Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 427: Wang Yu Yan (2)

A real dark age began, to which one distinguished figure from a hundred years ago once said full of grief.

'The greatest shame of us historians two hundred years ago is not being able to clarify the origins of those overgrown lizards and reptiles from several million years ago.' 

His statement revealed the source of the disaster in the year 3001.

Millions of years before the so-called pre-Great War of humanity in the year 2029, an asteroid or group of meteors struck Earth and wiped out the then-rulers of the world alongside countless species of plants and animals. 

The rulers were later called dinosaurs, beings of great might and built that forced every creature to bow down before them. However, they long-lasting reigned was forcefully put to an end by the aforementioned reason. None of them survived and there were barely any remains left for the modern people to admire since nuclear warfare a thousand years ago destroyed more skeletal remains.

Such was the ending of this mythical species.

At least that was the history the historians, scientists, and archeologists deduced from the various pieces of evidence left, and for over a thousand years, everyone believed in it.

However, everything changed when these beings suddenly made an appearance two hundred years ago. These giant animals that should have been long dead suddenly arrived on earth riding weird but gigantic living spaceships, proving that they were actually not extinct. 

The unexpected arrival of the gigantic beings of course threw the masses into a panic and made them so dumbstruck with their three views collapsing.

How did these creatures think of leaving earth on a spaceship to evade the disaster? 

Were they actually sentient beings and with the capability to see through the thick layer of atmosphere or predict the future? 

On top of that, were they all geniuses to possess this level of technology?

Questions popped up one after another, baffling countless people.

However, after a few clashes with the new force which resulted in the sacrifice of over sixty percent of the man-made domed cities, they discovered the truth.

Dinosaurs were stupid as f*ck! They were only scary because of their massive size, voracious appetite, and intimidating looks.

But they were nothing more than mounts, if not pets, to the actual rulers of the Jurassic and Cretaceous era! 

Right! There was another race that reigned several million years ago, and this ruler specie called themselves Fae. 

They were all born with superior intellect and physique. Their appearances were exceptional too to the point that one could say there was no ugly people amongst them. And most importantly, the majority of the gods mentioned in ancient texts and worshipped from the end of the Paleolithic era to the Pre-Great War era also belonged to this race! 

Who cares how they lived throughout the lawless, barbaric period that was known as the Jurassic era! The newcomers, or rather, the returnees, were simply that amazing!

And now, they were back, hell-bent on reclaiming every single damn territory on Earth and enslaving humans like they did with the dinosaurs. 

'They said there are few things that could be considered worse than death. But being an eternal slave or plaything and lacking freedom can qualify.'

'So I came to an era when humanity has finally united and is defending hard against this alien specie?' 

The introduction of the world finished, and Jiang Li had to take a deep breath. Not because he got overwhelmed by the amount of information. Rather, he drew in a frigid breath upon realizing that the world differed greatly from ones he had been to before.

It was his first time in a setting like this, a world that was highly advanced, and in the memories that flashed in his head, recognizing most of the items, equipment, and places were quite the chore. That task even made him frown. He felt like his brain would soon direly need some brain cell transfusion, if the term even exists.

Focus on the world background, he told himself.

To easily adapt, Jiang Li made use of the rare tranquil atmosphere to list down the important points.

'Alright. This world probably qualified as a sci-fi setting. Even if an unprecedented war happened, technology had still advanced by leaps and bounds.'

'It was like my original world. No matter how devastating Black Death had been, things still progressed fast and the 21st century was a hundred times more convenient to live in than the Post Black Death era of the 1400s. In short, civilization did not really stagnate much.'

'But yeah, enemies from the outer space arrived. And that's the origin of every problem here.'

'The poor humans, who are very inferior in both biochemical technology and physique, united. This time, for real, as they were left with no other choice. And they relied on their intelligence that is on par with the Fae to upgrade their own technology.'

'Their only edge is knowing Earth more than the Faes and having more population despite the previous dark age.' 

'But they are still inferior.'

'The Faes are more superior in looks and physical abilities. They have weapons too, with enough determination, not to mention, their gigantic pets. And most of all, they have special powers.' 

'Oh, wait, it seems humanity has also awakened some special abilities, plus they seem to have semi-sentient machine corps.'

'However, they are still substandard.'

'So in the end, humans resorted to concocting a potent virus that could wipe out the Fae?'

'And this is where the two lead characters of the novel entered?'


Jiang Li touched his aching forehead, wondering what kind of background or history his soul-client possessed to end up with a killer headache. Or was it actually he, Jiang Li, whose brain short-circuited a bit because of the plot?

"What the hell…" In the end, he exclaimed inwardly with a strange face.

"In the first place, those weird beings… If Earth was already so damaged and had yet to completely recover from nuclear warfare, why the hell are they coming back?" 

The doubt lingered in his mind for some time. There were many more odd details that he took notice of. However, he remembered that he had already gone through weirder plots and world settings and realized he was straying from the real important matters. 

Anyway, the review of the world background did not take much time, only a few seconds. 

It seemed the system was considerate this time. When he looked around, he found himself seated in an unlit place. The chair was very comfortable and made him ponder whether he was in a war scene or something. 

However, he was no longer given any more time to think.

Without a warning, a spotlight shone in front, close to his seat. The light that poured out from there allowed him to see that he was in a sophisticated and high-tech looking theater. People surrounded him in all directions, sitting elegantly. They seemed to be reluctant to break the solemn atmosphere, so at most, they were whispering if they had something to tell their companions. 

Even though humanity could be enslaved at any moment, and the world could be destroyed at a moment's notice too, the people here seemed to not care and preferred to indulge themselves until the end always exist. 

Yet, in actuality they were also the ones most concerned about their safety, ensuring the places where they hang out would be at the central area of the domed metropolis.

How odd that his new soul-client was at this enormous theater hall. 

"Master Yue, please follow me to the backstage." A bespectacled man in a glossy black suit suddenly approached him and said. "The auction will be starting soon."

Auction. Jiang Li briefly lowered his head at the term mentioned. Of course, only gatherings like this could gather rich-looking people in this format. But even though he already had a guess about their personalities, it was still just a surprise that at times like this, these people could host something like this. 

Was this scene related to the plot? 

Jiang Li did not know, but he stood up wordlessly. The transfer of the plot was interrupted since he switched to the soul-client's memories. He had to grasp his new identity's connection to the male and female protagonists.

"Master Yue. The goods we received are mostly from the Pre-Great War and we want to ensure the quality of and information about each item. We have already sent you the files containing the images. May I asked if you have reviewed them already?"

Jiang Li had no idea what the other party was talking about. But it did little to hinder him from bluffing his way to make the man stop questioning so he would be given enough time to check his memories.

"Are you doubting my professionalism?" he asked with a sharp tone, acting like he hated being questioned about his work. 

Sure enough, the other man seemed alarmed by Jiang Li's displeased expression. His expression became stiff as he stopped walking. He slightly bowed and hurriedly said, "A misunderstanding, Sir. This is a misunderstanding. I mean nothing offensive."

"Hmph. Stop asking nonsensical things and just do your job."

"Yes, Sir."

The response Jiang Li gave was rude, but since he was addressed as a master, he asserted that he had a high standing, probably a distinguished scholar. His guess was spot on. The other party did not pursue the matter anymore which made Jiang Li a bit more curious about his soul-client's identity.

He slightly lowered his head. Information steadily streamed into his brain and in no time, he knew that his soul-client was a rare artifact appraiser. He bowed to hide his expression that turned bizarre.


'What artifacts?'

It didn't take long for him to see an image of his soul-client, a man in his early forties, operating his watch which also functioned as a smartphone that could project holograms, a typical thing in most futuristic movies he had watched. Perhaps the people that first developed the item were influenced by what they had seen in fiction works.

When Jiang Li watched further and saw the things to be auctioned today, items from the 21st century like razor, eyelash curler, Nokia brick phone... He felt speechless. So these things qualified as artifacts? And in such a time, a fairly useless job like his one actually existed because these moronic rich people were so solemn for items that would change nothing in the ongoing wars?

'Should I just rejoice that my soul-client's work at least won't make adapting hard for me?' 

He could only laugh after a few seconds of speechlessness. The auction formally began and he was invited to on stage for his 'expertise'. Of course, not many really asked for guidance, so he was just sitting there most of the time, marveling at the fanatic looks of the collectors bidding downstairs.

When his episode of surprise passed, Jiang Li's face was wonderful to look at as a thought flickered in his mind. He finally realized some important clues from being at a place far from the battlefield.

He was once again an extra. And if his wife and the villainess was on the battlefield, given his qualifications, it would be hard for him to approach them.

  1. Heyya, purely fictional!!!!

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