RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 13 – Introduction to Chakra

Today Azuma was particularly excited as his parents told him after his fourth birthday celebration yesterday that he will starting his chakra training, and it was today.

After breakfast Azuma grandfather brought him to the training courtyard to begin his training.


“Azuma, let me explain to you what chakra is before we start your training… Chakra is a form of energy. It is the source of energy for ninjas to perform ninjutsu techniques. Without chakra, ninjas will not be able to perform ninjutsu techniques.

There is a reason why we waited until now to teach you about chakra and it is because of the way an individual produce chakra. Chakra is created when two primal energies that is physical energy, which is your physical strength, and spiritual energies, which is your mental energy, being molded together.
Therefore, we waited until now because your body and mind is now mature enough to produce the bear minimum of chakra for you to grasp.
We could have done it earlier but the earlier it is the higher risk of damaging your immature chakra nodes (points/gates) as well as your chakra pathways (meridians). We did not want to risk that, which is why we postponed the introduction until now.
We will start with you grasping chakra and we will follow up with identifying your chakra elements later.” – Ren


‘So that is how chakra is formed, I kind of get it now…’ – Azuma mind


“Azuma close your eyes and concentrate around the area my palm is, don’t try to think of other things, just feel the area, remember the breathing technique that I thought you a year ago. I hope you have been doing it daily.

This time while doing the breathing technique, I want you to feel the differences and try to recognize the new flow that you find. Try and follow it, mapping its path within you.” – Ren


Azuma followed the simple breathing technique his grandfather thought him when he was three, he relaxes himself, then breathing slowly through his nose as he feel his stomach rise, after that he use his abdominal muscles to exhale his breath through his pursed lips.

After noticing that Azuma was in meditative breathing Ren channeled his chakra at his hand that was at Azuma view gate, he slowly integrated a strain of chakra at Azuma view gate. Azuma in the meantime was trying to take notice of what his grandfather was doing. Half an hour passed and Azuma seem to feel something, he tried to find the oddity but failed, another hour passed and he caught on to the oddity.


Excited he remembered what his grandfather asked him to do after that, so he tried and follow the oddity. He tried mapping the path of the oddity several times, after two hours of trying he got the general idea of where the oddity was flowing around his body.

He then tried to be accustomed with the new oddity he is feeling and tried to assist the oddity to flow around his body.


Unknowing to him his grandfather was shocked of his progress as Azuma was now at chakra meditation state. He smiled while he stopped his chakra flow at his hand moved away quietly, letting Azuma be.

During that time, Yuna came by once to see how has Azuma training been going and to her amazement, when she saw what state he was in.

She kept silent smiling at him then she turned and went away eager to tell others of what Azuma had managed to achieve on his first chakra exposure experience.




Azuma awoke from his state by the sound of his stomach growling. Azuma was excited on what has happened. He tried to understand what has happened to him when he heard his grandfather. “Oh, you’re awake~, how’s your first successful attempt being in chakra meditation state?”

“Ah, Grandpa… GROWL~ I am hungry …”

Feeling amused by Azuma reply he continued, “Hahaha~ come let’s go back and have our dinner, you can tell everyone your experience there.”


While walking to the dining area with his grandfather, Azuma was quietly thinking about the state he was in, where he did not have a sense of time. He only woke up after his stomach growling sound. When they reached the dining area Hina sitting at the dining area saw them walking in, “Both of you are back, Yuna told me about you achieving chakra mediation state at your first training secession, that’s a great achievement.”


Yuna arranging the dishes on the dining table joined in the conversation, “It’s indeed a good achievement but fathers’ chakra introduction method is really innovative as well. I remember that generally, people does the chakra introduction from the opening gate, but fathers’ method is through the view gate.

I remembered during my chakra introduction, father also used his method and I manage to get the grasp of chakra flow at the first day. However, I did not manage to get to chakra meditation state on day one. Nevertheless, compared to all my peers even Kushina-chan, they did not manage to get the grasp of it until a day later by the earliest.”


“Most people usually get it after a week of training, the ones that grasp it earlier is considered gifted, while you Azuma … I think that your achievement rivals the likes of legends like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.” – Nagi


“During my personal practice and research, I found out that the view gate could be used as a point of introduction. The catch is that it requires someone with great chakra control, only them would be able to use the chakra introduction towards the view gate directly.

I also found that only the chakra introduce by the family members when controlled properly would not disrupt the original chakra of the receiver. Not only that, it will in turn boost the chakra concentration within. Because of it, it will increase the chance for the receiver to grasp chakra for the first time.  

On the other hand, if disrupted the receivers chakra will act out on defense. Due to the receiver small chakra amount, the chakra will deplete out quickly.  

It will in turn take even longer for them to get the grasp of chakra flow, if not never. If they continue on doing as they are they may damage the gates and meridians of the receiver.” – Ren


“There is a reason why the well-known method that is being used by major clans is through the opening/initial gate. It is the only point that external introduction of someone else chakra will not actually disrupt the flow. That is also the reason why all those safe mind reading ninjutsu all start from there as well.” – Nagi


Hearing about their conversation, Azuma then realize that what he felt before was the chakra flow around his body, and the state he was in was a chakra meditative state.

He was also amaze that his family knows about eight gates. For him to get to know about it this early would be a great extra. The eight gates was one of the physical body function that he wanted to know about in his previous life. The boost of one physical capability using the eight gates, all his past life researches on it always reached to a dead end.

Azuma took this chance to ask…


“Pa~, grandpa, what’s chakra meditative state? Also what gates are you all discussing about?” – Azuma


When Azuma asked that question Ren and Nagi felt ecstatic that Azuma was eager to learn. They smiled while looking at Azuma. Nagi then took the opportunity to explain to Azuma about the chakra meditative state.


“The chakra meditative state is a state where you feel the chakra flow within your body, you then tap the chakra that is flowing and direct the chakra around your body. You could accelerate or decelerate it; you could also switch the chakra flow to different flow or increase the chakra flowing through a specific flow but that is an advance method.


The advance method is not for you to attempt until either grandpa or I see that you are ready and it must be under our supervision when you first try it.

Doing the advance method when your chakra meridians is not fully developed is very dangerous and may lead to your chakra meridians to be torn or destroyed.

If lucky, it can be repaired when the damage is done.

If your chakra meridian cannot be repaired, you will be permanently handicapped when using chakra by then you can consider yourself not being able to use ninjutsu for your rest of your life.

The method of reconnecting or fixing chakra meridians when is damaged badly is almost impossible.


As for the purpose of chakra meditative state it is a method for you to strengthening your chakra meridians through the chakra flow. In doing so it will also increase the overall chakra quality for you. The state is considered a part of spiritual energy training as well. Moreover because of it, it will assist you in building up your chakra capacity.

Although your chakra will grow as you become older using this method will build up your capacity growth. Another purpose of it is that it also helps you in learning chakra control which will be greatly beneficial for you later on especially when you start using the advance method.”


After Nagi explanation, they waited for a while, looking at Azuma. They let Azuma the time to digest what Nagi has explained. After a while, Azuma got back to them “Then what about the gates?” Ren then took the lead to explain regarding the eight gates to Azuma.


“The gates we were talking about is the chakra gates. They are gates within a person chakra meridian. There are many chakra pathway within a person body and a person complete chakra pathways had a medical terminology called chakra meridians. Chakra gates also have a medical terminology called chakra nodes.

Every chakra pathway have to pass through chakra nodes. Those nodes have distinctive characteristics within the chakra meridians and have a governing purpose within the persons meridians, that characteristics is the ones that we call gates.


You may not be able to truly understand it now but it is all right. It is in my view that the person need to discover them by their selves. Only by doing it personally, that they will be able to truly understand the basis of chakra pathways, meridians, nodes, and gates.

I believe that each person utilize the chakra differently than others. They will then recognize the chakra pathways, meridians, nodes and gates differently for their own purpose. That is the reason why I say that it is a self-discovery process.

Other than us here, I know of a person that have trained his pathways, meridians and nodes to open his gates. His understanding and usage of it differs to everyone here as well. I got inspired and learnt the ways to open the gates from him. I was on a mission as an ANBU then so I did not manage to interact with him more. Sadly, he passed on. He is someone I admire sincerely.

He opened all eight gates to achieve a power beyond himself to save the ones he loved and cared for, truly admirable, a person of honor and to be respected.”


After getting the explanation, Ren allowed some time for Azuma to digest what he told him. 

‘Hmm… based on grandpa explanation about the gates I assume that there are differences in usage. I wonder if that is the reason, I was not able to truly understand the eight gates in my past life. But now I think I understand more, I would think that Guy’s eight chakra gates is actually gates to maximize physical capability. While what I gathered in my past life about the chakra gates is actually gates for personal enlightenment.

No wonder my research ended to a dead end. I guess that my all my family members have their own gates understanding that will end in different paths as well.’


Ren allowed Azuma sometime to digest what they told him, after a while… 

“…Azuma during your training you will be able to discover them by yourself, through personal understanding of them you will be able to open the gates you need. You will be able to use them as you see fit.

Do not let other ideas or understanding of them influence your own path. If you need any guidance in the future, your father and I will be there for you.

However, you need to understand that we can only provide probable insights to you as you have your own path to go.


Oh yes, you could also ask your grandma and mum as well, as they also have their own unique personal understanding on the subject at hand as well.” 


Hearing all the explanations and questions by both Ren, Nagi and Azuma made Hina worried that Azuma would have a hard time, she was worried that Azuma was getting information overload so she stepped in. 

“Alright that’s quite a lot for you to cover today, and it’s time for dinner let’s all eat, you should be very hungry now.”


“GROWL~… Ah!~” – Azuma



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