RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 10 – The origin of Uzufuyuki

It happened after the appointment of Hiruzen as the Third Hokage that is when Mito notice the unusual actions of some elders particularly Danzo. She felt that Konoha was becoming darker as the time gone by and Konoha is becoming something not as envisioned by Hashirama (Mitos’ husband and the First Hokage).

The root cause is unknown by Mito. However, Danzo showed signs that he was the main culprit the mastermind behind the changes felt by Mito.


Danzo has always felt that Hiruzen took his rightful place to be a hokage. He also hated that the action took by him, making Hiruzen volunteer himself to be a decoy. That volunteering action made Tobirama the Second Hokage at that time decided to elect Hiruzen as his successor.

That hate and anger of feeling of being robbed of what was his right was observed and felt by Mito. Meanwhile Hiruzen trying to appease Danzo allowed him to maintain his Root organization he established.


It took Mito 15 years to realize that Danzo has changed and his ambition is great, too great to be exact. She felt deeply that Danzo would do anything to get the power he wanted and the Konoha he envisioned. Anyone against what he wanted and envisioned will be his obstacle and had to be removed.


Mito feared for Konoha and she feared about Uzushiogakure and her clan’s future as well.

She did not want to believe it but she felt the hostilities in Danzo towards the clan ambassadors every time the ambassadors meet with her. Although she knows that the feeling she felt is real, she did not have the power to take action against Danzo.


When she noticed Danzo ambitions and hostile behaviors, Danzo had already solidified his position in the Konoha elder’s council. He could sway the opinion of the others in the council especially Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu from time to time getting what he wanted most of the time. Beyond that, Danzo sphere of influence and strength have been growing day by day. He has been moving his people around spreading his net.


Fearing the worse, Mito realize she need to do something, she to know why Danzo hostilities is directed to everyone even towards Konoha bloodsworn allies. She also need the support of the people of Konoha so she can act against Danzo when it is time to do so. However to accomplish both of her plans she need to gather information regarding Danzo. She wants to know his reasons; she also wants information regarding his evil deeds. The evil deeds was needed for her to expose them to the leaders of the clans in Konoha so they can call out on Danzo.

She also need to protect her clan from Danzo, she assumed that the rise of Uzushiogakure influence in the world stage made Danzo weary about them.

Although Uzushiogakure (Founded by the Uzumaki clan) are sworn allies due to historical reasons as they share blood relation with the Senju clan it did not affect Danzo decisions and behavior at all.

This puzzled Mito as from her eyes; in his mind, for his global unification plans anyone not in Konoha is possible enemies even close allies. She already saw that in Konoha he already acted against clans and people that are against him. What is more towards the clans and people not aligned to Konoha? For him they are enemies that he need to eliminate or tamed if possible.

The actions of Danzo for the past 15 years was the one that made Mito acted. Mito covertly communicated with Uzushiogakure elder council and she detailed her plans to them.

Recognizing the situation at hand some within the council agreed to her plans, however some was skeptical to her wild assumption that Danzo will be able to make Konoha go against them. Due to the disagreement about it, Mito plans was scale down.
All Elders in Uzushiogakure agreed that the rise of their clan in power and influence is detrimental to them currently given the current political climate of all the major and minor powers.

Hence, they agreed to Mito first plan that is to establish a shadow company at the land of fire within Konoha sphere of influence.

The shadow company will be operating as a business organization. The business they will be in is the manufacturing and the sales of high quality seal scrolls and papers, which could contend against Uzushiogakure best.

In doing so, the business would disrupt Uzushiogakure economy as seen by the other powers, as currently the only one that can produce high quality seal scrolls and papers is Uzushiogakure.

Before the establishment of the business, Uzushiogakure will trigger a made natural disaster towards the supply chain, they will then scale down their production in relation to this.

The shadow company will be establish within the two-year period. It would be a simple matter for them to take Uzushiogakure market share as the result. After that, Uzushiogakure will also start relying on them openly to get their bulk of seal scroll and paper needs.


This action will make everyone including Danzo believe that Uzushiogakure need to rely on the business from the Land of Fire where Konoha is located as their main support as their skills and influence are largely depended on their skills on using the seal. This will then lower Danzo’s devices towards Uzushiogakure as hoped by the elders.


The shadow company will also act as a platform for Mito to gather information on Danzo, as for Mito plans to relocate part of their clan to other locations including within the shadow company was rejected, as it was deem not feasible.

The main reason was the Uzumaki clan characteristics as it will be obvious for anyone to suspect that is Uzushiogakure is planning something.


With the revise plan approved, Ren and Hina was selected to be the one to lead the operations. While further manpower will then be sent in due time.

Ren and Hina were selected as they didn’t show the primary characteristics of Uzumaki clan, as Ren and Hina were a mix born that didn’t show Uzumaki characteristics. Ren was a mix from Senju clan and Uzumaki clan, while Hina was from Uzumaki clan and Yuki clan.

Besides that, the selection of Ren was due his ANBU background as well as his deep knowledge and understanding of both Uzumaki and Yuki clan’s skills and techniques. Hina experience serving in the ANBU along with Ren was also selected as well, not to mention she was a direct decedent of one of the Yuki clan princesses which fled the Land of Water due to conflict of power within their clan.

With a possibility of conflict happening to Uzushiogakure in the future. The Yuki clan elders made her as the first candidate for the plan just to keep her safe.

Because of Ren and Hina private relationship, there was no complexities what so ever, both of them accepted the orders with no complaints. They brought Yuna along, which was seven at that time together with them. That’s was the reason why Yuna separated with Kushina and they did not manage to keep in contact at all after that.


Everything went as it supposed to, the business organization was established with the organization being named as Uzufuyuki. Internally the Uzu stands for the Uzumaki clan, Yuki stands for the Yuki clan, while the Fu was place in there to make the complete organization name on the outside have a different meaning when written differently.

For the outside world, the Uzufuyuki organization means Swirling Wind of Fortune, which resemble the amount of wealth the organization will be getting from its establishment.


The plan succeeded and the business was thriving. However, no one truly notice Danzo fixed plans. Although the prosperity of Uzushiogakure at the outlook of others is affected greatly by their plan, Danzo eyes were not on Uzushiogakure but on the Uzumaki clan, he sees the Uzumaki clan as a threat that need to be always be removed.


Danzo took action right after Kushina arrived at Konoha. His plan was simple; he will use the powers of the other villages as well as clans that are hostile to Uzushiogakure and the Uzumaki clan to destroy the Uzumaki clan.

To Danzo surprise Kirigakure was the first to enlist to his plans. Danzo do not know why Kirigakure was interested risking the retaliation by Konoha.

However, he was all too happy that a major power was interested.

For Kirigakure it was because of the will of the Yuki clan at Kirigakure. The Kirigakure Yuki clan always wanted to remove their other clan members, which are not aligned politically with them.

After seeing Kirigakure involvement Kumogakure also enlisted, as they did not want Kirigakure getting all the spoils of war. With Kirigakure and Kumogakure, two major powers as a rallying call many others joined as well.


The attack needed to be swift and they need to prevent Uzushiogakure ally Konoha intervention. Danzo went with the expedition party and helped them by disabling the alert system that was part of Uzushiogakure defensive barrier.

In Danzo’s mind without the alert system, Uzushiogakure forces was unable to mount a proper defense and will be overwhelmed quickly.

However, it was not the case as Uzushiogakure held on for a week before they fell. Luckily, the information suppression by Kirigakure, Kumogakure, Danzo, as well as all parties involved prevented any news of Uzushiogakure until their downfall.

The first news regarding Uzushiogakure after the information blackout was of their destruction when merchant ships that sailed there found Uzushiogakure in rubble.


The reason why Ren and Hina knows that Danzo was behind the destruction of Uzushiogakure was because of Nagi.

When Uzushiogakure received Mito report regarding Danzo, they started to rework on their current defenses in an off chance that Danzo actually acted against them, they will have a fighting chance against him.

One of their rework was the way their barrier system worked. Their current alert system allows their closest ally Konoha free reign to enter Uzushiogakure without triggering their alert system when officials of Konoha enter Uzushiogakure with the special seal token they provided.


Uzushiogakure tasked their seal team experts to help solve that problem; however, the revision of the design must not alert Danzo.
Nagi was eleven at that time, however he was already well known within the sealing community. As a unique seal specialist rivaling Mito in certain ways due to his unique way of making seal inscriptions.

Because of his particular skill, he was included in the team to solve the problem.

Nagi helped in creating the new alert system by actually changing the special seal that people have to pass the barrier.

He inscribed personal special seals only able to be activated by the specific seal holder and not by others. The seal will allow the barrier team to recognize who is the seal holder passing through without the user knowing. Not only that if the person was not using the seal, it will still act like the old seal where it allowed access, however then the guards monitoring the barrier will take notice on the incursion without the user notice.

In doing so the alert system will take note on everyone entering Uzushiogakure without them knowing.

The only reason Uzushiogakure managed to hold off the combined might of Kirigakure, Kumogakure and the others for a week was they know that it was Danzo seal that was being used to disable the alert system for the invasion force to enter.


Ren, Hina and Yuna including Mito and Kushina was devastated to receive news about Uzushiogakure destruction.

The whole Konoha was also shocked and the people wanted to know more about the situation, voices of retaliation against those that did that was a popular opinion of the public.

Danzo took the advantage of it as it further his cause; he then engineered various plans that create an illusion that everything beyond the borders of Konoha is unstable.

Using his agents he place evidence in those areas to point out the perpetrators of his choosing. After two years of subversion, Danzo got what he wanted, the Second Great Shinobi war started.


Due to the grief and regrets, Mito had for her clan destruction, her health deteriorated and a year after the war started, Mito passed way and Kushina became the next Jinchuriki.

The Second Great Shinobi war lasted for three years. The peace period an unofficial agreement by the all the participants of the war so they can regroup their forces before striking back out again which happen after a year of unofficial peace.

During the peace period Nagi who manage to escape Uzushiogakure arrive at Konoha. During his journey there, he saved Yuna who was in trouble. Nagi then escorted Yuna back where Ren and Hina recognized him.

When they asked Nagi about the incident Nagi told them his part of his story. From there they found out that Danzo was behind the distruction of Uzushiogakure, they could only grit their teeth towards the situation as Mito passed away already.

Without her voice in Konoha and within the Elder council it’s extremely difficult to press charges against Danzo.


Ren and Hina could only continue their mission. They continued to collect information of Danzo activities as well as evidence of Danzo wrong doings in hope in the future they can use it against him. After knowing what Ren and Hina mission is Nagi decided to help them on their mission as well.


After knowing what has truly transpired Kushina went ballistic frightening little Naruto which resulted for her to keep calm, Minato also went silent trying to comprehend the whole story.


Azuma was quiet about it trying to show to the others that he do not understand what they are talking about, as he was still a nine months old baby in their eyes.

In silence, however he was just flabbergasted of the whole story.


‘What the hell is happening, although I don’t know the plot story completely I still know that this whole thing is just not right.

If this is true then this is not really the Naruto world that I know in my past life but a parallel world of Naruto where it is due to Mito actions in this world rather than her inactions in the original world.


Initially I thought that the difference happened during the Kyuubi incident was due to me. Because based on my initial assumptions the original conscious may have already been gone. While I woke up replacing the original, if I did not wake up when I was still a fetus that time the baby born would probably be a stillborn.

Devastated with the event mum has the most probability to not take part in the mission to help Kushina along with dad. There will be a lesser reason to help others out. Without her and dad in the team, Kushina would have died and Minato would have followed as well, and Naruto will be the same as the original timeline where he is brought up an orphaned.

But now I found out that without Mito actions I don’t think that I even exist !!! Damn I am getting a headache because of the parallel world theories. Could it be a temporal paradox some where but really I do not like temporal mechanics.

There is distinct difference of explanation to the multiverse and parallel world as confirmed by me being here.

The causal actions done by someone which create a parallel world is totally a headache… if I ever discover a way to time travel I need to be really careful… but if I find other people time travelling I’ll catch them, interrogate then decide on either letting them go or execute them on the spot!.

Nevertheless, this is really an interesting situation. I will need to explore this world later on to discover the differences happening due to the butterfly effect of Mito actions.’


This chapter is just storytelling. When I was writing it I keep getting blocked by trying to explain why the parallel world happened. I hope that the reasons are enough, and that all the key powers involved show believable actions.

I probably dive slightly into the second and third shinobi war based on Nagi eyes to fill in more blanks.

I just hope that by filling the blanks in this new timeline, it will not create more plot holes...

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