RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 4 – Birth

‘I have a hunch on what’s going on, my sense of time is almost gone and I still hear voices from time to time.

In time I have deduce three different distinctive voices which I hear most of the time. Sometimes I hear other different distinct voices some of the tone seem respectful while some seam distance but it is not a regular voice, I am hearing like those other three.


I have also finally recollected my memories. I remembered I was called Lei but looking at the current situation and what I have remembered I am quite certain the person called Lei was killed in action.

I remembered the sequential end of myself.


As I reached to my device, I started my plan. I was starting to devise it to self-destruct. While doing so I remembered I heard the captain announcing [Battle Stations] in the intercom.

After a while power fluctuation was occurring more often which probably indicate that we were really getting a pounding, looking at the situation I know that’s it for me.

I even hear weapons fire at the hallway of my research room that would indicate that the intruders are already at my doorstep.

The situation looked extremely grim; the ship would probably will not hold on much longer while the intruders are at my doorstep.


However, before anything worse could happen, I thought of something. It seems looking at the situation; it is probably the best time to do what I was thinking. Going out with a big bang will be always a better alternative where I just die along when the fleet will be getting run over by them.


Although I will not leave to see it, it will probably the best victory we will probably have after being in a stalemate for several years already. I only hope that the attack on us is by a combination of some major forces.  I think it will be as I hoped. They are hitting a fortified location after all.

Unless they sent those annoying drones just to distract our attention, the attack will field multiple major assets against us.

I do doubt that it will be only drones as the Alcyone although is a research ship it is also design to be a ship of the line as well, she is capable enough to stand toe to toe with many of the other current active pure battleships in the fleet. Therefore, for Alcyone to receive damage when its location is within the central formation in the fleet, the forces needed to actually able to give Alcyone a beating would be a huge one. And so, I really hope that there is a considerable number of S class or even a few SS class bastard around so they will be able to receive my last gift…


Back to my current situation, I know now that at the very least, is that my consciousness is in this new body and I am probably sure that I have been reborn.


Reincarnation… that is something that is extremely unexpected, as someone from the Union this is really incomprehensive able…


Placing that aside, being here now is a new experience, it could be a new study for me.

At that time when I first became conscious I am probably at the third trimester as I theorized that is the time that the fetus would have grown enough for a conscious to actually be awake and start to develop. I probably took over the original conscious or my conscious woke up after that unusual incident I faced when I came conscious.

Either way, I am glad I am here and it won’t be long now for me to be born, I do feel sorry for the original conscious if my first assumption was right and if it is, don’t worry I’ll take care of our parents and family for your part. I seriously hope I am not an alien species for now.’



It was late at night when Yuna woke up due to the contractions she is getting. Noticing it was time she tried to wake Nagi up.


“Dear … I think it’s time…”

“…Huh…!!!... Really?”

“Yes, I am feeling the contractions and it’s getting more and more now.”

“I’ll go call mother and the midwives…”


‘I still do not know what the voices are talking about, but I think it is time. The tone seem to indicate that plus I can feel the contraction rate increasing. Hmm… I am getting excited by the seconds, a new life, a new world, a whole new universe for me to experience!’


“Get the room ready…”

“Nagi, you get ready as well as we may need to seal the little one characteristics if it shows … snap out of it, keep your composure you’re going to be a father! … Why are you still standing there get ready!”

“…Ah, Yes!”

“… Sigh… Nagi, I’ll help out.”

“Thanks father.”


‘Oooh, the contractions is getting rapid; it’s soon… let me help a bit, hmm… where is it… ah the water broke, come on … yes finally found it, now I just need to adjust my position well…’

‘Oh~… Ah my eyes! … Damn I totally forgot about it. Let’s squint for a while to see… Ohhhh~ Yes! ~ Humans~’


“Wahhh~ Wahh!~ Waahhh~” – I was trying to say ‘Ohhhh~ Yes! ~ Humans~’ and all they heard is this… oh well it’s probably due to the new born vocal cords… plus lucky! Cause if they hear me talking now I would probably be dropped now and be marked as a Devil or Monster or something of that kind …


“Congratulations Hime-sama it’s a boy” – midwife

“Come let me see, ohh it have both you and Nagi characteristics. He will grow up well and we won’t worry about his future relationships with the opposite gender… but as expected we need to start the sealing procedures … here Yuna dear it’s time for you to hold him for a while, while I ask Nagi to get ready…” – Yuna mother


‘Hey what’s that initial smirk all about (Wah-wahh-waah…)… why you are looking like that now (Waah-waa…)… what the hell is going on (Wah-waa-wa?)…?’
‘Where are you taking me? … (Waaah-wa?...)’

‘Hmm… oh another person, she is probably my mother looking at the situation and her behavior’


Yuna’s mother carried the newborn Lei walking towards Yuna while looking caringly at him while she found out about Lei distinct characteristics, which agitated her slightly. She then pass Lei to Yuna.


Yuna was happy and caringly took Lei into her embraced while humming, she looked at Lei happily while smiling at him giving him all the care she could give at the time even when she was tired after giving birth.


“My child~ ♪~ ♫~ ♪~ ♫~ you look just like your father~”


‘Hi mum, nice humming tune (Aaah-gaa-waa~) …’


“My cute little one ♫~ ♪~ ♫~”


After a while, Yuna’s mother told Yuna that she need to take Lei away from her for a while. Yuna looked at Lei smiling slightly different while allowing her mother to take Lei away from her caring embrace. She then walked away to the room next-door where Nagi the child father and her husband is waiting. 


“It’s time dear…”

“Ah, ok…”


‘What’s with that look again, even my mother has that look, is there something wrong with me? ... Where are you taking me? (Waaah-wa?...)… What is this place? (Wah-aawah?...) … ’



“Congratulations Nagi, it’s a boy. Why don’t you carry him for a while, here …” (handling Lei over to Nagi)

“Thanks mum… My son… I am sorry son but it has to be done, but in time we won’t need to conceal it anymore, however it’s not now”


‘Damn why is it that you are happy and then after that you look like that? What the hell all of you guys talking about?  (Wah-waa-wwaa-Wahhh?) … Why are you placing me on a pedestal?  (Waah-waahhh-waa?)’

‘Damn newborn visual capability, I can’t see much but I don’t particularly like the situation I am in now, what is going on?’


“Seal!!!” …..


Yuna’s mother congratulated Nagi and let Nagi caringly took Lei to his embrace. He looked at his new born son while smiling happily. After a while his smile turn to a dejected smile, while he walked to the center location of the room and carefully place Lei on the center location. He then started his hand movements and called out “Seal”, the room surroundings suddenly changed and small aura surrounded Lei in the process.

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