Rebirth begins at Skull Island

Chapter 298 Mothra

Chapter 298 Mothra

In a trance!
A light and shadow suddenly cut open the sky.

The azure blue light suddenly illuminated half of Hong Kong's sky.

Like daytime.

This sudden change.

Let everyone fall into shock.

Even the three "Abominations" who were about to attack the "Shaolin Ranger" fell into a short-term loss of body.


The azure blue light and shadow streaked across the sky above Hong Kong, and suddenly appeared in the sky above the inland sea of ​​Hong Kong.

At this time, the three chrysanthemum beasts looked up at the giant shadow that suddenly appeared in the sky, and roared angrily.




With the roar of the three Kaiju beasts came out.

Only then did everyone realize that the sudden blue light and shadow turned out to be a terrifyingly huge moth!

"Then, what the hell is that!?"

Inside the base, Tiantong couldn't help moaning.

However, no one answered him.

But when everyone was immersed in the blue light and shadow, the base door was suddenly opened, and a woman's voice came from outside the door.

"That's the titan, Mothra!"

Hearing the sound, everyone in the room turned their eyes back.

"you are?"

General Pant squinted at these unexpected visitors and asked aloud.

"Emperor Organization, Emma Russell."

"You can also call me Dr. Russell."

Emma took a few steps forward naturally, came to General Pante, and stretched out her hand as a gesture of friendship.

However, General Pant did not shake hands with her, but asked in a state of alert:
"I know your organization, the organization that studies monsters."

"However, you study your monsters, what are you doing in PPDC!"

"Help you solve the problem."

Although she could see that the other party was not welcoming, Emma didn't care.

He dropped his hand with a smile, turned around, and took a notebook-like thing from the entourage behind him.

Then she jumped over General Panter and laid the strange thing flat on the table in front of her.

At the same time he said:

"'Tail standing mouse' is 63 meters tall and weighs 2690 tons."

"'Redback turtle' is 81 meters tall and weighs 2900 tons."

"'Abomination' is 134 meters tall and weighs 3230 tons."

"According to your PPDC statistics, these three Kaiju beasts are all level four monsters."


Although I don't know why this woman named Emma Russell came here, but from the current point of view, it seems that she is here to help.

To this end, Tiantong interjected:

"That's right, what's wrong?"

"what happened?"

Emma chuckled and said bluntly:
"A mech warrior created by gathering the technology, strength, and money of most countries in the world."

"If calculated strictly according to the data."

"I'm afraid the highest combat power is only level three."

As soon as these words came out, Tiantong immediately wanted to refute, but he opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't say anything.

That's right.

No matter which mech warrior it is.

No matter how powerful the pilot is, no matter how fast the mech power and weapons are updated.

The fighting power of fighting alone is indeed only equivalent to the fighting power of a third-level Kaiju beast.

If you still want to improve, unless there is a breakthrough change, the third-level combat power has already come to an end.

This is the blood experience obtained from countless simulations and several real battles.

But even so, Tendo was still unconvinced.

After all, there is such a thing as a mech.

Since it is produced, it can be mass-produced to a large extent.

If one single can't beat it, then two.

If two doesn't work, then five.

What happened to the fourth-level Kaiju beast? When the time comes, five mecha fighters will go together, and it will not be enough for one person to hit the fourth-level.

Turning his head to look, he seemed to see Tiantong's dissatisfaction.

Emma shook her head, turned her head, clicked on the machine in front of her a few times, and then said:

"Since the monster is so difficult to solve."

"Why not change your mind and use monsters against monsters."

"Like now."

As soon as Emma finished speaking, a strange voice came from the notebook in front of her and into the microphone on the table.

Then, radio transmission through the microphone.

That strange voice successfully sounded on the 'Shaolin Ranger' and the unmanned 'Storm Crimson' that was parked on the sea.

"Squeak chuck chuck chuck. cheep cluck."

The strange voice was broadcast through the mecha and sounded in Hong Kong Bay.

Just when everyone is wondering what this is doing.

The giant azure blue moth in the sky suddenly screamed.


Immediately afterwards, he quickly flapped his two butterfly wings, leaned over and rushed to the sea!
Despite the huge size of the moth, the speed at which it leans over and flies is strange.

The nearest 'hate' was struck by that giant moth before he even had time to react.


Splashes exploded on the sea surface!

In an instant!
'Abomination''s entire figure was knocked away, so far away!


As the 'Abomination' fell into the water, the giant moth 'Mothra' had already returned to mid-air, looking down at the other two Kaiju beasts.

Seeing that Kaiju Beast 'Abomination' that instantly killed 'Victory Alpha' was shot away by the giant moth named 'Mothra' just like a little rabbit.

In the base, everyone gasped.

At this time, General Pante seemed to think of something in his mind, and couldn't help asking:

"The emperor's plan, has it succeeded?"


Emma looked back at General Pant very confidently, then pointed to the 'laptop' in front of her, and introduced:
"It's called Orca, and it can communicate with all titans."



Hearing this, General Pant was shocked.

a while.

He sighed softly, as if talking to himself, but also as if mocking himself.

"I see."

"Dr. Russell, does that mean that you can control all the titan beasts!?" Tiantong on the side asked his inner doubts.


Emma shook her head and manipulated 'Oka' again. At the same time, she continued to speak:

"So far we've only managed to contact one titan, 'Mothra'."

"With this success, the next step is to start reaching out to more titans."

"When the time comes, don't talk about the Kaiju Beast's invasion."

"We even have the confidence to counterattack directly!"

Thinking of counterattacking to the opponent's planet.

Tiantong's heart started beating faster involuntarily.

At this time, the giant beast war in Hong Kong Bay officially started.

There was a sound of "mile"!
The top of the head of the 'tailed mouse' suddenly opened two big wings, flapping and flying towards the sky.

But the 'Leatherback Turtle' continued to stand in the sea, keeping its head on guard, as if it was in urgent need of some big move.

As for the 'Abomination' that was knocked out, it had stood up again and started roaring towards this side.


(End of this chapter)

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