Re: Rabbit Eyes (A Yandere Harem)

[Vol 1] Chapter 43

By the time I left the guild, the sky was already completely dark with only lampposts to light the way back.  Walking alone down the streets elicited a different feeling within me than usual. It provided a tranquil environment for me to properly mull over my thoughts.

I paused my steps, and read the request in my guild card again. Lines of the dungeon details were displayed on the translucent window.

A new dungeon located deep within the Rotting Forest. Difficulty rating, D. Recalling what the guild master and I discussed earlier in his office, I couldn’t help but let out a long sigh. 

According to Lekhard’s explanation, this was a beginner-level dungeon which wouldn’t pose much risk to a beginner like me. The possible encounters primarily consists of goblins, and some offshoots of its species. The dungeon only had two floors, which had already been mapped out in advance. Even the members for the expedition had already been selected.

If that was the case, why did Lekhard pick me as one of its members? Was it because he saw talent in me? Or did some kind of hidden power lurk within me?

...Unfortunately, the answer turned out to be disappointingly simple.

I walked up to a lamppost and tapped a finger against it. The light above me flickered for a few seconds before the electricity was cut completely. When I removed contact with it, the lamppost began to work again. Staring at my palm listlessly, I sighed heavily.

“...You’ll be a proper asset to the party, huh.”

That’s right, it was my constitution as a Stray. 

A ‘defect’ that could break mana circuits in objects. Apparently, Lekhard wanted that ability to make the clearing the dungeon easier. See, the heart of a dungeon, the “Monolith” is encapsulated within obsidian, one of the rarest and hardest metal in the world.

The dungeon would only be cleared and ‘give out rewards’ if it is destroyed, but obsidian is extremely hard to break.

This process was supposedly the hardest part of this dungeon run, as it would usually take more than a day trying to crack it open even with the use of several Platinum-ranked adventurers. But that wouldn't be the case if the expedition were to have a Stray, in other words me, one of the few individuals who could take advantage of the metal’s strong conduction of mana and break it apart. Before my「Disarmed Circuit」, the Monolith was no more than just another circuit device.

At least, that was Lekhard’s proposition. I would also be rewarded appropriately for my contribution after the dungeon is captured successfully. Participating in successful expeditions were also recorded one's track record and improved your reputation within the guild should there come a time to look for a party to join.


Come to think of it, the description of the dungeon shared some similarities with the one where I had my near-death experience on the day I transmigrated. I mean, goblins? I couldn’t have possibly forgotten them. Then could the dungeon be that same exact cave I fell into, the place where I met that masked girl a month ago? 

That time… I haven’t forgotten about her, the first person to know about my status as a transmigrator, the one who saved me and taught me things at a time when I didn’t know what to expect. It was also her who gave me a reason to write a journal; recording my days in this world so that when our paths cross, I could show how much I’ve grown.

“Seriously… it’s only been a month, but it feels like such a long time ago.” I chuckled, reminiscing about the time we camped together in the forest. ...I want to see her again.

With my back against the lamppost, I leaned my weight onto it and looked up at the night sky. My palm stretched upwards, reaching for the stars.

I wonder if I had caught up to that person, even if it’s just a little.


—Suddenly, my thoughts were cut short by the faint sound of footsteps behind me.

As I turned around, four men appeared amidst the shadows. To think that I hadn’t picked up the faintest sign of their approach at all! 

Somehow from the looks on their faces, I could tell that these men bore ill will towards me. 

I had a bad premonition from this situation so I wasted no time in turning back. And just as I attempted to back up a few steps… an arm grabbed me from behind, freezing me in place. That bad feeling of mine settled in uncomfortably when a familiar voice called out to me.

“Yo… hotshot~” 

This voice was… the one from earlier!

“?!” The appearance of that bandana-wearing man startled me. The other four behind him stared at me with hostility written all over their faces. 

“Going somewhere?”

“!!!” The lackey at the back choked me in a neck hold, causing me to yelp out in pain. When I tried to use my skill to break free, I felt something piercing my wrists. Strength began to be sapped from my hands, and they eventually stopped moving altogether.

Looking at my status window, I realized that I had been afflicted with paralysis!

“Hahaha… It’s no use to struggle you know?” Bandana looks at me with taunting eyes, his hands holding on to a sharp needle. 

“Just accept your fate for tonight~” He crowed deviously.

When I tried to yell out for help, my mouth was immediately gagged with a cloth. 

“What’s the hurry~ Come on now, you’ll hurt my feelings if you leave so soon, am I right?” With a snap, two men came forward.

“...How about we take our little chat somewhere else?”

I was pulled into a dark alleyway.

“First things first, strip him.”

Malicious snickering sounded out around me as they shamelessly stole everything on my possession. 

“What’s this?” When he held the weight of the coin pouch, Bandana whistled. 

“Looks like you’ve earned quite a fortune earlier. Lucky~ looks like the hotshot knows his way around the guild already huh?”

When the gag on my mouth was removed, I took the chance to speak,

“...R-Return it…”

“...Hmm? Return, what?”

“...M-My money… return it…”


With eyes that resemble a predator looking at its prey, Bandana came up to me and suddenly threw a powerful punch towards my lower half. His fist seemed to be glowing brightly. That was when I realized that this guy is using「Pulse Strike」!

“Ga-haaah!!!” In that instant, I felt a sharp pain around my lower ribs, causing me to release a breath of cold air— With a wretched feeling in my guts, I gagged and began to dry-heave.

My ears began to ring incessantly as I lost the feeling around my abdomen… Just like the skill name, the blow targeted the vital pulses inside a living body. A portion of my HP was gone in an instant, and I came to the realization that these men… had no qualms about breaking the rules. 

"Your money?" Bandana swung the coin pouch around his finger, and laughed deviantly.

"Why don't you try taking it back then? Hahaha!"

“Y-You… *cough cough* can’t… do this…”

The man paused upon hearing what I just said.

“...Can’t do this?”

Bandana squints his eyes dangerously, and pulls me up to his face by my hair.

“Why, because we are adventurers? And we have to follow the rules? Guys, did you hear what he said?”

Cackles and laughter spread in the alleyway.

“You don’t seem to understand... Look around you. Do you think you are in a position to tell me what to do…? Huh?!”

Bandana threw another punch as one of his men kept me in place. A large volume of blood spilled out of my mouth as I felt another impact on my stomach.

“I’m sure you know why we’re here.”


"Sure you do, right?”

As my jaw was pressed forcefully, I had no choice but to nod in response before Bandana lets go again with a smirk.

“Good dog. Still... You’re not very talkative huh? What, are you shy? Maybe a few more punches will change tha-t!!”  

I felt another sting on my cheek, and my vision became disoriented this time.

“Ah ah, it feels like punching a pillow. You’re weak.” He grins sadistically at my face.

“Mat-san, let us have some fun too~”

“Yeah yeah! You don’t know how much we’ve been waiting for this!”

I heard voices amidst my blurring consciousness.

“Kuku… I see I see! Sorry brothers, you’re right! You guys get a share of the fun too, after all this stray dog dared touch our goddess Heinesia!”

“”Yeah!!!”” “Kill him, I say!” The men yelled out aggressively in affirmation.

Bandana lowers his tone, and growled.

“...Grovel, dog.” 

He grinds his dirty boot on my face, pleased with himself.

And smirking at my powerlessness, the man started riling up his followers.

“There’s plenty of time for everyone to take part. Of course, that’s if this little runt can hold on until then… it would be a joyous accident if that were to happen, right?” 

“Then, I’ll start first.” Another guy steps forward, looking at me with an ugly expression on his face. When I tried to lift myself, I took another blow on the back!

“Oraaa!!! You like this, haaah? Fucker, always trying to suck up to Heinesia-sama…!!“


“—Blame yourself for getting too close to someone you shouldn’t.”


Kicking, punching… to the point where I couldn’t even feel my body anymore… All of them took their turns exerting violence upon my body, leaving me senseless.

“Shit man… Go easy on him, you’re not leaving any for the rest of us…” Someone picks me up from under the shoulders, only for me to receive another punch, dropping back to the ground.

“T-True, his reactions are turning dull. He’s not m-making nice sounds anymore, hihihihh...”

“Come on, make it more interesting for us… come on~ cry won’t... you—?”

As one of them pulled me up by my head, he suddenly jerked back when he saw my face.

Just for a moment, those were surely... eyes which reflected fear.

Why? What did he see on my face that induced such a reaction…?

“Why… Why the FUCK are you smiling?! You b-bastard!!!”

Smiling…? Am I… smiling?

Ah… haha. Ha.

Bandana’s follower crushes my hand, causing my eyes to twitch instinctively from the pain that I should be feeling.


...It hurts so much, so why am I still smiling?

Why do I feel no anger.

Even then, that reaction seemed to be just a fluke. His attacks resumed, bashing my limbs with a baton with increasing force. ...Somehow, I could still sense anxiousness from his movements.

...Of course he would. No one would smile as he gets beaten up like this. The man clicked his tongue and yelled,

“Fuck, I’m telling you, there’s something wrong with this guy…! I—”

“—Step aside, Mills.”  Bandana suddenly pushes him aside.

“M-Mat-san, but…”

“You don’t get it do you…” Bandana, or “Mat”, inspects the bruises from the baton and laughs.

“Such superficial wounds won’t be effective at all.”

“Wh-Wha?! Then what are you suggesting we do to this fucker?!”

Mat squats down face to face with me, and his disgusting smile grew wider. 

“For pretentious guys like him who think they’re better than us, we need to damage him more… permanently.” Saying so, Mat slides out a dagger, slithering over the steel of the blade with his tongue.


“A man can heal even the missing parts of his body with an expensive healing potion, but did  you know? They can’t heal mental scars.”

“...A dagger? Are you cutting off his fingers?”

“Hahaha, whaaat, it’s something more enjoyable to watch.” His eyes lower down to my waist… and I immediately got what he was trying to do. I started to struggle again, but the effects of the paralysis watered my efforts down into weak muscle twitches.


“Now that’s a good expression on your face~!!” Mat cackles.

“Now let’s hear your cute scream, shall we?”

The man grins widely, and points the blade of the dagger towards my pants—






A familiar voice suddenly rang out in the surroundings, causing Mat to hesitate.



A strong whistle accompanied that cry. It was clear that unrest was settling into the man’s followers.

“Wait, were we spotted?!” “Shit, just when things were getting interesting!”

“Mat-san! What do we do?” One of his lackeys calls out to him.

“Shit…! This timing...” His face morphed into a look of annoyance, seemingly hesitant to let me go.

“Guards, over there!” The voice became closer, alarming Bandana and his followers. It was clear that they didn’t want to be involved with the city’s guards; many of them were already starting to pack up and leave. In the end, these guys were no better than thugs.


“...I know!”

Bandana withdrew his knife with a sour look on his face.

“.... Consider yourself lucky. You were saved this time… but don’t celebrate just yet.”

...The man glares at me. 

“This isn’t over, I’ll see you soon… hotshot. Let’s go boys.” 

Just like how they'd entered like before, the group of men scampered out from the other end of the alleyway like street rats.  


...Was I saved?

The tension finally left my body, and I felt myself losing consciousness rapidly… 

Until eventually, I felt my body being lifted up by someone. 

“Nii-chan, get a grip!” The voice tells me.


Ah, it’s that voice again. I remember this voice. She's...

When I opened my eyes, I saw a familiar face.

Blonde twin tails, and those round eyes...


“...Evie…-san? ...What is a girl like you doing here?”

“I was fetching Oyaji from the guild building… never mind that!” She touches my face gently and stammers, “Y-Your eyes… they’re bleeding…! And those horrible wounds… what happened to you?!”

I chuckled weakly and shook my head. It was unlikely anything would happen even if I reported them. But at the very least, I had those guys to thank for one thing.

They have reminded me who I was. 

Which is why… I had another reason to become stronger.

“...I'll participate after all.”


“Ah no… it’s nothing.”

I must have muttered that out loud.

In any case, I guess it's time to head back. But I can't really leave in this state, huh.

I rolled out the remaining mouthful of potion substance that I'd hidden underneath my tongue the entire time, and consumed it.

A green glow covered my body, and I slowly regained the strength to stand back up on my feet.

“H-Hey, be careful!” The girl caught me as I almost lost my balance again. 

...Looks like it’s still far from a full recovery. I’m still in no condition to walk properly, but it's a good thing Evie-san happened to be around.


Sighing defeatedly at the girl who was looking at me with an anxious expression, I…

“For the time being… could I trouble you to carry me home?"

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