RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 25 – Exam Start!

“Good Morning”

“Ah, Azuma good morning”

“Good morning Azuma-san”

‘Kauri Rumia from the Kauri Association… didn’t expect them to be a collation of group of small medicinal herbs producers and suppliers. Based on what mother said it was just recently established. Besides knowing their main business operations there is little known regarding their organization. Their reason of forming the group is unknown… I will just put this aside for now and concentrate on the task ahead.’

“Morning all…”

“Oh morning Seji.”

“!, Good morning Azuma-sama!”

“Sigh… can you stop the –sama honorifics Seji. I am not your superior or anything.”

“Eh but…”

“I know about the possibility of your group being our subsidiary from mother, but we are still students here so you can just call me without that –sama honorifics. If you are afraid about your parents ire you can still call me –san, I think they will not complain much if you say I asked.
It is even better if you do not call me using honorifics. It is same for you Rumia. Why don’t you all be like Ino, I feel better like that.”

“Ah, then… good morning Azuma-san.”

“…” ‘… but still better than –sama.’


“… let’s get started with discussing our exam before we get sidetracked.”


“Then let me start… although I know about the area, it is only the areas that I went with my father. We go there to pick konoha special breed of flowers that only grew there.
So yesterday, to get more information regarding the area, I went and ask father about more specifics regarding the Konoha northern forest.

From what my father told me, konoha northern forest is only a small part of the central land of fire Alps region. The region is vast and its connected to the Northern and Southern land of fire Alps. Although Konoha is located at, the Southern Alps. There are areas within the Central Alps that is under Konoha jurisdiction. That area is the Konoha northern forest.


The area is lush with vegetation as well as wild animals so we do not need to worry about food. However, what we need to be careful of is the wild beast. Father said they are wild animals that gained the ability to use chakra to enhance their physical self. Although they are not as strong and as capable as summon beasts. They are still physically stronger, and have an aggressive behavior. Some of them apparently have better intelligence as well.
Although the area we will be at have the least sightings of wild beast, we need to take note of its existence. Father said that the weakest wild beast is as strong as a chunin ninja. While the most of them are around elite chunin and special jounin, there are a few that can even reach the strength of strong summon beasts.
Father advice is to avoid them, although most of the wild beast are individualistic in nature some do move in small packs. He also said that a few times he discovered a few jounin level wild beast at the far reaches of the Konoha Northern forest.

In addition, the river I told you yesterday that was between the second and third relay point is called the Tenryu River. It is known for its fast turbulent flow, and sometimes when it rains it may cause floods as well. Since we just passed the rainy season, we need to be extra careful when we are near there. The possibility of the flood and stronger turbulent water flow is extremely high now.”


“Wild beast and natural disasters… thank you Ino. So I guess we need to take note on these two problems, we also need to also be wary about the traps and obstacles that the examiners made as well...”


“Before I was worrying about our food supplies but now after Ino explanation we do not need to worry much about it. We just need to find a place to set up camp and find some fruits and wild animals for food. We need to avoid wild beast and take the route that Ino suggested yesterday to avoid the river. As for the examiner traps and obstacles we need to be careful, and be observant just like the wild beast.” – Seiji

“I agree this exam will be easy for us now that we know about the possible problems we will be facing.” – Rumia

“…” – Azuma

“What are you thinking Azuma?” – Ino

“The examiners traps and the obstacles…” ‘the wild beast…’

“Eh, what about them.” – Seiji

“You all remembered what Iruka-sensei told us yesterday? This exam will evaluate not only our taijutsu, bukijutsu, ninjutsu and genjutsu. It will also evaluate regarding our survival skills and our teamwork.

It may be easy like what Rumia said since we already know what we may be facing, but then if we were the unlucky ones getting the hardline examiner evaluating us… I fear that it will not be as easy as we thought.”


“Just think, there is many ways to test us but why are they going to all this trouble to do this exam in the wild. I do not think it will be as easy as it sound.” ‘At least for you guys it will probably be tough, I just wonder what they are going to do to test us, and the wild beast...hehe’

“Come to think of it, I guess you’re right Azuma-san. I thought it would be easy but now… we need to prepare for it.” – Seiji

““Yes.”” – Ino/Rumia


“… Ah!” – Rumia

“Huh? What? Is there something else we missed?” – Seiji

“We haven’t pick our leader.” – Rumia

““!!!”” – Ino/Seiji


“Since we know what we are facing I think it’s better for me to take the lead.” – Seiji

“Huh? You? I know the area better than you, I will be the better choice.” – Ino

“Ino-san knowing the area better only allows you to take the front lead helping us getting around better. But it does not mean you will be the team leader. You do not see you capable in leading us when we be get into trouble. Even for you Seiji-kun, you may have experience in camping but not in regards on other things. For that reason, it is better for me to be the leader.” – Rumia

““What did you say!”” – Ino/Seiji

<The bickering continues>


‘… and it was going so well until now… sigh…’ (a few moments later) “… hey, why not everyone become the leader?”


“What are you talking about Azuma, how can everyone be one?” – Ino

“… Ino is right Azuma-san” – Seiji ‘There is no way that everyone can be leader’

“… Sigh, she is right” – Rumia ‘What the hell is he talking about?’

“Yes we can, there is three relay points and the last delivery mission. There is four of us. If we split each relay point into sections, each one could take the lead within that duration. If everyone can accept that then I would suggest Ino take the lead at the third section, where we travel from second relay to the third. The rest of us will take the other section each. So which section do you want to lead? I will take the section that you do not want.”

“““!!!””” ‘That can be done?’

“Why I didn’t think of that…then I will take the lead towards the end.” – Seiji ‘As expected Azuma-sama thinking is different than others. Although I do not want it to be like that it’s for the best. It is not that I am looking down on all of you but I will show you all at the end that I am the best to lead.’

“… then the second part will be my turn. We will leave the first one for you Azuma-san…” – Rumia ‘And I thought he is like those other elites, I underestimated him… but still I want to prove myself to you all, damn Seiji took dibs first while I hate to say it but Ino will be the best on the third part. I will let him do the first part.’

“Alright then, Ino are you fine with this arrangement?”

“Ah! Yes, I am fine with this.”


“Ok, since we already have allocate the leaders, and we know what we are going to face. I think we need to talk about our general strengths so we will know each one better. Since I suggested it I will go first; I am good in taijutsu as well as bukijutsu. I also have some experience towards fuinjutsu mainly space-time seals to carry weapons and alike.”

“… I think I am fairly good in taijutsu, but I am better in my clan ninjutsu skill. I specialized in sensory ninjutsu. I am also quite skilled in bukijutsu.” – Ino

“For me, I am good in taijutsu and ninjutsu. I am also well experienced in traveling and camping as I sometimes also join and help out in my family convoy business.” – Seiji

“As for me taijutsu is not good for me, as you all know I barely pass that class. But I am good in ninjutsu and range bukijutsu. I also learn a lot form my family business regarding herbs and medicine.”

‘I guess our team is quite balanced…’ “I think that’s all, unless you all got another topic that we need to cover before we get back and prepare for tomorrow mission.”

“I think we can go back and prepare, I need to plan for my leading part as well.” – Seiji

“Agreed, I also need to prepare.” – Rumia

(nods) – Ino

“Then let’s go back and prepare, see you all tomorrow.”




‘Looking at the current situation now it will take at least a day to complete this if I do it alone. However, if I judge my team capabilities basing their skills like Naruto or Hinata… I suppose we can accomplish them within four days, and then we still have at least three days grace period.
That will be the best-case scenario though… I do not know the complete terrain of the area. I can only rely on this map, Ino experience as well as her father information…


For now, I need to perp for the exam… I will release all my shadow clone doing training. I will lead the team in a safe, effective and efficient manner to the first relay point. Then it’s all about accompanying the team, accomplishing this exam will be my first priority. For Ino father to tell her about wild beast details as well as sightings of strong wild beast. I do not know much about wild beast behavior but I fear that there is possibility although minimal facing one.
After accomplishing this, I will make a shadow clone to replace me while I go explore this Konoha Northern Forest. It should be safe for the others to stay around the final examination location until the exam is completed. I probably have about two to three days to explore the area before going back there.


All right now equipment… I cannot use my ice element to mold any especially during my lead… Sigh regular ones then… Kunai, shruikein … I guess need general exploding seal tags as well.

I will store some of them regularly in the standard ninja pouch while the rest will be in my concealed seal bracer I made... I think I need some more for my shadow clone just incase. My rations will be the same as well. I guess that is all for supplies and equipment.


Ah, before I forget I need this. (Picking up two scrolls) I tested it a few times during my personal training but I will be using it here as well. Although it is not as good as Minato space-time ninjutsu but this is the best I got, I just need to be within the 500km limit range. My clone will be holding this scroll while I hold the other, I will then able to use the scroll as a jump gate to travel between the point. Sigh it was quite difficult to inscribe the seal, plus it is an expensive burner scroll. I have to use the best quality scroll and it can only be used once…’ 




“Team leader, collect your scrolls.” – Iruka

“I guess it’s me.” – Azuma


“Here’s your scrolls. We will hold on to the ones we are taking lead to while this assist scroll will be given to the one that is leading at the time.”

“Fine by me” – Seiji

(Nods) – Ino/Rumia


“Hey Azuma!” – Naruto

“Huh? Naruto why are you here, what about your team?”

“They are there, Hinata! Here…”

“By the way why are you packing so lightly? Where is your backpack?”

“I do not need one. I am using space-time sealing to store my equipment and rations.”

“Ah!... why I didn’t think of that!...”

“Aunt Kushina didn’t teach you fuinjutsu?”

“Huh that? Why is that related?”

“Sigh, Naruto space-time sealing is a branch of fuinjutsu.”

“What? I did not know about that. Mother only teach me about how to write inscriptions, that’s boring!”


‘… Naruto did not know how to do fuinjutsu even in the original… hmm I think I can motivate him greatly if I give him that example of using fuinjutsu.’ “You need to learn how to write inscriptions to do fuinjutsu. After you learn it you can start learning on inscribing space-time storage seals. If you do that, you can store stuffs like me.

You can even store Instant Ramen in the seal and you can have Ramen every day. If you are good enough you could create a space-time storage that can maintain fresh food, by then you could even store Ichiraku Ramen in the seal. You can have your miso charsiew ramen while you are on mission.”


“Naruto-kun~… good morning Azuma.” – Hinata

“Fuinjutsu…Ramen…Space-time storage seal…Charsiew Ramen…Fuinjutsu…”


‘… that really does the trick.’

“Hey Naruto we need to get going, our team need to depart soon…” – Izuku

“Naruto-kun” (While taping his shoulder) – Hinata

“Huh… Ah Hinata!”
“Naruto-kun we need to get going our team is departing soon.”

“Ah, ok… Azuma I will see you later. This exam I will be the top scorer! (while walking off) … Oh! (Rushing back to Azuma)… after this exam I will need your help in learning inscriptions! Ramen!!! (turns and run back to his team)”


“…” (Everyone that heard Naruto)


I do not know I will be posting tomorrow. Although practically every state in my country is in lockdown beside one (and I am not in that state...), I am still going to celebrate Lunar New Year with my family. Currently I am busy helping out for the Lunar New Year next week. I probably wont be releasing then as well. I am sorry.
But I hope I can compile enough for a small mass release on a later date. Its about four to five chapters to cover the chapters I originally missed.

Do note my writing experience is writing reports for work purpose, and its base of facts and figures. Sadly I do see that my way of writing is not up to a level of a good novel writer, I am learning how to write in a manner not like a report. Therefore I welcome constructive feedback about my work, so I can learn to improve.

Have a nice weekend all.

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