Rapeworld Isekai

Chapter 15 – Extraordinary Cruelty

There were footsteps, and then a man stepped into view on the lower landing of a wide staircase in the corner of the underground chamber. I presumed it led up to the surface.

The man in question was fat, with grey curly hair. He wore a flowing red silk robe and a black masquerade mask that… really didn’t do too much to hide his identity from anyone that would have recognized him. He walked around casually, holding a glass of white wine, numb to the horrors around him.

He gave a cheerful wave to the finely dressed thugs standing sentry in the corners of the room, and smiled warmly at Satan’s Butler, the dark haired master of this domain.

“Good evening, sir. Welcome back to the establishment. Is there anything in particular you would like us to help you find today?” Butler said with an uncharacteristically friendly demeanour.

“Is my little bunny still alive?” the customer asked.

“Indeed she is, sir. You mentioned she was your favorite, so we have not retired her quite yet. Just this way,” Butler replied.

He led the way over to one of the pillars on the other side of the room. I watched the scene curiously. The bunny in question seemed to be one of the veteran torture slaves, if her position in the line was anything to go by. She was in line with me, rather than across the hall, so I couldn’t get a perfect view of her.

From what I could see, she was a bunny girl, with long white rabbit ears coming out of her head, and a fluffy tail above her bum. She had a fit figure, a bit like Maddie, with exceptionally thick and muscular thighs and large furry rabbit feet. But if there was one feature that really made her stand out, it was her tits. She was hugely endowed… She made Maddie look flat by comparison. She was… maybe E cups? Perhaps F? I wasn’t sure, all I knew was that this bunny was stacked.

As the cruel men walked up to her, she averted her eyes and stared at the floor.

“There she is, still as round as perky as ever!” the customer said approvingly.

“Indeed sir. We employ our own in-house healer, second tier. So long as you don’t kill her, she’ll always be as good as new next time you visit.”

“Hey sweetheart, ready to play again?” the customer asked the bunny girl.

The bunny girl didn’t respond in any way, just staring at the floor with soulless eyes, lost in her despair.

“The customer asked you a question,” Butler scolded.

The bunny girl glanced up, as if noticing the men for the first time. A few seconds passed, before she reluctantly mumbled, “Yes sir.”

The customer grabbed one of her breasts, gently fondling her. He tapped his chin with his free hand thoughtfully.

“Let’s have her in a chair, arms bound behind so these lovely little things are nice and accessible,” the customer decided.

“Very well, sir. Would you like any special tools?”

“How about a hot brazier… needles, irons, pliers and the ripper. Perhaps a skinning knife as well?” the customer said, smiling cruelly at the bunny girl.

The bunny girl showed the first signs of fear on her face. She whimpered softly.

“Oh yes dear, it’s going to happen again, just like last time.” the customer said. “You’re beautiful, and I just can’t stop myself from wanting to destroy that beauty again and again. Let’s see if I can make the pain last a bit longer this time. I’ve been working on my technique. Maybe we can break you in a way that the healing won’t fix.”

The bunny girl looked away, shook her head, and a single tear fell down her cheek.

“Not going to beg for mercy?” the customer asked.

“There is no mercy here,” she said softly.

The customer smiled, and slapped her hard on the breast. The bunny girl flinched, but didn’t make a sound.

“Alright, let’s set her up, I want to play.” the customer said.

A pair of thugs came up to the bunny girl, and unlatched her shackles. Each grabbed and arm, and firmly guided her to a torture chair somewhere behind my pillar. The bunny girl didn’t struggle. I heard shuffling, and clinking as tools and toys were delivered to the customer.

While that was being set up, another customer appeared at the dungeon entrance. This one was younger and fitter, yet like the other man, dressed in a red silk robe and masquerade mask. Maybe this was some sort of special uniform the customers wore?

Satan’s Butler met the man and they exchanged greetings. Butler asked what sort of fun the man wanted.

“I want something with a good reaction, not a broken doll.” the man declared.

“We’ve got three fresh girls, just in today.”

Satan’s Butler led the way over to my side of the room. I was apparently the first one to be inspected. The man stared at me with cold eyes and a sinister smile. I felt my skin itch as his gaze travelled over my defenseless body.

What would he do to me? The crucified elf was still fresh in my mind, as was the likely unpleasant fate of that poor bunny girl… I was a kinky bitch, but this wasn’t sexy. I had to admit I was scared. Still, I tried to keep my face blank, not betray my fear. He seemed like the sort of bastard that would prey on weakness.

He prodded my bruised belly, “This one’s got some spirit,” he said.

“Indeed, sir. She remains defiant and unbroken,” Butler said smoothly. “Would you like to be the one to break her?”

“Might be a fun challenge…” The half-masked man grinned evilly. “But I’m here to relax today. Let’s see the other offerings before I decide.”

Next up was Chloe. She kept her expression demure and submissive, averting her eyes when the men approached. I feared for Chloe, if this man preyed on weakness, then Chloe would be like pure submissive heroin to him. Or so I thought… But there wasn’t a hint of fear in Chloe’s posture… Just respect and pure unflinching acceptance.

“Aren’t you a polite little thing…” the client commented.

“Thank you, sir,” Chloe said obediently.

“This one is a very well-trained slave, perfectly obedient and well taken care of by her former master before she was sold to us,” Butler bullshitted shamelessly. “She’s probably never even tasted the whip. What a wonderful surprise that will be for her…”

“Boring.” The customer waved a dismissive hand at the elf, and moved onto the last option.

Indeed, Chloe was as yielding as a puddle of water, and like a puddle of water, she could be easily bent but never broken. For a sadist that got off on inflicting fear and conquering a cowering victim, Chloe would be endlessly frustrating.

The poor catgirl, on the other hand, cowered at the sight of the cruel man. She whimpered, closed her eyes, and turned her head away, fearing the horrible things he likely had in mind for her. She hung there from her wrists, shivering as the man inspected her. Her cat ears were flattened down against her skull, and her tail was tucked between her legs. Poor girl… if my guess was right, and this guy liked fear, her fate was now sealed.

Sure enough, the man picked her. A pair of thugs came and unlocked her from the pillar, and shackled her wrists again behind her back. She was led over to a pillory, a big block of wood with a hole to hold the head and wrists. She was bent over, ass exposed to the world, unable to even see what was happening behind her. The pillory’s height was adjusted until her face was perfectly level with the man’s crotch.

The man walked up behind her, lifting the girl’s tail, and gently stroking a fingertip over her exposed pussy lips. She squeaked in surprise, and squatted down to avoid his touch, hiding her bits away from the molesting finger. The man scowled and yanked her tail hard. She yelped from the sharp pain, and moved her ass back up, until her pussy was once again accessible. He gave her butt a spank.

The man let her go, and watched thoughtfully as she started slowly lowering her hips out of the way again, protecting her pussy from further assault.

“Might I recommend a brazier? Perhaps the burning spreader?” Satan’s Butler suggested.

“Ah yes! Good idea.” the customer replied.

The burning spreader turned out to be a wrought iron bar, about three feet long, with two shackles on the end, interrupted by a foot-wide ring in the centre. They clamped the shackles onto her feet. The girl’s ankles were now forced open, yet she could still bend her knees and move her butt away like before.

To solve that problem, the men brough out a massive iron bowl, at least 30 or 40 pounds of weight, and let it rest inside the spreader bar’s metal ring. They adjusted the girl’s feet, until she was the right distance away from the pillory, and dumped a few scoops of coal inside the brazier.

Satan’s Butler pointed a finger, and with a touch of fire magic, the coal lit on fire with a ‘woof.’

The catgirl screamed in terror, noticing the sudden heat between her legs. She pushed her ass straight into the air, as far from the burning coals as possible, giving the man as much access as he wanted. She shivered in terror as the fiery coals burnt beneath her. That seemed uncomfortable, probably a little painful, but it wasn’t burning her too badly yet. However, if she tried to squat again to escape her molester, she’d end up cooking her genitals, and that would hurt.

He thanked the torture master for the help, and Satan’s Butler left him to help the next customer.

I realized there was plenty of room to add more coal to the brazier. This lovely little device could change from a mere rape aid to full blown instrument of torture quite easily. Thankfully, it seemed this man prioritized getting laid over just inflicting pain.

The man took another minute or so to casually molest the catgirl, poking a finger inside her, testing for wetness. She didn’t try to move her ass away anymore. Finally, he undid his robe, opening it at the front like a bath robe and revealing his naked body beneath.

Without another word, the man positioned himself and thrust into her from behind. She screamed. Needless to say, there was no foreplay and no gentleness. I couldn’t see much, other than the man’s back as he fucked her viciously.

By this point, there was a steady trickle of customers entering the building. They held drinks in hand, and walked around, inspecting the equipment and girls. Deciding who or what they wanted to rent for the night. The two halflings were claimed immediately by men who boasted about wanting to tear their tight holes open.

There were more customers here than I would have thought. With a population of only a couple thousand, this town was barely even a town, more of a large village. There were already five guys here, more arriving every minute. Where did these bastards come from?

Back on earth, plenty of people liked their sex a little on the rough side. I remembered reading once that more than half of all women had tried bondage at some point in their lives, and at least a quarter of them had sexual fantasies about being raped. Still, I doubted even one percent of the population would have been extreme sadists like this… Torturing another person to the point of leaving scars was not a common kink. Even the old me, which enjoyed a bit of male dominant sadism, wouldn’t have wanted to take things further than a bit of spanking or impact play, nothing that would break the skin or leave a permanent mark. In a tiny little town like this, there should not have been enough customers to keep an extreme, sadism focused brothel of this size afloat.

Was cruelty and sexual violence the norm here? It must have been. This place didn’t make sense otherwise. Man, this world was fucked up.

“No… no no no… Please… not that… I’ll do anything…” I heard the bunny girl’s voice from somewhere behind my pillar, begging for mercy.

“AaaaaAAAAAGH!” There was a horrifying, gut wrenching scream from behind me. It was a demented howl of agony, mindless and primal. I heard a hiss of sizzling flesh.


I took a deep breath, and tried to calm my rapidly beating heart. Okay, I admitted it, I was scared. Poor girl… I felt a little pang of guilt, realizing I was genuinely glad that wasn’t me over there having my tits burned off.

There was a group of four younger men, surprisingly handsome and muscular, probably somewhere in their mid twenties. They were going around inspecting the girls and arguing about their merits. Like the others, they were all dressed in red silk robes and masquerade masks.

Two of them were inspecting Chloe. The other two walked up to me.

“Ooh what about this one?” one of the guys said.

His eyes travelled over my body like I was just a piece of meat, but it was a lustful gaze. There wasn’t a hint of compassion in his eyes for my predicament, but at the very least, I could be sure he wanted to fuck me rather than torture me.

“What’s with the haircut, looks like a boy,” the other said, disapprovingly.

“She’s got some life in her eyes. Not too broken yet, I bet she’ll be fun.”

“I don’t want to fuck a boy…” the second guy grumbled.

The first took a step forward, and cupped me roughly between the legs. He roughly shoved two fingers into me.

“Nnn…” Caught off guard, I tried and failed to stifle a moan.

“Dunno dude, sure feels like a girl to me!” the first man teased. “Oh hey, the bitch is wet already.”

I blushed in shame. Stupid fucking masochistic rape-bait body… It’s not my fault, okay?

Yes, he was right. This whole fucked up situation was turning me on as much as it was horrifying me. It made no sense. Okay… So the bondage was hot. My arms were pinned up and I felt defenseless, unable to protect myself probing fingers. Then there was the fact that I was naked, surrounded by hungry predatory men that would viciously use me to sate their lust. I was going to get raped, and there was no stopping it. That was all extremely sexy to this masochistic body.

And well… maybe some of the torture was a little bit sexy…

Don’t get me wrong! It was scary as hell. I definitely didn’t want to experience that much pain. There was nothing sexy there… But the fact that it was awful and horrifying and I didn’t want it was actually what made it sexy… It was way too much for me to take, yet the men wouldn’t care. They’d break me without mercy. No matter how much I begged them to stop.

“Seriously?” the second guy said. “She some sort of Tainted pervert?”

I smirked wryly. Tainted, no, but pervert? Definitely.

“Doesn’t look Tainted,” the first guy said. “Must just be a natural slut,” he chuckled.

“What even is she?” the second asked. “She looks human but feels… different, like some kind of aura.”

“No idea,” the first said, continuing to casually violate me with his fingers. I tried not to moan.

“Hey bitch, what are you?” the second guy asked me directly.

I debated claiming to be an illegally kidnapped human, but they probably wouldn’t believe me. They’d already noticed my magical presence. “I’m an Aasimar,” I said.

“Asa-what?” second guy asked.

“The fuck is that?” the first guy asked.

“I was born a human, and transformed into a demi-angel by Trindon the merciful as a ‘reward’ for my good deeds.” I explained sadly. “Some reward, eh?”

“Yeah, that’s some bad luck, girl,” the second guy said, almost sympathetically.

“Cool! Haven’t fucked an angel before.” the first guy said, without a hint of sympathy.

“I was kidnapped… I’m a free person held here against my will…” I tried.

“Not my problem,” the first guy said.

“Yeah, sorry bitch. It’s a nice sob story, but even if it was true, messing with the Volda family is outside my pay grade. Nobody’s gonna save you.”

Volda family? That was the first I’d heard of them. They owned this brothel? I’d have to watch out for them I supposed. If I ever managed to escape this place, at least.

The four dudes met up, and argued about which girl to take. First insisted he was tired of elves and wanted to fuck something new. Second said he’d rather take the more feminine elf. Third and Fourth came to look at me. Fourth grabbed my exposed breast and crushed my nipple painfully. I hissed in pain, and he smiled cruelly. Fuck… another sadist. Eventually Third and Fourth agreed that they wanted to try out the new species instead of the boring elf. That was apparently the tie breaker.

“We’ll take the angel bitch,” First declared to Satan’s Butler. “Can we like… What’s it cost to rent a private room?”

“Twenty-five silver, though it’s free if you buy at least four hours of time.” Butler replied.

“Shit… how much is that?” First asked the group.

Third answered, “Two plus twenty silver per extra hour is two gold, sixty.”

“Two gold…” Second winced. “Even split four ways that’s… Well whatever, we wanted to enjoy ourselves, right?”

“Throw in a bottle of half-decent whiskey, and you’ve got a deal,” First told Butler.

Satan’s Butler gave the gentlemen a wearied sigh… “Very well, we can add a complimentary bottle in addition to the room rental if you buy at least four hours.”

“Deal!” First said cheerfully.

Satan’s Butler led the four men to one of the side rooms. A pair of thugs came to unlock my shackles. I recognized punchy from last time. Like before, he grabbed me by the hair and used it as a painful handle to move me along after them.

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