Realms of Eas

0068 – Ice Sea Islands – III

It was supposed to be a normal dungeon dive for Anna and Lily. They had avoided people with a level too low for their apparent age as well as those with suspiciously good offers and simply chose party members in a similar age and level range. Unfortunately, even with all those precautions, it didn't stop their teammates from falling into their backs, likely tempted by money, equipment or some other gains.
While one couldn't be forced to sign a contract against one's will, it didn't prevent people from finding ways around this limitation. Like offering one the choice between the contract or torture and death.
The latter might actually be a good alternative to some contracts, but those offering the contracts had a long time to learn what would work and what didn't. Unfortunately, being tense of cycles unfavorably "employed" did work. The probability of their new boss dying prematurely or the Followers of Law saving them was too high to simply end one's life and hope for a better one.
So the two reluctantly signed the paper.
Now, a few days later, the two found themselves in the presence of three girls about their age who were apparently interested in them. And not because of their body but because of their abilities.
At the first glance they were probably lucky that they didn't end up as the toy of some slum inhabitant or got separated, all assuming that the three other girls would actually be able to purchase them. But once she thought a bit more about it, why were the girls even here? There was no reason to draw the ire of the Followers, if you could just hire a healer. With the money they were apparently willing to invest, it wouldn't even be unlikely to "buy" a healer from a guild, and all without getting into issues with the law.
Also how did the girls get the money? They were too young and too low leveled to have it earned through normal means. If they had some backer, sure, but then those would likely prevent them from trying anything illegal. And while a young appearance could be deceiving in the realms they were still below level 100, therefore that explanation was also out.
So why were suspiciously wealthy young girls buying people with quite a specific skill set here?
However, regardless of how much they thought about those questions, they could only silently stand in the corner and wait for the negotiations to end.
Or at least that was they thought, until suddenly the bodyguard of the merchant was about to attack. Did the merchant also intend to force the girls into signing a contract? Yet then the man simply froze over with no noticeable magic involved. It happened so quietly that not even the shop owner noticed it, though he was concentrating on the negotiations and likely expected the guard to deal with dangers by himself. Why was he a guard otherwise!
The indifference of the three girls let Anna and Lily conclude that they were likely responsible for the current situation and soon the merchant himself followed his guard. Were the three here to save those forced into contracts? Their low level and weird method of attack made it unlikely for them to be Followers of Law, but there were a bunch of people who disliked those who forced contracts onto others. Them actually taking action was unfortunately rare as it rarely offered personal advantages over other actions and the Followers were rather strict, at least when they were actually enforcing the law in the slums.
More questions piled up for the two, but hope started to sprout again. Sure, they were optimistic that they would be saved at some point, but after just a couple of days, before they got separated or something bad happened to them, was definitely the best outcome.
However the budding hope was easily shattered like the two frozen men, as their liberators started to talk.
"So... it would be nice if you could sign those contracts."
A request from the smallest of the three other girls, yet, with the situation they were in, it didn't seem like the girl would allow any compromises. A faint hope still remained that they were just asked in a slightly forceful way to keep quiet about what happened, but even that was snuffed out as they skimmed over the new contract.
There was no way out.
Two level 22 mages with no equipment against a fully equipped party which outnumbered and outleveled them. Yes they had no chance.
So they reluctantly signed away their freedom for the second time within the last couple of days. Hope, that some other chance to regain the freedom would appear, was the only thing still remaining.
And using her newly gained powers over the two girls the small devil quickly started to reshape their world. Metaphorically. Should they be happy or scared that she was apparently quite thoughtful?
Following the instructions of their new boss, they quickly made their way back into the basement. Normally it would have been a joyous event, that they were able to free the others, yet the circumstances made it hard to actually experience the emotion. Not that they had much of a choice as the truth had been dictated.
Entering the hidden underground floor, the two made their way to the four rooms, each housing a number of unfortunate souls. No locks were needed to be opened and, while chambers were rather spartan, a few games had been provided to offer some distraction as well as entertainment. Not so much out of good will, but more to prevent any nasty mental skills to appear on the wares. It wouldn't be good to have the merchandise go insane. That was also a reason why no further restraints were present, though for the most part, it just wasn't necessary. The contract was in place and no one would be able to flee.
As long as the owner was alive at least.
Which he wasn't.
Therefore quickly visiting the various rooms and informing the residents of what had transpired was more than enough to get them to leave. And the looting as well as destroying part was also easily accomplished. The build up resentment and needed equipment made the now abandoned store an easy target.
So a few minutes later the demolished house was emptied of anything valuable or useful and the ex-contractees had scattered around the settlement or simply left the realm. A choice the two girls would have liked to follow, but couldn't since the new contract bound them.
They were about to just wander aimlessly around, when Anna and Lily suddenly stumbled upon another girl.
A girl they had even seen a couple of minutes ago,yet not quite registered as present with everything else happening, as they now remembered.
"Hm...? Oh! Right! You were in my class!"

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