Reaver’s Song

Disasters Daughters

Good evening! Once more it is I! (oooh! I sounded fancy!) Anyway, I wanted to give a little background into Disaster’s Daughters and why in the hell they are even in this book in the first place. I won’t be giving a long explanation or book synopsis or anything. I’ll just give a little background info and then jump into why they play a role when they hadn’t been introduced before.

First, let me say that I try to avoid that sort of thing. I don’t think it’s fair to introduce things that have no relevance to the actual story, and I apologize most sincerely for doing it. The reality is I had planned on writing and publishing some short stories to kind of introduce things but never got around to it and by the time I got around to thinking “Oh! I need to get those finished!” It was already too late in Reaver’s Song, so I had to just go with what the original plan was.

The short explanation is that Disaster’s Daughters in the brain child and creation of a local deity who goes by the name Inari jfrom Mt. Daisen in Tottori. She is a Kitsune or Fox goddess who managed to keep her position in the local culture, so she still has powers. The way the rules in my universe work is relatively simple and something that is not unique. Gods get their powers from the people who follow them. As people’s worship fades so does their power. Once no one worships them any longer they effectively cease to be. They don’t die naturally, but a god or goddess with no power is not much of a deity. Most go to a place I call Kami Wa Yasumu, or Gods rest. Each culture has their own place representative of that culture, for the Japanese deities, it is effectively an inn and onsen where the gods and goddesses and their entourage laze about for all eternity.

For all the deities that go happily into the bliss of irrelevance and retirement there are several who fight against it. Among the gods these are known as Revenants. Whether because they used to enjoy such power and popularity, they can’t give the feeling up, or due to a strength of will which prevents them from drifting off to watch the humans they once nurtured go on the Revenants can be quite formidable. The most powerful Revenant is Hera, from the Greek Pantheon. Hera’s followers, called the Golden Coven, have, at her direction, spread out across the globe on a quest to murder the other gods in their slumber and steal their power.

While gods can’t die, they can be killed, their essence drained, their existence erased as if they had never been. Hera’s motivations for this can only be guessed at, but it is widely agreed among the few gods who bother to take more than a passing interest in humanity that she is trying to absorb the other gods’ powers to get powerful enough herself to exact revenge on the human world which turned its back on her. Realizing her and the other gods and humans, not just in Japan but throughout the world’s peril she began collecting what she calls “fragments” from throughout history using her own power as well as the power of the few gods she could talk into loaning her theirs.

These “fragments” are girls who were doomed to die. Whether through natural causes such as Pompeii or earthquakes or through the hand of others such as the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and the murder of the Korean Empress she plucks them from their doom and brings them back to this time, imbuing them with abilities and powers to fight back against the Revenant Hera and her Golden Coven.

What brings the Daughters of Disaster as they became known as into our story is actually the woman who became Carrisyn. She was very wealthy and used that wealth and the Daughters’ need for modern day contacts and a benefactor to contract them to keep her safe and to keep the people she was using to power her magical experiments in the other world alive if they turned out to be the one she needed.

Desperate not only to deal the Daughters a crippling blow by killing Carrisyn but also to find out what abilities she possessed and whether they could use them for their own ends the Golden Coven came for Ashvallen.

It’s rather convoluted, but that is who the Daughters are and why they are where they are in our story! Please feel free to ask me any questions if I didn’t address them and, again, I am so sorry for not clarifying things beforehand! Next week will see Reaver’s Song resume it’s drive toward the end! I hope to see you there!

Thank you!


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