Rebirth of farming for a living

Chapter 19 Buying cucumbers in the village

Li Qiuyan, who was at home, opened the small jar of wild grapes. When he thought it was almost ready, he poured in some brown sugar and sealed it again.She was also worried because she had never made it with brown sugar and didn't know if it could be made.

When can I go to the city and see if there is anyone selling sugar?

Li Qiuyan went to observe the wood again and saw that the fungus on it was growing bigger and bigger. It hadn't rained these days. He could grow it by sprinkling some water from time to time. He judged that the fungus could be planted.

It was still early, so she asked Awang and her father to stay at home and went out.

As soon as she walked down the hillside, she saw her uncle Li Xiangdong going up the mountain to collect firewood and asked her where she was going.

Li Qiuyan said he wanted to go up the mountain to pick up some wood, so Li Xiangdong went with Li Qiuyan.

Seeing that Li Qiuyan did not pick dry firewood, but only looked at various large trees, Li Xiangdong was a little confused: "Girl Yan, this kind is too wet and difficult to burn. You can pick some dry firewood for better use."

Li Qiuyan only said that he wanted some fresh wood branches, preferably thicker and straighter.

Li Xiangdong didn't ask any further questions, helped Li Qiuyan cut a bundle, and then took her down the mountain.

He sent Li Qiuyan to his door and left before entering.

When Li Qiuyan entered the house, Mrs. Wang was already back and was washing herself in the water.Seeing Li Qiuyan coming back with a bundle of branches, he asked strangely: "Why did you get such wet firewood?" Li Qiuyan rolled up his sleeves and squatted next to Wang, telling her that he wanted to clean up the second room on the west side.

Wang's mind changed and she thought it would be better to clean up the east room.Li Qiuyan said: "I don't want to move out, I want to set up a small experimental site, just move half of the room." Although Wang didn't know what she wanted to do, she also knew that she was right to listen to her daughter.Now that the water was almost done, I asked Li Qiuyan to go to the water and clean up the West Room.

Li Qiuyan put the meat in the marinade and went to take a look in the room. He saw that Wang had piled the sundries together, occupying only a small corner. There was also a kang next to the wall of this room, and there was a kang on the floor. Very spacious.That's all.

She dragged a bundle of wood in, untied it, and arranged it neatly on the ground, leaving only a path for people to pass through.

Then he took out the fungus, crushed it with his hands, soaked it in water, and went out.

Wang asked strangely: "What are you doing by crushing the fungus?" Li Qiuyan just smiled.

He went to talk to Li Xiangnan about making a watering can. Hearing Li Qiuyan's description, Li Xiangnan was confused at first, but then quickly understood: "Go find me a bamboo tube and drill it into your eyes." Li Qiuyan went there happily. .

Seeing Li Qiuyan working hard, Li Xiangnan was very happy to be able to help, and the whole family was happy.

After lunch, Li Qiuyan sprinkled the water in which the fungus was soaked evenly on the wood, and he was done, just waiting for the fungus to come out.

Li Qiuyan looked at the vegetables in the field and said to Wang: "We don't have many cucumbers at home. Why don't we go to the village and buy some?" Wang hesitated and said: "For the folks in the village, how much should I buy?" Li Qiuyan He said: "In business, one code is one code. You go and make an order and let them pick fresh ones and deliver them to us every day. They charge them according to the market price. You can't even finish what you grow at home, and you save them from sending them to Qingyun Town." How can I not be willing to work hard." Mrs. Wang nodded and said: "Ayan, cucumbers are almost out of season. In winter, we can't just sell water, we also have to plan what garnishes to use."

Li Qiuyan thought for a while, and when the hot stew was sold, he could give away some side dishes to relieve tiredness.I told Mrs. Wang that when I went to collect cucumbers, I would order some Chinese cabbage and pickle sauerkraut to go with it.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang went to her best friend's house to buy cucumbers. Li Qiuyan thought about it and went out.

"Sister Dongxue." Li Qiuyan called.Li Dongxue timidly called her sister.Li Qiuyan touched Dongxue's head with a smile, took out another piece of candy and handed it to Dongxue, "What are you doing here? Where is your sister?" "I am hoeing, my sister and my parents are in the fields, are they at home?" Sister, what’s the matter with you?” Li Dongxue said a little nervously. "Nothing to do, just take a look around." Li Qiuyan looked at the vegetable garden of his second uncle's house, which was well organized, and told Dongxue to tell her parents that she wanted to order cucumbers and cabbages, and chatted for a while. The words left.

Li Qiuyan went to Old Li's house next door again and told his grandfather about buying cucumbers. Yang said with a sullen face: "Just pick them if you want." Li Qiuyan was not angry, and said that what he needed was not just one or two cucumbers, so Yang said This year she will plant some Chinese cabbage, which she will use in the winter.Yang also agreed.

Before Li Xiangdong went to the ground, Li Qiuyan said it again.Naturally, Li Xiangdong is also good at making money.

Li Qiuyan was familiar with these families. Her fourth aunt was pregnant and it was inconvenient, so she didn't go there.

After everyone agreed, Li Qiuyan went home.

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