RE: Filthy Gamer In Narutoverse


Hentai Shinobi Rule 23: Spread thy seed and forget the deed.


Jiraiya and three academy students settled around the staircase leading to the academy’s roof. It wasn’t the January chill that had Minato, Hiruna, and Dekai shuddering. The locked door of the roof prevented sunlight from filtering into the staircase, casting a grim shadow on the four individuals. The white-haired Jonin leaned against the wall with his arms crossed as he recalled the trio’s interactions during the test. The kids were a dramatic bunch, and Jiraiya knew he wasn’t any better when Sensei put him, Tsunade, and Orochi through the grinder.

“You three pass.”

Jiraiya’s deep voice woke the trio from their daze as Hiruna Uchiha was the swiftest to bounce back.

“How could that be possible? We’re failures. We could not execute one task. Our honor is ruined. To expect more from us would be the height of stupidity from the administration—”

“DUDE!” Dekai snapped at the Shakespearean Uchiha. “We passed! Stop bitching about your tarnished honor.”

Minato, however, remained quiet.

The blonde did not care about them graduating. Instead, Minato looked at his unshaken hands. Recollections of the dim, candle-lit dungeon appeared in his mind. The boy recalled picking the kunai with a steadfast resolve, influenced by the ever-present bloody scent in that cell.

Minato remembered his steady grip around the Kunai’s handle and the dazed look on his target.

He was about to do it.

Minato was about to take a defenseless life. Even now, Minato’s hands did not shake. Had it not been for Dekai passing out near the target, Minato would have accomplished the task.

Had it not been for Hiruna falling to his knees and sobbing about his honor, Minato would have slid the kunai against the target’s throat and ended a defenseless life. It wasn’t the same as killing a weak, defenseless animal for food. Yet, Minato could not differentiate the act of killing. How did death differ for any life when it ended similarly?

Why did he need to conform to society’s views about killing a defenseless enemy when it differed from the opinions about an animal?

Was it because the animals could not speak the human tongue? That wasn’t right. The Inuzuka Clan could converse with their ninkens.

Was it selfishness?


‘The one who made the rules decide it.’ Minato felt something slipping from his grasp when Dekai and Hiruna failed. Internally, he knew killing the target would not matter if his friends couldn’t. Yet, Minato also knew he would lose something else should he continue to prove to Jiraiya that he wasn’t cut out of the same cloth.

So, the kunai had slipped from his grasp.

So, they passed still.

Minato almost lost something for nothing. He could understand the test wasn’t about killing. It was something else.

But what?

Minato’s thoughts stalled when he felt a firm pat on his shoulder. The blonde boy looked up, meeting Jiraiya’s firm stare. Minato looked around, noticing Hiruna and Dekai gazing at him with concern and guilt.

And when Minato met Jiraiya’s understanding stare again, the boy realized what he was almost about to become.

What he would have risked losing—

Minato would have become Konoha’s tool.

A keen weapon.

Still, the boy’s nose soured, and tears glazed his vision.

“I’m sorry,” Minato lowered his head. “I failed Konoha—”

Minato wanted to be like his family. His passion for seals aside, the boy wanted to be an asset like his late father and mother. However, he hesitated and failed their legacy. He was a fail—

“You did not fail anyone, Minato,” Jiraiya slid the hand onto the boy’s head and ruffled his blonde hair. Minato shivered and clenched his fists as the Jonin-Sensei continued with a kind tone. “You were admirable.”

Jiraiya saw the blank look in Minato’s gaze when he almost killed the target.

Could Jiraiya not empathize with Minato? The boy grew alone. Jiraiya never expected Minato to be perfectly sane. Still, Jiraiya grinned. “You all passed!” He repeated. “But that doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods yet. I haven’t gifted you three the forehead protectors yet. Come on. We have another practical test!”

Jiraiya led the students out of the academy while recalling his graduation from his academy.

Tsunade always grew sour about how Sensei would focus more on Orochimaru. However, Jiraiya knew the truth. While he and Tsunade failed to kill their defenseless enemy, Orochimaru barely batted an eyelash.

He stopped for no one.

Not even his friends. So, was it any wonder Hiruzen focused on Orochimaru and successfully trained a stable shinobi out of the man?

Jiraiya smirked and glanced at the downcast Minato.

‘I’m glad you stopped for others, Minato-kun.’ Such kindness was rare in their world, and Jiraiya planned to foster it despite their wretched world. Sure, the Advisors would lose their shit after realizing Jiraiya chose such ‘insubordinate’ students for graduation.

After all, it was the Jonin-Sensei’s discretion to graduate their appointed teams. However, Jiraiya barely cared about the advisors. They weren’t the Hokage—Hiruzen was. And Jiraiya knew what Hiruzen longed for.

Tits and peace.

‘I wonder how Tsunade’s team did it. It would be fun if they were just as dramatic as my trio.’

‘Ah,’ Jiraiya blinked. ‘I forgot to mention how the test was supposed to work. We’ll have time for that once I beat and prepare the team for what’s to come.’


“Ehm,” Tsunade cleared her throat. Her team settled under a plain gazebo installed within the nearby training ground. “You three pass.”

She declared.

There was no reaction.

“Does it hurt, Kai-chan?”

“Here, eat something. I cooked this bento as a celebration of our graduation. Sorry, Kai-chan. I… I didn’t know what came over me,” Mikoto apologized as she brought her chopsticks to Kai’s mouth.

“Yeah, Mikoto was also crying. I should have protected you and kicked Mikoto away, but my body just wouldn’t move. Sorry.” Kushina fussed as she offered a piece of pork from her bento.

“Hey,” Mikoto frowned. “I wouldn’t have attacked. I… I just don’t understand what happened there. Ugh. My head is also aching crazy!”

Tsunade raised an eyebrow.

“You three pass,” the blonde Jonin repeated, only to be ignored by the two budding Kunoichi who looked up to the Senju.

“Say ‘aaaa’ Kai-chan,” Kushina grinned as Kai opened his mouth wide before eating. The corner of Tsunade’s eye twitched as she watched the boy with a swollen cheek sitting between a fussing Kushina and Mikoto. His arms sprawled behind the seat, and his hands settled on Mikoto’s and Kushina’s shoulders. He ate from every side with a huge smirk, enjoying every moment of lavishness the two girls luxuriated on him.

Mikoto also held an ice pack against Kai’s swollen cheek.

One thing Tsunade noticed was Mikoto’s unusual act. The Uchiha Princess had never shown such dependence on anyone. Sure, they fought. However, Tsunade believed Mikoto was privy to Kai’s nature and understood the boy did not hold grudges traditionally. Also, the dark-haired girl’s eyes twitched oddly every time Kushina fed Kai.

“Do you like it?” Mikoto questioned as Kai nodded with a grin. “It’s delicious, Mikoto.”

A proper gentleman would have added—you don’t need to feel bad. However, Kai shared more similarities with a goblin than with a gentleman. So, he shamelessly opened his mouth, much to Mikoto’s glee, as the Uchiha Princess fed her friend.

‘My best friend,’ the girl kept chanting in her head. Mikoto could not think about anything else. The images of what transpired rolled in her mind on repeat. She kept on thinking about the sheer revolt in her core at the thought of killing a defenseless man—most likely a criminal. Mikoto found frustration saturating her veins at how Kai dismissed their feelings. Sure, she wanted to be a Genin. However, she’d come to understand how Kai’s talents outclassed her. He didn’t have the resources to optimize his growth.

So, Mikoto wanted Kai to get a Jonin-Sensei because her clan would foster her after the year in the academy despite the results.

For once, Mikoto did not want to move beyond her friends. So, the visceral anger when Kai called her a cold bitch snapped something within Mikoto. Even now, Mikoto felt pangs of sharp pain in her head. However, Kai’s soothing words after he hugged her replayed in her mind. It subdued all her angst and frustration. It allowed the sweetest sensation to bloom in her breast.

Kai couldn’t bear to watch Mikoto dirty her hands for him.

It kept replaying like a holy sermon.

Those words and feelings, the warmth of his body against her cold, shivering mess, kept her on the edge of her seat. For once, Mikoto wanted to snatch the boy and keep feeding him despite Kushina’s possible backlash.

So, Mikoto pulled the ice pack away from Kai’s cheek before leaning down on the smugly sprawling boy.

He had all the rights to sprawl as he wished.

Mikoto closed her eyes as her lips pecked his swollen cheek.

“What are you doing?” Kushina shocked shriek, and Kai’s stunned stare couldn’t stop Mikoto from grinning foolishly. She would have never shown such an expression to anyone. Yet—

“See? Your cheek will heal nicely now.” Mikoto giggled as Kai couldn’t utter a word before being manhandled. A rough grab around the boy’s jaw turned his head to face the intense redhead as she kissed the swollen cheek, too.

“Now it’ll heal doubly, dattebane!”

Mikoto smiled at Kushina. That was fine. The Uchiha wanted Kai to heal quickly. So, a double kiss was fine.

However, they underestimated Kai.

“You know,” Kai ate from Mikoto’s chopsticks before mumbling. “You two just had an indirect kiss.”

Kushina’s and Mikoto’s expression froze—

“You three GRADUATED!”

Mikoto finally registered Tsunade’s pissed snarl. The Uchiha Princess looked around before she recoiled from Kai’s arm.

W-What was she doing?

Did she just kiss a boy?

Kai-chan at that?!

“Huh?” Mikoto blinked and looked around as Kai drawled.

“We heard you the first time, Tsunade-Sensei. It was obvious.”

“What was?” Kushina did not notice Mikoto’s confusion as she kept feeding HER Guardian.

“Oh, the test,” The boy continued with a cocky grin, much to Tsunade’s chagrin. “We’re too talented to be wasted on the Academy for another year. We would have passed no matter what we chose. I’m just glad I stopped you two from killing a possible criminal just for a forehead protector. It would have been such a drag with you two being a sullen mess.”

Kushina and Mikoto winced as they glanced at each other before smiling.

“Hmph, liar!” Kushina stuffed Kai’s face with rice.

“You should be more honest, Kai-chan,” Mikoto recovered her grace as she began feeding Kai from some distance. “After all, you have been honest before.” The Uchiha spoke meaningfully and glanced at Tsunade.

Kai rolled his eyes. He was never ashamed of his choices, be it nutting on Tsunade’s face or telling his friends about his proud accomplishments.

Tsunade watched things unravel before losing the stick up her ass and exhaling.

‘Sensei was worried about Kai?’ She scoffed. The boy exceeded Tsunade’s expectations. He and the other two also checked all the boxes for Tsunade. They were willing to kill a defenseless target. So, the chances of the trio freezing mid-battle against an enemy before delivering a lethal strike were minimal. Still, Tsunade planned to help them get their ‘firsts’ after a few missions.

‘Grandma would be proud of him,’ Tsunade hid her smile from the trio. Kai demonstrated excellent compassion, which Tsunade wasn’t aware the boy possessed.

Additionally, Kai was correct in assuming Konoha needed such talents more with another conflict on the horizon.

However, Tsunade knew more about Kai now. She could not let him act cocky, or she’ll never have a hold of Kushina and Mikoto. Things were already off with a ‘grim’ start. The sway Kai held over the girls, who were reported to be excellent sensors and talented in Chakra Control, wasn’t something Tsunade was too fond to witness since it meant the duo would follow the boy instead of their Sensei.

It was something Tsunade could circumvent by establishing her dominance—by rag-dolling Kai.

“The men I asked you to kill were the vilest of the bunch,” Tsunade lied. Konoha did not imprison the vilest of the bunch. “Rapists, murderers, pillagers—they’d committed all sorts of things to children, women, men, and the elderly.”

Her words recovered the lost tension in the air as the trio regained their composures.

“However, you pass,” Tsunade repeated for the third time and ended her words with a huff. She crossed her arms under her breasts, an act that instantly perked Kai—she noticed.

“You will notice I have yet to hand you three the forehead protectors. Only one test remains for me to examine how you hold against an experienced Shinobi.”

“You want us to fight against you, Tsunade-sama?” Mikoto squeaked before cringing and touching her forehead. Tsunade decided to check the girl’s condition after the test. The worst it could be was a headache induced by stress and the girl’s period.

“Fight?” Tsunade tilted her head with a cocky smirk. “I want you to survive against me. Before that, I wish to understand my possible students. So, tell me about yourselves. Start with your name, likes, dislikes, and dreams.”

The Senju knew her words were contradictory. Why would she want to know the trio without finalizing their spots?

It should be enough of a clue for Kai, Kushina, and Mikoto since a shinobi must learn to read between the lines.

“I’ll begin!” Kushina led the charge. “I’m Kushina Uzumaki. I like my friends, Kai-chan, Ramen, and Granny, dattebane! I don’t like bullies except Kai-chan.” The redhead asserted. “And I’ll be the first female Hokage!”

Tsunade stared at the girl before allowing an amused smirk to grace her lips.

“I have a better chance at becoming the first female Hokage,” Tsunade chuckled as Kushina puffed and pouted.

“No way. I will!” The girl redhead snorted as Tsunade looked at Kai and Mikoto.

“Ehm,” Mikoto cleared her throat and smiled. “I’m Mikoto Uchiha. I like dangos, my family, and my… friends.” The girl flushed as Kai leaned down and ate from her chopsticks. Tsunade almost groaned. She didn’t care about the sweetness. It was annoying. Why didn’t Tsunade ever bag a cute Uchiha who fed her? It was unfair!

“I dislike others when they force me into things,” Mikoto revealed an accusatory glare in Tsunade’s direction, barely bothering the Jonin. “And I want to become a capable kunoichi that my father… and my friends can be proud of.”

The girl reverted to her gentle self as Tsunade resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

Tsunade flatly stared at the source of her recent frustrations.

Kai calmly began.

“I’m Kai. I like everything. I dislike nothing. And I will create a harem of the hottest Kunoichi the world has ever seen!”

The boy nodded as if oblivious to the stares from the three kunoichi around him. What a fucking liar—they screamed in their minds.

He liked everything? Tell that to the orphans he bullied!

He disliked NOTHING? Kai had expressed his displeasure on several things many times!

And a harem?

Was he still on about that?

Kushina quietly pulled her bento back, an action shared by Mikoto as Tsunade narrowed her eyes.

“Is that all you have to say?” She demanded.

“Pretty much,” Kai leaned back, unbothered by the sudden loss of services. He had enjoyed himself enough. A comfortable (extremely uncomfortable) silence hung around the gazebo until Tsunade ended things with an explosive sigh.

“Hmm, understandable.” Tsunade uncrossed her arms and stretched them. “Enough eating. I was supposed to test you three tomorrow. However, you three are barely exhausted. Might as well get on with it, right?” The busty Jonin revealed her characteristic grin as the last flecks of coldness melted from her expression. “I will send you packing back into the Academy if you cannot survive 5 minutes against me.”

The woman goaded with a teasing tone, “I would imagine little Harem-chan wouldn’t want to disappoint his delusional harem by not even lasting 5 minutes, right?”

“Hey!” Kushina pouted, firm to her convictions. “Stop making fun of Harem-chan’s dreams!”

Despite Kushina’s assured smile, Kai wanted to smack the bimbo across the face!


Kai exhaled as his shoulders sagged. Still, Mikoto and Kushina knew Kai bit back if annoyed enough. Wasn’t there a time when an ‘adult’ Mikoto roamed Konoha’s streets in scanty clothing—soliciting boys and girls alike before popping their balloons or snatching their snacks? There was a reason the girls only glomped Kai’s cheeks and refrained from further upsetting the boy.

“The fact you measure men for a mere 5 minutes is sad, Tsunade-Sensei,” Kai provoked with a sickly sweet smile. “Maybe your choices of partners aren’t as great as I believed. Jiraiya-san also explained in the lectures that some women aren’t fit to please men. Don’t feel sad. I’m sure you tried.”

Tsunade’s smirk stiffened before a fork of vein popped near her right temple. The woman’s fist shivered as she nodded.

“Jiraiya said that, eh?”

Kai earnestly nodded as Mikoto and Kushina swiftly closed their bento—one of the creeds of the Shinobi-kind was to always remain alert. Additionally, things were devolving into an unfavorable scenario.

“He did,” Kai stretched his arms and lied. The boy needed a scapegoat and poked where it stung. “Jiraiya-san also said Iryo-Kunoichi-chan was so boring her lover couldn’t even stay with her—”

“The countdown starts now, you brats!” Tsunade furiously yelled as she stomped ahead and swung her fist at Kai—

The three women gawked as Kai’s body briefly flickered before he was upon Tsunade’s firm hand, crouching with a mischievous smirk. His slightly narrow eyes curved, barely hiding the sadistic glee in his pools of abyss. “Did I strike a nerve, Tsunade-Sensei? Can I interest you in a salve for burns?”

Tsunade’s gaze crinkled as she ignored Kai’s words and focused on his actions.

That was the [Body Flicker Jutsu.]

Tsunade had heard of such whispers—Kai using this to defeat an Inuzuka Genin. However, she didn’t believe these rumors since the boy never used this skill again.

“Five minutes?” Kai softly cooed. “Are you sure you weren’t accidentally projecting—”

A sudden burst of chakra from Tsunade’s fist disturbed Kai’s balance. The Jonin prepared another bout of tough love for the cocky boy when her fist passed through his body.

Tsunade did not underestimate the boy and admired the Body Replacement’s timing. However, Kai was too weak and slow for Tsunade’s senses as she extended her free arm sideways.


The weakness of [Body Flicker] was that the enemy could predict and intercept the user’s path. As expected, Kai slammed into Tsunade’s rigid yet supple arm. A grunt escaped his lips as Tsunade grinned and grabbed the boy by the head before tossing him out of the gazebo.

“You two!” Tsunade’s pointed glare eradicated the remaining embers of childish rebellion in the girls. The duo swallowed as they watched Kai slowly sit up.

‘Ugh,’ Mikoto held back the urge to grab her head as the pain pounded into her skull for the umpteenth time. A sudden rush of angst after seeing Kai manhandled like that almost made Mikoto defiantly stare back at her idol.

“Go team up with the boy, or none of you will become Genins today.”

They nodded and rushed out.


“You are making a mistake!”

Hiruzen watched Danzo leave the office with his usual suggestions. If often boiled down to two phrases—You are getting soft, Hiruzen, OR you are making a mistake. The Third Hokage wondered how his friend couldn’t see what Lord First and Second wished to achieve by creating Shinobi Village.

Being stern had its place in some scenarios, but couldn’t Danzo see that helping one’s comrade proved a shinobi to be better than their peers?

This year’s graduates left a complicated taste in several individual’s mouths. For one, Hiruzen allowed the appointed Jonin-Senseis to test their teams. So, killing the prisoner wasn’t the prerequisite to getting under Jonin’s umbrella. Instead, the students had to impress their appointed Senseis. So, the students merely needed the guts to enter the second room.

That’s all.

Sure, several Genins killed their targets, proving themselves to be accepting of the system.

However, higher-ups, like Hiruzen and the advisors, kept an eye on the Shinobi who could kill their targets but chose not to.

Of course, Danzo focused on the best two graduates—Kai and Minato Namikaze.

Hiruzen had the reports from his students.

Since Orochimaru acceded Kai to Tsunade after the recent affairs, he did not discover any other talents to teach after Hiruzen appointed Jiraiya as Minato’s Jonin-Sensei for his reasons.

Hiruzen leaned back and fished his pipe from his desk’s upper drawer.

He wasn’t worried about Kai’s and Minato’s more profound outlook on life and death. Hiruzen once took on such a student.

The man closed his eyes and rested. Today was a stressful day. He wondered how others would be enjoying their day after becoming a Genin. They must have experienced a rollercoaster of emotions.


“Get down!” Kai swept Kushina and Mikoto as Tsunade’s fist generated a gust of explosive wind. They barely hung on and jumped away as their trainer slammed her heel on the ground!


Deep trenches spread like spiderwebs from the point of contact of Tsunade’s heel as the trio looked around. The best way to survive Tsunade was to escape in different directions.

However, Kai looked in different directions, finding three more clones of Tsunade keeping their eyes on the trio.

“You’re distracted!”

Tsunade slammed Kai’s face into the ground as he grunted. He could see Tsunade due to his [Dynamic Vision.] However, his body could not keep up with Tsunade’s speed.

“Where’s that talk, Harem-chan?” Tsunade cooed as she pressed her foot on Kai’s back. The woman looked at the two girls with a broad grin.

“You two were drama queens back in the training cells. What happened? Is your little Harem-chan not worth the effort?”

Kushina gritted her teeth as her red locks floated in thick clumps. Still, she didn’t charge recklessly—

Mikoto’s figure flickered, shocking Kushina and Tsunade. Since when did Mikoto get so hot-headed?

“You’re wrong!” Mikoto hissed as she entered into a taijutsu combat with Tsunade. Unfortunately, the girl didn’t have the skills to make Tsunade move, as her foot remained on Kai’s back while deflecting all the attacks with a single arm.

“You disappoint me, Mikoto,” Tsunade narrowed her eyes. To think one of the most promising kunoichi of the year couldn’t handle a few words—

“Shut up!” Mikoto hissed again. Her figure momentarily evaded Tsunade’s experienced prediction as the girl kicked at Tsunade’s crotch, with her pupils transitioning from black to red and vice versa.

‘Are you serious?’ Tsunade gaped as she grabbed Mikoto’s legs before slamming the girl on the ground like an unneeded furniture one tended to vent upon.

The attack knocked the breath out of Mikoto’s lungs when Kushina lunged in from a discreet corner. Of course, Tsunade grabbed the girl’s face and tossed her away.

They were outclassed by a significant margin.

‘Did it awaken during the assessment? That would explain her outburst,’ Tsunade narrowed her eyes as Mikoto stood with a snarl.

There was no red in Mikoto’s eyes. However, Tsunade knew better.

Mikoto had it. She merely didn’t know about it since she fell unconscious with her face against Kai’s chest.

“Did I touch a nerve?” Tsunade mocked. “Here.”

She pressed her foot into Kai’s back until he tiredly groaned.

Tsunade noticed Mikoto’s eyes quiver before red bloomed from the depths of the Uchiha’s irides, forming pitch-black pupils with a lone magatama.

“Ugh!” Mikoto grunted and clutched her head as Kai struggled under Tsunade’s foot.

“Kushina!” Kai shouted. “Check up on Mikoto! She isn’t feeling right!”

“You have other worries, Harem-chan—” Tsunade began smugly, only to feel Kai’s body balloon up as it forced her to step aside.


Kai expertly reverted into his usual form from a Chakra Bear’s transformation before rushing to Mikoto.

“Hey? Are you alright?” Kai frowned and knelt beside the shuddering girl.

“Why didn’t you—” Mikoto struggled to speak. “Didn’t get from under Tsunade-Sensei’s foot if you could beforehand!” She glared at Kai, her pupils reverting to their dark state. However, Kai knew what he saw.

“I wanted to make things challenging,” Kai grinned at the girl.

She stared at Kai before rolling her eyes.

“You’re an idiot…” Her eyes didn’t open after the act as Mikoto fell unconscious with a smile.

“What happened?” Kushina fussed. She helped Mikoto lie down while glaring at Tsunade.

“It’s not a genjutsu, dattebane! What did you do?”

“Sheesh, what is it with you suddenly being aggressive with me from the moment you left the Academy?” Tsunade tossed Kai an appraising glance before looking at Mikoto. “She just needs rest. I recall you three liking that ramen stall. Uh, Ichiraku Ramen? Yeah. Meet me at Ichiraku Ramen tomorrow at noon. Don’t be late. Also, bring Mikoto with you.”

Tsunade instructed as she picked Mikoto and placed the girl over her shoulders. The rest of her clones dispersed as Tsunade tossed the duo a charming grin.

“Oh, and congratulations. You three did well.”

Tsunade flickered away as Kai and Kushina remained seated on the cracked ground.

“So? Did we become Genins?” Kushina looked at Kai as she failed to settle her long locks by combing them with her fingers.

Kai exhaled. He grabbed the nearest rock before transforming it into a comb.


“Here, let me do it,” Kai muttered as he walked behind Kushina, calmly combing her hair.

“K-Kai-chan! We’re in public!” Kushina gasped with cheeks redder than a tomato.

“Huh? So?” Kai mused before tapping her head. “There you go, all pretty again.”

“Really, dattebane?”

“Yep. Pretty and stupid,” Kai snickered. “We can’t have one without the other.”

“Liar! You just called me pretty!”

“Sigh, there’s something deeply wrong in your head, you dumb broad—hey! Stop touching me already!”

“No! You kissed my cheek without my permission. It’s called payback!”

“Then I should get to cut all your hair after everything I went through—Ack! Stop that! Don’t just kiss me. It’s wetter than Kuromaru’s licks!”

“S-shut up! I wasn’t that sloppy!”


Alternate Title: Everyone: Trauma *Meanwhile Kai: Being Treated Like a King*; King, You Dropped Your Crown; Darkness In The Light; Minato and Kai Succeeded Where Orochimaru Failed; To Become Something Beyond a Weapon; Hiruzen’s Dreams—Tits and Peace; The Cultured Kage Raises a Cultured Generation; Jiraiya’s Satisfaction; The Truth Of The Trial; A Jonin’s Discretion; Tsunade’s Ignored; Kai Eats It All; Mikoto’s A Closeted Yandere?; The Mental Changes; Emotionally Captured; Rizzing An Uchiha Is Either The Easiest Thing Or Sakura Level Difficulty; Kisses; Kushina and Mikoto Being Playful With Kai *Also Kai: Smells Like Yuri In  Here*; The Introductions; Mikoto’s Screwed In The Head; Somewhere, In The Distant Afterlife Dimension, There’s A Displeased White-Haired Senju; Damn Uchiha; Objective: Survive; Taunted; Harem-Chan Bites Back; Harem-Chan Deserves a Reward; Playful Kai; Touched Nerves; Gonna Need Iryo-Nin For Those Burns; Tsunade Gets Roasted *In Distant Future, Tsunade Will Also Get Spitroasted*; Danzo’s a Broken Record; Hiruzen’s Ideals; Orochimaru’s Still Not Out Of The Dark Path; Kai Must Spread Ero To Everyone; Kai Is a Certified D; Goblin D Kai; Gobu D Kai?; Tsunade Smashes; Smash, Next Question; Tsunade *When Seeing Kai Bag The Cutest And Gentlest Uchiha*: It Should Have Been Me! Not Him!; The Dangerous Mikoto; Angst; Kushina Really Pulled a Luffy On Tsunade: Don’t You Laugh at MY Kai-Chan’s Dreams!; Mikoto: Only I Get To Step On My Kai-Chan; Meanwhile, Kai-Chan: Please, Stop With The Chan; Survived; Mikoto’s Unstable Fall; The Red; Kushina Is a Sloppy Mess; Kai Just Keeps Rolling Nat 20 In Accidental Rizz Against His Friends; Kai Was Just Happy To Be Stepped On; Kai Is Cultured Certified


A/N: Alright, I think I needed to talk about Minato here. I believe Minato should have some mental issues. Why? Because we have examples of others being traumatized by their acts. Kakashi got Rin's delusions. Sasori just said fuck it, I’ll make my parents. After seeing the war, Itachi was like—my clan’s survival warranty has expired, and more. Even Jiraiya hated the act of killing but did it anyway because he knew better. However, being one of the most renowned killers, Minato was peppy as fuck. He just laughed without any issues, as if the mofo hadn’t ended thousands of bloodlines. The legend made Iwa’s ancestors roll in their graves (not that they kept bodies in the graves.) So, I think Minato being the supposed child of prophecy never meant he did not have darkness because the prophecy stated—the child would either save the world or make it his bitch.

Jiraiya must have expected his targeted child of prophecy had to be mentally screwed, even if a tiny bit.

As for Mikoto and her sharingan, I feel her awakening all this after a momentary hate for Kai before all of it being soothed by his rizz felt more appropriate because a) the situations was definitely more tense. And B) I feel Mikoto awakening sharingan in og because of stranger victims despite having gone through war protocols and upgrading her eyes by Kai’s rizz later on in the og felt like a plothole. If Kai’s going to be her cause of power then I intend to make it so from the start.

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