

"That's right! Pops and I are only doing this to complete the bet!"

A bet? That is new. As far as I remember, Logg and Lun came here to steal them, not to check if they were not just a rumor. I activate my star rune and check if they are telling the truth. I look at them for a few seconds before nodding my head.

They are telling the truth. Huh, interesting.

This is another power of the Star Rune. Other than its destructive power, it can guide me to the truth. If I'm lost? The star can guide me to my true destination. If someone is lying to me? The star can show me the truth of their word.

It is really a helpful rune.

"Hmmm," Haswar thinks for a few seconds before looking at Freyjadour. "What do you think we should do, Frey Frey? As the prince, you have the highest authority in this situation, what should we do?"

Freyjadour looks at Log and Lun for a few seconds before saying.

"Maybe we should let them go…"

Logg and Lun look at the prince with shocked and relieved expressions.


"You ain't lying, right?!"

"I disagree!"

Three people shouted at the same time. Logg and Lun shout because they do not believe what they hear, while Isato has a frown on his face.

"If we let these two walk away with gold dust, nothing will stop the nobles from coming in droves to mine the rest. The efforts of generations of Oracles to protect the holy land would all be undone."

"Now hold on a minute."

This time, it was Sialeeds who decided to talk.

"If this business comes to the public, the relationship between Raftleet and the Royal Family will turn sour. We cannot afford more enemies right now."

"Are you saying we should let them free?!"

I decided to interfere.

"Ah, I think you misunderstood, sir Isato. What Sialeeds mean is that they will be punished but not by the members of the Royal Family but rather by the Admiral of Raftfleet herself. Isn't that right, Sialeeds?"

"That's right. We will go to Raftfleet and negotiate directly. The leader of Raftfleet is no furball, she will punish them severely."

"Hah! That's about right."

At the mention of the admiral punishing them directly, I can see their faces get even paler than before. Isato looked at Sialeeds and me for a moment before looking back at Haswar.


"Sounds sensible enough for me. Sialeeds always has a better head for politics than me."

Isato sighs and nods his head.

"As you wish."

"If you still did not trust them, sir Isato," I said. "I will stay with them for the night and watch them myself."

Isato looked at me and nodded his head before stepping back. Sialeeds then looks at Haswar and says.

"Thanks, Haswar."

"Just make sure they are not punished too harshly, I really don't think they mean any harm."

"Well, that's settled. We will stop by Raftfleet tomorrow on our way home."

Haswar smiles a little and says.

"Well, it's late. Why don't we have some rest? Jacob, you will follow Isato to the room upstairs. You will stay with them, okay? Make sure they are not running away, okay?"

"Of course, lady Haswar."

"Haswar, Jacob! Call me Haswar!"

"Hahaha, sorry. Haswar."



"Thank you for your help, Jacob! If not for you, we will lose our heads!"

"Ya! Thank ya, lad! I will give you some gifts later, okay? I have some good wine in my secret stash!"

I smile at the father and daughter before saying.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, tell me the truth, why do you do this?"

"We are telling the truth!" Lun shouted

"Aye! We only check if there is Gold Dust in Lunas! I lost some gambling and that bastard wants to check if there are Gold Dusts in Lunas."

"I see."

Now, this is interesting. Lun and Logg should not be in this place at this time. They should be here after the Sacred Games, the same with the prince and his companion. So why do they come here? Should I ask them about it? Yeah, I probably should do that.

"Anyway, you two should go to sleep. Tomorrow we will go back to Raftfleet and meet with Kisara and Raja."

"Ah, shit. I forgot that we will see mother and the big boss."

I ignore them, whimpering at their soon-to-be punishment, and get to sleep.


"Ah, it's a shame that you guys need to go. It is rather lonely in this place."

Sialeeds, Freyjadour, and Lymsleia hug the Oracle of Falena tightly before releasing her.

"We will visit you later, Haswar."

"Ah, if only someone knows of teleportation. You can immediately get back here in an instant."

I don't know if Haswar knows about my ability because she looks at me after saying that. I tell her I'm a magician and she thinks that I can do anything. Well, sadly for me, she is right in saying that I know teleportation.

"Fine. I know teleportation."


I look away as Haswar breaches my personal space. Finally, I push her away and say.

"I need you to tell me that this method of teleportation is not comfortable."

"You can bring me with you and take me back here!"

"And she ignored me."

I sigh a little as Isato walks forward and says.

"You can't, my lady! You are an oracle of Lunas! You cannot go around without any preparation!"

"Awww, come on Isato! We only stay in Raftfleet for a moment before coming back here! Jacob over here can take us back in an instant!"

I feel like a taxi driver when she says it like that. Urgh. Just this once, and I will reject anything she asks me.

"... Very well. However, I will come with you."

And the baggage just increased. Dammit. I look to my side and see Sialeeds putting her hand on my shoulder with an apologetic expression.

"Ten minutes. Take anything you want to bring, I need to prepare."


~Ten minutes later~

I look at the people around me and say.

"You need to touch any part of my body. Before you say something, you need to physically grab part of my body to use this teleportation. My hair, hand, or even leg."

I feel like getting molested. Lucky for me, no one is grabbing something inappropriate. I look around to make sure no one is left behind before controlling the mana in the air and releasing the mana from my body.

As the people in Lunas can hear the sound of a small explosion, we are gone.

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