Rebirth in Bleach! I will use my powers to live my life

Chapter 1 – Rebirth

Gazing at the sky through the hospital window, I see flocks of birds flying through the skies; meanwhile, I lay on this bed dying because of my stupidity. I just did not want to worry my family and friends about my health, in retrospect, I should have mentioned it sooner, maybe that way I would have had a chance to live. 

I loath this. 

I hate myself. 

I question this world. 

All of these are feeling going my head as I ponder why is it that I, someone who had never done anyone any harm gets punished like this. I question myself whether it is fate or just my own fault that caused my demise. My parents, despite being divorced, both go up and meet me every once in a while and try to cheer me up. My friends just visit me when they can and talk about the newest seasonal anime and manga. 

Suddenly, I feel very sleepy. 

Ah, so this is it. 

16 years of life very badly spent, as I held on to my many regrets I close my eyes and wait for death. After what feels like and eternity everything just fades, only to feel myself standing in a massive empty space so vast there's no end in reach. 

While looking around the place wondering where I am, I hear a man's voice. "Welcome Alan, I see you have finally arrived." 

Turning around all I see is the white outline of a man I could not recognize as it had no facial features, I end up asking. " Who are you, why have you called me" 

The man states. "Well you are in my personal Limbo, as you've died I decided to bring you here instead of reincarnating you back into earth." "Before you ask, yes I am a god, and like many other gods I grow bored of my eternity, so as for your second question, I have brought you here because I will reincarnate you into the world of one of your favorite animes of your childhood, Bleach." 

While I am staring at him processing this new information I wonder whether it is even a good idea and want to ask him for some wishes or any time of assurance to survive. 

"No, I am not giving you anything," the man states. "Many time people like you ask for wishes and other 'cheats' in order to be the very best, but I've grown tired of these situations, so I decided I want to see how a mere mortal with no powers whatsoever can do to survive" "Whether you grow to be the strongest and accomplish all your dreams or die a dog's death, I do not care, You were merely brought here for my entertainment." 

"Wait, that's not fair, you dragged me here without my consent and throw me out to die just for entertainment?" I questioned him angrily 



"Can I atleast ask what happened to my family and friends?" I ask unsurely 

"Your parents each made a new family and are living better lives; meanwhile, most of your friends still mourn you, but each have their own girlfriends and are more focused on their futures." he states casually 

"Now then, Your reincarnation will be random, that means, you will have the chance of any possibility, whether you're born a soul, human, shinigami, hollow, or even the time you are born, they are all random, once you are born your soul will take over the soul of that body and integrate it into your own soul." he then adds. "Oh right, since your soul is not native to that world, you are essentially immune to the All Mighty ability to a certain extent, but that is the only actual perk you'll have, everything else is obtained by your own efforts, additionally I will not interfere with you or the world after your rebirth, so do not expect any help." 

Before I even have time to think Everything just flashes a golden color and I feel very heavy and drowsy. 

Once I regained consciousness I wake up to find myself in something very cramped, wet, and hot. It took me a minute to realize that I have already been reborn and am probably inside my mother's womb. 

Putting my anxiety over the whole situation in the back of my head, with nothing else to do I just try to go over everything I know of Bleach and try to set a plan for my future. 

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