Reaver’s Song

Character Bios

Minji Song

Age: 26

Height: 162 cm (5’4”)

Weight: 52.6 Kg (126lbs)

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Measurements: C79, 61, 84 (31B, 24, 33)

Birthplace: Goesan, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Birthday: August 2, 1995

Birth Sign: Leo

Zodiac: Pig

Blood Type: AB

Current Relationship Status: Single

Minji got her degree in History from Far East University near her hometown. After graduation she attained her teaching certificate and was hired at Sehwa Academy. Though she enjoys teaching and interacting with her students she’s pretty certain they mostly think of her class as a waste of time. Being a homebody who’s happier sitting in her living room watching anime or reading manga she doesn’t have many friends outside of Eun-Ha Yang, her fellow teacher at the Academy.


Ashvallen Silverbough

Age: 19 (approximate)

Height: 144.8 cm (4’9”)

Weight: 29.6 kg (65 pounds)

Hair Color: Silver

Eyes: Purple

Measurements: 70A, 56, 71 (28A, 22, 28)

Birthplace: Arkbridge, Kingdom of Rhade

Hometown: Arkbridge, Kingdom of Rhade

Birthday: Unknown, though she thinks it may have been in the spring.

Birth Sign: Unknown

Zodiac: Unknown

Blood Type: Unknown

Current Relationship Status: Single

Ashvallen took to a life of crime out of necessity following her mother’s disappearance when she was 5, and her inability to survive selling flowers or baubles she’d found. Following her second arrest at the age of 6 for selling flowers without a permit she was taken to the King’s Dungeons. Once she had recovered from the torture she received at the hands of Drudge, the Headsman there, she gave up legitimacy and took up with a local gang, quickly proving herself useful. Her petite size made her ideal for the more delicate work the gang required. Even through multiple trips back to the Headsman, Ashvallen is still fearless and determined to do whatever is necessary to survive in a world that doesn’t care what happens to her. Though small and thin, she doesn’t shy from a fight and can be a tough and fierce opponent. Her favored weapons are twin titanium daggers attached to wristbands by a retractable diamond-steel chain she stole from a mercenary when she was 14. She also uses a specially modified hand crossbow when necessary.


Carrisyn Thorne

Age: 32

Height: 167.6 (5’6”)

Weight: 58.9 kg (130 lbs.)

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Silver

Measurements: 91D, 66, 96.5 (36C, 26, 38)

Birthplace: Braka, Kingdom of Rhade

Birthday: 20 Salais 744, (Rough equivalent to June 9)

Birth Sign: NA

Zodiac: NA

Blood Type: B

Current Relationship Status: Single


Carrisyn is the only daughter of Count Darius and Countess Evaline Thorne of Braka. Her brother, Marellus died when she was 17 in the Border Wars and when her parents died several years later Carrisyn became Countess of Braka. Though she’s had many suitors she’s never taken a husband and treats the mere mention of the prospect with derision. Carrisyn had a serious illness six years ago and, upon recovering, devoted her full attention to studying the intricacies of magic. Though not a taboo subject per se, magic tends to be avoided by most people due to the heavy cost involved in using it. Carrisyn is not known for her patience or compassion and has garnered quite the reputation (most definitely well-earned) for being cold and aloof. With her numerous villas and the steady income from her family’s mines and various other enterprises, Carrisyn is among the wealthiest individuals in the Kingdom, allowing her a level of immunity from the laws of the land few can match. She’s used this immunity to perform terrible experiments on prisoners. At least according to rumor.





Age: ???

Height: 5’1”

Weight: 115

Hair: White

Eyes: Heterochromatic Blue/Green

Measurements: 81C, 55, 84 (32B, 22, 33)

Birthplace: Unknown

Birthday: Unknown

Birth Sign: Unknown

Zodiac: Unknown

Blood Type: AB

Current Relationship Status: Single


Sayuri is the first to admit she is a simple catgirl. She cannot and does not claim to be smart or clever or, in fact, even able to remember most things. She is, however, loyal. She doesn’t remember when she met Carrisyn, but the wealthy countess took her in, gave her a home, a place to belong and Sayuri hopes she will serve for as long as she is alive. However long that is. Sayuri knows nothing of her people, their traditions, or their place in the world and, quite frankly, couldn’t care less about any of those things. She knows that when she is hungry there is food. When she is cold there is a blanket and when she’s bored, she can play with whatever’s at hand or lick herself. Her speed and strength are frightening. Her eyes, one blue and one green, can perfectly see no matter the lighting, she can hear a pin drop from 20 meters away, and her stealth rivals the most adept assassin. She carries a tiny dagger but prefers to use her razor-sharp claws and fangs when pressed by an enemy. She may not be smart, but she is certainly no coward. Except where water is concerned. After all, she reasons, she can clean every area on her body with her superhuman dexterity and it’s much more fun doing that than taking a shower.



Sascha Rhade

Age: ???

Height: 165 cm (5’5”)

Weight: 61kg (135 lbs)

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Measurements: 91D, 71, 91 (36D, 28, 36)

Birthplace: Unknown

Birthday: Antila 13 (Rough equivalent to April 17)

Birth Sign: NA

Zodiac: NA

Blood Type: O

Current Relationship Status: Unknown


Princess Ilianovaraniri Sascha Rhade (or Sascha as she prefers to be called for obvious reasons) has earned a reputation as one of the foremost healers, not only in the Kingdom of Rhade, but in the entirety of the 6 Realms. She’s also earned a reputation as being more than a bit brazen. No one is really sure if her near legendary sex drive is real or simply an act to throw people off their guard. With long blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and a soft, sensuous voice Sascha’s act, if it actually is an act, is very convincing. Her healing abilities are powerful and highly sought after as is her companionship. Though no one can honestly say they are personally familiar with her intimate ministrations, everyone seems to know someone who knows someone who was. Though she seldom uses anything except her ornate silver staff, she does carry a short sword for protection. She has a remarkably close relationship with her sister, Alarice. Some say possibly too close.



Alarice Rhade

Age: ???

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 140

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Measurements: 94D-66-91 (37C, 26, 36)

Birthplace: Unknown

Birthday: Antila 13 (Rough equivalent to April 17)

Birth Sign: NA

Zodiac: NA

Blood Type: O

Current Relationship Status: Unknown

Princess Alarice Tereaneuil Rhade is not subtle. She does not mince words or wax philosophical. As captain of the Rangers, the kingdom’s elite hunter company, Alarice doesn’t have time for pleasantries. Her skill with the bow is second to none and escapes once she’s found the trail. She loves the kingdom and its people, even if she rarely expresses that love out loud, and has gladly put her own life on the line many times over for their sake with no one being the wiser. Sascha, above even the people Alarice has sworn to protect, always come first in her heart and mind. She would do anything for her sister born three minutes later than herself. It is, she insists to any who question the “purity” of their relationship, what any good older sister would do.



Jaxxin Starling

Age: 29

Height: 160cm (5’3”)

Weight: 54 kg (120lbs)

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green

Measurements: 84C, 60, 86 (33B, 24, 34)

Birthplace: Karenda, Kingdom of Rhade

Birthday: Trionis 22 (Rough equivalent to November 9)

Birth Sign: NA

Zodiac: NA

Blood Type: B

Current Relationship Status: Unknown

Jaxxin, or Jax as she’s sometimes known, is a rumor. She’s the name people whisper in the dark of night. She is the King’s personal assassin and King Ancil Rhade uses her skills liberally. It’s said that no one alive has heard her voice and while that seems unlikely, the rumor speaks to the fear Jaxxin elicits. While her twin katanas are intimidating they are only a small part of the arsenal she carries in the hidden pouches and pockets of her black leather armor.



Moon Song

Age: 19

Height: 157cm (5’2”)

Weight: 52kg (115lbs)

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Measurements: 84C, 60, 86 (33C, 24, 34)

Birthplace: Goesan, South Korea

Hometown: Goesan, South Korea

Birthday: July 3rd, 2001

Birth Sign: Cancer

Zodiac: Snake

Blood Type: A

Current Relationship Status: Single

Minji may be the oldest of the Song sisters, but Moon has always been the more mature. Even from a young age Moon watched after her sister and others. If something needed done Moon was who you would call to do it. If someone had their heart broken Moon was who they went to for comfort and if Minji found herself slacking off, Moon was the one to bring the hammer down. Though she loves the quiet life Goesan offers, she wants to move to Seoul to not only be closer to her sister, but to go to college with the goal of being a psychiatrist.


Zelaeryn Temeris

Age: Unknown

Height: 6’3”

Weight: 195

Hair: Arctic Blue

Eyes: White

Measurements: 38C- 29-40

Birthplace: Unknown

Hometown: Unknown

Birthday: Unknown

Birth Sign: NA

Zodiac: NA

Blood Type: NA

Current Relationship Status: Unknown

Zelaeryn is something of a myth. It’s said during the Wars of Dominance the western thrust of the invading Rhade armies under the command of Eliana Rhade were trapped in the high passes leading through the Sundawn Mountains when the Daris overlords joined forces with the native Ruathi kingdom. Beset on all sides, starving and under-equipped the army seemed doomed. Through some magic known only to her, Eliana called forth Zelaeryn from the depths of the Rift and bound her. Zelaeryn turned the tide of the battle and the war itself by helping the army break free of its entrapment. The western army marched through the Leth Forest and tore into the exposed flank of the Ruathi Army, meeting up with Ancil’s main force and breaking the power of the Ruathi in the region where the Kingdom of Rhade was eventually founded. Several years later, after the Kingdom had solidified its power, Zelaeryn vanished as mysteriously as she’d appeared.


Galen Rhade

Age: Unknown

Height: 183cm (6’0”)

Weight: 82 kg (180lbs)

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Birthplace: Unknown

Birthday: Jinurin 22 (Rough equivalent to October 28)

Birth Sign: NA

Zodiac: NA

Blood Type: B

Current Relationship Status: Engaged

Prince Galen Rhade has long been the public face of the Rhade dynasty. Despite them both being very reluctant to do so, he and the youngest princess of Esterwyn have become recently engaged. The marriage is strictly political as far as they’re both concerned as neither particularly cares for the other. As his father, Ancil, withdraws from public life the prince and his new fiancée, Lysabel, have stepped up to engage nobility and peasantry alike and now act as the public face of the Rhade house. Though trained as a warrior he shows little interest in the pursuit, preferring to spend his time engaged with diplomats and spies, activities he views as far more valuable to the kingdom than getting down in the mud with marauders or pirates. Besides, he has his sister, Alarice, to send into the fray when needed. He is friendly and approachable but there is little doubt he is a force to be reckoned with as he has eyes and ears in every corner of the kingdom. Little happens without him knowing about it.


Lysabel Durallion

Age: 21

Height: 162cm (5’4”)

Weight: 56kg (124lbs)

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green

Measurements: 81.2C-63.5-81.2 (32b- 25-32)

Birthplace: Snowcoast, Kingdom of Esterwyn

Hometown: Arkbridge, Kingdom of Rhade

Birthday: Miranael 11 (Rough equivalent to February 18)

Birth Sign: NA

Zodiac: NA

Blood Type: AB

Current Relationship Status: Engaged


Lysabel is truly a beauty with her long brown hair and sea green eyes. She is kind and compassionate but her devotion to the poor and downtrodden is unshakable, putting her at extreme odds with her fiancé. Lysabel was dragged reluctantly into the world of politics. The drumbeats of war with Rhade began to beat louder than ever once the Gedran Imperium saw their navy crushed at the battle of Isteris. Rhade has spent nearly the entirety of its existence at war. Some say they have goals of worldwide conquest; others say without the plunder of war their coffers would run dry within months. Whatever the truth of the matter, however, their always wandering eye fixed itself on the small kingdom of Esterwyn. Lysabel’s sisters had already married and, despite her protestations she didn’t want to marry anyone, Lysabel was forced to agree to marry Galen Rhade in a desperate attempt to stave off the inevitable. She may be betrothed to him, but Lysabel despises him. She finds him cruel and callous and, though he plays the role of concerned man of the people, his true intentions are far less noble. She has resolved to find something…anything to damage Rhade enough they will have no choice but to keep their clutching grasp to themselves and leave Esterwyn alone.

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