Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System!

Chapter 993: Chapter 2

Thus, filled with determination, Bai Yunyu attended the entry exam early in the morning three days later. He stood in line with hundreds of candidates and wasn't intimidated.

'Well, I do kind-of cheat anyway. Since I possess the knowledge of all things in this world. But doing exams and acting as if I'm struggling to do the test is also fun! It makes me feel more human than a God,' Yunyu thought.

Though he breezed through the tests. He made sure not to make any wrong answer because he really needed that scholarship money, or else he'd have to cut his electricity and water bill to survive for a while.

He finished first and left the exam hall feeling relaxed. He walked around the campus, striding from one hallway to another and then finding a small campus garden in the middle of the campus.

He saw a bench under a lush tree, giving it adequate shade for him to relax. So he sat on the bench and stared straight at the beautiful garden. As he kept staring at the garden view in front of him, he started thinking about the man he once loved—and probably loved, Han Ye Gege.

He knew that both Han Ye and him had done some fucked up stuff. It was easy for him to act as a victim and blame Han Ye, and to some extent, it was all Han Ye's fault to create him and then force him to be his bride.

But at the same time, Yunyu couldn't justify all the horrible things he did just for the sake of revenge, which caused his small family to get destroyed, Han Ye turning mad, and also left Yunyu to be so mentally damaged, he couldn't even bear to see his mad husband anymore.

So he erased his memory for everything and had to abandon their baby, Han Yuzhong, alone, being a God at such a young age.

"There is nothing I can do in the end except leaving again, but this time, with all my memory intact, so I can still remember my husband and son despite having to leave them," Yunyu murmured. He placed his warm palm on his chest right when his heart was beating. There was a slight aching that gradually turned worse as he kept remembering about Han Ye and Yuzhong.

"Husband, I miss you so much…" Yunyu said as he longed to meet with his husband once more. "I know fate intertwined us in a horrible way, but I wish we can start again as a proper lover."

"Excuse me, is this seat empty?"

Yunyu turned his head to the left and saw a tall, handsome man standing at the side of the bench. He was wearing glasses and carrying two thick books that nobody but Straight As students and Professors would read.

But his appearance and well-built body didn't seem to be the ones who would read that he should be an actor or at least a model.

His eyes were dark and deep beneath the frameless glasses. He was at least in his early twenties.

Bai Yunyu's heart skipped a beat when they stared at each other. There was a swirling feeling inside his heart, something that he had never felt with another man that wasn't Han Ye or some of his incarnations.

Yunyu became on guard instantly, afraid this man was actually Han Ye Gege in disguise.

"Is this seat empty?" The man repeated, pointing at the empty space on the bench right next to Yunyu.

Bai Yunyu gulped, and he nodded.

"Okay," the man smiled, showing a pair of charming deep dimples on his cheek. He sat right next to Yunyu and opened his book. He then read his book without speaking to Yunyu anymore, as if they were just strangers who happened to bump into each other in this beautiful garden.

Yunyu kept staring at the man with eyes that could poke a hole, and the man got disturbed by his stare.

So he closed his book and asked, "Do you need something?"

Yunyu was dazed for a while until he asked, "What's your name?"

Yunyu wanted to know if his first name was Han, which was something that often happened to Han Ye Gege's incarnation.

He was scared that Han Ye Gege had already tracked his whereabouts and was about to kidnap him again into their God realm.

The man had a surprised look and chuckled, "Sorry, sorry. It's so rude of me not to introduce myself when I'm sitting right next to you," the man stretched his hand and introduced himself, "My name is Zhao Yun, I'm an assistant professor on this campus."

Yunyu looked down at Zhao Yun's stretched hand and slowly accepted the handshake, "I'm Bai Yunyu. I just had an enrollment exam here."

"Oh, a freshman!" The man looked genuinely excited. "What major will you enroll in?"

"Communication," Yunyu lied. He actually enrolled himself in the pharmacy because he thought it was the most promising since he couldn't enter med school with his money. Even the scholarship wouldn't cover full tuition for med school for doctors.

"Ah, that's unfortunate. We will meet if you're in pharmacy. I'm an assistant for a mandatory professor that all freshmen will have to take on in the first semester."

Yunyu's eyes widened. He didn't know if it was just a coincidence or if this man was actually Han Ye Gege, who secretly entered this world and twisted the world's consciousness with his power.

Either way, he was scared.

He was scared that Han Ye Gege would grow obsessed with him again, and then forcefully brought Yunyu back and locked him inside the God realm forever.

After all, Han Ye Gege tended to be a little crazy.

"I—I see. Umm, why are you here then?" Yunyu asked.

"Why am I here?" Zhao Yun frowned. "Well, this bench is my favorite spot to take a break. I usually read my book here, because this place is tranquil, it's rare for students to walk around and create noises."

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