Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 328

Chapter 328 Lecture at Stockholm University

In the morning of the next day, a banner was displayed early at the gate of Stockholm University—welcoming the Poet Laureate Kevin. network

After Kevin and everyone had breakfast, he followed Latis’ car and drove to Stockholm University. On the Stockholm University side, the leaders of the school also appeared at the door one by one, preparing to welcome the arrival of Kevin and others.

According to their arrangements with the school, Kevin’s speech was at around 9 o’clock in the morning, and then he arrived at the signing ceremony after the speech. Therefore, Kevin and others arrived at Stockholm University around 8:30.

When Kevin waited for someone to get out of the car, Seth Hill, the principal of Stockholm University, walked over with a smile for the first time. Since he only knew Latis, he also chose to shake hands with each other first.

“Dear Mr. Latis, welcome to Stockholm University.” Seth Hill said with a smile on his face.

“Haha, President Seth Hill, you are too polite. Oh, this is Mr. Kevin, and this is Mr. Louis from the Royal Poetry Publishing House…” Principal S. Hill introduced.

“Everyone, this is Principal Seth Hill and my high school classmate.” Latis said happily.

“Dear Principal Seth Hill, hello, I am very glad to meet you.” The first to extend his enthusiastic hands was Kevin.

“Principal Seth Hill, I am very happy to see.” Louis also smiled and said

“Haha, Mr. Kevin and everyone can come to Stockholm University. This is what I am most happy about. Oh, let’s go, it is not convenient to talk here, let’s talk inside.”

Principal Seth Hill shook hands with the people one by one and led everyone to the reception room they had prepared. Knowing that Kevin will be on stage to give a simple speech later, so at this time, tea to soothe the throat is already prepared in the reception room.

“Mr. Kevin, I didn’t expect you to be so young. It’s simply amazing. You know that many people about your age are still in school.” After sitting down, Principal Seth Hill finally said This is how I felt when I first met Kevin.

“Dear Principal Seth Hill. To tell you the truth, I just graduated this year. If a year ago, I was almost the same as a senior in your school. So, everything has to be thanked by God.” Kay Wen said.

“This is incredible, so young but with such a talent, maybe your speech will be very wonderful. This is exactly what we need for Stockholm University.” President Seth Hill said in surprise. .

President Seth Hill was thinking that Kevin’s age is about the same as that of the students of Stockholm University. Perhaps what he said would be easier to enter the minds of students. The effect of this speech will be even better.

This time, Stockholm University arranged the lecture room in the school’s lecture room. This lecture room is larger than the average school. The main reason is the sponsorship of the Swedish royal family. and so. The school arranged for almost all students to come over and listen to the lectures and they were basically able to sit down.

After hearing that the author of “The Collection of All Living Beings” came to give a speech, those who had seen this collection of poems also walked into the lecture room one after another at this time. Especially those girls, since they read the poems written by Kevin, they have been crazy in love with those beautiful and romantic verses. As soon as they heard that Kevin was about to come, in order not to miss this opportunity to meet with Kevin, they signed up as soon as possible.

At nearly nine o’clock, Kevin was led by Principal Seth Hill and others to the backstage of this lecture hall. The host also started to walk into the lecture hall after receiving Seth Hill’s signal, and then said happily: “Everyone, please be quiet. Yes. I know you are extremely excited and excited. Because of this. Today will usher in a great poet. He is the youngest poet in history. Every poem he writes is almost perfect. He has captured the hearts of countless readers by virtue of his poems. I think everyone should know what I’m talking about Who is it?”

“Kevin.” The students in the audience said in unison.

“Yes. Our school is honored to invite Kevin, the youngest and most promising writer and poet in the UK, to come over and hold a reader interaction meeting. So. Let us ask Mr. Kevin to come on stage in the next time.” The host used Speaking in a passionate tone.

So, Kevin walked to the lecture hall of Stockholm University amidst the applause. At this time, those who have been curious about Kevin for a long time can finally get a glimpse of Kevin’s true face.

“Wow, my goodness. Kevin is such a handsome boy. In him I saw the perfect poems as he wrote. Almighty God, please give me such a good him.”

“Kevin is not only handsome, but also so young. It is estimated that his age is about the same as ours. And he is already an excellent writer and poet. I can only say that this is too great. Maybe he is really God’s ** My son, because only if you have God’s favor can you be so lucky.”

“So this is Kevin. I seem to have seen him near the Guitar Hotel yesterday. I am so happy. This seems to indicate that Kevin and I have a fate My God, he is me The most perfect man I have ever seen is not only good-looking, but also talented. I like the most talented men. If I can get one of his poems, maybe I’m willing to give him anything.”

“It’s incredible. I didn’t expect such excellent poetry to come from such a young and handsome face. It seems that Britain is really a place rich in writers and poets.”

“It would be great if Sweden could have such a young man who can write near-perfect poetry. I think I will give him whatever he wants. Kevin, I hope you can come to Sweden more. ”

As soon as Kevin took the stage, he was surprised by the following. Yes, they have never seen the true face of Kevin Lushan. They never thought that the person who wrote such a rich poem was about the same age as him. They have to be surprised and admired. Therefore, all the students at this time began to write in the discussion below in a low voice.

Especially the girls who are idiots, at this time they can’t wait to pounce on Kevin. Then feel the breath of this handsome and talented man. (To be continued.).


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