Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 55

Today is the day Sacred Games will start. I take a deep breath and look at all the items I need to bring. Sword? Check. It was already repaired and polished to the highest degree. Armor? I look down and see the expensive armor I bought.

|Whale Lord Armor Set|


|A set of armor made from the Whale Lord's skin. The armor is very durable and has a lot of effects that protect the user from harm. Also, the armor has some sort of repelling charm that can repel a low-level water monster. This happens because Whale Lords are one of the strongest predators in the ocean.|

{Effect: 45% damage reduction to piercing attack. The user can breathe underwater and see in the dark. Repel a low-level aquatic monster. 95% water damage resistance. 10% bonus to any water-based spell and attack.}

I did not regret buying this armor. The armor comes with the usual part of an armor set: chest armor, arm guard, legging, and boots. However, it also comes with shoulder guards, and the owner is kind enough to make a hoodie, so I have some head protection.

While it did not do much, it could still block an arrow coming at me from my back.

I shake my head and get out of the barrack. As I get out of the barrack, I look to the sky and see that the sun is just about to rise. The captain of the barrack told me that I needed to go to the arena before the sun rose as the Sacred Games would start in the morning, and I needed to be there before it started.

I walk toward the massive arena in the inner part of the city and give my card to the guard. He looks at it for a few seconds before saying.

"Very well, Jacob Shiff. You need to go to the basement of the arena where the other fight is also waiting."

"Thank you."

"No problem. Just follow the corridor to the left and get downstairs when you see the first stair. You will arrive in the locker and waiting room."

"Of course."

I follow the corridor and get downstairs, where I arrive in the waiting room. I can see three guards in this place but no one else. So I was the first one to arrive. I sit on the bench and open up my status window.

|Name: Jacob Shiff|

|Race: Human|

|Level: 71|

|HP: 5210/5210|

|MP: 6220/6220|

|STR: 453|

|VIT: 521|

|DEX: 431|

|INT: 497|

|WIS: 622|

|SP: 355|

I don't know if this is enough to win this fight, but I will try my best. I also have Stats Point that I can use to boost my stats and surprise my enemy.

|Feitas River Dance| |Passive| |Level: 72|

|Swordsmanship (Master)| |Passive| |Level: 21|

(AN* Beginner -> Novice -> Intermediate -> Advanced -> Master -> Grandmaster -> Legendary)

With my Feitas River Dance skill growth, my swordsmanship also reached the master level. I want to win this fight and complete my mission with my skill and level. It was unfortunate that I could not use my magic in this tournament.

If I can use magic, I know I can win this fight. However, I also know that if a magician is allowed in this tournament, there will be a lot of powerful mages that can destroy a mountain. That would be even harder to fight as the most powerful mage is the one who has time to prepare.

I shake my head and see people start getting inside the room. I look at the level above their head and compare it to mine.

|???| |Level: 52|

|???| |Level: 61|

|???| |Level: 57|

|???| |Level: 67|

They are lower level than me. The highest one so far is the man wearing only leather pants but not clothes. On his back are a giant two greatswords. A strength-based enemy? I hope he is just like a stereotypical bulky fighter in a fantasy story.

Great strength and great durability but are slow in movement, just like Goesch. I also wanted to avoid fighting him first if I could help it. I don't want to spend most of my stamina on him.

"Number 1 and Number 2! Come here! You guys will be the first one to fight!"

And Murphy strikes once again. The highest-level opponent will be my first opponent. Of course. What do I expect?


|3rd POV|

Freyjadour, Sialeed,s and Lymsleia look at the arena in anticipation. After the opening fight between the prince and one of the gladiators, it is time for the real fight to begin.

"I wonder who will fight first?" Lymsleia says. "I wonder when Jacob will fight?"

"Jacob? Who is that?"

The Queen, Arshtat Falena, looked at her daughter with a confused expression. If there is a personification of MILF then Arshtat will be it. Her white hair shines under the sun, her blue eyes shine with power, and her rocking body that many women envy.

"Oh! Jacob is my big brother's friend!" Lymsleia shouted in excitement, "He is the man who helped big brother and aunty Sialeeds in their quest!"


Arshtat looks at her sister and sees her sigh.

"Yeah. He is the man that I told you about. If not for him, Freyjadour and I will have a lot more injuries than we have when we are going to Lordlake."

Hearing the story from the side, Ferid Egan, the Queen's Knight commander, and the Queen's husband, laughs slightly and says.

"Truly? He is your friend?! Then I need to watch him even more carefully from now on."

"You know him, dear?"

Arshtat looked at her husband and asked him curiously.

"Of course. Galleon and I see him fight. I must say that I'm excited to see if he can get to the final. This year's competition will be hard."

Ferid knows that the noble will ensure Jacob cannot get into the final or even the Semi-Final. They will keep him from winning the tournament. In their mind, the only people who can marry the future queen are those from the noble house.

"I think Jacob will win this fight."

Freyjadour, who stays silent the entire time, suddenly speaks up.

"Oh, really? What makes you think he will win, son?"

Arshtat asked her son with a smile on her face. Truthfully, she wants Jacob to win as well. He wanted her daughter to marry someone who was close to her children and did not want to exploit their status as royalty.

From the report her sister gives her, she knows that Jacob is trustworthy and sees them as themselves, not as a royal family. Just like how Ferid sees her as herself and not the future queen.

"I don't know but I have a feeling he will win."

Freyjadour says that with a serious expression. He knows that his friend will win the fight. He did not know how but knew Jacob would win the fight.

Sialeeds smiles slightly and says.

"Hmmm, I also have a feeling that Jacob will win this fight."

After a few seconds of waiting, the announcer arrives in the middle of the arena with a speaking device that lets his voice be heard throughout the entire arena. Flying around him is broadcasting the entire event through the entire Queendom.

Anyone who has the receiver device can watch the fight from a distance. Among them are Raja, her companion, and the entire people of Lordlake.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! The Sacred Games will start in a few seconds! Before we start, let me read the identity of the people that will fight! On the west side is a man coming from the Northern Continent, from the city of Muse in the City-State of Jowston! He is a commoner who wins the elimination stage and qualifies to join the main event! His name is Jacob Shiff!"

Jacob walks toward the arena with his sword on his belt. He smiles at the audience and waves his hand. In the VIP area, Freyjadour, Sialeeds, and Lymsleia smile and cheer for the young man.

"On the east side is a proxy fighter from Lindou Noble's house! He is a man coming from the Dukedom of Gaien. His name is Terax Kultan! He is a well-known mercenary that can fight a bear with his bare hand! Out of thirty-two wars, he only lost twice and was only injured five times. He is the Black Sword of Trax Mercenary Group!"

The two-point two meters man walked to the arena with a frown on his face. When he stops, he takes his swords and stabs them to the ground.

"Both fighters get ready!"

Jacob takes out his sword and takes a stance. Terax takes out his sword from the ground and takes a stance with both swords in front of him.


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