Rebirth and daily cultivation

Chapter 8 You are the only one who knows how to behave!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Grade 1 Class 8, led by their head teacher Shan Qingrong, went to occupy a piece of land on the playground.

There are a total of fifty-two people in Class 8. Facing the flag-raising platform, they are divided into four rows, two rows for boys and two rows for girls.

Next to Jiang Ning was the girls team, and the one accompanying him happened to be Chen Siyu.

Chen Siyu was chatting with the female classmates in the class, and glanced at Jiang Ning from time to time. This afternoon, she wanted to switch classes with her sister. Thanks to Jiang Ning, her sister did not agree to change, for fear of being discovered.

As a result, she is now full of resentment towards Jiang Ning, but it is difficult to share this kind of thing with others, so she can only keep it in her heart.

Jiang Ning noticed her gaze but didn't care. She was just a beautiful little girl. As the Nascent Soul Lord in his previous life, he had seen many fairies.

With his cultivation level, countless women came to him, including dynasty princesses, daughters of geniuses, heads of female sects, saints from demon sects, and pure Taoist nuns.

However, he practiced the 'Bingso Shengsheng Jue', which was ruthless and desireless. He only wanted to become an immortal in his heart. He never showed false words to women. Women would only affect the speed of his cultivation.

Although he has changed his skills now, he doesn't feel anything about ordinary women where his eyes are.

Jiang Ning ignored Chen Siyu and started operating the technique again. He absorbed the energy calmly, keeping himself cool, and others did not benefit.

On the flag-raising platform, the leader of No. 4 Middle School spoke impassioned words to encourage the freshmen. At first, the students were full of enthusiasm, but as the school leaders changed one by one and still said the same thing, everyone began to become irritable. .

The September sun was still fierce, shining mercilessly on the playground of No. 4 Middle School. The six to seven hundred students were like wheat scattered on the ground, with a large amount of moisture extracted from them, and each one looked languid.

With the final speech from the principal of No. 4 Middle School, the two-and-a-half-hour student assembly finally came to an end.

All the students in the class breathed a sigh of relief and were finally liberated.

Jiang Ning lined up and returned to class with a stool. After a burst of noise, the students sat down. Shan Qingrong announced the end of the day and told everyone to put on their military training uniforms tomorrow and gather in the classroom before 7:30 in the morning.

Jiang Ning walked out of the classroom door, called Xue Yuantong on the steps, and invited her to ride on his mountain bike.

Xue Yuantong's face was indifferent and he waved his hand to refuse.

How she came to school was how she walked back.

‘Xue Yuantong, Xue Yuantong, you must muster up your energy and face the three kilometers bravely! ’

Facing the summer sunset, Xue Yuantong spent forty-five minutes walking with weak legs. With strong perseverance, he finally moved home.

Then, she saw Jiang Ning sitting on the pony at the door, eating a big watermelon, looking comfortable.

"You're back." Jiang Ning greeted.

For some reason, Xue Yuantong suddenly felt sad at this moment, as if the whole world was targeting him, and the feeling of grievance spread involuntarily.

She felt so pitiful that she wanted to cry, but she was the one who chose to walk to school, and she was the one who refused to take the bus.

Xue Yuantong gritted his teeth, it was not me who was wrong, it was the world.

She thought angrily:

Only the weak ride to school, the strong always walk to school!

On the second day of military training, Jiang Ning rode a bicycle in the wind.

He tempered his body next to the transformer box last night, and tempered his spiritual consciousness in the early morning. Today, he trained during the day and could absorb spiritual energy and the power of the sun. The three paths of becoming stronger are moving forward side by side. The future is bright, and he is in a good mood.

I happened to see Xue Yuantong again on the road. She was wearing a flower-green military training uniform and walking on short legs.

He shouted habitually: "Xue Yuantong, get in the car!"

Xue Yuantong had a small face and said coldly:

"I like walking, you go first."

"Oh, I'm leaving first." Jiang Ning passed her, but the little girl was quite stubborn.

Xue Yuantong gritted her teeth and insisted that walking can exercise her body, and she will not be tired when she becomes stronger.

Jiang Ning arrived at the class and found a seat by the window. Ma Shicheng was already there, holding his mobile phone and playing "Defend Carrot". Two boys gathered around him, watching with gusto.

Smartphones have become popular these days, but there are still many students in the class who use push-button machines or simply don’t have mobile phones. Some parents are worried about affecting their children’s learning, so they don’t buy them. Such students can only watch others play, or borrow mobile phones to play with. .

Jiang Ning bought a mobile phone for 300 yuan back then and often gave it to others to play with.

These days there are only 2G and 3G networks, and the traffic is not cheap, with a 30m traffic package costing 5 yuan.

Every time he lends it to others to play, he has to tell him in advance not to charge him too much data.

When the students had almost arrived, Shan Qingrong entered the class at 7:30, followed by a tall and muscular man in military uniform.

Looking at the group of students in military training uniforms below, Shan Qingrong briefly introduced the instructor. He did not mention his name, only saying that the instructor's surname was Li. He also explained other things, and then asked instructor Li to lead Class 8 students to the playground.

After arriving at the playground, the girls stayed, while the boys were taken away and merged into Class 7 to form a square team.

At first, there was a lot of noise in the formation. Instructor Li scolded twice and the students became quiet.

The intimidation power of soldiers is quite good, especially the instructor Li in front of him who is extremely strong and has obvious muscles on his forearms, which is the envy of many students.

Then they were arranged in order of height, and then stood in a military posture. Jiang Ning had a military training in high school and a military training in college in his previous life. The instructor demonstrated the military posture, and Jiang Ning mastered it easily.

However, some students had incorrect postures. Instructor Li corrected them twice, but some students still had irregular postures.

Instructor Li walked directly along the formation. When he saw that his posture was wrong, he slapped the students with his hand. Instructor Li was so strong that the student grinned when he patted them.

After repeating this several times, the stance finally became standard.

Standing there for fifteen minutes, Instructor Li stared at them eagerly. The students were frightened by his gaze and did not dare to reach out to scratch the itchy spots on their bodies, otherwise the instructor would give them a chill and it would hurt for a while.

The students all greeted Instructor Li in their hearts and were angry about why he was so strict. On the other hand, the girl team next to them burst into laughter from time to time. The young men who heard this were itching in their hearts and only regretted why they were not girls at this moment.

"That's right, let's start practicing walking in unison now!" Instructor Li practiced twice, "Step with your left foot first!"

"Step together...go!"

The formation roared forward, and Instructor Li frowned as he watched: "Stand at attention."

"Step together... let's go!" The square team moved forward clumsily, and kept walking. Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the girls' team, many students subconsciously stopped, and the team became chaotic.

"Stop!" Instructor Li shouted.

"If I don't say stop, you guys won't stop. You'll have to wait until you die! Do you understand?"

Seeing Instructor Li getting angry, the atmosphere in the team suddenly became silent.

"Do you understand?" Instructor Li asked again.

Jiang Ning responded casually: "Understood."

Other students realized it later and shouted: "Understood!"

Instructor Li noticed that Jiang Ning was a good classmate. He stood upright, had a stable chassis, and walked in a standard manner. He was a good candidate for the army.

He glared at everyone: "Didn't you eat? Louder!"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Understood!"

Someone glanced at Jiang Ning in private and said unhappily:

"What are you pretending to be? Are you the only one who can show off?"

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