Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 345

Chapter 345 Kevin’s self-confidence

“Okay, I like your character. Kevin, just now, my assistant Biricha told me a very bad news. The North American box office champion “Star Wars of the Century” will be released in the UK in a week. , This film was introduced by Montron Films.” Hoffman said directly.

“Montelon Films? It’s the film company that produced “Manchester Night”. “Star Wars of the Century” is very technically superb, and it is the box office champion. It’s a good thing that it can be released in the UK.”

Although Kevin is only focused on his company and articles, he still knows a little about the current movie, and “Star Wars of the Century” is so popular, it is impossible for him not to know the existence of this movie.

“My God, Kevin, this is not a good thing, especially for “Wuthering Heights”. You know, “Wuthering Heights” will be released in half a month, and “Star Wars of the Century” will be released in It will premiere in the UK a week later. The two release dates are so close, which will inevitably lower our box office greatly.” Hoffman explained.

Upon hearing this, Kevin realized that the other party was worried that the release of “Star Wars of the Century” in the UK would affect the box office of “Wuthering Heights”.

The reason why Kevin did not immediately think that it would affect the box office of “Wuthering Heights” is because of his absolute confidence in this movie.

After its publication on the earth, “Wuthering Heights” has always been regarded as the “most peculiar novel” in the history of English literature and a “strange book” of “unpredictable mystery”. The reason is that it contradicts the sentimental sentiment that prevails in contemporary works. And the deep sadness and melancholy were replaced by strong, violent hatred and the merciless revenge arising from it. It is like a peculiar lyrical poem, the lines are full of rich imagination and violent emotions, with shocking artistic power.

Although it was once regarded as the naive fantasy of young female writers breaking away from reality, combined with the fierce class struggle in the area it described and British social phenomena, it was soon highly affirmed by critics and warmly welcomed by readers. The film and television works adapted from this novel have been acting for a long time.

Moreover, every adaptation and release can cause a huge sensation and shock the film industry. For such a work, why should Kevin worry about its box office?

Yes it is. Now “Star Wars of the Century” has indeed risen in violent winds around the world, and there is even a saying: If you haven’t watched “Star Wars of the Century”, you can’t be called a true fan.

However, Kevin has absolute confidence in “Wuthering Heights”. This classic and great work can cause a sensation on the earth where there are so many literary works and movie works, and naturally it will not be much worse in this parallel world. Nor will it affect the box office because of a “Star Wars of the Century”.

Therefore, Kevin confidently said: “Dear Mr. Hoffman, this is what you are worried about! Don’t worry, the box office of “Wuthering Heights” will not be affected too much by any film work.”

But Hoffman shook his head when he heard it, and then looked very unconfident: “Kevin. You are a writer, you don’t understand the film industry. During the release of a popular film, it will take away many of the box office of other works in the same industry. Therefore, the average director will try to avoid particularly popular movies before choosing to release them.”

“Dear Mr. Hoffman, of course I know this, and I have experienced such an example. Do you remember my “Jane”? Yes, many people only know the box office miracle created by “Jane”, but I don’t know everything about “Jane.” when it was released.” Kevin said.

“Oh, let’s talk about it.”

“At the time it was announced that “Jane.” was about to be released in cinemas across the country. It was also when the very popular “Clind Couple” was on the air. You know, “Clinton” has a special meaning to the British. So. At that time, many people persuaded the director of “Jane” to postpone the release. Because their views were: “The Clinders” would lower the box office of “Jane.”

“and then?”

“Then Director Hudson also approached me and consulted my opinion. Of course, as a writer, I can only give advice. But I told the guide Hudson that an excellent and great work is always It is liked by people. It will not become dim due to this or that reason. Therefore, there is no need to postpone “Jane.”. I am very happy that Director Hudson finally listened to my opinion. Then there is Everything about “Jane.” Kevin explained.

When Hoffman heard it, he remembered everything about Jane. Yes, the British film industry at that time was laughing at the stupid decision of Director Hudson. But in the end? That is a work that created a movie box office miracle! That is considered to be the best emotional movie in the UK!

“Kevin, do you mean “Wuthering Heights” can be released as originally planned like “Jane”?” Hoffman confirmed.

“Yes. This is my confidence and my suggestion. I think the story of “Wuthering Heights” is not worse than any other work, and you have such a professional director and actors It is inevitable. It can be called an excellent and great movie, nothing can hide its light.” Kevin’s words are always full of confidence.

This confidence of Kevin also suddenly infected Hoffman who was on the phone, and Hoffman decided to follow Kevin’s suggestion like Director Hudson. After all, the film and television rights of “Wuthering Heights” were signed at a big price, wasn’t it because of the importance of this work? How can you back down because of “Star Wars of the Century” now?

“Kevin. It is said that an excellent and great work is loved at all times. It will not become dim for this or that reason. I also support your point of view like Director Hudson. .” Hoffman said.

“Dear Mr. Hoffman, rest assured, I can assure you that “Wuthering Heights” will definitely be a box office hit, and it must be as popular with movie fans as “Jane.”

“Well! I will express my opinion after the meeting. I hope God will be on our side this time. I will prepare the information for the meeting first. Kevin, bye.”

After speaking, Hoffman hung up the phone and went to prepare the information. To be continued. ↗This book is derived from the basket book, updated quickly.

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