Rapeworld Isekai

Chapter 19 – The Main Event

The cruel master of the Scarlet Thorn torture brothel flourished his hands, and the cage doors popped open.

This is it!

Me, Chloe, Milah the low elf boy, Bethany the wolfgirl, and Ginny the catgirl were all standing around in the centre of the arena. Lothelea was still on her hands and knees, right where she’d fallen, at the edge of the arena.

The second the doors unlocked, the cage doors burst open, and the monsters charged straight for us. I stared nervously at the charging big dicked werewolf, and took an involuntary step back.

All my plans about attracting the monsters’ attention flew out of my brain. The animal part of me saw a massive charging werewolf monster with its vicious claws and teeth, and its devastating rigid cock. My brain urged me to run away from the obvious danger. I struggled to find my courage… to face this foe directly…

Ultimately it didn’t matter. Purple, the big corrupted elf with horns, tail, mega-muscles, and scary looking dick, reached me first.

I lost sight of the charging werewolf as Purple crashed into me from behind with a flying tackle. I toppled forward, landing hard on my chest. The air was knocked out of my lungs.


Then something big and heavy and really fucking horny crashed down on top of me, knocking even more air out of my lungs.


I felt soft tits with hard nipples tickle my back. Someone was panting and gasping into my ear. A warm tongue nibbled my earlobe, and her long white hair tickled my face. I blushed and gasped, finding myself starting to get wet. Then her monstrous studded cock pressed up against my asshole.

“Oh come on…” I groaned. “Why is it always my ass?”

“RAAAAGH!” something roared.

There was a crunch as something huge and heavy moved over my head. The weight pinning me down suddenly went away. The big purple dickgirl about to rape my butt went flying.

I squirmed away from the carnage, and looked over my shoulder. Werewolf and Purple were fighting. Werewolf had his long claws, almost two feet in length, impaled through the center of Purple’s chest. Yet Purple was not down yet. She growled and gurgled, and tore deep gouges into his arm with her clawed fingertips.

I moved onto my hands and knees, and glanced at the others. Ginny was on the ground, curled up into a ball again, eyes shut, paws on her ears. She was in full panic mode, desperately wanting to escape from her current horrifying reality, yet she still hadn’t been touched by a monster. Bethany was on her knees next to her, tears in her eyes as she watched the fight with horror. She was also untouched but clearly terrified by the chaos.

Milah was… It took me a second to find him. Foxy had already dashed in and claimed him. She was calmly walking over to the corner of the arena, with the boy slung over her shoulder like a bag of flour, his naked butt in the air, cupped and groped by her furry palm.

Chloe was… She managed to catch Pink, who was on her way to rape the despairing maid Lothelea in the corner while everyone else was distracted. Chloe had a gentle grip on Pink’s dick, and was using it as a handle to lead her away from other potential targets. Pink was happily following her, thrusting against Chloe’s hand, pawing at her butt, and smelling a fistful of Chloe’s hair as she walked.

Who was missing?

Something heavy and hard smashed against my back. I ate dirt again, thudding against the ground, landing on my chest.

“Oww! Can’t you fuckers just ask nicely?” I snapped.

Another soft pair of tits smooshed against my back, and a pair of hard pincers closed around the back of my neck to keep me from scrambling away. I gulped nervously, realizing how easily Crabby could decapitate me with those pincers right now. A hard chitinous cock teased against my nethers.

I frowned. Why did I get stuck with the spiny one? Stupid Chloe… Give me Pink! Pink was the only one here who might actually feel good inside me. Fuck it… we should steal Pink and her acceptably-sized cock when we escape here, we could totally use her for farming exp and levelling up.

My mind returned to more pressing matters… Like the scaly carapace cock pressing against my ass. This time, I tried to angle my hips a little further forward, sticking my butt up a little more. The spiny dick slid forward and kissed my pussy lips. This was already going to be painful… I didn’t need the agony of dry anal added on top.

I tried to relax and let her into my pussy.

Relaxing didn’t help. “Oh Fuck! Owwwww! Aaaarrrgh!”

The hard, crab shell cock, agonizingly thick, with rough, jagged, and hard edges scraped its way inside me, carving vicious ruts in my inner walls. This was the new winner for the ‘most painful thing ever stuffed inside Tyler,’ award. It was bigger than the Rock Mimic’s tentacle, yet lacked the mimic’s smoothness and softness.

And of course, I wasn’t raped gently… Crabby fucked me at full force. There was no warmup, no foreplay. From the first thrust, she immediately jackhammered me as hard and as fast as her superhuman strength and endurance would allow.

She was a mindless rape monster, and she had no mercy at all.

“Aaaagh owww!” I screamed out my pain again. The cock was pure agony. I never thought I’d want to find myself back in Tentacle Hell, but I’d honestly prefer another two hours inside the Rock Mimic over this.

But at the same time… my stupid masochistic pussy was juicing up. The intolerable agony mellowed out into… well… tolerable agony. Tolerable agony that was just a little bit sexy, perhaps? I didn’t exactly like it, but it was… okay.

“Stupid… Ah! bitch,” I gasped, slapping Crabby’s armored thigh. “All power and no technique… Give a girl some time to get warmed up first, will ya? Or be like Purple, give my ear a lick… pull my hair… Show me some gods damned passion! Fuck! Stupid crab bitch…”

Crabby didn’t reply, I doubted she was even capable of understanding words, but swearing at her made me feel better. Her only response to my insults was more rape, and that was probably just her usual response to everything.

I whimpered pathetically, and rested my face in the dirt. I laid there submissively, on my tummy, and took it like a bitch. I was a dirty girl, rubbing my face in the dirty ground where I belonged. The pain mellowed out a little more as my arousal grew stronger.


The weight on my back suddenly got lighter again. The chitinous cock was torn away from my pussy, and I continued to lay in the dirt, groaning as I recovered my wits. My pussy throbbed with pain and arousal in equal parts. I mostly just felt relieved that the torture cock was out of me, but… maybe a small slutty part of me was a little disappointed too.

At some point Werewolf must have realized that Crabby stole his prize while he was busy kicking the shit out of Purple. Purple was in a bad state, lying on her back, literally ripped in half, everything below the belt was just… missing. Both of the horns on her forehead were soaked in red Werewolf blood but it was obvious she’d gotten the worse part of the exchange. Like the weird precum dripping out of her cock, Purple’s own blood was a glowing phosphorescent green, like a torn open glow stick. There was a lot of glowy blood splattered everywhere around the battlefield. The macabre scene was a scary reminder of what a monster was capable of when they weren’t trying to keep you alive.

Somehow the demonlike monster girl was still breathing. How could she survive after taking that much damage? I wasn’t sure, but it looked like she was down for the count.

I looked around for the others again. Lothelea, Bethany, and Ginny were well clear of the raping battlefield now. They were all huddled together by the edge of the arena, watching the carnage with tearful eyes.

Milah was at the edge of the arena too, far from the others, laying on his back with the fox girl riding him. He relaxed, shut his eyes, and let her do her thing as I suggested. He was humiliated and involuntarily aroused, but not in any real pain.

Chloe was along the edge of the arena as well. Pink’s face was pure joy and glorious rapture, as Chloe knelt at her feet and sucked her cock. I watched Pink gasp and tremble. Chloe took only a brief pause to swallow the generous load, and then continued bobbing her head to milk another orgasm out of her. Chloe seemed determined to level up tonight.

I heard a pained howling yelp, like an injured puppy. The werewolf’s giant knotted dick landed on the ground with a thud, completely severed. Crabby’s vicious pincer claw was between his legs, dealing a critical blow to the monster wolf.

“What the fuck… that was a low blow girl…” I grumbled in sympathy.

The werewolf trembled in pain, and then roared in murderous rage. He doubled his attempts to murder Crabby. He was much stronger than her, but she was surprisingly fast. I thought armored creatures were supposed to be slow! How was that balanced?

Every dodge led to a pinch, and every pinch led to a new bloody gash in the werewolf’s hide. A single good blow with the monstrous wolf’s weight and strength behind it would probably demolish Crabby, but she deftly avoided the vicious wolf claws with expert movements. Maybe she’d been a warrior in a previous life. It made me wonder how much of the original creature was left after being corrupted…

She was slowly bleeding the werewolf dry. His movements were getting more and more sluggish. Yeah, the battle was as good as over now. I supposed it would be more ouchy crab dick for me once the victor was declared.

Yep, Crabby was clearly going to win… So imagine my surprise when the werewolf, in a sudden burst of desperate speed, lunged forward and clamped his massive jaws around Crabby’s head.


He bit down and decapitated the crab monster in a single bite. He leaned back, chewed, and swallowed. Crabby’s headless body collapsed on the ground. Her chitinous boner finally softening.

Oookay… No more crab dick then.

Werewolf gasped, hunching over in exhaustion. He turned his bloody, torn apart body towards me, and took a step forward. I took a few steps back.

“Heeey buddy… you know I’d love to fool around, but you’ve kinda been unmanned…” I said.

Werewolf took another wobbly step forward, I took a few more steps back.

“Yeah… you see, you’re a bit of a mess right now… and… frankly I’d rather not get all that blood on me… Don’t werewolves heal? That’s supposed to be a thing right. Only silver can hurt you? Just give it a few minutes, do your regeneration thing, get yourself straight, and then we can play. Deal?”

Werewolf started to take another step, and then collapsed forward, his heavy bulk crashing onto the ground. It groaned and gurgled its last breaths. Clearly this werewolf was vulnerable to crustaceans, rather than silver.

I caught my breath, looking around the carnage. Three dead monsters… Wait… I took another look at Purple. The bleeding had stopped, her eyes were closed and she was still breathing softly, even though she was still missing half her body. Okay, two and a half dead monsters…

So, I didn’t expect that outcome at all.

I was thinking, ‘Oh I’m a tasty Aasimar, and I’m going to get triple penetrated,’ not ‘These monsters are literally going to rip each other apart in a fit of jealousy to get first dibs on me.’ I glanced up at the crowd, clearly I wasn’t the only one surprised.

Half of the cruel old sadists were surprised, the other half were a mixture of disappointment and outrage. I gave them my own sadistic smile in return. Take that bitches! Your fun is spoiled.

The only two surviving monsters were the boring gentle ones. Chloe was still busy fellating Pink, so I went over to Foxy, to see if I could coax her away from the only real rape victim of the night.

“Hey there foxy fox,” I cooed, approaching the scene of the rape in progress.

The fox girl glared at me, and growled defensively.

I nervously took another step forward, “Oh no, I’m not here for him… I’m here for you!

The fox girl stopped grinding herself on the boy, and growled at me again. She bared her fangs, and stared directly into my eye, the fur on her neck raised. I hesitated.

“Don’t worry, I’m not trying to take your dick away… but maybe you want some tongue instead?” I tried, taking another step forward.

The fox girl snarled and pounced at me, abandoning her precious cock and raking at me with her claws. I yelped and stepped back, but her claw got me, leaving three deep gouges along my thigh.

“Oww fuck! Okay I’ll take the hint!” I gasped, stepping further back.

The fox girl growled again, and returned to her man.

I hissed in pain and pressed my palm against my bleeding leg. If I was a human that would need healing magic, or stitches. As an Aasimar, thanks to my regeneration, the bleeding would stop within a minute or two. It still stung like a bitch though.

“Sorry dude,” I said to Milah. “I gave it a shot, but she’s clearly not gay enough to go for me.”

“Thanks for trying, I guess.” Milah sighed in defeat. “This isn’t… the worst way to go. Tainted by a relatively gentle Manhunter.”

“A more pleasant partner than the crab girl at least,” I sighed.

The fox girl gently guided herself back down onto his cock, and continued riding him. She gave me another warning growl.

“Yep, he’s yours, got it! Thanks,” I said, stepping back further and raising my palms in surrender.

“Is that it?” I heard one of the creepy audience members ask.

“Well, we got to see an interesting fight…” another one said, clearly disappointed by the show.

Lord Anthony clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. “Well gentleman, it seemed the heroines of our sordid little tale got away more or less unscathed this time. Either through a quirk of fate, or just plain good luck, they faced and inadvertently triggered the demise of a very expensive level thirty three Abyssal Elf, an even more expensive level thirty-seven Demonblood Elf, and a ridiculously expensive level forty one Feral Wolfkin. And they managed to pacify the level twenty-one Feral Foxkin, and of course, poor little Pink, not that she’s terribly hard to pacify. This will make for quite the rare tale, won’t it?”

There were a few murmured grumbles of agreement.

“I’m a man of my word, the show, such as it is will continue and these girls can play in the sand and enjoy their happy ending until morning. Yet I know what you’re missing, my fine patrons. Any who are still finding themselves craving a display of brutality may follow me to the chambers downstairs. I’ll set aside a few girls to play with, free of charge and we’ll all destroy them together. Perhaps I’ll heal and break my little elven torture toy again as well, for the audience’s amusement.”

There were a few more murmurs of approval. Lord Anthony led a procession of cruel bastards down to the torture chamber. Ironically, that made those of us left in the monster pit with two uncontrolled rape monsters the safest girls in the entire building.



“Hey Chloe,” I said, slowly approaching the elf and the pink rape monster.

Chloe waved. Her mouth was currently occupied.

“Doing alright there? Need a break?” I asked.

Chloe gave me a thumbs up, and continued bobbing her head on the monster’s dick. Pink shifted her hips a little, gently thrusting to match Chloe’s movement. Even so, to my well-trained eye, this appeared to mostly be a blowjob, rather than a facefuck. Despite being on her knees with a dick in her mouth, Chloe was clearly in control here. She set the pace and depth while the monster simply stood there and enjoyed her skills.

Curious, I walked a little closer. My leg had stopped bleeding, but with my regeneration as it was, the deep scratch probably wouldn’t disappear until morning. It still stung like a bitch. I’d learned my lesson about bothering monsters mid-coitus. This time I was a little bit more wary of the monster as I approached.

Pink noticed me approach. Unlike the fox girl who bared her fangs and growled defensively, Pink stopped thrusting her hips, pouted pitifully, and looked at me with wide puppy dog eyes. She gently placed a hand on the back of Chloe’s head, pushing her a little deeper down on the cock. There was no growling or defensiveness at all, she just looked like she’d been caught doing something naughty, and didn’t want to get in trouble.

“Hey there Pinky, having fun?” I asked, taking another step forward.

Pink pushed down on Chloe’s head a little more, sliding her all the way down the massive dick until Chloe’s lips touched her balls. She hunched forward, one hand pinning Chloe’s head against her nuts, and the other gently stroking her back protectively. It was a gesture I could only interpret as ‘This is my very precious cocksucker, please don’t take her away. If you do, I’ll cry.’

I laughed. Chloe gagged a little, but stayed in position like a good girl.

Pink seemed surprisingly harmless for a monster. Instead of nervously stalking up to her, I confidently strode up to Pink. Sure enough she didn’t attack me. I gently patted her on her head. She relaxed a little, and let Chloe move away, not all the way, but just enough to breathe again.

Pink remained anchored to the spot thanks to Chloe’s mouth on her dick. She stared at me nervously, but didn’t bat me away or give me any warning noises. I took the time to inspect her up close.

Her body was about average height for a girl, close to Chloe’s height. She had a very similar figure to Chloe too. Comparing them, Pinky had a bit more curves and tone. She was like hybrid of Chloe’s figure, and Maddie’s figure. She had broad soft hips, a nice round booty and large breasts. She had well defined muscles, not a she-hulk, like Purple and Crabby, but she was fit.

Her cock was Ash sized. It wasn’t a cunt-destroyer like the other monster girls, but it would be too big for most to take comfortably. Ash was a monster, and so the monster cock looked right on him. But on this monster girl, with her average womanlike size, it looked cartoonishly huge.

Her former elven nature was hinted at by her long pointed ears, and like every other elf I’d seen so far, she had absolutely no body hair below her neck. There was none of Chloe’s strange magical elf aura, no feeling of lightness. I did a quick [Sense Magic] on her. Chloe was still saturated with life magic, but Pinky was filled with a powerful dark aura. It wasn’t like Unholy magic, this was something else, something anathema to the gods themselves and foreign to their magic system.

Pinky had a few non-elf characteristics too, aside from the obvious mega-dick. She had pale bubblegum pink skin, an unnatural colour, like no elf I’d ever seen, and dark purple hair down to the middle of her back. She had black horns sprouting from her forehead, gently curving upward, extending out about a foot. She also had a tail sprouting from above her shapely butt and extending down to her ankles. At its base, it was about as thick as a wrist, and it tapered down to finger width near the tip.

At the very tip of her tail was a heart shaped spaded point. I could see that it wasn’t sharp or hard. It was a soft squishy thing, not intended to be a weapon. I reached out and grabbed her tail, sliding my hands along until I reached the tip.

Pink twitched in surprise and her tail squirmed in my hands. I kept a firm grip with one hand as I molested her with my other. I played with the tip, squishing the heart shaped spaded part experimentally. Indeed, it was very soft. It felt a bit like cartilage, like a nose or ear.

Pink whined at me, looking over her shoulder with a pout and wide puppy dog eyes. ‘Stop bullying me please.’

I spanked her on the butt. She jumped, and squeaked adorably. How could I not bully someone this adorable?

“She’s strangely cute… are you sure she’s a monster?” I asked Chloe.

“Mmm hmm…” Chloe said, nodding her head.

“What level? You should be able to see in your combat log…”

Chloe held up two hands, five fingers each. Then she held up a fist, and a hand with four fingers. Level fourteen. That made her weaker than all the other monsters here, but that wasn’t completely pathetic.

“There’s no way you’re a higher level than that thorny pitcher plant thing…” I grumbled, staring at Pink accusingly.

Pink hunched down and averted her eyes like a scolded puppy. She knew she was naughty but she didn’t know why. She probably had no idea what I was saying, but it seemed she could understand my critical tone of voice at least.

I gave her another spank on the bum. Because I could. She let out a cute little squeak, and I saw the cock twitch in Chloe’s mouth.

“Don’t tell me you like being bullied…” I said, with a sinister grin.

The monster girl must have seen something predatory in my gaze, because she whimpered nervously.

I continued to grin. Sadist Mode: Activated.

I stalked up behind her, and pressed my chest against her back. Reaching around, I cupped her generous breasts. She moaned a little, and leaned her back against my chest. Her hands were free, but she made no effort to move my grabby paws off her tits.

I gently nibbled on her neck, and softly spoke next to her ear, “You want to know a secret, Pinky dear?”

Pinky made a noise, somewhere between a whimper and a moan.

“I sort of like being raped by monsters, you know. There’s something about the roughness and mindless brutality that just turns me on. To be honest, Crabby and Wolfie didn’t look all that fun. Those dicks were straight-up lethal weapons. But you and your sister Purple? You’ve got much nicer dicks.”

Pinky moaned as I started to massage her breasts more firmly.

“So what do I do now? Your peers have stupided themselves to death, and Purple’s missing her most important half. There’s nobody left to fuck me. Here I am, turned on and unsatisfied, and my pet elf even has the gall to cockblock me to milk a few much-needed levels out of you… What’s a girl to do?”

I squeezed her breasts hard, digging my fingertips into her sensitive flesh painfully. Pinky moaned, and grinded her ass back against my hips.

“I’m sure you can appreciate how frustrated that makes me feel.”

I grabbed her nipples between my fingers, and pinched down hard, drawing a gasp from the monster girl. Pinky whimpered, and submitted to my abuse. She grinded her butt back against me, and pushed her tail up between my legs. The tail’s side pressed against my wet pussy lips, and snaked up along my bare back. It gently pressed against me, pushing me forward into her, squishing my modest tits against her back. She moaned and rolled her hips. I felt the tail rub along my pussy, sliding between my wet lips, and shivered in pleasure.

I kissed her neck, and bit her hard, drawing another gasp from my little monster girl toy.

“Welcome to Rapeworld,” I whispered into her ear. “Where even the rape monsters get raped.”

Pinky gasped and shivered, and I looked down over her shoulder, watching her cock pulse in orgasm. Chloe swallowed another load, and kept sucking.

I reached a hand down between the monster girl’s legs from behind. Teasing my fingertips down the crack of her ass. Pinky rolled her hips forward and pushed her ass back against my hand, opening herself up and submitting to my exploration.

Like the other monster girls, this one seemed to have male anatomy down there. I felt the base of her cock, and her rather impressively sized hairless balls. My fingertips slid further back, and I felt a tight little butthole.

“Do you have a prostate, Pinky?” I asked sweetly.

Pinky, having no idea what I’d asked her, just moaned and rolled her hips against me. My unused hand was still against her breast. Pinky grabbed it, and guided it up to her throat. The message was clear: ‘Bully me more.’

I closed my hand around her throat, gently, more of a controlling grab rather than a proper choke. I pulled back my other hand, and sucked my fingers, coating them with a thick glob of spit. It probably wasn’t enough lube to be painless… but Pinky clearly liked it rough.

My fingertips found her asshole. Pinky moaned and whimpered, pushing her hips back against my fingertips. Slowly, but firmly, I pushed two fingers inside her. Pinky gasped, and shivered. I twisted my hand around, angling my fingertips forward, and hooking them against where I thought her prostate might be.

Pinky gasped and moaned, nice and loud, and came again in Chloe’s mouth. Her knees trembled, barely able to stand. Her whole body twitched and shivered, and her asshole pulsed and clenched around my fingertips as I continued thrusting with my fingers.

“Oh, looks like I found your bitch button…” I said with a sinister grin.

And so the fun continued, with me hammering against the monster girl’s prostate, and Chloe sucking the orgasms out of her front. With my help, Pinky’s orgasms came at least twice as often. She just kept cumming and cumming, over and over again. There was barely thirty seconds between each orgasm.

“Gain any levels yet Chloe?” I asked.

“Mmm hmm…” Chloe hummed. She held up six fingers.

“Level six?”

“Mmm…” Chloe nodded.

“Well let’s keep at it,” I said cheerfully. “I wonder if we can make Pinky run out of cum…”

Pinky moaned, and came again. I checked up around the bannister, most of the fucked up masked sadists were gone. Only three or four people were left behind, watching us curiously.

I smirked. I guess they were finally getting their ‘monster rape’ show, it just might not have been the sort of monster rape they were expecting.

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