RE: Filthy Gamer In Narutoverse

We’re Bullying Seniors With This One

Hentai Shinobi Rule 21: Game is Game.


Kegana Inuzuka was a brunette with a nest of spiky black hair not too far off from the characteristic Inuzuka look, sporting red face paint in the shape of an inverted triangle on his nose. After wearing thick trousers to combat the November chill, the tanned boy looped his forehead protector around his right thigh. Kegana continued by putting on a mesh shirt, a thick overshirt, and a grey, black-furred jacket.

His tenure as a Genin will soon surpass the year. Like many, Kegana was part of the more extensive Shinobi Corps, tackling several missions alone until being teamed up by the Administration for C-ranked missions or higher. Kegana liked it this way. He was a lone wolf. Besides, spending time with a team meant letting others know his secret techniques. Not that he had any. However, he would have many special jutsus in the future.

Kegana knew greatness was his destiny.

“Come, Riku!” Kegana whistled as a bluish-furred hound trotted out from the doghouse before rubbing its fur against the boy’s leg.

The boy sniffed the chilly air. Konoha’s sky looked whiter than usual, indicating imminent snowfall. Vaporous breath exhaled from his lips as the boy felt something stir.

The Inuzuka followed the pack mentality. Needless to say, Kegana wanted to be the next patriarch. He would take the current leader as his lover. Kegana liked how shapely Okami’s ass was.

He didn’t make these comments to the woman out of cautiousness. No, Kegana did not fear anyone. However, he would strike hard when prepared. But he won’t stop with Okami. There’s Tsume, too. She would grow to be a suitable mate for his stature.

Kegana crouched and scratched his ninken’s ear until his nostrils twitched, and he stood up.

Fresh scent?

He had Tsume’s scent imprinted on his brain. However, Kegana did not know who the other party was.

The Inuzuka Compound wasn’t as big as regular villages. It would have been even smaller if not for a separate breeding facility within the perimeters for the Inuzuka’s sharpest minds to breed stronger variations of ninkens.

They were a bunch of prudes in Kegana’s eyes. What was so thrilling about researching dogs? Just pick the one that looks the most dangerous and tear the enemies to the shreds.

Not that Kegana killed anyone before.

However, he will commit the deed soon, starting with the bastard Tsume was yipping around—like a lost puppy.

Her Alpha.

Kegana did hear of the man. However, his time was too valuable to be wasted on academy students.

The Inuzuka genin had to complete missions, earn Ryo, and pay them for contributions to learn more about Jutsus and make the best of his time. Graduating from the academy did not make him the strongest, so Kegana knew his training had yet to end.

Still, Kegana wasn’t about to look the gift ninken in the mouth.

“Get ready, Riku,” Kegana softly snarled as he licked his canines. The boy’s inspiration for his ninken’s name emerged from Rikudo. His loyal companion straightened in attention as his opponents stopped.

The morning streets of the Inuzuka compound were quaint. Their first encounter on a Sunday morning worked against Kegana since he couldn’t publicly humiliate his competitor and earn Tsume’s loyalty. Still a Harem?

Even Kegana had heard of these dreams.

The boy stepped out with a puffed chest and a snarling Riku, ready to be unleashed on the enemy, as Tsume’s pup defensively growled. Kegana bared his sharp ‘fangs.’ His canines looked more fierce and intimidating than usual due to a trick.

It wasn’t an effortless trick, mind you. However, it was still a trick—merely a more challenging one.

“You!” Kegana pointed at the boy. He didn’t even bother remembering Tsume’s faux Alpha’s name. “Back off whichever whole you came from! Do you think you can have a harem? Just like that? NOT ON MY WATCH!” Kegana howled in a desperate attempt to attract a crowd. It would make his victory oh so sweet.

“I’ll take Tsume and her mother!” Kegana declared. No, he did not forget his earlier cautiousness. However, he couldn’t stand the bored look in his soon-to-be victim’s expression.

“Good for you,” the boy nodded. So, Kegana’s opponent was a coward.

That wouldn’t do. Tsume might misunderstand this as the boy being courteous to her clansmen.

“I challenge you!” Kegana yelled. “Fight me, or you’re a son of a whore who doesn’t deserve to have a single woman, much less a harem!”

Kegana’s opponent tilted his head. “How does that work? Either my mother was a whore or not. What does me beating till you can’t shit straight have anything to do with that?”

Kegana’s expression froze.

“Pfft!” Tsume’s burst of giggle only stoked the murderous rage in Kegana’s eyes.

“You bastard!” Kegana shouted and rushed the boy. Kegana knew he had better physical strength than his ordinary peers due to his Inuzuka lineage. Not only that, Riku was faster and more ferocious. An academy student won’t be able to react—

Kegana and Riku sniffed around as their opponent wasn’t standing in his previous spot.

“Awo—” Riku yowled as Kegana smelled the disgusting scent beside them. He promptly turned to witness the boy yanking Riku by the tail and slamming his companion into the paved mud road.


“See?” Kegana’s opponent smiled. “Animals are so easy to deal with.” To add insult to injury, the boy had a foot on Riku’s neck as the ninken struggled.

“Tell your dog to be obedient, or I’ll crush his neck.”

Kegana gritted at the boy’s demand.

“Alpha!” Tsume gasped. “Don’t kill Riku-chan! She can get a better companion than Kegana.”

It stung Kegana.

However, the boy gave Tsume a narrow-eyed stare before smiling.

“Shut up, Tsume.”

To Kegana’s surprise, the girl shut her mouth and stepped back with a reverent glow in her bestial pupils.


Kegana heard Riku whine before snapping out of his daze.

“Let go of Riku!”

Yet, all Kegana saw was the boy exerting more pressure on Riku’s neck as the crowd gathered around them.

“S-Stop! Riku! Stop struggling.”

Kegana’s loyal companion did so as the boy nodded.

“Where are your parents?” Kegana’s opponent questioned as the boy clenched his fists and jaw.

“My father died in a mission, and my mother’s pregnancy was a complicated mess.”

Instead of pity or condolences like others, Kegana witnessed an unsettling glow in the boy’s pitch-black pupils.

“An orphan?” The boy whispered before tilting his head ever so slightly. “So? You’re pissed because I said I want a harem? What makes you think you’re better, Bitch Boy?”

“What did you say?” Kegana growled in frustration as more people gathered.

“A Bitch Boy,” The boy smirked. “You have no skills. Openings littered your ninken. Both of you are animals that require more education. It’s a wonder you survived till now. Remove that forehead protector.”


The boy didn’t reply with words and applied pressure on pitiful Riku’s neck.

“Stop! I already told Riku to stop struggling.”

“Remove that forehead protector, Bitch Boy.”

Kegana locked his jaw before meeting Riku’s expressive gaze. She did not want to give up. However, she was injured and couldn’t move. Kegana lowered his head and untied the forehead protector from his thigh.

“Now kneel.”

Kegana looked at the boy with utter refusal in his infuriated gaze.

The boy merely smiled and applied pressure on Riku’s neck until her body flinched and almost struggled.

Kegana dug his nails into his hands with how hard his fists clenched as he fell to his knees.

“Now repeat after me,” the boy nodded.

Kegana felt his heart go numb.

“I’m a little bitch boy that wasted years in the academy and ought to either return and learn the basics or kill myself.”

Kegana’s shoulders shivered as the future Inuzuka leader was overwhelmed with embarrassment and sheer frustration. Yet, he repeated.

“I’m a little bitch boy *hic*” Kegana teared up as he couldn’t keep the soft sobs from his lips. His nose felt sour, and tears dripped down his chin. “—that wasted years in the academy *sniff* and ought to either return and learn the basics or kill myself. Now,” the boy cried. “Please let Riku go.”

The boy nodded with a satisfied smirk before removing his foot from Riku’s neck and grinning.

“Remember this when you try anything stupid like baring your fangs, Bitch Boy. My mum may have been a whore. However, nothing’s gonna stop me from making a harem. Especially wasted sperm cells and nine months of gestation like you.”

Kegana could not meet the boy’s gaze.

Kegana Inuzuka meant to challenge the boy and publicly humiliate him. He yelled to attract the crowd.

The crowd did gather! It witnessed his utter humiliation.

Kegana was left crying.

And he saw how awe-struck Tsume was for the boy.

An Alpha.

Kegana felt disgusted by the sheer awe for the boy within him.

Kegana was not a match for a kid.

Kegana did not deserve his dreams of mating with Okami or Tsume. He likely didn’t deserve anyone. All his dreams and thoughts twisted into reverence for the boy and how the BOY deserved all the mates, including Kegana’s future ones.


‘Phew! [Dynamic Vision] with [Body Flicker Jutsu] is nothing short of a monstrous combination! I straight-up bullied the orphaned Bitch Boy. Hah! That was fun!’

Kai had been a bit reluctant to accept Tsume’s invitation to enter her Clan Compound. He heard from Mito that Inuzuka Clansmen slept and shat with their ninkens. Now Kai knew Mito was just jerking him off.

Hah! Get it?


An orphan volunteering for his fun and a practice to test the limits of [Dynamic Vision] was fun. As Kai grew, his reaction time would also improve and sync with the skill. It was similar to a bootleg, severely downgraded dojutsu. However, it also gave Kai the hope to achieve the impossible.

He had to believe he could emulate the effects of Byakugan if Kai’s trait could permanently alter the condition of his optic nerves and other senses to allow skills like [Dynamic Vision] and [Transparent World.] All he needed was time and more research material.

Then he would look through Tsunade’s—

No. Tsunade did not like such public perversions. At least, Kai gleaned that Tsunade did not enjoy being put on a spot at a public location about such matters. Kai must remember all this if he hoped to form a harem.

‘Maybe she won’t mind fun stuff if we discuss it beforehand? Anyway. No point in getting ahead of myself.’

Kai stopped in his tracks. He had left Tsume’s side after visiting her and Kuromaru’s home. His gaze zeroed in on a young child with a package of warm takeout between his hands and chest. The boy was one of Kai’s subjects of discipline and life lessons.


Kai almost teared up in pride.

Look at that boy’s ready posture.

Look at his attentiveness.

Look how much wary the boy is of everyone!

Kai smirked as the boy shivered with tears in his eyes. Lowering his head, the boy offered the food with both his hands.

Yes. The lesson was complete. The boy also understood when to fight and accept defeat.

Kai grinned and reached for the boy. Instead of taking his food, Kai gently patted his head and ruffled his hair.

“It’ll snow soon, kid. You should hurry back to your aunt. Oh, and here. For the ice cream I snatched a few months ago.”

Kai stuffed a couple of Ryo bills—the principal amount and the interest!

The boy remained frozen in his tracks as Kai continued his merry way.


The civilian orphans can rest now.

Kai set his sights on Konoha’s orphaned Genin Corps to guide them through the ways of life and implement stern discipline.

He had the kindest heart.

(Bro’s the vilest menace in existence.)


1st December.

“Snow!” Kushina’s loud shout woke almost half the Uzumaki residence as a red flash burst into Kai’s room before slamming into his meditating body.

His utter peace…


“Kai-chan! Wake up! It’s snowing!” Kushina held Kai’s shoulder and shook it with invariably monstrous might till Kai’s head barely remained above his neck. Wild glee and excitement flickered in Kushina’s gleaming violet hues as her face flushed.

“Snow, dattebane! Hihihihihihihi!” Kushina unceasingly giggled as she squished her round face against his.

“We have to play our first snow fight, Kai-chan!”

“Sigh. Can’t you see—”

Kai stopped.

Snow fight?

Kai gently held Kushina’s hands and pulled them away from his shoulders. The act took the redhead back in surprise as her cheeks flushed uncharacteristically red. Her fingers twitched in his hands as Kai wrapped his hands around Kushina’s fingers.

“W-what?” Kushina looked away and muttered. “I get it. You’re excited, Kai-chan…”

“I’m going to ruin you,” Kai promised.

Kushina’s blush deepened as she shuffled in his bed. She lowered her head further until her long red tresses hid her glassy eyes and beet-red face.

“And when it’s done,” Kai continued somberly. “I will roll your unconscious body against the ice and make a snowman out of you.”

Kushina blinked.

“Why would you make a snowman out of me after all… that, dattebane?!” Kushina nibbled her bottom lip.

“Hmm?” Kai blinked. “I mean. You’d already be pretty wet, so it doesn’t matter if you roll in the snow. It’s not like you catch a cold or anything.”

Kushina met Kai’s gaze. She knew Kai-chan was more brilliant than her. However, she knew Kai-chan.

“Are you talking about me getting wet from the snow fight?” Kushina couldn’t have guessed it if she hadn’t lived with Kai for months.

“Duh? How else you’ll get wet?”

Kushina’s gaze blanked out as she calmly took her hands back before grabbing the pillow and slamming it against Kai’s face.

“Hmph! Just come outside!” She grumbled. “Stupid, pervert-chan saying stupid things, dattebane!”

Kai moved the pillow aside before puffing.

“Did I ask you for a snow fight when you were having that time of the month? Crazy bitch,” Kai got out of bed for the craziest feat of his [Dynamic Vision] yet.


Kai ruined Kushina and left her a wet mess.

—As he vowed.


The snowball fight was fun. Yet, Kai was more excited about the Genjutsu test in the Academy.

Kai and Kushina met Mikoto in the class as several students sported scarves around their necks alongside heavier, warmer outfits.

“Sssss!” Mikoto hissed like an outraged cat shaken out of her skin as Kai poked his cold fingertip against the side of her neck.

“What are you doing?” She yelped before jumping again as Kushina grinned and pressed her entire palm through Mikoto’s scarf.

“You two should stop this instant!” Mikoto issued a sharp warning as Kai and Kushina glanced at each other before grinning.

“Not my cheeks, Kai-chan!” Mikoto yelped as Kai squished the former’s cheeks with both his hands. Meanwhile, Kushina grabbed Mikoto’s hands and mewled. “Your hands are so warm~!”

The trio eventually stopped as more students filtered into the classroom. Icha-Sensei soon appeared and smiled at everyone. “Settle down everyone. I’ll perform the assessment to test your chakra control and talents in Genjutsu Release.”

Kai tilted his head.

They were told a Jonin from outside the academy would take the course. Still, Icha took no questions and turned to the blackboard.

“Who here can explain a Genjutsu?”

Kai and Kushina looked at Mikoto as the girl rolled her eyes and whispered.

“What? I’m supposed to answer this question because I’m from the Uchiha Clan?”

“I know, sir!” Hiruna raised his hand as Mikoto puffed under Kai’s and Kushina’s smug smirks.

“Yes? Answer the question, Hiruna-kun.”

Kai glimpsed again.


Icha rarely used suffixes for his students. Did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?

“Genjutsu is the sub-classification of Ninjutsu involving the control of the enemy by slipping our Chakra inside their chakra networks.”

Icha nodded. “And how do we do that?”

Hiruna hesitated before answering, “The basic genjutsus involve touching the opponent to introduce our chakra into their system. However, more skilled Genjutsu users can also achieve the same using sight, smell, and hearing.”

“What else?” Icha continued while Kai stared hard.

That man was not Icha Kato.

The man never asked anything outside of the curriculum. There were too many changes in a single fucking day to be called a coincidence.

“Can anyone answer what other medium a skilled shinobi has at their disposal to perform a Genjutsu on the target?” Icha looked around after gesturing to Hiruna to sit.

Kai met Icha’s gaze as the teacher smiled.

“Do you have an answer, Kai-kun?”

Kai shivered. He only knew one man that may as well sport himself on the street for hire with his build and effeminate, nay, zesty ass.

Kai didn’t reply as he recalled all the Genjutsu theories. He was waiting for the ‘right’ moment to finally put it into practice, which may as well be now.

‘So, feel your chakra and push it through the body like a pulse—’

How did Kai know he was in a Genjutsu?—because Kai knew Orochimaru. There was nothing simple when it came to Orochi.

Kai’s vision swam as if he existed within a ripple of water before the ‘Icha’ melted, and the boy felt a presence looming on his side of the desk. Kai looked up and met the pale man’s surprisingly predatory—and delighted—slitted pupils.

“Very good, Kai-kun,” Orochimaru whispered in a tone wrapped with an uncharacteristic husk instead of his usual rasp.

Kai ignored the notifications from his trait while keeping his gaze locked with Orochimaru.

He trembled as his vision swam with another pulse of chakra.

The Orochimaru melted, and Kai looked at the chalk-skinned, dark-haired man leaning against the teacher’s desk with a cross of his arms.

“Congratulations, Kai-kun,” Orochimaru smirked. “My first test was to slip clues to the students about not being Icha Kato. The clues will become more blatant as time passes. I did so to assess how ready this class of the year’s batch is. The second test was the actual assessment for Genjutsu. Hiding one genjutsu in another is a challenging but achievable trick.”

Kai remained silent and looked at the dazed Kushina and Mikoto.

“The answer to your question was the world’s chakra network, right?”

Orochimaru raised an eyebrow.

“Highly skilled sensors can tap this network to access their target’s location. What would stop them from putting their target into a genjutsu using this trick?” Kai frowned.

{A/N: It’s based on how Shishui placed someone in a Genjutsu from several kilometers.}

Orochimaru chuckled.

“Right you are, Kai-kun. Well done.”

Kai nodded before grinning.

“Could you put me in another genjutsu?”

“Excuse me?”

“I want to understand how it feels. Please. Put me in another Genjutsu.”

Orochimaru shook his head. The essence of genjutsu was rooted in the element of surprise. Breaking most genjutsu apart would be a child’s play if the target knows about it. As for the high-level Genjutsus? Due to their complicated entrance points and firmer chakra control, they need more technical skills to unravel.

The man did not believe Kai could improve this skill by repetitions. Oh, the snake knew about Kai’s training ethic. So, he predicted Kai’s thoughts.

“Sure. I was allotted the entire day for the assessment, so we have hours to kill.”

Orochimaru placed Kai in a genjutsu.

Kai unraveled the jutsu before asking to be put into Genjutsu again.

[Genjutsu Release (D) (1/100): The art of disrupting the sneaky chakra tampering with one’s chakra coils and senses. The illusions mask the ordinary tell of the external chakra within the body. This skill informs the user about the most efficient chakra disruption patterns to disrupt different Genjutsu entering the body through varied known means. Beware, a moment’s illusion is all it takes for a Kunai to pierce the heart. Adds one mental stat at every level {If Mental<100}.

Next Level: Disrupt 3/220 Genjutsu on oneself/another party or 2 SP.

Skill Tree Evolution: Genjutsu Reversal (B) (0/50)]

[Genjutsu Reversal (B) (0/50) (Locked)

Unlocking Conditions: 12 SP; 200 Mental; 250 Perception; Mastered Skill: Genjutsu Release (D)]

The Mental grind was going to be INSANE.

or so he thought.


Alternate Title: The Lone Wolf?; Just Another Sacrifice To Kai’s Great Name: There Can Only Be One Harem King In These Seas—Dragon D Kai; The Inuzuka Mischief; Blud Really Put a God’s Name on a Dog; Kegana Inuzuka: Lower Your Head And Accept Me As Alpha *Kai: Kill Yourself*; Kai Mastered The Most Toxic Argument: KYS; Kai Proved Again He Was Not Chill; Tsume Is Beta-Struck For Kai; Kai Has Equal Rights And Lefts For Kids, Old Men, Women, AND Dogs; The Broken Inuzuka; Lighting a ‘Green’ Flame In a Poor Inuzuka; Kegana’s Worst Morning; Kegana: Aha! Prey! *Kai: Aha! An Orphan*; Tsume Really Said The Man Did Not Deserve His Pet; The Chunin Level Threat; Spamming Basic Academy Jutsu Goes CRAZY; Shishui’s Future Competition; Kai’s Training Bears Fruit; Kai Succeeded In Teaching Civilian Orphans (The Genins Are In Danger); The Smart, Unnamed Boy; Kai’s Kind?; The Snow; Kai’s Wording Needs Work… So Does Mikoto’s; Kai: I’ll Leave You a Ruined, Wet Mess *Kushina: Instant Neuron Activation*; Mikoto’s Cheeks Are In Danger; Konoha’s Snow; The Genjutsu Test; Orochimaru’s Tweaking; The Intricacies of Genjutsu; Kai Descends Into Another Grind; All Academy Skills Are OP, Even The Invisibility Technique

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