Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 19: A Wood Elf's Request

Han wasn't so sure where he'd start. He wasn't so eager to run heedlessly inside the Enchanted Forest without anything in hand, especially as it was growing dark… but it wasn't like he could just borrow a Scythe from Old Man Joe Light without making a valid reason.

He wasn't eager to see how they'd react to him wanting to talk with the Wood Elf, so he walked back to the forest as inconspicuous as he could. Thankfully, it was easy enough to avoid any wandering eye from finding him out when he managed to hide in the shadows. On top of that, he also borrowed one of Becky's buckets left at her fields.

So it was Han the [ Level 2 Peasant ] with [ Equipment: Milk Bucket ] that arrived at the outskirts of the Forest just as the sun finally set behind him.

He really wasn't liking his chances, but what else could he do?

Now where was that Elf? He wasn't really expecting them to welcome him with a parade of giant spiders or a swarm of mosquitoes around him, but surely if this was some sort of Wood Elf, it meant that they were attuned to their environment.

They also had to know that he was near their territory.

But they were nowhere to be found.

Instead, Han held the bucket's handle tightly in his grip, trying to peer through the shrouds of darkness. The Forest was eerily dark, and unnaturally silent except for the silent hoots of birds and the loud chirps of insects. 


There was no way that Han would be stepping into the Forest at this time of the hour. Mosquitoes and spiders were one thing, but if these crickets weren't anything as cute as a Talking Cricket in his childhood movie—you couldn't convince him!

"Oh wait," Han quickly pulled up the chat display and was immediately blasted with a thousand plus notifications, a blue light amidst the dark: 

Demon Lord: 10+ New Messages

Peach: No New Messages

Universal Chat : 1000+ New Messages

Han Jing immediately dismissed the message from the Demon Lord, he'd deal with it later… on the other hand though, were the people really that active?! He entered into the Universal Chat.

Witch: What do you say dear, would you like to make a bargain with me? I don't have much time to deal with you, so you better act fast.

Mermaid: If I lose my voice…

Faerie: You'd be better off making a bargain wi' someone else, Mermaid. This Witch will only mak' terms that benefit her own!

Gnome: Ah, that's a little funny when it's coming from Faerie~

Faerie: Ye better watch your mouth, you fool! 

Dwarf: What did the lassie want? If it's the ability to travel on land, I can make a good chariot that can pull her around with an inbuilt mechanism that keeps her hydrated

Mermaid: Um, no??

High Elf: I believe our friend here wants to trade her Seaweed for Sage Grass.

Han stared for a moment… could he really just start an entirely new topic? It would seem a bit rude, but he didn't really have any other chance to find the Wood Elf.

Han: Good evening to everyone! @WoodElf, are you there? I'd like to talk with you

High Elf: Oh, the Human has finally arrived. It did take awhile didn't it? 

Witch: As it should naturally be.

Faerie: Okay, who drew bets on this? Hah! That Old Bag of Scales surely lost!

Why were they talking like they were expecting his arrival? Han wanted to clear his throat but it wouldn't necessarily reflect in the server chat would it?

High Elf: You, Mortal. What do you seek from my humbler brethren?

Han: Well… I wanted to talk to him about an agreement.

It may have been out of pure instinct, but he was still on guard. He couldn't spill out words like Alliances without minding the consequences behind it. Whether this was a game, a life simulation or something more—he still needed to consider each action and word he'd give.

Witch: I recall that the two are currently the closest ones to each other. Ignoring the fact that the Demon Lord sent a pack of Gargoyles to their untimely demise, they must have used a teleportation portal of some sort.

High Elf: Of course, only a Wood Elf would consider making territory within a human realm. But this Human has truly bested the Demon Lord's Gargoyles? He has only arrived a second ago.

Witch: A blink of an eye, yes. But time does move differently within this formed realm, by following its standardized time—it has been more than twenty four hours since he arrived here. Nearly a second day, now that I think of it.

High Elf: I see, I suppose the Creator's initial 'Protection' for newcomers is currently on play. That is why I cannot understand why you guys were entertained by the sight of the Human dealing with a bunch of lowly stone creatures, though I suppose there is some merit behind it.

Wood Elf: Well, it's clearly because you're too high and mighty to consider trading with anyone else! Well guess what, this Human and me are making an Alliance. 

The Gnome sent a shocked face emoji.

The Mermaid sent the same shocked face emoji.

Dwarf: A sprung up Human and a Wood Elf making an Alliance together? No offense to you lad, but that's a bit of an unwise choice. 

Wood Elf: Hah! No offenses taken!

Dwarf: I was talking to the Human, not you oaf. I'd like the Human to reconsider it, it may seem beneficial to create an Alliance with someone who's been at this for a few centuries… but, the boy seems to have potential. They should wait a couple more decades and prove themselves. If things go well, you might even afford the opportunity to have me make you something amazing at a good price, of course.

Witch: Hmm, perhaps I could make a counter-offer? Human, I currently have not made any Alliances yet, but perhaps we could come to some mutually beneficial agreement.

Wood Elf: I saw him first!

High Elf: - sigh -

Gnome: Um, technically it was the Demon Lord who noticed him first though?

Mermaid: ...I guess I'll be trading later?

Faerie: Where did the two go?

Han didn't manage to reply as somebody made a landing beside him. It was no else but the Wood Elf, and despite the darkness around them—they had an unearthly glow around him. It must have been because of their nature.

The Wood Elf had a grin and saluted them, "Ah, my favorite mortal! How are you doing? Glad to see you here. Want to head back to my place and discuss this over some meal~?"

Han rubbed the back of his neck, "Thank you for the offer but it's fine. I'm not too eager to meeting with the critters there."

"Pfft, why are you so scared of babies." The Wood Elf chuckled. "But I suppose there's no need to circle around our conversations, don't we? We have something going on between us—a connection! Perhaps in another life, you were a friend of mine! Or perhaps I'd replaced you with a changeling before."

"I think you're trying to talk with me about this Alliance?"

"Ah! I knew you'd bring that up—it can't be helped when I'm giving such an enticing offer."

"Actually, I'm interested in forming an Alliance with you to ensure my village's safety."

"Ensure the village's safety?" The Wood Elf raised a brow.

Han nodded. "I'm actually leaving to visit the Capital of the kingdom, and I'm not sure if the Demon Lord would actually try something again. Since you're the closest one to the village, it'd make sense that you'd be able to defend it."

"Huh… I didn't expect you to be so altruistic. I should say that's rare for anyone." The Wood Elf rubbed his chin. "What will I get from this Alliance, however?"

"I thought you said that you wanted to spite the Demon Lord or something."

A laugh erupted from the Wood Elf, "Well that's one thing, and I think that the pompous High Elf will also be irked. I guess that's enough of a reason to form an Alliance for a short while—but you better also give me something in return."

"I guess it wasn't as easy as I thought." Han rubbed the back of his neck. What could possibly be something that'd satisfy a Wood Elf?

The Wood Elf waved at him. "It's no small matter to form an Alliance, some would trade goods with one another, others expect some agreement for protection like you said. Or perhaps others make a blood pact to join together in war… I won't ask for any of that, at least for now. But, I know! Why don't you become a [ King ]? That'd be fun, yes?"

"... You want me to become a [ King ]? I have no Royal Blood or anything, I'm a [ Peasant ]!"

"Excuses! Go save a Damsel in Distress from a Dragon or something."

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