Re: Rabbit Eyes (A Yandere Harem)

[Vol 1] Chapter 46

I raised my hood before heading towards a crowd-filled street; a precaution to avoid needlessly catching the attention of Mat and his lackeys. Although they hadn’t pulled any more moves since the last incident, I could still remember his parting words at the time. I knew this wasn’t the end of it, thus ever since then, I would try to appear as inconspicuous as possible if I were to go around at night.


A squad of soldiers clad in iron chainmail passed by me, as their footsteps chunked loudly on the road. These were the empire’s soldiers, as seen by the silver lion crest on their shoulderplates. They looked quite relaxed with their night patrol, and didn’t seem to pay me any attention. One of them was even saying something about going to a nearby tavern to hit on girls.

...Well, I don’t really blame them for not taking their jobs seriously. Because during these two weeks, nothing had actually happened. 

It still didn’t feel like two weeks to me, it almost felt like time... had passed by in a flash. Walking along the nightly streets bustling with people made me think about how unnecessary all the preparations had been.

In the end, should I be disappointed or relieved that the archaic monster never appeared again? Ever since then, the guild master never managed to pick up the signal of the Abyssal Reaphrit with his [Monster Navigator] again.

He said it disappeared out of the blue one day before they were prepared to hunt down the monster.

It's almost as if it never existed in the first place.

... ...

I’ve surely caused quite a bit of unnecessary trouble for Lekhard-san too. After all, he’d even taken the trouble to employ some of his adamantite-ranked acquaintances. Not to mention, the evacuation process must’ve been quite the inconvenience for everyone. 

I... Did I do the right thing... The rumors around the guild calling me a wolf whistler... 

My fists tightened.

So this is responsibility. If it's this terrible for me, then what about Lekhard-san, who had blindly listened to me...?

I… I shouldn’t worry about it right? After all, the guild master reassured me by insisting that it wasn’t my fault. And, it was Heinesia who told me to report it to the guild.

The guild master also definitely confirmed the presence of the monster with his gift. Maybe the monster was sensitive to an attack and escaped before it was surrounded? A high-level perception skill?

At least, that's what I keep telling myself that but...

...I can’t help but feel that I was the one responsible for wasting everybody’s time. 

“Haah… things always go off script when it’s about me huh… I’m seriously unlucky.” I inadvertently let out a sigh, as I took a last look at the backs of the soldiers in the distance and continued on my way.

As I began to hear less of the hollering voices of drunkards around me, I realized that I had entered the inner district. 

The path eventually narrowed and became more reserved and classy. When I finally reached a store with a “tailor” symbol, I removed my hood and walked inside.

Clink clink, the chime at the door sounded melodiously. I stepped into the spacious establishment where a few mannequins were dressed in all sorts of outfits.

Sitting at the counter was a freckle-faced man reading a book quietly. When the man heard me come into the store, he closed the book shut and looked up at me, unfazed by my sudden entrance.

With a subtle smile, the man nods. “Why, if it isn’t the lad. I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Good evening, Richard-san. It really has been a while. Sorry for troubling you this late when you’re about to close for today.”

This middle-aged man was Richard Brownfield, the one who makes all my clothes. Richard’s an older acquaintance of mine in this city, and his show of talent and passion for his craft was one of the main reasons I had become a regular here.

Richard shrugged his shoulders with a nonchalant look, “So, how can I help you?”

My visit here was to get clothes for Ruru, as well as to replace the one I’d lost to Mat before. I already knew that the man didn’t like beating around the bush, so I started making my order bluntly.

“I want a few more of those robes from before. And five sets of female clothing. Two for casual wear at home, and three for going out. That and also an apron with frills…”

“Frills?” Richard looks at me with interest.

“I’ve never heard of it. But female clothing eh… Looks like you’re moving up in the world, lad.”

Ignoring the subtle tease in his words, I began to explain and draw up the design beside Richard, who had handed me a piece of paper and a fountain pen with a grin. 

“As for measurements…”


… …

After settling the fees, Richard told me that my order would be ready three days from now. 

The cost tallied up to around 50 silvers, but with my trade stamp and as a regular discount, I was able to bring it down to 30 silvers. 

1500 copper coins, which could afford me about a year’s worth of food expenses. But I didn’t think the price was overblown. The quality of Richard’s designs were top notch and well worth the money. Not to mention the man had always accommodated the designs that were from my previous world and made them exactly as I envisioned. I was sure the apron would look amazing on Ruru when it’s finished.

-In addition, clothing was a high-end product in this world. Due to technological differences in Insinity, a game based off of a medieval setting, there is an inflated demand and appreciation for high fashion. This is especially the case when the last war with the Demon King had only ended recently, and people were willing to spend on luxury commodities again. The resurgence of the entertainment district in Halvan was a clear sign of that.

… …

I rubbed my gloves and exhaled, a visible cloud of water vapor left my mouth and disappeared into the air. The two moons hung above high in the sky, faintly obscured by the night clouds. That reminds me, they say that a “Moonhalo” was coming.

A phenomenon that occurs only in this world, where two moons overlap each other perfectly like a solar eclipse; otherwise known as a “Moonhalo”. But unlike a solar eclipse, the biannual spectacle it leaves an outer rim of sapphire blue in the darkness, just like a “halo”. 

Given that I understood zilch about astronomy, I wouldn’t even begin to understand just why there are two suns and moons in Insinity. The game this world was based on didn't really explain why either, the developers must've kept them for the aesthetics of a fantasy world.

But I’ve heard from Lyndel before, that apparently the reason why the nights have been getting colder as of late is because the day of Moonhalo was approaching.

...I guess I should be careful not to catch a cold during this time. 

Packing my robe a little tighter to my body, I headed to my next destination at the inner district.

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