RE: Filthy Gamer In Narutoverse

Bro Through Clash

Shoutout to Kasey Keahey, Garrett Conley, Ash, and User#5cf12bc5 for patron and subscribe star support!

A Special Shoutout to Timm7895!


Hentai Shinobi Rule 10: Don’t fuck your clones. It’s weird.


*Thk* *Thk* *Thk* *Thk*

Four shurikens struck the areas Kai wanted as he heaved and relaxed.

[Shuriken Throwing Art (E) (8→15/15): Learn the way of tossing stars. This skill improves the user’s knowledge, aim, and hand-eye coordination for throwing a shuriken at the target at every level.

Skill Tree Evolution: Fuma Shuriken Art (D) (0/15); Shuriken Formation Art (C) (0/20); Chakra Enhanced Bukijutsu (B) (0/5)]

It’s been three days since Kai enjoyed his first nut…s. As expected, his progress continued unbothered after that distraction.

“See you later, Alpha,” Tsume hummed. “I’ve got my classes.”

“Yeah,” Kai casually dismissed his first follower and looked at his classroom as it filtered into the ground after recess. There were already a few of his classmates playing around or training. In a few moments, Icha-Sensei appeared and gathered everyone.

“Gather around,” Icha coughed. “I have an announcement.”

The dark-skinned man looked at everyone before nodding.

“As you are aware, the physical exercises and theories are given the least time in the final year of your academy because they are reserved for learning the basic skills necessary for a genin. The same applies to taijutsu, shurikenjutsu, trap-making, and rope escape techniques. I’ve instructed everything possible, and the rest is up to you.”

Icha-Sensei grins mockingly. “I hope you don’t skimp on training after the academy. It’s your future. Besides, it’s effortless on our part to just fail you and force you to go through another year.”

A few students bristled as his gaze landed on a few notable students.

“Today will be the last spar conducted under the curriculum. However, you can spar with each other before and after school hours on the academy grounds. I’ll be happy to spectate and discuss your weak points. Remember, I will be in the academy until 5 in the evening.”

Icha smiled. “We’ll begin transformation jutsu starting tomorrow. I’m sure you have been bored with the basic Leaf Sticking Exercise for years.” That wasn’t true for the students from the clans. However, Icha wasn’t about to point it out.

The Sensei had also been waiting for this moment. He’d left one pair from sparring with each other until now to motivate different students with the display.

As expected, the talk of transformation jutsu excited the students. However, Icha noticed a flash of sternness flicker in Kai’s gaze.

Was he nervous? Icha blinked, noting it. That was good. Kai had an excellent record. However, Icha believed a few failures in the academy served to stabilize one’s future. So, Icha devised to call Kai for the first demonstration tomorrow.

“Alright!” Icha cleared his throat. “Kai. Minato.”

He uttered two names as the students fell silent.

They had to.

Everyone within the class had sparred against each other but these two. Even Kushina and Mikoto had a piece of Minato, much to Kai’s frustration. It wasn’t that Kai was jealous of Minato…

He was jealous of Kushina and Mikoto.

Minato and Kai glanced at each other as they stepped out. Icha observed the eager pep in their steps as they faced each other.

“Who do you think will win?” Mikoto whispered.

“Kai-chan!” Kushina claimed with unbending conviction.

“But…” Mikoto hesitated. “Minato is strong.”

That’s true. Minato was surprisingly quick on his feet. None came close to the blonde boy in the speed department. Not even Mikoto and Kushina. But that wasn’t all. Minato knew how to move and utilize his speed. Meanwhile, Kai was physically weaker than most of his classmates. That only boasted his taijutsu skills since he only ever lost to Mikoto and Kushina.

Others had similar conversations.

However, Kai and Minato calmly stood across each other. They didn’t bother talking. It wasn’t like they didn’t chat on some occasions. It’s why they wanted to spar with each other. However, they never got a chance.

“Form your seal of confrontation!” Icha instructed. Kai and Minato raised their right hands, extending their index and middle fingers.


Icha stepped back as Kai and Minato shot at each other. The latter was noticeably quicker. However, Kai’s perception was nothing to scoff at. He already theorized that the genins peaked at 100 in the stats category. Unlike Minato, Kai had a solid footing in every stat, except for the [Mental] one. If Kai had to rank it, Minato’s speed would exceed the limits of a genin, similar to Kushina’s raw strength.

But so what?

Kai defeated Kushina several times.

The dark-haired boy avoided the first jab by ducking. Surprising Minato, Kai’s head rammed into the blonde’s stomach. However, Kai's prepared hands stopped Minato’s knee from reaching his face. With a shit-eating grin, Kai smacked the back of his dome against Minato’s chin. Ignoring the pain, Kai grabbed the stunned blonde and slammed his palm against the boy’s neck—

Minato swiftly leaned back, his neck a precise centimeter away from Kai’s palm as the dark-haired boy smirked, instantly clawing down. Kai gripped Minato’s collar and yanked him ahead, destabilizing the latter.

Minato had an answer to that, too. The zipper of the blonde’s hoody raced down as he twisted and let Kai pull his jacket away.

However, Minato’s pupils shrunk when he turned to look at Kai. The fluttering grey hoodie tossed in his direction covered his view as Minato swiftly flipped back.


Kai kicked into the hoodie, but his target had already escaped the attack. Scoffing, Kai let Minato get a stable footing. He was too far for Kai to catch.

Meanwhile, Minato looked at Kai with a wide smile.

‘See? We should have done this from the beginning.’ Kai shrugged as Minato relaxed his posture and walked near Kai.

They entered their stances before attacking each other. They barely go hit aside from the few mutually harming attacks.

It made sense to Icha.

‘Minato is too quick, and Kai is too perceptive,’ Icha mused.

Even he couldn’t predict who would win this spar.


Each attack had an answer. That’s the essential rule of taijutsu. The only way to win is to hit and avoid damage. So, Minato was perplexed at Kai’s tactic of following one part of it, even if it meant getting hit. And… it worked.

Minato felt his body aching from several corners. Kai was ruthless. He would aim for every weak spot, from the neck to the eyes. Even the crotch wasn’t safe against the ridiculously cruel boy as Kai ate every attack and hit Minato in the weakest possible spots. A knuckle to the toes, an elbow to the ankle, and a kick against the back of his left knee took care of Minato’s speed.

He’d lost.

“Form the Seals of Reconciliation,” Icha instructed as Kai and Minato stood and interlocked each other’s fingers.

Kai didn’t look any better, but Minato knew the injuries on the boy’s face or the stomach did not impede his movement or skills. Meanwhile, Kai had targeted Minato’s most vital asset—his mobility.

It was an eye-opening fight for others because they had never seen Kai being so… mean. It made the remaining students wonder what Kai could have done to them but chose not to. A chill crept through their spines as the duo returned before settling together.

The students expected Kai and Minato to be at each other’s throats. But what would they know?

Kai and Minato talked more efficiently with their fists as they began discussing each other’s skills and how they could have been better in some areas.

Icha’s lips twitched. He worried for nothing. Those boys… just became best friends.


“Puaah!” Kai exhaled before looking sideways. Minato had finished eating, too. The duo ignored the trio of women quietly eating ramen while observing the former.

“So,” Kai continued. “I spent time aiming at more complicated things. When that didn’t feel exciting, I switched to marking different spots of the target. Every shuriken would leave a small dent. Eventually, I formed generic shapes using these dents.”

“Wow. That makes the training more exciting,” Minato nodded. “I spent more of my time stringing the leaves on my forehead. You know? Chakra flows, sticks, and dissipates. The foundational aspects of chakra have been taught to us since the beginning. So, I would place leaves on top of each other to sew them in place against my skin with chakra.”

Kai’s eyes widened. He hadn’t thought of that.

“Doesn’t it need more chakra?” Kai questioned. “Since Chakra dissipates out of the body, we need to push more than usual.”

Minato shrugged. “That’s what the training was for. But it wasn’t until later I realized that such training wasn’t meant for the students.”

Kai nodded. He could empathize. His [Skill Tree] sub-trait had some constraints. For instance, Kai can avoid paying SP to unlock the skills if he performs specific actions. However, his trait refused to unlock a few skills unless he overcame other conditions, like the stats constraint or the condition of mastering a few skills.

Now, that did not mean Kai couldn’t use the locked skills. However, grinding skills using his trait were predominantly different and several times more convenient than going about it the ‘shinobi’ way.

“What about your physical training?” Kai pointed out. “How do you train your senses to keep up with your speed?”

Minato blinked.

“I didn’t,” he grinned, appearing smug. “I was always speedier than others.”

Teuchi and Asame glanced at the rapidly more annoyed girls before looking at the two boys chatting without a care in the world.


Teuchi noticed a few lone children crossing his stall. They all had something in their hands—plushies, candies, and balloons. But Kai didn’t glance at them and remained invested in the conversation.

And… how much do they talk?!

Asame empathized with the girls. It was boring and annoying!

“Damn! You lucked out on genetics,” Kai scowled before recalling his veiny monster. Eh, to each their own.

“Alpha…” Tsume whimpered, almost looking pitiful without the special attention.

“You should visit Mito-sama’s residence,” Kai invited. “We could train more. Doesn’t Might-something run laps around the village? What’s stopping us?”

“Kai-chan…” Kushina whined and called him again.

“Have you purchased any ankle weights or something of the sort?” Minato added. “I work part-time in a supply store. I can get you a discount.”

“Mou, Kai-chan…” Mikoto interjected with a disapproving tone. To think she lent her precious lap to the boy.

“You will?” Kai grinned.

“Woof…” Kuromaru pitifully whined.

“Why not?” Minato shrugged. “I haven’t started using anything similar yet. I didn’t think I needed it with my speed. However, I now realize I can always be faster and stronger.”

“That’s true,” Kai snickered.


The loud shout shook the stall as Kai and Minato blinked before looking at a scowling trio of Kushina, Mikoto, and Tsume.

“Did you just call me?” Kai blinked. “Ah. Yeah, you’re right, Kushina. The ramen was good.” He guessed the topic the girls might be conversing about.

Kushina’s lips twitched as she glanced at Mikoto.

The Uchiha nodded and gestured to Tsume.

The trio went into action as Kai gasped. “Wait! It hurts there!”

Kushina snatched the boy as Mikoto swiftly placed several ryo bills on the counter. Meanwhile, Tsume conjured the meanest (cutest) glare possible alongside the yipping Kuromaru against Minato.

“No! You brutes!”

Kai’s wail echoed through the streets as Teuchi shook his head. Counting the money, he nodded at Minato. “They paid for you, too.”

“Uh… thanks.” Minato blushed. “Sorry for being rude.”

“Truly!” Asame pouted. “You two never stop talking, do you?”

Understanding suddenly flickered in Minato’s gaze. Icha-Sensei’s nasty glare made sense now.

Kai and Minato… hadn’t stopped chatting since their spar.


Mito observed Kai brush down several seals with masterful strokes. His concentration remained unchanged the second he began.

“How will you add an expression of 5-minute-delay?” Mito questioned as Kai drew a few symbols around the letter. Nodding in approval, Mito continued instructing the boy on several other seals, symbols, meanings, and essential combinations for sealing matrices. The more time passed, the more startled Mito felt.

Was there something the boy wasn’t good at?

Their lesson continued until Mito finished another one of Kai’s baking. Only then did Mito feel Kai’s curiosity… and modest embarrassment when he looked at her.

Good. At least Kai felt shame for what he did to her portrait. Mito scoffed. However, she knew he hadn’t lost himself and trained sufficiently.

“What is it?” Mito sighed and smiled.

“It’s about the mark on your forehead, Mito-sama,” Kai peaked. “Is it something special?”

“Why does it interest you, Kai-kun?” Mito inquired.

Kai cannot come out and say he used the mark on her portrait as his target practice back then, right?

Or… could he?

Mito was amazed at how the boy’s emotions swirled from blazing lust to subtle fascination. Yet, none of it betrayed the curious look on Kai’s face.

“I… I just never saw you put on any make-up, Mito-sama. I can’t be face paint, right?”

Mito shook her head.

“It’s not. The mark on my forehead is a seal.” She answered the unasked question about its use.

“This seal… it’s called Strength of a Hundred Seal. It stores my chakra.” The explanation was simple, and Mito felt Kai understood she did not wish to discuss it. Still, Mito found Kai continuously glancing at her forehead. As his fingers did their magic on her feet like usual, Mito felt Kai’s urges.

Just… what was his newfound obsession with the mark on her forehead?


As one might expect from any gamer, Kai found the first challenge to his grind. It was predictable. Every respectable game would make a gamer’s life hell with a distinct lack of tutorials and high-end bosses in the first region. Such bosses were never meant to be confronted and existed to drive the point that the gamer needed to explore the open world before returning to their grind.

For Kai…

It was the Transformation Jutsu.

[Transformation Jutsu (E) (0/100) (Locked)

Unlocking Conditions: 1 SP, 10 Chakra.]

Kai glimpsed at the skill panel again.

It’s gas!

“Ehm!” Icha-sensei attracted everybody’s attention. “As discussed yesterday, we will learn about Transformation Jutsu. Understand this Jutsu’s value. It’s a core skill for any shinobi. It allows us to impersonate our targets or, at high levels, impersonate objects and more.”

Icha-sensei began a monologue about the jutsu. It was informative. A highly skilled practitioner can copy the target’s scent and the tiniest blemishes.

Its only weakness was the user’s weight.

Transformation Jutsu could not change the user’s weight.

“There are two ways to perform Transformation Jutsu. First—” Icha performed a hand seal. His body visibly shifted under everyone’s gaze. It was like a film of translucent water washing over the man as he changed into a ‘white’ Icha-sensei.

“As you can see,” Icha began. “I forced my chakra to not create the usual smoke screen. It is loud and often attracts attention. Enemy shinobi with better hearing will be familiar with the ‘poof’ sound.”

With that, Icha formed another hand seal, and a plume of smoke covered him, returning him to the dark-skinned Sensei the class knew and respected.

“Now, I used the smokescreen to recover my features. Who can tell me the use of the smokescreen even when it is loud?”

Mikoto raised her hand.


“We can use the smokescreen to change into another appearance. For instance, we can use the smokescreen to become another person if our target is wary and forces us out of the transformation. This way, we protect our identity.”

Icha nodded and instructed.

“Alright! Form this seal. Chakra follows intent, but it isn’t as effortless as you all dream of. Continue practicing this seal and feel how your chakra moves within your body. I will start calling everyone up here for a demonstration.”

[Special action registered.]

[Transformation Jutsu (E) (0/100) Unlocked.]

[Earned 1 SP.]

[Transformation Jutsu (E) (1/100): The ability to transform oneself or another into anything and everything. This information-granting skill informs the users about the physical descriptions of items, flora, and fauna at each level. Aside from weight, the transformation cannot transform the user’s chakra network into that of the target. So, transformed individuals cannot copy the target’s skills. Mastering this skill allows the user to maintain their transformation without conscious effort till they run out of chakra.

Next Level: 0/135 unique transformations {Title Active: Konoha Student} or 1 SP.]

Kai’s mind geared up as he realized he couldn’t use this jutsu to transform into Mikoto and activate sharingan or acquire Kushina’s chakra reserved and strength by transforming into a tomato.

But this skill was fucking OP!

Didn’t it mean Kai could transform into a bird and fly away?

Sure—he will need to transform into a BIG bird due to his weight, but the point still stood.

What about a giant cockroach? He could become a nightmare for a few kids.


Kai blinked and looked at Icha-Sensei.

The man looked smug.

“How about you start this lesson with a demonstration?”

Kai nodded as he heard Mikoto giggling.

“Good luck, Alpha-chan. I’m looking forward to you turning into a weird old man.”

Kushina snickered.

“Or a puppy. Tsume-chan will love that.”

Kai’s lips twitched as he recalled all the ‘bullying’ he suffered since stepping into the academy.

It’s time, isn’t it?

It’s time for payback.

Kai calmly stepped out and stood on the raised platform. His gaze roamed over everyone. He smiled as he met Minato’s expectant gaze. Soon, he focused on Mikoto.

The Uchiha felt weird as Kai continued staring at her while forming the hand seal.

Then, a wicked grin appeared on his face.

‘He can’t be—’ Mikoto’s eyes widened.


A plume of smoke covered Kai as even Icha’s gaze widened. He hadn’t expected Kai to rouse his chakra, much less complete it, no matter how fucked up the transformation would be.

“Ara~ Ara~” A velvety voice echoed from the smokescreen. Goosebumps crawled all over Mikoto’s body as a chill rushed down her spine. That voice was too… familiar.

A creamy white hand extends from the smokescreen. The naked shoulders and the hint of collarbone were all the boys in the class needed to see as they realized the figure behind the smokescreen was… naked.

Some smoke faded from around the figure’s head, revealing a stunning likeness to Mikoto.

Two pairs of onyx pupils matched as ‘Mikoto’ lusciously licked her lips. She scrunched her shoulders, leaning forward.

“Would you love to ero-ero me, Kai-chan~?”

Mikoto’s fair face beet red as she instantly attacked Kai with dull shurikens. Others were too stunned to say anything.

Expertly catching the shurikens, Icha-sensei smacked the back of Kai’s head, forcing him out of the transformation.


“Ow,” Kai rolled his eyes as Icha growled.

“Nobody will transform in such a manner. Learn to respect your classmates!”

“Kai! Mikoto! Stand outside the classroom and carry those buckets of water.”

“What?” Alarmed, Mikoto protested. “But Sensei, it was Kai-chan—”

“You attacked your classmate during his demonstration. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Now, out!”

“Pffft—Hahahahaha! Don’t do ero-ero with Kai-chan, Mikoto!” Kushina laughed like there was no tomorrow.

“Kushina. Join them.”

Icha’s words ensured Kushina didn’t laugh for long.

“It’s your fault!” Mikoto glared at the unapologetic boy as he shrugged and stood outside the class.

“Hmm. I think I messed up your bust size. Next time, I’ll try to perform an accurate transformation,” Kai nodded.

“Next time?” Mikoto snarled.

“Of course,” Kai grinned. “Aren’t you proud of your Kai-chan? He admires you so much he would transform into you. Ah… I’m also going to transform into you in my room.”

Mikoto paled.

“Why?” Kushina blinked.

“You can’t!” Mikoto shouted.

“Who’s gonna stop me?” Kai tilted his head. Ah. Sweet revenge. Wait…

‘Can I transform into a… young Mito?’ Kai instantly shook his head. ‘Nah… don’t think about it. I should make some ground rules. This Jutsu is too dangerous. The first rule should be not busting in another’s likeness… yeah. That’s too weird.’

“Please, Kai-chan!” Mikoto panicked. “That’s wrong. Didn’t Sensei just say to respect your classmates?”

“Eh. He also says Kushina should stop sleeping in the classroom. She still does.”

“Kai-chan is right,” Kushina nodded.

Mikoto gritted her jaw and firmly stared at Kai.

“If you do that… I’ll transform into you and do weird things!”

“Send me a picture of your adventures,” Kai shrugged, leaving Mikoto agape.

“Hmm,” Kai continued. “I’ll transform into Kushina tomorrow. Heh.”

“What did I do?” Kushina looked shocked.

‘Bitch… what DIDN’T you do?’ Kai gave her a sidelong glance and scoffed.


Alternate Title: Mutual Destruction; A Speedster’s Bane; Bro Through Fists; The Satisfying Clash; Lost Souls Met; Harem? Kai Finna Bag Minato; Answer To Racism: Transformation Jutsu; The Chat That Continued For Hours; The Girls Feel Lonely; Snatched From Minato; The Brotherhood Opposed By The Harem; Trait’s Skill Tree; Following Skill Tree is Better; The Target Practice; Mito’s Pure Boy Is Corrupted; Kai Wanna Practice At Live Target; Kai’s Newfound Lust; The Transformation Jutsu; The Final Boss of Academy; The Ways of Transformation; Mikoto’s Bane; The Sultry Mikoto-Chan; In Another Universe, Sexy Jutsu Naruto Lets Homies Hit; It’s Not Gay If You’re a Chick; Sometimes It Takes To Be a Powerful Man To Be The Best Girl; Mikoto’s Embarrassment; Kai Taking Notes From Sanji; Mikoto’s Fears; Kai: Who’s Gonna Stop Me?; Mikoto Finally Met The True Alpha-Chan; The Pervert’s Dream Skill; Kai: I’m a Pickle. Funniest Shit On God; Kai Met His First Obstacle

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