RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 29 – Reflections & Revelations

The night when wild beast was making their presence known, Yuna just came back from the capital and was on the way to meet Kushina for dinner. When she arrived Kushina was already waiting at the door for her.


“Welcome back~ Yuna-chan~”

“Ah! Kushina-chan Thanks” Yuna was surprised that Kushina was right at the door waiting for her arrival.
As Yuna was being invited to the house they started their small talk while they walked to the dinning area. Minato was waiting for them there.


“Yuna, Welcome.”

“Thanks for the invitation Minato.”

“Come sit Yuna-chan”


Yuna accepted their invitation and they started their meal. After the meal, Kushina started asking Yuna about Azuma, more specifically, on how she trained Azuma, and how Azuma is that motivated in his training. She wanted to know if there is something special that Yuna did to make it happen.


Yuna sat there thinking about it, she did not have to do anything special as Azuma was well behaved. Furthermore, she knew that as long as Azuma was interested in something he would be completely engrossed with it. Therefore, she did not need to motivate him during the training, as it was something that interest him in the first place.

Yuna told Kushina about it so she did not have anything special to do about it. After hearing about that, Kushina sighed and told Yuna about Naruto. About how he did not want to learn fuinjutsu. He only wanted to learn about new ninjutsu techniques or taijutsu techniques.


Yuna apologies about not being able to actually help her out about it, which Kushina told her not to mind it. They then continued talking about other things about their child when suddenly an ANBU agent came to give an urgent report to Minato.

When Minato read the report about the unusual wild beast Azuma team encountered, he was intrigued about it. However, when he reached the report about the howling of a beast he felt something was going on but he did not know what. Either way Minato decided to go to the Konoha Northern Forest villa to get more information.

When Minato was preparing to leave another ANBU came with another report, when he read it Minato face turn serious. Kushina and Yuna noticed Minato change and enquired about the report. Minato told them about it. When they was told about the wild beast gatherings as well as the existence of strong beasts with a particularly strong beast which rival Gamabunta their face also turned serious.


After informing Kushina and Yuna about the report content, Minato asked the ANBU to assemble a taskforce while he go and evacuate the students first. While the ANBU went to accomplish Minato task, Kushina and Yuna stopped Minato before he teleported. They told Minato that they wanted to help as well, after thinking for a while Minato agreed, and allowed both of them to join. After he agreed, Kushina quickly went to get her spatial seal while Yuna took out a robe and a mask and wore them to prevent others of her identity.




Azuma was looking at the frozen beast he captured when he got news that his mother had arrived with Minato and Kushina at the villa and Minato had already evacuated the students including his clone to Konoha. Azuma was surprised that his mother was around as his mother told him that she went back to the capital during his examination period.

Since she arrived at the villa, while his clone is home safely Azuma thought for a while and decided to continue his exploration around the area.

Looking at the current situation Azuma would assume that Konoha Northern Forest would be a forbidden territory to enter soon. If that were the case, it would be a good place for his research and development location. Since Azuma made his decision he quickly recovered his ninja weapons which was used during the battle, he also sealed the frozen beast in his seal scroll.


Right after Azuma sealed the frozen beast in his scroll, he sensed a fluctuation in space-time near the battlefield. Looking at the current event Azuma thought that it was highly probable that Minato had arrived to the scene. Azuma regretted that he did not had time to get information from the ANBU scout as he need to leave immediately. He did not want to be found out because if he was, he had to face the questions of Minato, the Konoha forces, and most importantly his mother. Therefore, to avoid those troublesome events Azuma quickly flickered away after storing the seal scroll.


What Azuma assumed was right. It was indeed Minato that had arrived to the scene. He came along with the ANBU taskforce as well as Kushina and Yuna.

When they arrived, what they saw shocked them completely. They saw battle craters created by ninjutsu skills, ninja weapons and bodies scattered around, if they didn’t see wild beast bodies they would have thought that it was a place where Konoha ninjas was fighting with other village ninjas. Looking at the battle area they quickly spread out to search for survivors.

While Yuna was helping in the search for survivors, she sense a lingering chill that was dissipating around the area she was searching. Noticing that she quickly went closer to the point of origin that she sensed but she saw nothing. She only sense that the chill was dissipating away and soon no one will notice it. It made her think of various reasons that the chill was there around the area in the first place. Of all her possible derived explanation, the chance that there is someone that used ice element at the area just recently is high.


The chilling sensation she felt is similar to how the Yuki clan control their chakra. Thinking about that possibility, she remembered Azuma. When she arrived with Minato, she went to find Azuma to see if he is safe. When she saw him, he was walking with Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji. Although she had a sigh of relief seeing him safe, she felt Azuma was different as he was carrying a katana behind him.

It was a dead giveaway now for her that the Azuma she saw was different. However, during that time she did not think much about it as she did remember Sakumo did teach Azuma some katana basics. She only thought that Azuma was using that weapon during the exam. However now she was thinking about the possibility that Azuma was involved in this. The more she thought about it the more she thought that there is a possibility that he is involved.


There is a reason why she thinks Azuma is involved. Azuma is not like other kids and she knows it. When Azuma started to learn how to crawl, he was as active as it could be. Initially she thought it was a usual behavior for a baby, she was happy he was active. There were times that Azuma disappear but always usually ended be found in the family library. From then on, she usually bring Azuma there.

Then there was the time she brought Azuma to Konoha. She saw in his eyes his excitement of being there; it was different compared to the time he was brought along when she was walking in the capital. Although Azuma insisted to follow her or even others in the family, she could see the differences in his eyes.


When he was four, she was happy that he made friends other than Naruto. She remembered they were from Nara and Akimichi clan, Shikamaru and Choji if she recalled. When he was in Konoha, he always go out and play with them and that made her happy, as that is what a kid should be doing at their age.


However, things changed when he was undergoing the family training. She could see it in his eyes it had the similar excitement and the attentiveness when he was in the library, followed then by visiting Konoha the first time and now during the training.

Her father and Nagi was agreeable to it as they say it’s good to be like this when he is young, especially now as it will help in his training but the way she see it is different. She like it that Azuma was an attentive and hardworking child but she just do not know how to express her worry about it.

Nevertheless what she do know is when Azuma took interest into something he will definitely pursue it. She had seen it and the accomplishment he did with it. She remembered a time when she and Nagi managed to observe one of Azuma fuinjutsu experiments from a far. It completely made their jaw dropped, that feat they saw made Nagi sighed saying that the word genius in fuinjutsu was not him but his son.
Looking at how Azuma act when something of interest him comes about, especially with the current events happening like this; it was her gut feeling that Azuma is somehow related to the chill she sensed.


While Yuna was thinking about the possibilities that Azuma had gotten involved in this situation, Kushina disrupted her thought as she found the ANBU scout survivor that Azuma saved earlier.




The morning the next day movements of Konoha ninjas were seen and rumors about a strong wild beast was seen in the Konoha Northern Forest were wide spread. The students that were doing the exam were recalled back to Konoha further backed the wild beast rumors. They also heard from the students themselves that they heard a strong loud howling of a wolf presumably the rumored strong wild beast. Later that day rumors about casualties from the ANBU side started to spread as well.


After they found the ANBU scout Minato brought the injured scout, along with Kushina and Yuna back to Konoha. He also asked Yuna to help the hospital staff in healing the scout, which Yuna agreed.
The following day when Yuna went back to the house, she saw Azuma sitting at the dining table with empty dishes on the table. When Azuma saw that Yuna came back, he welcomed her home and started to ask her about the events after he was brought back from the villa.

Yuna kept quiet for a while, while looking at Azuma trying to figure out if he was involve in the event the previous day. Then she remembered that Azuma was carrying a katana at that day. She thought about something and saw a probable method to get into the bottom of this. So, she avoided Azuma question and enquired him about the katana.

Her question immediately stumped Azuma, looking at how Azuma was behaving she was more sure that he was involve. She started to bombard him with questions regarding the katana, whether if she can see it and so on. She could see that Azuma was in cold sweat not knowing how to reply, she sigh looking at him. Her instinct was correct but now when she look at him right now it just made her want to make fun of him. She was seeing Azuma in cold sweat for the first time and it appears to be cute in her eyes.

Looking at him behaving like that made her to hug him while comforting him.


“Azuma dear, there is nothing you can’t tell me. I sort of feel that you were involved with the event that night, when I was at the ANBU location I sensed a lingering chill form the ice element chakra. I am not mad that you are involved, I know that you are able to take care of yourself. We trained you, I trained you, I am just worried about you that’s all.”


With that said Azuma truly felt something that he never felt before in both his life. It made Azuma feel that he was really at ease; he decided to inform her that he was a clone and the real Azuma is still at the Northern Forest. When she heard that she turn worried again and she was planning to go to Kushina place to get her help in asking Minato to come back so she can go back there to search for Azuma.

The clone Azuma however stopped her, he told her that Azuma will be all right and he probably is scouting the area for his experiment purpose, as it was his original plan in the first place. He also showed her the teleportation scroll and told her about its uses. When she heard about it, she was truly amazed about Azuma innate talent regarding fuinjutsu. She accepted the clone explanation but she was still worried about him so she want the clone to inform him about that. She also want Azuma to be back by the latest within a week by the latest. The clone agreed with her, he gave her the teleportation scroll and released himself.



‘! ... she found out!?’


Azuma stood still for a moment after the clone released himself, the emotion, the experiences, the knowledge, the feelings, all of them was sent back to him. He now realize that he had made a mistake in this life. He had always been living one life in two alternate period. He brought his way of life from his previous life. He then adopt it to this new one completely not realizing that it was a mistake.

He did accept them as family but it was just a shell. In his past life he did not know what love is, his parents is always away on duty and he had always been with the caretaker care. After their passing, there was nothing to think about he was numb from feeling any true emotion. He only heard praises of his parents’ contribution to the war, as well as praises of his family ancestors contributing in the Unions development. However, for him it was an out of touch feeling, it was not a topic for a seven-year-old kid at that time to comprehend. Nevertheless, it still got him interested in wanting to know more about his ancestor and his contributions.


When he was awaken in this life, he live as he did in his past not thinking about his new present. In this life, he actually have a family. He actually have parents that is around him. There is actually people that really care for him, people that love him as he is. It was his first revelation that he got now, when he finally have a realization of this something truly change within him, he did not know it but it finally manifested.
It will only be later in his life Azuma will look at this point of time as the event that pivot him to a direction he never dream of.


After recollecting everything in his mind Azuma felt free, he did not know why but he did. He decided to create several clones to scout about while he personally go back to be with his mother. It was his first time he decided something that, if it were his past self he would not do it. He would just follow up as he was already given a week for that. Now it was different, he just want to go back to see his mother.




Azuma classes resumed a week after the event.

When Azuma decided to go back, he also decided to open up to his mother and his family on the things he do in this life, in doing so he revealed what he did during the wild beast event. His mother was angry with him but the way she showed anger was worry towards Azuma actions.

She just advice Azuma to not be too eager during events like that as he need to know that his actions like that will only worry people that care for him, after that, she hugged Azuma.



When the class resumed the Academy posted the results of the examination to everyone surprise as some teams did not complete the exam. Iruka told them that the evaluation of the exam started right as they left for their journey so the examiners were constantly monitoring them during their journey. The results reflected that, so for the students that did not accomplish the exam only their progress results is being used to calculate their results. Their grade may not be as accurate as the students that completed the exam but at least they know their current standings tentatively.

The results was a mix baggage, but overall everyone passed. The students did not understand the reason for this type of exam looking at the results but they were happy that they passed. Iruka told them that they just need to give the sealed result scroll to their parents to see and sign it off. They just need to hand back the signed result scroll back to the Academy within the week.



Things started to change within a few days since the students presented their sealed exam result scroll to their parents. It was particularly true for the students that are from a ninja family. When in class most of them particularly cursed about the increased in-home training that their families put them through.


The only odd student out there was Sakura, she continues with her usual daily routine while not actually realizing the change that was happening around her. It is always Sasuke this Sasuke that. It just triggered Sasuke more as his father is pressuring him even more after he looked at his exam results.
Everyone was at the edge beside Sakura, while Azuma was wondering about the reason.


The only thing he suspected is that the seal result scroll is not as he originally thought. He wanted to know about it. Therefore, he enquired about it to his mother. Hearing his request his mother just handed the report for him to look. The problem is from his judgement after reading it; it really looked like a regular student report similar to his past life. What he did not realize is that he was looking at it in a completely different lens than others. For most of the students even when they passed the exam as it was said, the report showed a different story in their parents’ eyes.


For some they were fine with their child progress, while for most of them they started to take steps to train their child, as they not satisfied with their child performance. Then there are parents like Sasuke which like to nick pick which turn it to a nightmare for their child, and finally there is also parents like Sakura that do not know what to do or do not actually care much about it.


When the day came where Iruka requested for the signed result scroll during the end of a class, it was only then Sakura learnt that she might be at risk for a class transfer. Her parents came that day to hand the signed result scroll to Iruka instead of giving the scroll to Sakura to hand it over while requesting a meeting. Iruka agreed with them and brought them and Sakura along to the meeting room.

During their discussion, they told him about their realization to their shortcoming, as they themselves are not particularly skilled as a ninja. They did not have the knowhow to train Sakura properly to be a better ninja.

They did not want Sakura to face unneeded pressure being in the current class.


A class considered by many as the elite class.


Initially they were happy about it as her child was selected to be in the elite class. However, they found out about how the kids in that class were also getting training from their families during the period that they are not attending the Academy. They also heard that the teaching methodology was different compared to other classes due to that. After hearing about it, they feared that Sakura would be left out the longer she is there. Therefore, they proposed that she could be transferred to another class so she can get a proper training. As they are not able to follow what the other families are doing, which is to help her in her training.

Sakura was angered after hearing about her parents request.


“What do you know about what I want?


I do not want a class transfer!


You do not know anything!”


While she burst out of the meeting room, while she was running cursing in anger she coincidently bumped into Sasuke at the corridor. When she realizes it, she wailed and told Sasuke about her predicament. Looking at Sakura, Sasuke felt annoyed but he stood there listening to her. Both stood there one crying another standing there feeling annoyed but did not want to be discourteous towards the person crying.

Both of them did not notice that Azuma, Naruto, Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji and Ino was right behind Sasuke as they walked towards the corridor. Everyone stood there in shock at Sakura while also heard about what was going on.


As they heard her story they sighed, Shikamaru completely agreed with her parents. He even wanted his parents to do that so it will be easier for him. To actually be free and relaxed like before. However, he just kept it by himself not voicing it out.

Sasuke on the other hand was completely annoyed by her. He was already under pressure by his father and was figuring out his own problems. Nevertheless, he stood there thinking there was something serious happening but it was not.


He was completely ticked off by Sakura, from his point of view he also thought that what her parents did was correct. Sakura on paper looks on par with others in the class. However, that was the end of it. He had heard about it from her teammates during the exam, she was completely different on field. Her actions did not reflect her results on paper.

Currently the only argument that Sakura had about not transferring was wailing about is that she wanted to be with Sasuke, she was saying that in almost every sentence she ended. It was completely loathing for Sasuke and for the others hearing that as well.


In the end Sasuke snapped.

“Sakura you are really annoying! I thought you actually got into serious trouble but this is just stupid! Could you not bother me with this stupid stuff it is complete nonsense and a waste of my time. Again you are just annoying as hell.”


When Sasuke snapped and told Sakura off while doing that he saw that Azuma and others was around, it is just an embarrassing situation for him and he did not want to stay any longer and he decided to leave. However before he went he continued.


“Naruto! Next time sit next to me, I rather have you sitting beside me annoying me about competing with you than this stupid annoying girl!”


After he said it, he left.      


There were silence, everyone stood there speechless.


‘Wow that was really something to say the least, never expected Sasuke to snap like that. In addition, this is completely new… Sakura… sigh… since I am already changing Naruto and Hinata future path I guess I could do it with Sakura as well… Should I rile her up more and make realize her new path forward… oh well let us go with the flow…’




Azuma started his plan. He told her that he heard what was going on and he agreed with her parents looking at things. When he said that it surprised everyone while Sakura turned on him in an instant. She showed anger as if she wanted to eat him up alive. Azuma just stood there and continued his plan.


“Everyone knows you like Sasuke”


When he said that everything that Sakura was thinking before stopped. When Azuma saw it, he knew he was on the right track.

“So what if you like him, in my view it will be only an unrequited love.”


He triggered Sakura again with that statement, before Sakura could answer him Azuma continued.


“Just look at it in this way, Who is Sasuke? Who are you?”


Azuma continued statement stumped Sakura on her tracks. Looking at it Azuma knows that he got her within his plan.


“Let me be frank the Uchiha would not even look at you, Sasuke parents especially his father will not see you as anything except a Konoha citizen. You are probably a civilian A or civilian B without a name in the Uchiha eyes. Like? Love? It had always been like that when a Uchiha is around. Who will not take notice of a Uchiha? It is not only you!”


Azuma stopped and let it sink in to Sakura before he continued.


“You do know Sasuke is in the main family right?”


When Azuma asked that question, Sakura stood there and just nodded. Seeing that Azuma continued.


“Then I suppose you know about his brother as well, the genius Uchiha Itachi. So don’t you think Itachi had the similar problems that Sasuke is facing? By that, I mean those girls in his age that fawn around him like you to Sasuke. What ended to them? Who is Itachi is with now? From what I heard he is only close with one person during his academy years, do you know who is it?”


What Azuma said completely stumped Sakura, even the ones that was listening was stumped wondering.


“The person was a girl, and she is not only a girl, she is also a Uchiha as well. However, it was not the case in the first place. If I remembered correctly no one caught Itachi attention during his academy years not even her, a Uchiha why was that? However, why out of the sudden she managed to get his attention?”


It was silence, no one around could figure out Azuma question. Azuma continued.


“No one knows, not even me…”



When Azuma said that it was completely unexpected. Everyone anticipated for an answer but Azuma just dosed them in cold water. Although he sort of know the reason, he did not want to tell them about it as it will be impossible for him to explain it to anyone if he did.  


“Only Itachi will know the reason why she caught his attention. I could only make a guess on why.”


Azuma brought back their attention with this and he continued with his explanation.


“My guess is that she is capable of doing something that even Itachi was not be able to. With that it brought Itachi attention towards her.
So looking at it on that way, I will go back to my initial question to you Sakura, Who are you?”


When Azuma said that Sakura was speechless, it made her think. Azuma continued to prevent Sakura from overthinking. He wanted to direct her to his end game plan and not to let her wonder about by herself.


“Honestly if Ino or Hinata pursue Sasuke, they would have a higher chance of succeeding than you right now Sakura.”


With that Ino and Hinata was shocked, and they looked at Azuma, staring at him. Hoping that Azuma is able to clarify his statement before they decide either to tear him apart or shook it off as something else. Realizing that he made a slight blunder, he quickly continue his explanation.


“Ahem… It’s just an example… lets look at it in a clan point of view.


If you look at social standings, Hinata is at the top followed closely by Ino while you Sakura is at the bottom, way bottom. Then you look at the Uchiha, what’s their social standing? Looking at that who do you think have a chance to actually be accepted by the Uchiha.

The Hyuga, the Yamanaka or you Haruno Sakura. Whom would Sasuke father or the clan see as a possible candidate? Ignoring the personal attachment involved and just look at it in the social standings.”


After Azuma explained his reasoning, everyone came into realization on what Azuma is saying. Everyone beside Naruto which stood there puzzled but kept quiet trying to show that he also know what is going on.


“Of course this is an example, for Ino and Hinata they had never consider it as they have no intention to actually do that, but what about someone else from their clan?

So Sakura looking at it this way you are already chasing something that it is hard to attain in the first place. I will go back to the same question again, Who are you?”


The ‘Who are you?’ question that Azuma keep on asking made everyone wonder, what is he thinking. Even Shikamaru he was wondering what Azuma was actually trying to convey.


“Sakura if you think that if I just need to show him that I like him, if I just showed him if I love him and all will go well then you could be right. It is possible. You could if you are not in Konoha, if you are in a different place which have a completely set of rules. You could. However, you have to get your reality and facts right. You are not in that wonderful world. You are living in Konoha. You are training to be a Ninja!


The thought of I just need to be with him, to show him that I like him, to show him that I love him will not work in this ninja world you are living in. It is not enough.

Sasuke is brought up as a Uchiha clan member, he is surrounded by many capable people around him, and then there is people that like him similar to you also around him. Do you think you have anything that is different compared to the others? Do you get what I am saying Sakura?”


When Azuma explained in this manner, Shikamaru was the first one to get it. The others were still in blur but soon came into realization as well, except for Naruto... Azuma saw that and ignored Naruto while he continued his explanation.


“Sigh… It is not like you can’t do that Sakura, you can show all your like and love that you want but you can’t show only that.

If you show only that then you will end up as an annoyance or a burden to everyone and anyone one around you.”


Azuma looked at Sakura, she was thinking, she was reflecting. Azuma took the opportunity to give the last final push to Sakura.


“I guess that Sasuke snapped at you because you do not understand that.”


With that statement alone, it brought Sakura back and now Azuma could actually say what he really want to direct Sakura to another path.


“Do note what he said earlier, you are still far off to be someone that he like, he showed it clearly. However, he do look at you as a classmate, an annoying classmate though.”


When Azuma said that everyone else smirk and wanted to laugh out loud. However, they did not want to disrupt Azuma so they stayed quiet.


“About the person that Itachi is with now, I could guess the reason why he is attracted to her.

My guess is that she know who she is. She know herself and because of that, it shined, it showed who she is, and that attracted Itachi towards her.


Therefore, Sakura, do you know yourself?


If you want to get Sasuke to notice you what can you do besides showing that I like you like you always do now.

If you want the clan particularly his family to notice you what can you do, you have to remember your standing now.


Who are you? Sakura.


If you are wondering about social standings, you can look no further and look at Naruto’s father, the fourth Hokage.

His starting point was lower than you ever was but look at him now.

So social standings is nothing, you can gain that when the times come, however it goes back to the same question.


Who are you personally?


Ignore your family or clan name. Ignore everything but yourself now.

Who are you? If you are able to show that then you are different compared to the others, and that will get people attention.


I do think I had said enough, it is better for you go back and think about it. If you want help, we can help, we are always there ready to help you, you are our classmate after all but you must first know and realize yourself. Get to know yourself, what you want to be…


Guys lets go, she have things to think about…”


They left Sakura alone in the hallway, as they pass by her they gave a pat at Sakura shoulder. When they reached the next corridor, they saw that Iruka and Sakura parents behind the corridor quietly standing there. Iruka smiled at Azuma and them giving them a thumbs up, while Sakura parents had tears in their eyes bowing towards them in gratitude. For Sakura to have friends like that was their greatest joy they had, as they knew she would not walk a path they had but a brighter future.
As for Ino, Hinata, Naruto, Shikamaru and Choji they also felt a revelation about what Azuma was saying. It made them think about themselves as well, about who they are.


Waking Sakura up chapter?
Sakura cannon bah not worth mentioning... Sakura doujin? Oh yea~ :P

Have a nice weekend.

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