Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 7

"Oh, my~ Are you okay?"

I know who she is. She is Jeane, the rune mistress in all Suikoden Series. She has a beautiful young face, but I know that she is older than even my great-grandmother.

"Hmmm~? Are you thinking something rude about me?"

"No. Not really."

I shudder a little when she smiles sweetly at me.

"I see. Anyway, is there anything I can do for you~?"

"Ah, yeah. I want to buy some rune and attach it to my body."

"I see. Then please sit down."

I nod my head and sit on the chair in front of the desk. My eyes land on her butt, and I shake my head. She is more than a hundred years old. Even when she has a beautiful butt and bountiful breasts… I really need to hold myself together.

"I guess this is your first time getting into a rune shop, hmmm~?"


"Then you have yet to test your rune affinity, right?"

"That is correct, yes."

"Then do you want me to test it for you? It will cost you, of course, ~."

"Don't worry. Money is not an issue."

"Then you just relax, okay~?"

I shudder a little when she says that. If she has an OnlyFans or an ASMR channel, she will be the most famous woman on the internet. My dad once said to me that to never stick my dick in crazy, but I also know he is a hypocrite. He still sticks his dick in my mom's vagina.

"Please place your hand on the table."

I place my hands on the table as instructed. I can feel her soft hands touching mine. I can see her hand glowing a little, the same with her eyes. After a few minutes of rubbing and touching my hands, Jeane looks into my eyes and says.

"You, my friend, are something else I have never seen before."

"Pardon me?"

"You have an affinity to all runes."

I did not like the look she gave me. It was the look of a scientist who just got a new specimen they could experiment on.

"And what is it about? Isn't it not too uncommon?"

"Yes. But~ You really have compatibility with all runes. Usually, an all-rounder only has low-level compatibility, and the rarest case is that they have medium-level compatibility. You, however, have the highest possible compatibility with all runes."

Huh. Really? That is new.

|Ding! You found something you did not know!|


|Blessing of the Void| |Level: MAX|

| The void blesses you. Nothingness will not affect you. Its madness will not affect your mentality and your soul. Every creature or item that originated from the void will always like you.|

{All runes in the Suikoden Universe will like you and are willing to let you wield their full power.}




There are more question marks, but I decided to close the notification. That is a powerful skill to have.

"So, can I have all the runes I want?"

"Yup~ However, I will not recommend having them all at the same time."

"I will not."

"Good~ Now, do you want to see the catalogue?"

"Yes, please."

She nodded her head and gave me a piece of paper. I take the paper and start to read. I did not know some of the runes, but most of them are familiar runes I know from the game series. After thinking about it for a minute, I nod my head and say.

"I will take the Lightning Rune and Water Rune, please."

"Oh, my~ Not Thunder Rune and Flowing Rune?"

Thunder and Flowing rune is the upgraded version of Lightning Rune and Water Rune. They are powerful, but I did not want to rush things.

"I did not want to rush things. I will start from the basics. Do I need to take away my lightning rune before you can put the Thunder Rune on me?"

"No~ You did not need to take out your lightning rune. The Thunder Rune will absorb the lightning rune and then give you a slight boost from your previous mastery."

"I see. That is good."

I can see her smiling at me for a second before saying.

"So, do you still want the lightning rune and the water rune?"

"Yes, please."

"Great! Lightning Rune will cost you eight thousand potch and Water Rune six thousand potch. The attachment process will cost you one hundred potch for each rune. Is this okay?"


"Then please pour the goal inside the basket. I will be back shortly."

I nod my head and pour the amount of coin needed into the basket when she walks into the back room. After a few seconds, I see her get back and hold yellow and blue orbs. When she saw the exact amount of money in the basket, she nodded her head and put the basket underneath the desk.

"I will begin the process now."

I see her walk toward me and place a small chair next to me. I see her finger glow a little, and the tip of her finger touches the back of my hand. I feel slight pain, but it passes in a second.

"Where do you want to place it? A certain place will cost extra, okay~?"

Little Jacob was already shouting to take the deal, but I decided to hold back and say.

"Before I say something, does the rune symbol appear on my skin?"

"Of course~ You can think of this as a tattoo, but unlike a regular tattoo, you can hide it. It will not completely disappear, but it was transparent enough; not many people can see it."

"I see. I want them on the side of my neck, please."

"Very well. Please hold a moment. The pain you will soon feel is not something to worry about."

I nod my head and take a deep breath. After taking a deep breath, Jeane begins her work. I can see her creating a small magic circle around my right neck. I could feel a slight pain coming from my neck, but it was not much. It was like a needle got into my skin.

The process takes around an hour, and after she is done, she gives me a mirror. I look at my neck and smile a little. I can see the symbol around my neck, and it looks good. I really wanted a tattoo on my body for a long time, but I did not have enough time, but now I can do it.

"And done. If you want to make them disappear, just think about it, and it will disappear."

I nod my head and think there is nothing around my neck. A second later, the symbol disappears. I smile at Jeane and say.

"Thank you for your good work."

"Fufufufu~ Don't mention it~ Now, is there anything else?"

"No. There is nothing else. Thank you for your time."

"Fufufufu~ It is my pleasure~."

I nod my head and get out of the rune shop. After getting out of the building, I open my stats and see a new skill added.


|Lightning Rune| |Level: 1|


|The child of Thunder and the Grandchild of True Lightning Rune. A rune that can generate lightning and use it to attack your enemy. This rune is good at Single Target attacks.|

{Passive: Generate lightning at will. The higher the level, the more powerful the lightning you generate}

{Active: Every spell did not use mana and more powerful the higher the level.}


{Thunder Runner: Summon a beam made of lightning from the tip of your finger} {3 times use per day cycle}

|Water Rune| |Level: 1|


|The child of Flowing Rune and the Grandchild of True Water Rune. A rune that lets you control the water around you and use it to attack or distract the enemy. This rune is good at supporting roles.|

{Passive: Control water around you. The higher the level, the more water you can control.}

{Active: Every spell did not use mana and more powerful the higher the level.}


{Kindness Drops: Fully heal yourself or one ally (and cure status abnormalities) (Cannot generate lose limbs.} {2 times use per day cycle}

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