Reaver’s Song

Interlude Four: Not Minji?

“Could you just please take your clothes off and get in the shower?” Moon sighed. Ashvallen stubbornly refused once again, folding her arms over her chest.

“No,” Ashvallen replied. “I’m not sure what sorcery this is and, though you’ve been most kind thus far, the cruelest gauntlet is often clad in the softest velvet. I do not trust this ‘shower.’ And will not enter.”

“I have no idea what you’re actually saying right now,” Moon felt the headache she’d been saddled with since arriving swell to new heights. “You look like a butcher with that blood all over you. You’re starting to smell a bit like one, too. You’ll feel so much better when you’re clean. Just…please. Get. In. The. Shower.” Ashvallen shook her head adamantly.

The doctor, Tomoko, had told her Minji would have difficulty dealing with some things given her obvious mental break, but this was far too frustrating. She’d managed to untangle Minji from the curtains with minimal difficulty, but her sister had simply retreated to the corner of the living room and huddled in a defensive crouch, growling, and kicking at anyone who tried to get close. Moon had managed to draw her out using popcorn and the assurance she wasn’t trying to poison her but every step of the way since arriving had been a struggle.

“Do you think I’m going to hurt you?” Moon sighed. Ashvallen thought for a brief second before shaking her head in the negative. “Do you think I would throw you into some nefarious gas chamber to kill you?” Ashvallen thought for a long moment again before reluctantly shaking her head. “It’s going to be fine. Look, the shower head’s even detachable!” Moon demonstrated it to her. “You don’t need the dildo! You can use this! All you have to do is get into the shower.” Why was she trying to bribe her sister into taking a shower with the promise of sexual pleasure from a piece of plumbing? What had Moon done to deserve this?

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Ashvallen replied.

“You know what? It doesn’t matter. Let me help you get undressed and into the shower, so you won’t look like a horror movie extra, ok?” Ashvallen watched her suspiciously but allowed Moon to remove her clothes with a minimum of trouble. Finally, she stood nude in the bathroom staring down at her own breasts in rapt attention while Moon maneuvered around her. Her boobs were enormous! Well, relatively speaking. Moon turned the knob and the water hissed out in a steady stream. Moon tried to adjust the temperature but was suddenly pulled backward roughly.

“Watch your eyes!” Ashvallen warned, dragging her against the far wall of the bathroom and clamping her hand over Moon’s mouth and nose. “It’s venomous!”

“It’s not!” Moon struggled for a moment before managing to free herself. She turned around and was immediately struck by the look of abject terror in her sister’s face. What happened to you, Minji? Moon asked herself for the hundredth time. Moon sighed to give herself strength before taking Minji’s hands in hers gently. “It’s ok. I won’t let anything hurt you. Have a seat over here on this stool and I’ll wash you, ok?”

Ashvallen looked doubtful but allowed herself to be lead slowly forward. Glancing to the right Minji soon stopped dead in her tracks as she caught her reflection in the mirror. Moon tried to pull her gently forward, but she was awestruck, staring at the girl looking back at her. Ashvallen raised her hand and the reflection in the mirror did the same. She ran her hands over her face and started as the person in the mirror did the same.

“What’s going on?” Ashvallen whispered.

“Huh?” Moon asked, glancing at the mirror in confusion.

“This isn’t me,” Ashvallen whispered in a panic. She scrambled back against the wall to try to hide from the mirror, the girl staring back at her doing the same. “This isn’t me! What’s happening? Where am I?” Moon tried to hold her, but Ashvallen pulled free, slammed through the door and out into the hallway, running naked toward the door.

“Goddammit,” Moon sighed, hurrying after her. Moon was more than surprised to see another stranger standing beside the doctor blocking the door as Ashvallen weaved and bobbed, trying to escape through them.

“Now, Minji,” the doctor said soothingly, holding her hands outstretched. “Let’s go back to the bathroom, shall we?”

“I’m not Minji and I’m not going back!” Ashvallen snarled, searching for a way through the two people blocking the way.

“Let’s be reasonable,” Tomoko soothed. “I understand what you’re going through and I’ll help you! I promise! But for now, I think it’s best to let Moon get you cleaned up and comfortable. You like to be comfortable, right?”

“I assume this is the person you were referring to,” the woman dressed in a long brown skirt and non-descript light green sweater intoned blandly.

“Who are you?” Ashvallen demanded, backing away from the door toward Moon, the muscles in her naked butt taut and ready to propel her in any direction she needed to go to flee.

“This is Ayumi Saito,” Tomoko smiled easily. “She’s going to be helping us for a little bit. Isn’t that right?” Ayumi looked like she didn’t really care one way or the other. She flicked a smile on and off, not alleviating the impression Moon had of a robot in a bland skirt.

“I suppose that is the case,” Ayumi said, no hint of emotion in her face.

“But for now…er,” Tomoko glanced at Ayumi for help.

“Ashvallen,” Ayumi supplied.

“Yes, Ashvallen, will you please go with Moon so she can help you get comfortable?”

“You’ll tell me what’s happening?” Ashvallen glared at them suspiciously.

“Yes,” Tomoko assured her, her smile brightening further.

“And you won’t try to kill me?”

“Of course not, dear,” Tomoko assured her. “You like Moon, right?” Ashvallen glanced over her shoulder at Moon standing in the door of the bathroom before returning her gaze to the two women at the door.

“Yes,” Ashvallen replied curtly.

“And you know Moon wouldn’t hurt you, right?” Ashvallen nodded.

“Then let her help you and we’ll explain everything to you when you’re done, ok?” Tomoko encouraged her. Seeing few options Ashvallen allowed herself to be led back to the bathroom, much to the relief of the doctor.

Moon ran her fingers through Minji’s dark hair, the shampoo lathering into a foam as Minji sat stock still in a mixture of fear and wonder at the warm water cascading onto her from the shower head. What is going on? Moon asked herself. She’d always taken care of her sister. God knows Minji couldn’t do it herself. And washing Minji’s hair was something she enjoyed. Her sister’s warmth, her hair, her dimples, her hands held tight in her lap. Everything was the same. Moon touched her sister’s shoulder curiously and Minji turned to her.

There, Moon thought. In her eyes. Something was different. She was Minji…but not. Minji gazed at her in a way that made her sad. There was so much fear and confusion in her eyes that, finally, Moon was overwhelmed and took Minji in her arms and held her close.

“Tell me your name,” Moon whispered.


“It’s ok, Ashvallen,” Moon whispered, stroking her wet hair tenderly. “I’ll be by your side. I won’t let anything hurt you.”

“Even if I’m not Minji?” Ashvallen murmured into Moon’s shoulder.

“Of course. You’re here and I’m here and I’ll stick with you,” Moon soothed. Ashvallen reluctantly allowed herself to fall into Moon’s warm embrace and closed her eyes. The warm water on Ashvallen’s skin quickly soaked through Moon’s clothes but she decided she couldn’t care less.

“I’m scared,” Ashvallen finally whispered. Moon rocked her gently and stroked her hair soothingly.

“I’ll be with you. It’s going to be all right,” Moon whispered. “I promise it’ll be ok.” Moon felt as if her heart was going to break as sobs wracked Ashvallen’s body. All Moon could do was hold her close.

The door to the bathroom slammed open and Tomoko jumped in surprise. Ayumi glanced up but otherwise didn’t react. Moon stomped into the living room purposefully before stopping and setting her legs with determination. She put her balled fists on her slim hips and stared at the older women fiercely.

“I am Ashvallen’s…agent,” Moon declared. “We demand to know what is happening! Do not try to deceive us!”

“Delightful,” Ayumi mumbled, biting off a corner of the cookie in her hand. “This may prove interesting after all.”

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