Rebirth 1991: Start Canned Food for Airplane

Chapter 383

Chapter 383

The northeast is hot, it can be said to be in full swing.

Jiang Cheng also took the opportunity to announce his policy.

However, the outside is a completely different matter. Although the official media has given high encouragement and approval to Jiang Cheng’s behavior, capitalists have come to the country’s large and small business owners who have risen from the dividends. To say it is a completely different thing.

Now, you Bocheng is generous and give all the money directly to the employees. So, what should we do?

In particular, a large number of migrant workers are now asking for wage increases.

The factory’s accounts are required to be open and transparent, and where each transaction is spent and what impact it has caused, all must be honestly explained clearly.

The annual profit of the factory, the value of the profit, and the expenditure must all be open and transparent.

The workers began to make demands and asked the representatives of the workers’ association to ask these questions.

Suddenly, all over the country, the number of people calling Bocheng was definitely not a small number.

The question now is that you Jiang Bo can be generous and spend a lot of money. So, what should we do?

Do we still want to make money?

The problem now is that this matter has been completely disclosed.

Bocheng Group has played a leading role. This is also the first consideration of the leaders of Beijing. It is hoped that Bocheng can play a leading role and let these entrepreneurs of all sizes follow suit.

However, the idea of ​​the leaders of the capital is good.

However, for these entrepreneurs, they do not want to send more money, but still want to give as little money as possible.

No more exploitation, are they still capitalists?

Suddenly, a rare trend formed on the Internet, and collectively, they joined forces and started to promote the Bocheng Group.

Although this year, the title of “Big V” is still not known, but there are countless reporters who have written many articles.

For example, the development of Bocheng Group is not sustainable development. Once too much profit is given to workers and too many dividends are given to them, then workers must be lazy, without pressure, they will not have any progress. power

There is also the media publicly claiming that the working class needs capital to hold a whip to move forward. After business owners have made money, they will invest the money in more places, thereby driving more employment, and Bocheng Group , The money is distributed to the workers, then, if the Bocheng Group has given so much money, is it possible to expand production capacity and solve employment normally?(Read more @

Only by pooling money can it play a greater role. Just like the Bocheng Group’s practice, it is not worth the gain to distribute the money to migrant workers and to the workers.

When the workers have money, they will only consume and waste money.

They simply don’t have the awareness to increase employment.

Dividends, this is an extremely stupid behavior.

Look at other European and American companies, and then at domestic companies. Why did the state-owned enterprises fail? Does Bocheng Group itself have no C points?

Bo City, this is bound to go bankrupt.

Netease, Sina, Sohu, their headlines are almost all these articles.

Summarized a lot of specious truths.

At least it seems to people that it seems that this is really the case. The Bocheng Group is simply driving a historical reversal, and it must be like a bug, squeezed to death.

The result is eight bloody words, the exploitation is reasonable, and the rebellion is guilty.

Jiang Cheng just browsed the webpage, but couldn’t help but laugh.

Anxious, these guys are really anxious.

However, the quality of netizens in this era is pretty good, but these Internet portals have also driven a lot of emotions.

Many people have already started to leave messages under, either with cynicism or digging for black material and besieging the entire network.

Compared with the future treatment of Chrysanthemum Factory, the treatment is still worse. Anyway, the supporters of Chrysanthemum Factory are not a small number, but now supporting Bo City, even if there are one or two rational voices occasionally, they are quickly swallowed.

The rise of the well-known in all directions!

I just don’t know if these bastards have taken the money from the beautiful country. Well, others don’t know, but Jiang Cheng is certain that Sina, Sohu, and Netease must have taken it. Behind them is JPMorgan Chase. These capitals of Goldman Sachs.

Driven by capital, it is natural to speak to capital.

Secondly, some advertisers also withdrew their cooperation with Hongmeng.

After all, everyone knows that between Jiang Bo and Jiang Cheng, this is a father-son relationship.

In the southern media, the three portals joined forces to launch a big strangulation against Bo City on the fishing boat, with a strong momentum to kill Bo City.

Jiang Cheng wrote an article on the Internet by himself.

Capitalists drive employment. Without capitalists to provide jobs, all workers will starve to death.

Landlords drive employment. Without landlords to provide land, all farmers will starve to death.

Slave owners drive employment, and slaves will starve to death if they do not provide work opportunities.

This is like a person who has collected a lot of food to hoard in the famine. You have to plant 12 hours a day for him to exchange for a bowl of gruel. After a year, you can grow dozens of more food than he gave you back then. Bai, he wants you to be grateful to him, saying, “I created a job, and you would have starved to death without me.”

A miner was unemployed at home and it was very cold in winter. His daughter asked him, “Dad, it’s cold, why don’t you burn some coal?” He said, “Dad is unemployed and has no money to buy coal.” His daughter asked “Why are you unemployed?” He said: “Because the boss dug it up.” There is too much coal to sell”

Zhang Tufu used force to monopolize the slaughter industry. He often boasted that “Without Zhang Butcher, there would be no pork to eat.” Many foolish people still feel reasonable. One day Butcher Zhang died of a sudden illness. Some foolish people thought: If it is broken, there will be no meat to eat. As a result, more meat sellers appeared on the street. The meat was good and cheap and hairless. All the foolish people suddenly realized that it was Zhang Tufu who was responsible for it! Butcher Zhang died and he didn’t eat pigs with fur.

Jiang Cheng really wanted to start writing, so he wrote seven or eight thousand words in a lavish manner.

Isn’t it just argument?

Who is afraid of whom!

Finally, Jiang Cheng added, Laozi can not exploit the surplus value. What about you scumbags? .

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