Rapeworld Isekai

Chapter 9 – Just A Big Pile of Slutty Bitches

Ethan, the adolescent acolyte shyly guided us up to our designated bedroom without a word. He took a moment the point out the chamber pot that my Purify spell made obsolete, and then left us to our own devices.

It was the most literal interpretation of the word ‘bedroom’ I’d ever seen. The room was a bit cramped, with eight small single-person beds, divided into two rows, and squeezed into every available space. There was basically nothing in this room that wasn’t a bed.

“Push them all together?” Maddie immediately suggested.

“I get to sleep in a girl-pile? Fuck yeah!” Ash cheered.

“Maybe two beds? One on each side?” I suggested. “Ash gets two bitches, and I get two bitches?”

“Why do you get two bitches?” Emi asked, clearly jealous.

“Whoever sleeps on Tyler’s side will get two bitches as well.” Lysander explained with a sigh. “While those who sleep on Ash’s side will get one bitch and one dude.”

“Aww I wanted to sleep with five bitches…” Ash grumbled. “Threesomes aren’t that hard to arrange, but a fivesome would be truly legendary.”

“Five bitches in one pile would generate a lot of heat, I doubt it would be comfortable for whoever’s stuck in the middle of that trying to sleep,” I said.

“What if we just fuck in one big pile, and then split up after for the actual sleeping part?” Ash offered.

“Who gets stuck sleeping in the bed with all the cum then?” Maddie asked, as she started sliding the beds together.

“Ash just needs to finish inside someone,” Lysander said. “A mouth would be optimal for cleanliness and pregnancy risk mitigation.”

“This has to be the least sexy bedroom talk I’ve ever heard.” I sighed. “As for pregnancy, I bet Purify can fix that. I do a little clean after you’re done and all traces of sperm go bye-bye.”

“Does it work on natural body fluids?” Emi asked.

“Have any of you had to use the toilet yet?” I asked. Nobody answered in the affirmative. “That’s right, didn’t think so… So if my spell cleans out your bladder and bowels, then it’ll probably take care of a little sperm too.”

“Huh… I was wondering about that,” Emi said thoughtfully. “Why does is clear away pee, but not blood from your veins?”

I had to stop to think about it. “I think it depends on what I, as the spell’s caster decide is dirty. Pee and poo are dirty, blood inside your veins, is not. So if I decide that cum inside your pussy is dirty, then it gets cleaned, easy as that.”

“That could be abused,” Lysander commented. “For example, you might decide that Uranium-238 is dirty, while Uranium-235 is clean. You could enrich a block of non-fissile material into a primitive nuclear weapon.”

“I don’t think the spell is that easy to trick…” I said. “I’d probably have to honestly believe it, rather than just define what gets filtered and what doesn’t. Like, I’d have to honestly convince myself that cum is foreign to a vagina and doesn’t belong in there, in order for the spell to work.”

“Hmm… I see.” Lysander muttered. “There are probably still some novel uses for that, despite those limitations. I’ll have to think on it.”

Me and the other lazy girls chatted away, watching Ash and Maddie move the beds into two sets of four. I chose the quad combined bed on the left, and tossed my modesty blanket on there, shamelessly revealing my body to the others. Lysander copied me, tossing her blanket on my combined bed too.

Ash claimed the bed on the right, removing his blanket and revealing his cock to the world once again. Maddie joined him. Emi looked conflicted, not sure which side to pick. Chloe pressed against my arm, subtly indicating she wanted a spot on my bed without actually imposing herself on Emi. Emi took the hint, and settled on the dude bed.

“If you’re playing around, do it on my bed,” Ash insisted. “I want to be in a proper bitch pile while Maddie sucks my cock.”

Ash settled down right in the middle of his hybrid-bed, on his back, wearing only a grin. He spread his arms and legs out wide, and wiggled his fingers to wave us all over.

Maddie took a hesitant step forward, and nervously settled on her knees, between his legs. She stared down at his semi-hard cock nervously. Emi settled next to Ash, on his left. I moved over to Ash’s right, pressing my back up against his side. I dragged Chloe over to me and she obediently followed.

Maddie bent down, and nervously stroked a fingertip over Ash’s cock. “This is actually pretty scary looking, close up… I… can’t believe I’m about to…”

“May I lick the sweat off your scrotum?” Lysander suddenly asked.

Maddie looked back over her shoulder at the mad genius looming behind her. Lysander had a perfectly deadpan face, as if she didn’t realize just how weird her request sounded.

“W-what? why?” Maddie stammered.

“I want to try it, and suspect Ash will enjoy it too,” Lysander shrugged. “Do I need more of a reason than that? You can have the penis, as per your earlier arrangement. I’ll try not to get in your way.”

“Go for it,” Ash said, with a thumbs up. “Double blowjob, awesome!”

Lysander moved slowly, but with purpose, slinking up past the apprehensive Maddie, and lying on her tummy, burying her face shamelessly in Ash’s nuts. She gently nuzzled the side of his hairy balls, and licked at his sack like it was the tastiest treat in the world.

With her competitive hackles raised, Maddie finally took the plunge, and placed a gentle kiss on Ash’s quickly growing cock.

I scooted back a bit, sitting up against Ash’s arm so I could have a view of the show. I gave Chloe a glance, and wiggled my toes at her.

“Healbitch,” I called, trying to sound imperious, “My feet are sore from walking, kiss them better for me.”

“Yes Mistress,” she replied. She gently moved down to caress my abused and blistered foot, and placed an affectionate kiss right in the middle of the dirty sole. Her tongue, shining with viridian light, tickled as it traced a line along my skin. I felt a wave of relief from the day’s aches as the healing magic coursed through my body.

“Better Mistress?” she asked, smiling warmly.

“My feet are better, yes,” I said, and then I spread my legs open, and gave her a view of my moistening pussy, “I have something else for you to kiss better, though.”

“Of course, Mistress,” Chloe said, blushing and biting her lip.

She crouched between my feet, and slowly started kissing her way up the inside of my leg. Fuck yeah! Having my own sex slave was awesome.

As Chloe kissed her way closer to her goal, the show continued. Lysander had her eyes closed, in utter bliss with her face buried in Ash’s balls. Ash was fully hard now, and he was a real monster. Maybe not as big as the dire coyote, or the rock mimic’s tentacles, but still huge by human standards, like… nine or ten inches maybe? Maddie was still awkwardly kissing the head, clearly a bit scared to put her mouth around such a monster.

“Quit teasing me Maddie, get sucking,” Ash grumbled.

He untangled his arm from the unfortunately-ignored Emi, and put his big meaty palm on the back of Maddie’s head. Maddie’s eyes opened in shock, and she let out a muffled protest as Ash firmly pushed her head down onto his cock. Maddie squirmed a bit, struggling to handle its size. Then, she started bobbing her head slowly, getting used to the feel of it in her mouth.

Chloe was still kissing up my thigh, now lingering only a few inches from my pussy. She was slowing down her progress, getting closer and closer with every kiss, but taking forever to travel the last little bit of the journey. I looked down at her curiously, and saw a demure smile, but with just a hint of brattiness in her eyes.

Oh, she wanted to play that game, eh?

I grabbed a fistful of hair, and pushed her the rest of the way, pressing her mouth firmly against my cunt. She whimpered submissively, and licked at me. It felt amazing! Her delicate tongue and lips caressed my clit, travelling along my folds. It was hard to compare it to the feeling of receiving a blowjob. It was different. Not better, not worse. I let myself moan and released my grip on her hair, gently patting her on the head to tell her she was being a good girl.

I wouldn’t give her a chance to squirm away again though. I wrapped one leg around her, pressing the heel of my foot against the back of her neck, to keep her firmly in place until I was done with her.

I turned back to the show. Maddie could only go halfway down Ash’s mega-cock before she gagged, but she pleased the half she could handle with enthusiasm, bobbing up and down, speeding her pace. Lysander moved on from Ash’s balls, kissing and licking the shaft near the base.

“Ahh, it is good to be the king,” Ash groaned in pleasure, clearly in heaven.

“Oy! Emi wants some too!” the schoolgirl snapped, she’d finally had enough of being ignored.

A foot narrowly missed my head, as Emi straddled Ash’s face, mounting him with her head facing downward towards the blowjob show. Ash was too huge for her to put her knees on the bed, so she squatted over him instead.

“Oh hello little pussy, nice to meet you,” Ash got over his surprise quickly, and started licking the frustrated Emi.

Ash dug his arm out from underneath me, ruining my comfy backrest. He grabbed Emi’s hips and adjusted her angle, holding her in position to give himself the best access. Each of his meaty hands were nearly large enough to wrap around her thigh.

I whined in annoyance at the forced position change. I was comfy, damnit! If I laid down now, Ash’s bulk would block my view of the show, and if I sat up, the angle of my hips would prevent Chloe from licking my pussy. I tried to think of a solution.

“On your back, Healbitch,” I ordered, releasing Chloe from my leg prison.

I scooted back, and my slave hurried to obey. She lay on her back next to Ash. I settled back down, straddling her face with my thighs, facing towards Chloe’s feet, mirroring Emi’s position on Ash. Chloe, being a good girl, moaned into my cunt, and started licking immediately. It felt even better like this, she was somehow able to hit just the right spot with her tongue from this angle.

“Ooh, that’s good!” I purred.

Chloe moaned. My praise seemed to be an aphrodisiac for her. Apparently deciding on her own that a good girl wouldn’t masturbate while pleasing me, she instead clenched her thighs together, and rolled her hips, trying to stimulate herself without her hands. I could tell from here just how wet she was.

“Open your legs slave,” I ordered.

Chloe whimpered, either from frustration or humiliation, but obeyed the order. She brought her knees up and parted her thighs. I leaned forward to inspect her. Her pussy was glistening wet, with juices coating her thighs. I realized she’d been teased her all day without cumming once. It started with the squid face-rapist, continuing through my sexy show with Lysander, then some sensual magical kissing, and even some degradation and slave play once we got to town. She was probably quite pent up. She whimpered in embarrassment, likely knowing exactly how wet she was.

I was tempted to lean forward and lick her in sixty-nine, but Chloe seemed to be distracted by the attention I was giving her and her licking was starting to slow. No need to reward bad behaviour like that. I pushed my hips down and rolled them back and forth a bit, grinding my pussy against her face to show her who was boss. Her oral attention picked up again.

“Faster,” I ordered. “Make me come.”

The blowjob show next to me soon came to its conclusion. They’d found a rhythm now, Maddie taking charge of the cock head, Lysander licking pretty much everywhere else, and Emi twitching and moaning on Ash’s face.

“Oh fuck, here I come,” Ash groaned.

Maddie’s eyes went wide, suddenly realizing she was about to get a mouthful of semen. She hesitated, not quite sure whether she wanted to let Ash finish inside her mouth or not. The decision was made for her by Lysander, who pressed a hand on the back of her head, forcing her to stay in position.

Ash’s cock twitched and pulsed. Maddie moaned in surprise, eyes wide, as her mouth was filled with jizz. She swallowed. Then she whimpered, and swallowed again, realizing Ash had shot too much cum for her to swallow in just one gulp. Lysander kept Maddie’s mouth around Ash’s cock until the last twitches of Ash’s orgasm faded and Maddie had swallowed every last bit of it.

Lysander released Maddie from her grip, and the blonde staggered back, gasping. She wiped the drool off her chin. Lysander gave Ash’s softening head an experimental suck, cleaning away a final dribble of cum from the hole, and causing the man to shiver.

“That was a lot of cum,” Maddie gasped. “You just had to ask that god for super big balls, didn’t you?”

Ash lifted Emi’s hips to reply, “Of course! It would look weird otherwise.”

“Testicular volume is positively correlated with sperm count and density, but not semen volume per ejaculation.” Lysander corrected. “The amount of liquid you were forced to swallow actually depends on other factors. I agree with Ash, however, that large testicles look better when paired with a big penis. They taste very manly too.”

“How do you… even know that?” Emi gasped, still being licked by Ash.

“Teenage insecurity,” Lysander said with a shrug. “Fifteen year old me wanted to know if my penis and balls were big enough to please a partner, so I spent a few hours looking up peer reviewed studies on penis size and male virility. An unnecessary concern, in retrospect.”

“That’s all fascinating, but shut up, you’re ruining my lady-boner,” Emi groaned.

I agreed, and tried to tune out the others, focusing on Chloe, and her tongue. I closed my eyes, let out my moans, and rocked my hips. For someone who’d never eaten pussy before, she was certainly a fast learner. After a few more minutes of her expert attention, I finally reached my peak. It was a nice, comforting orgasm, a little one, unlike the screaming g-spot orgasms the tentacles forced out of me. I trembled and shivered blissfully on Chloe’s face for a few seconds. She continued licking me, but slowed down, just trying to make me feel good without overstimulating my post-orgasmic pussy. When the shivers stopped, I finally climbed off her.

“Good girl,” I gasped. “Very good girl.”

“Thank you, Mistress,” Chloe stayed on her back, looking equally blissful. She reached up a hand, and wiped my girl drool off her chin.

Emi was still riding Ash’s face, not yet having reached her orgasm. I got up, stretched my arms, and wove the spell for Purify. It still took me a second or two to do it, but thanks to my near-constant practice since waking up this morning, I was starting to get used to casting spells.


[Mana Manipulation] Skill has reached rank 5


Apparently, the world agreed! Yay! I Purified myself, getting nice and clean before bed.

“Do me too,” Maddie said.

I did. With my hand this time, not my mouth. Then, I also purified Lysander, and Chloe.


[Holy Magic I] Skill has reached rank 4


Ooh, another ding, I was on a roll.

A felt a strange wave of dizziness, and sat on the bed on my side of the room. It was a bizarre feeling, and I intuitively knew that it wasn’t bad or dangerous. It felt like… a question. What do I want? Specifically, what do I want to do with my Holy magic. The answer was obvious, I wanted a healing spell, that was the whole reason I unlocked the school of magic to begin with.


New Holy Spell learned: [Lesser Healing Hands]


A new four-dimensional spell glyph entered my brain. There were some similarities with the others, but it had more in common with Purify than with Firebolt. I instinctively knew how it worked. It was a touch spell that would heal the wounds of myself or whoever I touched, just like how Chloe’s spell worked. Despite the name, I saw no reason why I couldn’t activate it with any part of my body like the other touch spells.

It seemed Chloe’s spell was better than mine, which was fair, since she was the dedicated healer of our group. For my spell, I could control how fast I wanted to heal somebody by how much mana I fed into the glyph. I could heal someone as quickly as she could, but unlike her spell, healing someone that quickly would leave behind scars. Still, it could save the life of someone in a critical state if Chloe wasn’t immediately available. I could also heal someone slowly, which would eventually restore the person’s body to a perfectly pristine state, scar-free, but it would take hours, rather than minutes.

I wondered what exactly counted as ‘healing.’ Would missing hair regenerate? Fingernails? I suspected that like Purify, it had a lot to do with how I defined it. Thankfully, my worry about being all loose and gaping after getting monster raped was a non-issue. The spell would have no problem tightening my holes back to near-virgin tightness if I defined that as a type of ‘healing’ in my mind.

Wait, was tight holes a good thing? I wanted to be fresh and sexy, being ‘loose’ had some pretty negative connotations in my mind. But, if I got monster raped again, fresh virgin holes could only mean more pain for me.

Though I supposed it wasn’t a proper monster rape if it didn’t hurt… I felt a tingle between my legs as I imagined the pain of a train of giant monster dicks ripping my fresh virginal asshole open, again and again, every time as painful as the first time.

Fuck, this body has some weird urges…

While I was pondering my magical skills and potential assrape, Emi still hadn’t cum, despite Ash’s best efforts. Ash, determined not to lose, growled like a monster and lifted Emi off before shoving her down roughly on the bed. He rolled on top of her, and pinned her down. He stuffed a thick finger inside her, filling her tiny pussy, and put his lips around her clit.

Emi came in thirty seconds. She squirmed helplessly as Ash ate her out and fingered her hard. Despite being unable to orgasm while dominantly riding Ash’s face, the second he pinned her down she turned into a multi-orgasmic little slut.

I smirked, knowingly. Looks like someone else didn’t know they liked being dominated.

Ash gave Emi two more hard orgasms, and then let her catch her breath.

“H-holy shit,” Emi squeaked, still twitching from orgasmic aftershocks.

Somebody likes being the bottom,” Ash said with a grin.

“N-no I don’t. It was just… I was close already…” Emi denied it, but absolutely nobody bought the lie.

I Purified Ash and Emi, and then settled down on my bed for the evening.

I claimed the middle spot in our trio, with Chloe on one side, and Lysander on the other. Both girls were nestled into the crook of my arms, and I reached down, grabbing one firm naked butt in each hand.

“Yeah, this is the life,” I sighed.

“Are you planning to molest me all night?” Lysander asked.

“Not… all night,” I replied.

In revenge, Lysander reached up and groped one of my boobs. Which, I mean, fair is fair.

Across from me, the others settled down. Maddie was in the middle, not Ash like I expected. The three of them, Ash, Maddie and Emi were curled up on their sides, like a stack of spoons. With Ash as big spoon, then Maddie as little spoon, then Emi as even-littler spoon. I was strangely adorable.

“Um… Mistress Tyler, before we sleep…” Chloe whispered next to me. “M-may I please cum?”

“Well, you were a very good girl for me today…” I replied.

“Thank you, Mistress.” Chloe said, relieved.

“But no, you’re not going to cum tonight. I want to leave you horny, pent up, and unsatisfied,” I continued.

Chloe looked at me with a pitiful betrayed expression, horrified, like I’d just kicked a puppy. “A-am I being punished, Mistress?”

“Oh no, you were a very good girl, absolutely perfect,” I told her. “I just want to be mean to you for no reason.”

Chloe bit her lip, and squirmed her butt back against my hand, aroused by my senseless cruelty.

“Bu-but… why?” she whimpered.

“Because, my slave, bullying you is sexy,” I explained. “What’s the point of owning a slave you have total power over, that you can abuse as much as you want, if you don’t actually abuse her?”

Chloe clenched her thighs tight again, and squirmed against me, clearly turned on by her cruel predicament, which unfortunately, only made her horniness situation worse.

“Yes, Mistress,” she whimpered.

“That’s splendidly cruel,” Lysander commented approvingly.

“I’m tempted to edge her to orgasm a few times before I let her sleep so she’ll be extra pent up,” I told her.

“A wonderful idea,” Lysander replied with a cruel grin.

Chloe whined helplessly.

“I’m honestly a bit tired though, so perhaps I’ll be merciful for tonight,” I said.

Chloe gave us a shaky smile, relieved we were showing her some mercy.

“If you pass her over to the middle, I’ll tease her to the edge a few times while you get your rest,” Lysander offered.

“Oh, sure,” I said.

Chloe, once again looked hopeless and betrayed. “Noo… please Mistresses, I’ll be good…” she whimpered.

“You’re already a good girl Chloe,” I said. “That doesn’t mean we won’t torment you though.”

“Indeed,” Lysander confirmed. “Good girls get abused too.”

I climbed over Chloe, and rolled her onto her back between Lysander and me. I snuggled up to her, in the crook of her arm, and gave her a gentle kiss goodnight. Lysander moved into a more assertive position, wedging a knee between Chloe’s legs to hold her open. She reached a hand between her legs, and started gently teasing our slave’s soaking wet sex with her fingertips.

“Please…” Chloe whispered, “don’t do this… please let me cum…”

“No.” Lysander said with ice cold finality.

I curled up against Chloe’s shoulder, using her breast as my pillow. I fell asleep to the sound of her quiet whimpers.

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