Rebirth in Bleach! I will use my powers to live my life

Chapter 5 – ‘Fighting’ a Hollow

As I jumped to the side, I aimed at the window near me.

I quickly climbed up and jumped out, then I sprinted towards the streets with all my might while mobilizing my Fullbring.

As of now I am able to mobilize my Fullbring to augment my muscles to the strength of an average adult, keep in mind my current age is 8, sadly the strength of an adult is useless against a hollow.

My Fullbring may sound simple in the way it increased my strength, but my physique has not changed, at least not in a way as if I trained all my life, it is more of a qualitative upgrade than quantitative. For example, instead of giving me more muscle to work with, it increases the strength of my already present muscles by stimulating their potential.

The hollow quickly bulldozes through the house and chases after me while screaming something about tender my meat will taste, freaky bastard.

“Fuck I need to lose him quickly, or else I’m gonna die again.” I said to myself.

As I am running by I notice a small alley that’s just big enough for me to fit through.

I quickly grabbed a few random objects I could see and chucked them at him hoping to slow him down a bit.

Quickly getting to the conclusion that it’s pointless, I sprint with all my might to the alley.

While in the alley I again make an energy ball and throw it at his face.

“You think that’s going save you, brat.” The spider hollow mocks as he dodges the energy ball.

The hollow, again, bulldozes through the buildings, sending debris out flying everywhere, and a chunk hits my head.

“Ugh..” I staggered from the blow to head for a few seconds before I resumed sprinting.

Unfortunately, the hollow caught up to me and hit me with his legs, sending me flying into the middle of the street, where I landed on the community well, crashing into it.

I feel horrible.

So much pain.

I feel cold, yet I feel a warm liquid flowing through my head and body, it’s probably me bleeding out.

There’s probably a couple of broken bones in my body plus lots of impaled wooden parts across my backside, not to mention the strength of the blow from the hollow.

“What the hell is going on?”

“What happened?”

“What the fuck is that, is that a Yokai?”

As I’m still fussy from the blow I could hear various commoners walking out of their houses, probably because of all the noise we made woke them up.

“Oh, more food has come out for me, yummy.” The hollow states while spewing out a web-life substance out of his mouth, trapping all the people who came out.

“W-what is this.”

“HELP, I can’t move for some reason.”

“Fuck, I can’t move either, someone help us!”

They all began to panic as they were trapped by the invisible spider web.

“Hmm, looks like you can’t move anymore from all that damage, great, then let me eat all these flies before I eat you.” The hollow grins as he approaches the commoners and starts eating them one by one.

“What the fuck!”

“Oh, Kami-sa-“

“W-wait, I don’t want to die I have a-“

One by one, the hollow starts chewing down on commoners while relishing in their confusion and fear, enjoying the fact they can’t even see him much less resist him.

As he is focusing I crawl to the corner of the well and drop myself into the well, hoping he didn’t see me. My only solace is the fact the well is pretty deep and narrow, so he couldn’t fit. Unfortunately, I couldn't even muster up more energy for an attack as I am still too weak and injured.

Moments later all the cries stopped.


With my heart thumping in fear, as I float in the water, I anxiously wait for the hollow to leave and hope I lost him.


“You really are a complete novice, you may have dropped down the well, but you made a few mistakes.” The hollow states.

“One, I can still smell you even while you’re down there.”

“Two, I can sense your Reiryoku as you can’t even control it much less hide it.”

“And Three, you’re not even safe down there.” As he says that he quickly spits out more spider web and grabs me, pulling up me towards him and out of the well.

He then quickly grabs me with his two front legs and lifts me towards his wide-open mouth about to chow down on me.

This is it.

This is how I die.

I accomplished nothing.

As despair is slowly setting into my heart, abruptly, I hear something slashing through the air then I feel pain all over my back as I hit the ground, stabbing the wooden parts further into my body.

“agghhhh.. Dammm, it burns, you mother fucker, you’ll pay for that.” The hollow cries in pain as it turns towards it’s assailant.

In front of the spider hollow is an old man with a muscular build. He has sharp features with bluish black chin length hair with a few grey hairs and blue eyes.

In his hands is a sword made entirely out of blue energy.

“You’re the one who’s going to pay, you murdered enough people monster.” The old man states in a cold voice.


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